Leviticus Index
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The Scofield Bible Commentary, by Cyrus Ingerson Scofield, [1917], at sacred-texts.com

Leviticus Chapter 1

Leviticus 1:3

lev 1:3


The burnt-offering

1. typifies Christ offering Himself without spot to God in delight to do His Father's will even in death.

2. it is atoning because the believer has not had this delight in the will of God; and

3. substitutionary (Lev 1:4) because Christ did it in the sinner's stead. But the thought of penalty is not prominent. (Heb 9:11-14); (Heb 10:5-7); (Psa 40:6-8); (Phi 2:8). The emphatic words (Lev 1:3-5) are "burnt-sacrifice," "voluntary," "it shall be accepted for him," and "atonement." The creatures acceptable for sacrifice are five:

(1) The bullock, or ox, typifies Christ as the patient and enduring Servant (Co1 9:9); (Co1 9:10); (Heb 12:2); (Heb 12:3) "obedient unto death"; (Isa 52:13-15); (Phi 2:5-8). His offering in this character is substitutionary, for this we have not been.

(2) The sheep, or lamb, typifies Christ in unresisting self-surrender to the death of the cross (Isa 53:7); (Act 8:32-35).

(3) The goat typifies the sinner (Mat 25:33) and, when used sacrificially, Christ, as "numbered with the transgressors"; (Isa 53:12); (Luk 23:33) and "made sin," and "a curse"; (Gal 3:13); (Co2 5:21) as the sinner's substitute.

(4, 5) The turtle-dove or pigeon. Naturally a symbol of mourning innocency (Isa 38:14); (Isa 59:11); (Mat 23:37); (Heb 7:26) is associated with poverty in (Lev 5:7) and speaks of Him who for our sakes become poor (Luk 9:58) and whose pathway of poverty which began with laying aside "the form of God," ended in the sacrifice through which we became rich; (Co2 8:9); (Phi 2:6-8). The sacrifice of the poor Man becomes the poor man's sacrifice. (Luk 2:24). These grades of typical sacrifice test the measure of our apprehension of the varied aspects of Christ's one sacrifice on the cross. The mature believer should see Christ crucified in all these aspects.

Leviticus 1:4

lev 1:4

put his hand upon

The laying of the offerer's hand signified acceptance and identification if himself with his offering. In type it answered to the believer's faith accepting and identifying himself with Christ (Rom 4:5); (Rom 6:3-11). The believer is justified by faith, and his faith is reckoned for righteousness, because his faith identifies him with Christ, who died as his sin-offering; (Co2 5:21); (Pe1 2:24).


(See Scofield) - (Exo 29:33).

Leviticus 1:8

lev 1:8


Essentially as symbol of God's holiness. As such it expresses God in three ways:

1. In judgment upon that which His holiness utterly condemns (for example) (Gen 19:24); (Mar 9:43-48); (Rev 20:15).

2. In the manifestation of Himself, and of that which He approves (Exo 3:2); (Pe1 1:7); (Exo 13:21); and ...

3. In purification (e.g) (Co1 3:12-14); (Mal 3:2); (Mal 3:3). So, in Leviticus, the fire which only manifests the sweet savour of the burnt-, meal-, and peace-offerings, wholly consumes the sin-offering.


That which burns most quickly - devotedness, zeal.

Leviticus 1:9

lev 1:9

sweet savour

The sweet savour offerings are so called because they typify Christ in His own perfections, and in His affectionate devotion to the Father's will. The non-sweet savour offerings typify Christ as bearing the whole demerit of the sinner. Both are substantial. In our place Christ, in the burnt-offering, makes good our lack of devotedness, and, in the sin- and trespass-offerings, suffers because of our disobediences.

Next: Leviticus Chapter 2