Գրք. Sir, Գլ. 40   [(1895)] Գրք. Sir., Գլ. 40   [KJV]

Զխաղս կատականաց եւ ծաղու տուեալ է ՛ի մարդիկ, բայց յօրէնս իւր եւ ՛ի պատգամս բերանոյ: Զի եւ ծանր լուծ եդ ՛ի վերայ Ադամային ծննդոցս: Զի յելանել մարդոյ յարգանդէ մօր իւրոյ` փութով դարձցի առ մայրն ամենեցուն[103]: Յաղագս անպիտան նախանձու, եւ պէսպէս խրատուց:

Great travail is created for every man, and an heavy yoke is upon the sons of Adam, from the day that they go out of their mother' s womb, till the day that they return to the mother of all things:

Խորհուրդ չարութեան մինչեւ յօր կատարածի:

Their imagination of things to come, and the day of death, [trouble] their thoughts, and [cause] fear of heart:

՛ի փառաւորէ որ նստի յաթոռ փառաց` եւ մինչեւ ցա՛յն որ նստի փոխանակ բարձի ՛ի վերայ մոխրոյ:

From him that sitteth on a throne of glory, unto him that is humbled in earth and ashes; KJV [4] From him that weareth purple and a crown, unto him that is clothed with a linen frock:

Նախանձ եւ գրգռութիւն եւ խռովութիւն եւ ոխութիւն:

Wrath, and envy, trouble, and unquietness, fear of death, and anger, and strife:

եղծանէ զգիտութիւն ՛ի քուն գիշերոյ:

and in the time of rest upon his bed his night sleep, do change his knowledge. KJV [6] A little or nothing is his rest, and afterward he is in his sleep, as in a day of keeping watch, troubled in the vision of his heart, as if he were escaped out of a battle. KJV [7] When all is safe, he awaketh, and marvelleth that the fear was nothing. KJV [8] Such things happen unto all flesh, both man and beast, and that is sevenfold more upon sinners. KJV [9] Death, and bloodshed, strife, and sword, calamities, famine, tribulation, and the scourge; KJV [10] These things are created for the wicked, and for their sakes came the flood. KJV [11] All things that are of the earth shall turn to the earth again: and that which is of the waters doth return into the sea. KJV [12] All bribery and injustice shall be blotted out: but true dealing shall endure for ever. KJV [13] The goods of the unjust shall be dried up like a river, and shall vanish with noise, like a great thunder in rain. KJV [14] While he openeth his hand he shall rejoice: so shall transgressors come to nought. KJV [15] The children of the ungodly shall not bring forth many branches: but are as unclean roots upon a hard rock. KJV [16] The weed growing upon every water and bank of a river shall be pulled up before all grass. KJV [17] Bountifulness is as a most fruitful garden, and mercifulness endureth for ever:

Կեանք բաւականանայ ՛ի գործս ձեռաց բարեաց:

To labour, and to be content with that a man hath, is a sweet life: but he that findeth a treasure is above them both:

Եւ շինուած քաղաքաց զանուն քո հաստատեն: Եւ քան զսոսա զերկոսին լաւ համարեալ է կին անարատ:

Children and the building of a city continue a man' s name: but a blameless wife is counted above them both:

Գինի եւ երգ արուեստականաց ուրախ առնեն զսիրտ, եւ քան զերկոսին զսոսա սէր իմաստութեան:

Wine and musick rejoice the heart: but the love of wisdom is above them both. KJV [21] The pipe and the psaltery make sweet melody: but a pleasant tongue is above them both. KJV [22] Thine eye desireth favour and beauty: but more than both corn while it is green:

՛Ի շնորհս եւ ՛ի գեղեցկութիւն ցանկայ ակն:

A friend and companion never meet amiss:

եւ քան զսոսա զերկոսին` կին զուարթ:

but above both is a wife with her husband. KJV [24] Brethren and help are against time of trouble: but alms shall deliver more than them both:

Արծաթ եւ ոսկի:

Gold and silver make the foot stand sure: but counsel is esteemed above them both:

բարձրացուցանեն յոյժ. բայց քան զսոսա զերկոսին երկիւղ Տեառն:

Riches and strength lift up the heart: but the fear of the Lord is above them both: there is no want in the fear of the Lord, and it needeth not to seek help. KJV [27] The fear of the Lord is a fruitful garden, and covereth him above all glory. KJV [28] My son, lead not a beggar' s life; for better it is to die than to beg. KJV [29] The life of him that dependeth on another man' s table is not to be counted for a life; for he polluteth himself with other men' s meat: but a wise man well nurtured will beware thereof. KJV [30] Begging is sweet in the mouth of the shameless: but in his belly there shall burn a fire: