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Notes on the Bible, by Albert Barnes, [1834], at sacred-texts.com

Ezekiel Chapter 19


eze 19:0

Ezekiel regarded Zedekiah as an interloper (Eze 17:1 note), therefore he here (in Eze 19:1-14) passes over Jehoiakim and Zedekiah as mere creatures of Egypt and of Babylon, and recognizes Jehoahaz and Jehoiachin as the only legitimate sovereigns since the time of Josiah. This dirge is for them, while it warns the usurper Zedekiah of an approaching fate similar to that of the two earlier kings.

Ezekiel 19:1

eze 19:1

Princes of Israel - Israel is the whole nation over which the king of Judah was the rightful sovereign. Compare Eze 2:3; Eze 3:1, Eze 3:7.

Ezekiel 19:2

eze 19:2

Thy mother - The people represented by Judah. Compare Gen 49:9; Num 23:24.

Ezekiel 19:3

eze 19:3

Compare the marginal reference. The short reign of Jehoahaz was marked by violence and idolatry, and was closed by Pharaoh-Necho's carrying him captive into Egypt.

Ezekiel 19:4

eze 19:4

Chains - See the marginal rendering to Eze 19:9 and Isa 27:9, note.

Eze 19:5

Another - Jehoiachin who soon showed himself no less unworthy than Jehoahaz. The "waiting" of the people was during the absence of their rightful lord Jehoahaz, a captive in Egypt while Jehoiakim, whom they deemed an usurper, was on the throne. It was not until Jehoiachin succeeded, that they seemed to themselves to have a monarch of their own Kg2 24:6.

Eze 19:7

Their desolate palaces - Rather, his palaces, built upon the ground, from where he had ejected the former owners.

Eze 19:8

The nations - are here the Chaldaeans: see the marginal references.

Ezekiel 19:10

eze 19:10

Thy mother - Judah or Jerusalem. Jehoiachin is still addressed.

In thy blood - Blood is equivalent to "life" Gen 9:4. The clause is equivalent to "Thy mother is a vine, living in thy blood," i. e., in the life of thee and of thy children. The excellency of a vine is in her fruitful branches; the glory of a mother in her noble children. Jeremiah was to write Jehoiachin childless (see the note at Jer 22:30); Ezekiel here takes a general view of the king and princes of the blood royal.

Ezekiel 19:11

eze 19:11

Sceptres - Gen 49:10.

The thick branches - Or, the clouds; so Eze 31:3, Eze 31:10, Eze 31:14.

Ezekiel 19:12

eze 19:12

This is a dirge; and therefore that which is foreseen by the prophet, the capture and burning of Jerusalem, is described as already accomplished.

Ezekiel 19:14

eze 19:14

Fire is gone out - Compare the marginal reference. Zedekiah is regarded, like Abimelech, as all usurper and the ruin of his people.

Next: Ezekiel Chapter 20