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Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge, by R.A. Torrey, [ca. 1880], at sacred-texts.com

1 Chronicles Chapter 13

1 Chronicles

ch1 13:0


Ch1 13:1, David fetches the ark with great solemnity from Kirjath- jearim; Ch1 13:9, Uzza being smitten, the ark is left at the house of Obed- edom.

1 Chronicles 13:1

ch1 13:1

consulted: Ch1 12:14, Ch1 12:20, Ch1 12:32; Sa2 6:1; Kg2 23:1; Ch2 29:20, Ch2 34:29, Ch2 34:30

1 Chronicles 13:2

ch1 13:2

If it seem: Kg1 12:7; Kg2 9:15; Pro 15:22; Plm 1:8, Plm 1:9

and that it be: Exo 18:23; Sa2 7:2-5

send abroad: Heb. break forth, and send

left: Ch1 10:7; Sa1 31:1; Isa 37:4

the priests: Ch1 15:2-14; Num. 4:4-20; 2Chr. 31:4-21

their cities and suburbs: Heb. the cities of their suburbs, 1Chr. 6:54-81; Num 35:2-9

1 Chronicles 13:3

ch1 13:3

bring again: Heb. bring about

the ark: Sa1 7:1, Sa1 7:2; Psa 132:6

we inquired: Sa1 14:18, Sa1 14:36, Sa1 22:10, Sa1 22:15, Sa1 23:2, Sa1 23:9-12

1 Chronicles 13:4

ch1 13:4

the thing: Sa1 18:20; Sa2 3:36; Ch2 30:4 *marg. Est 8:5

1 Chronicles 13:5

ch1 13:5

David: Sa1 7:1; Sa2 6:1

Shihor: Num 34:5-8; Jos 13:3-6, Sihor, Kg1 4:21; Jer 2:18, Sihor

Hemath: Num 34:8; Jos 13:5; Kg1 8:65; Kg2 25:21, Hamath

Kirjathjearim: Ch1 13:6; Sa1 6:21, Sa1 7:1

1 Chronicles 13:6

ch1 13:6

Baalah: Jos 15:9, Jos 15:60; Sa2 6:2, Baale

that dwelleth: Exo 25:22; Num 7:89; Sa1 4:4; Kg2 19:15; Psa 80:1, Psa 99:1; Isa 37:16

whose name: Exo 20:24, Exo 23:21; Num 6:27; Kg1 8:16

1 Chronicles 13:7

ch1 13:7

carried the ark: Heb. made the ark to ride, at Num 3:10 and again at verse 38. A particular caution is given that strangers must not touch, or even pry into, the most holy things connected with the tabernacle, lest the offender die. In giving the law, also, even a beast which touched Sinai's mount was, by the Almighty's fiat, to be stoned or thrust through with a dart. And again we read (Num 4:15) after special orders to Aaron and his sons about covering the sanctuary and all the vessels previously to a removal, that the Kohathites, who were to carry them, "shall not touch any holy thing, lest they die." These were positive commands. May the sin of Uzza in touching the ark, warn Christians to take heed of rashness and irreverence in dealing about holy things. See note on Ch1 13:9.

in a new cart: Ch1 15:2, Ch1 15:13; Num 4:15; Sa1 6:7; Sa2 6:3

out of the house: Sa1 7:1, Sa1 7:2

1 Chronicles 13:8

ch1 13:8

David: Ch1 15:10-24; Sa1 10:5; 2Sam. 6:5-23; Kg2 3:15; Psa 47:5, Psa 68:25-27; Psa 150:3-5

singing: Heb. songs

with harps: The word kinnor, in Chaldee, kinnora, in Syraic, kainoro, in Arabic, kinnarat, and in Greek κινυρος, certainly denotes a harp, played on with the hand, according to Sa1 16:23. The number of strings in the harp was at first three; but afterwards they were increased to four, and at last to seven. Ch1 15:28, Ch1 16:5, Ch1 16:42, Ch1 23:5, Ch1 25:1-6; Dan 3:5-7; Amo 5:23, Amo 6:5

psalteries: Naivel, or naibel, in Greek ναβλα, and in Latin, nablium, was an instrument of the harp kind; having twelve sounds.

1 Chronicles 13:9

ch1 13:9

Chidon: Sa2 6:6, Nachon

stumbled: or shook it

1 Chronicles 13:10

ch1 13:10

he put: Ch1 15:13, Ch1 15:15; Num 4:15; Jos 6:6

there he died: Lev 10:1-3; Num 16:35; Sa1 6:19; Ch2 26:16-20; Co1 11:30-32

1 Chronicles 13:11

ch1 13:11

displeased: Sa2 6:7, Sa2 6:9; Jon 4:4, Jon 4:9

Perezuzza: that is, The breach of Uzza

to this day: Gen 32:32; Deu 34:6; Jos 4:9

1 Chronicles 13:12

ch1 13:12

afraid of God: Num 17:12, Num 17:13; Sa1 5:10, Sa1 5:11, Sa1 6:20; Psa 119:120; Isa 6:5; Luk 5:8, Luk 5:9

How: Kg1 8:27; Job 25:5, Job 25:6; Mat 25:24

1 Chronicles 13:13

ch1 13:13

brought: Heb. removed

Obededom: Ch1 15:18, Ch1 16:5, Ch1 26:4, Ch1 26:8; Sa2 6:10, Sa2 6:11

the Gittite: Sa2 4:3

1 Chronicles 13:14

ch1 13:14

the Lord: Ch1 26:5; Gen 30:27, Gen 39:5; Pro 3:9, Pro 3:10, Pro 10:22; Mal 3:10, Mal 3:11

Next: 1 Chronicles Chapter 14