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The Scofield Bible Commentary, by Cyrus Ingerson Scofield, [1917], at

Acts Chapter 2

Acts 2:3

act 2:3

cloven tongues

tongues, as of fire, parting and sitting upon each of them.

Acts 2:4

act 2:4

Holy Ghost

The Holy Spirit, New Testament Summary.

See Note (See Scofield) - (Mal 2:15).

(1) The Holy Spirit is revealed as a divine Person. This is expressly declared (for example) (Joh 14:16); (Joh 14:17); (Joh 14:26); (Joh 15:26); (Joh 16:7-15); (Mat 28:19) and everywhere implied.

(2) The revelation concerning Him is progressive

(a) In the Old Testament,

(See Scofield) - (Mal 2:15),

He comes upon whom He will, apparently without reference to conditions in them

(b) During His earth-life, Christ taught His disciples (Luk 11:13) that they might receive the Spirit through prayer to the Father.

(c) At the close of His ministry He promised that He would Himself pray the Father, and that in answer to prayer the Comforter would come to abide (Joh 14:16); (Joh 14:17).

(d) On the evening of His resurrection He came to the disciples in the upper room, and breathed on them saying, "Receive ye the Holy Ghost" (Joh 20:22) but instructed them to wait before beginning their ministry till the Spirit should come upon them; (Luk 24:49); (Act 1:8).

(e) On the day of Pentecost the Spirit came upon the whole body of believers (Act 2:1-4).

(f) After Pentecost, so long as the Gospel was preached to Jews only, the Spirit was imparted to such as believed by the laying on of hands (Act 8:17); (Act 9:17).

(g) When Peter opened the door of the kingdom to the Gentiles (Acts 10), the Holy Spirit, without delay, or other condition than faith, was given to those who believed. (Act 10:44); (Act 11:15-18). This is the permanent fact for the entire church age. Every believer is born of the Spirit; (Joh 3:3); (Joh 3:6); (Jo1 5:1) indwelt by the Spirit, whose presence makes the believer's body a temple; (Co1 6:19); (Rom 8:9-15); (Jo1 2:27); (Gal 4:6) and baptized by the Spirit; (Co1 12:12); (Co1 12:13); (Jo1 2:20); (Jo1 2:27) thus sealing him for God; (Eph 1:13); (Eph 4:30).

(3) The New Testament distinguishes between having the Spirit, which is true of all believers, and being filled with the Spirit, which is the believer's privilege and duty (compare (Act 2:4) with (Act 4:29-31); (Eph 1:13); (Eph 1:14) with (Eph 5:18). -- "One baptism, many fillings."

(4) The Holy Spirit is related to Christ in His Conception (Mat 1:18-20); (Luk 1:35) baptism; (Mat 3:16); (Mar 1:10); (Luk 3:22); (Joh 1:32); (Joh 1:33) walk and service (Luk 4:1); (Luk 4:14) resurrection (Rom 8:11); and as His witness throughout this age; (Joh 15:26); (Joh 16:8-11); (Joh 16:13); (Joh 16:14).

(5) The Spirit forms the church (Mat 16:18),

(See Scofield) - (Heb 12:23),

by baptizing all believers into the body of Christ (Co1 12:12); (Co1 12:13); imparts gifts for service to every member of that body (Co1 12:7-11); (Co1 12:27); (Co1 12:30); guide the members in their service; (Luk 2:27); (Luk 4:1); (Act 16:6); (Act 16:7) and is Himself the power of that service; (Act 1:8); (Act 2:4); (Co1 2:4).

(6) The Spirit abides in the company of believers who constitute a local church, making of them, corporately, a temple (Co1 3:16); (Co1 3:17).

(7) Christ indicates a threefold personal relationship of the Spirit to the believer: "With", "In", "upon" (Joh 14:17); (Luk 24:49); (Act 1:8). "With" indicates the approach of God to the soul, convicting of sin (Joh 16:9) presenting Christ as the object of faith (Joh 16:14) imparting faith (Eph 2:8) and regenerating (Joh 3:3-16). "In" describes the abiding presence of the Spirit in the believer's body (Co1 6:19) to give victory over the flesh; (Rom 8:2-4); (Gal 5:16); (Gal 5:17) to create the Christian character (Gal 5:22); (Gal 5:23) to help infirmities (Rom 8:26) to inspire prayer (Eph 6:18) to give conscious access to God (Eph 2:18) to actualize to the believer his sonship (Gal 4:6) to apply the Scripture in cleansing and sanctification; (Eph 5:26); (Th2 2:13); (Pe1 1:2) to comfort and intercede; (Act 9:31); (Rom 8:26) and to reveal Christ (Joh 16:14).

(8) Sins against the Spirit committed by unbelievers are: To blaspheme (Mat 12:31); resist (Act 7:51); insult (Heb 10:29); "despite," Literally, insult). Believers' sins against the Spirit are: To grieve Him by allowing evil in heart or life (Eph 4:30); (Eph 4:31) and to quench Him by disobedience (Th1 5:19).

The right attitude toward the Spirit is yieldedness to His sway in walk and service, and in constant willingness that He shall "put away" whatever grieves Him or hinders His power (Eph 4:31).

(9) The symbols of the Spirit are:

(a) oil (Joh 3:34); (Heb 1:9)

(b) water, (Joh 7:38); (Joh 7:39),

(c) wind; (Act 2:2); (Joh 3:8),

(d) fire (Act 2:3),

(e) a dove (Mat 3:16),

(f) a seal; (Eph 1:13); (Eph 4:30),

(g) an earnest or pledge (Eph 1:14).

Acts 2:8

act 2:8



Acts 2:11

act 2:11



Acts 2:14

act 2:14

said unto them

The theme of Peter's sermon at Pentecost is stated in (Act 2:36). It is, that Jesus is the Messiah. No message could have been more unwelcome to the Jews who had rejected His Messianic claims, and crucified Him. Peter, therefore, does not announce his theme until he has covered every possible Jewish objection. The point of difficulty with the Jews was the apparent failure of the clear and repeated prophetic promise of a regathered Israel established in their own land under their covenanted King (for example, (Isa 11:10-12); (Jer 23:5-8); (Eze 37:21-18). Instead of explaining, as Rome first taught, followed by some Protestant commentators, that the covenant and promises were to be fulfilled in the church in a so-called "spiritual" sense, Peter shows (Act 2:25-32) from Psalm 16 that David himself understood that the dead and risen Christ would fulfil the covenant and sit on his throne (Luk 1:32); (Luk 1:33). In precisely the same way James (Act 15:14-17) met the same difficulty.

See "Kingdom (Old Testament)," (Zac 12:8).

(New Testament), (Luk 1:33); (Co1 15:24).

Acts 2:17

act 2:17

last days

A distinction must be observed between "the last days" when the prediction relates to Israel, and the "last days" when the prediction relates to the church (Ti1 4:1-3); (Ti2 3:1-8); (Heb 1:1); (Heb 1:2); (Pe1 1:4); (Pe1 1:5); (Pe2 3:1-9); (Jo1 2:18); (Jo1 2:19); (Jde 1:17-19). Also distinguish the expression the "last days" (plural) from "the last day" (singular); the latter expression referring to the resurrections and last judgment; (Joh 6:39); (Joh 6:40); (Joh 6:44); (Joh 6:54); (Joh 11:24); (Joh 12:48). The "last days" as related to the church began with the advent of Christ (Heb 1:2) but have especial reference to the time of declension and apostasy at the end of this age; (Ti2 3:1); (Ti2 4:4). The "last days" as related to Israel are the days of Israel's exaltation and blessing, and are synonymous with the kingdom-age; (Isa 2:2-4); (Mic 4:1-7). They are "last" not with reference to this dispensation, but with reference to the whole of Israel's history.

Acts 2:21

act 2:21


(See Scofield) - (Rom 1:16).

Acts 2:27

act 2:27



(See Scofield) - (Luk 16:23).

Acts 2:31

act 2:31



(See Scofield) - (Luk 16:23).

Acts 2:38

act 2:38


(See Scofield) - (Mat 26:28).



(See Scofield) - (Rom 3:23).

Acts 2:47

act 2:47


(See Scofield) - (Rom 1:16).

Next: Acts Chapter 3