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Notes on the Bible, by Albert Barnes, [1834], at sacred-texts.com

Ezekiel Chapter 7

Ezekiel 7:1

eze 7:1

A dirge. Supposing the date of the prophecy to be the same as that of the preceding, there were now but four, or perhaps three, years to the final overthrow of the kingdom of Judah by Nebuchadnezzar.

Ezekiel 7:3

eze 7:3

A kind of refrain, repeated in Eze 7:8-9, as the close of another stanza.

Ezekiel 7:5

eze 7:5

An only evil - An evil singular and remarkable above all others.

Ezekiel 7:6

eze 7:6

The end is come: it watcheth for thee - The end (personified) so long slumbering now awakes and comes upon thee.

Ezekiel 7:7

eze 7:7

The morning - Rather, "The conclusion:" a whole series (literally circle) of events is being brought to a close. Others render it: Fate.

The day of trouble ... - Or, The day is near; a tumult Zac 14:13, and not the echo of (or, shouting on) the mountains. The contrast is between the wild tumult of war and the joyous shouts of such as keep holiday.

Eze 7:10

Rod - Used here for tribe Exo 31:2. The people of Judah have blossomed into proud luxuriance. In Eze 7:11 it means the rod to punish wickedness. The meaning of the passage is obscure, owing to the brief and enigmatic form of the utterance. We may adopt the following explanation. The Jews had ever exulted in their national privileges - everything great and noble was to be from them and from theirs; but now Yahweh raises up the rod of the oppressor to confound and punish the rod of His people. The furious Chaldaean has become an instrument of God's wrath, endued with power emanating not from the Jews or from the multitude of the Jews, or from any of their children or people; nay, the destruction shall be so complete that none shall be left to make lamentation over them.

Ezekiel 7:12

eze 7:12

The day - Either of temporal or final judgment.

It was grievous for an Israelite to part with his land. But now the seller need not mourn his loss, nor the buyer exult in him gain. All should live the pitiful lives of strangers in another country.

Ezekiel 7:13

eze 7:13

Although they were yet alive - Though they be yet among the living.

Which shall not return ... - He (i. e. the seller) shall not return; and, every man living in his iniquity, they shall gather no strength. Exile being the punishment of iniquity, the exiles were said to "live in their iniquity."

Ezekiel 7:16

eze 7:16

As doves whose natural abode is the valleys moan lamentably when driven by fear into the mountains, so shall the remnant, who have escaped actual death, moan in the land of their exile.

Ezekiel 7:18

eze 7:18

Various signs of mourning common in eastern countries. Baldness was forbidden to the Israelites Deu 14:1. They seem, however, in later times to have adopted the custom of foreign nations in this matter, not without permission. Compare Isa 22:12.

Ezekiel 7:19

eze 7:19

Shall be removed - literally, "shall be an unclean thing" Lev 20:21; their gold shall be unclean and abominable in their eyes.

The stumblingblock of their iniquity - See Eze 3:20. Their gold and silver used in making images was the occasion of their sin.

Ezekiel 7:20

eze 7:20

Or, And "the beauty of his ornament, he" (the people) turned "it" to pride.

Have I set it far from them - Rather, as in the margin - therefore have I made it their defilement and their disgrace.

Ezekiel 7:22

eze 7:22

My secret place - The inner sanctuary, hidden from the multitude, protected by the most high.

Ezekiel 7:23

eze 7:23

Make a chain - Forge the chain, the chain of imprisonment determined for them.

Ezekiel 7:24

eze 7:24

The worst of the pagan - The most cruel and terrible of nations - the Chaldaeans.

The pomp of the strong - Compare Lev 26:19 "The strong" are those who pride themselves in imaginary strength.

Their holy places - What elsewhere is called "God's Holy place" is here "their holy places," because God disowns the profaned sanctuary. In the marginal rendering "they" must mean "the worst of the pagan."

Next: Ezekiel Chapter 8