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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882] at

Proverbs Chapter 23

Proverbs 23:1

pro 23:1

(Pro. 23:1-35)

Avoid the dangers of gluttony.

Proverbs 23:2

pro 23:2

put a knife--an Eastern figure for putting restraint on the appetite.

Proverbs 23:3

pro 23:3

are deceitful meat--though well tasted, injurious.

Proverbs 23:4

pro 23:4

(Compare Ti1 6:9-10).

thine own wisdom--which regards riches intrinsically as a blessing.

Proverbs 23:5

pro 23:5

Wilt . . . eyes--As the eyes fly after or seek riches, they are not, that is, either become transitory or unsatisfying; fully expressed by their flying away.

Proverbs 23:6

pro 23:6

Beware of deceitful men, whose courtesies even you will repent of having accepted.

evil eye--or purpose (Pro 22:9; Deu 15:9; Mat 6:23).

Proverbs 23:8

pro 23:8

The morsel . . . words--that is, disgusted with his true character, all pleasant intercourse will be destroyed.

Proverbs 23:9

pro 23:9

(Compare Pro 9:8). "Cast not your pearls before swine" (Mat 7:6).

Proverbs 23:10

pro 23:10

(Compare Pro 22:22-23).

Proverbs 23:11

pro 23:11

redeemer--or avenger (Lev 25:25-26; Num 35:12), hence advocate (Job 19:25).

plead . . . thee--(Compare Job 31:21; Psa 35:1; Psa 68:5).

Proverbs 23:12

pro 23:12

Here begins another series of precepts.

Proverbs 23:13

pro 23:13

While there is little danger that the use of the "divine ordinance of the rod" will produce bodily harm, there is great hope of spiritual good.

Proverbs 23:15

pro 23:15

The pleasure afforded the teacher by the pupil's progress is a motive to diligence.

Proverbs 23:16

pro 23:16

my reins--(Compare Psa 7:9).

Proverbs 23:17

pro 23:17

(Compare Margin). The prosperity of the wicked is short.

Proverbs 23:18

pro 23:18

an end--or, "hereafter," another time, when apparent inequalities shall be adjusted (compare Psa 37:28-38).

Proverbs 23:19

pro 23:19

guide . . . way--or direct thy thoughts to a right course of conduct (compare Pro 4:4; Pro 9:6).

Proverbs 23:20

pro 23:20

riotous . . . flesh--prodigal, or eating more than necessary. Instead of "their flesh" (compare Margin), better, "flesh to them," that is, used for pleasure.

Proverbs 23:21

pro 23:21

drowsiness--the dreamy sleep of the slothful.

Proverbs 23:22

pro 23:22

Hearken--that is, obey (Pro 1:8; Eph 6:1).

despise . . . old--Adults revere the parents whom, as children, they once obeyed.

Proverbs 23:23

pro 23:23

Buy--literally, "get" (Pro 4:5).

truth--generally and specially as opposed to errors of all kinds.

Proverbs 23:24

pro 23:24

(Compare Pro 10:1; Pro 17:21, Pro 17:25).

Proverbs 23:26

pro 23:26

A solemn warning against whoredom and drunkenness (Hos 4:11).

give me--This is the address of that divine wisdom so often presented (Pro 8:1; Pro 9:3, &c.).



my ways--such as I teach you (Pro 3:17; Pro 9:6).

Proverbs 23:27

pro 23:27

deep ditch--a narrow pit, out of which it is hard to climb.

lieth in wait--to ensnare men into the pit, as hunters entrap game (compare Pro 22:14).

Proverbs 23:28

pro 23:28

increaseth . . . transgressors-- (Pro 5:8-10). The vice alluded to is peculiarly hardening to the heart.

Proverbs 23:29

pro 23:29

This picture is often sadly realized now.

mixed wine--(Compare Pro 9:2; Isa 5:11).

Proverbs 23:31

pro 23:31

when . . . red--the color denoting greater strength (compare Gen 49:11; Deu 32:14).

giveth . . . cup--literally, "gives its eye," that is, sparkles.

moveth . . . aright--Perhaps its foaming is meant.

Proverbs 23:32

pro 23:32

The acute miseries resulting from drunkenness contrasted with the temptations.

Proverbs 23:33

pro 23:33

The moral effects: it inflames passion (Gen 19:31, Gen 19:35), lays open the heart, produces insensibility to the greatest dangers, and debars from reformation, under the severest sufferings.

Proverbs 23:35

pro 23:35

awake--that is, from drunkenness (Gen 9:24). This is the language rather of acts than of the tongue.

Next: Proverbs Chapter 24