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Notes on the Bible, by Albert Barnes, [1834], at sacred-texts.com

Ezekiel Chapter 46

Ezekiel 46:1

eze 46:1

The prophet beholds in vision people, priest, and prince uniting in most solemn worship before the throne of God. The character of the rites here described is symbolic.

Ezekiel 46:2

eze 46:2

In the time of Solomon, priest, king, and people each took his due part in the temple-service. Of the later kings some forsook Yahweh for false gods, some encroached upon the prerogative of the priest. Now all should be set right. The prince occupies a position analogous to that of Solomon Ch2 6:12-13, standing in front of the porch of the eastern gate of the inner court, and at the head of his people to lead their worship, while the priests are sacrificing before him.

Ezekiel 46:3

eze 46:3

At the door of this gate - In Herod's Temple the place for worshipping "before the Lord" was the court of Israel, west of the court of Women, separated from the inner court by a low parapet. In Ezekiel's the worshippers were admitted into the inner court itself. The upper pavement (E. Plan II) on either side of the eastern gate provided room for such worshippers.

Ezekiel 46:4

eze 46:4

The offerings prescribed here Eze 46:4-15 are generally in excess of those enjoined by the Law, to note not only the greater devotion and magnificence under the new state of things, but also the willingness (compare Deu 16:17) of king and people ready to give of their substance to the utmost of their means.

Ezekiel 46:5

eze 46:5

As he shall be able to give - Rather, "as he shall be willing to give." So also in Eze 46:7.

Ezekiel 46:6

eze 46:6

Compare with Num. 28. The enumeration of the offerings both for the Sabbath and new moon is here less complete than there; e. g., the drink offerings are passed by, and in the case of the new moon festival no mention is made of the blowing of trumpets (compare Num 10:10).

Ezekiel 46:8

eze 46:8

That gate - The eastern gate of the inner court. See Eze 46:2.

Ezekiel 46:9

eze 46:9

The whole body of the people gathered together in the outer court, and from thence bodies went in turn into the inner court to worship, and then again out into the outer court.

Ezekiel 46:13

eze 46:13

Compare with marginal references. The evening sacrifice is here omitted, because the seer is selecting a few only of the sacrifices of the Law, with a particular object in view.

Ezekiel 46:16

eze 46:16

The prince was robe provided with possessions of his own, in order to prevent exactions from his subjects; further enactments are added to prevent the alienation of the prince's land. Any gifts made to his servants must revert to the prince in the "year of liberty," or jubilee (see the marginal reference note).

Ezekiel 46:19

eze 46:19

The careful provision here made to keep separate the offerings of priests and people was to prevent collision, just as the enactments Eze 46:16-18 were intended to secure their respective rights to prince and people.

Eze 46:19

At the side of the gate - The entrance to the inner court at the same side as the northern gate Eze 42:9.

Eze 46:20

See M Plan II.

Boil - It was unique to the Paschal lamb, that it was to be eaten roasted. The flesh of the other sacrifices was to be "sodden" or boiled (see Lev 6:28; Sa1 2:13; Ch2 24:14 margin). The "meat-offering" (flour and honey) was baked Lev 2:4.

Eze 46:21

See K. Plan II.

Eze 46:22

courts joined - enclosed courts, and entered by doors in the walls, which shut them out from the great court. The marginal rendering, "made with chimnies," is based upon another interpretation of the word.

These four corners - Or, "these four corner-courts were of one measure."

Next: Ezekiel Chapter 47