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The Scofield Bible Commentary, by Cyrus Ingerson Scofield, [1917], at sacred-texts.com

Exodus Chapter 27

Exodus 27:1

exo 27:1


Brazen altar, type of the Cross upon which Christ, our whole burnt-offering offered Himself without spot to God (Heb 9:14).


(Cf) (Exo 25:10). The altar of burnt offering is double the height of the mercy-seat. The atonement more than saves us -- it glorifies God (Joh 17:14).


That is, acacia.


The wood (Christ's humanity), completely inclosed in brass, must have become completely charred by sacrificial fires.

Compare (Heb 10:5-7).

Exodus 27:2

exo 27:2


Compare (Num 21:9); (Joh 3:14); (Joh 12:31-33), thus fixing the symbolic meaning of brass as divine manifestation in judgment.

Exodus 27:6

exo 27:6


That is, acacia.

Exodus 27:9

exo 27:9

fine twined linen

The fine linen commonly typifies personal righteousness (Exo 26:1) ref. (d), and in the hangings of the court stands for that measure of righteousness which God demands of any who would, in his own righteousness, approach. Christ, figuratively speaking, put up the hangings of the court in (Luk 10:25-28). The only way of approach was the "gate"; (Exo 27:16); (Joh 10:9). The hangings of the court bar out equally the self-righteous man and the open sinner, for the height was above seven feet. (Exo 27:18).

Exodus 27:16

exo 27:16


In the hangings of the court (Exo 27:9), representing that practical righteousness which God demands in the law, and which, therefore, bars out all men; (Rom 3:19); (Rom 3:20); (Rom 10:3-5). No colours are inwrought. But the "gate" is Christ (Joh 10:9) and so the colours reappear as in the veil (Exo 26:31).

Exodus 27:17

exo 27:17


The fillets and hooks upholding the linen hangings are of silver

(See Scofield) - (Exo 38:27)

for it is in virtue of His redemptive work that Christ is our way of access, and not by virtue of His righteous life (symbolized by the fine linen); but the pillars of the court rest upon brass sockets, not silver as in the case of the boards

(See Scofield) - (Exo 26:19)

and brass symbolizes divine righteousness in judgment

(See Scofield) - (Num 21:9).

Redemption not only displays God's mercy, but vindicates His righteousness in showing that mercy. (Rom 3:21-26).

Exodus 27:19

exo 27:19


(See Scofield) - (Num 21:9).

Exodus 27:20

exo 27:20


Oil is a symbol of the Holy Spirit (Cf) (Joh 3:34); (Heb 1:9). In Christ the oil-fed Light ever burns, the Light of the world (Joh 8:12). But here we have not the world, but the sanctuary. It is a question, not of testimony in and to the world, but of our communion and worship as believer-priests in the holiest (Heb 10:19); (Heb 10:20). In the Tabernacle there were two compartments, two lights: the holy place with the candlestick

(See Scofield) - (Exo 25:31)

the holy of holies with the shekinah, or manifested glory of God. These two places are now one; (Mat 27:50); (Mat 27:51); (Heb 9:6-8); (Heb 10:19-21) but it is important to see that there are still two lights: Christ, the Light of life (Joh 8:12) through the Spirit giving light upon the holy things of God, the showbread and altar of incense; and also the shekinah, now on the face of Jesus Christ (Co2 4:6). Into this twofold light we, as believer-priests, are brought (Pe1 2:9). We "walk in the light," not merely which He gives, but in which He lives (Jo1 1:7). But what of the command to "bring pure oil" (Exo 27:20). Because our access, apprehension, communion, and transformation are by the Spirit; (Eph 2:18); (Co1 2:14); (Co1 2:15); (Co2 13:14); (Phi 2:1); (Co2 3:18). Our title to His presence is the blood (Eph 2:13) but only as filled with the Spirit (Eph 5:18) do we really walk in the light.

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