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Matthew Henry: Concise Commentary on the Whole Bible - 1706
As, in the story of David, one chapter of wars and victories follows another, so, in the story of Solomon, one chapter concerning his buildings follows another. In this chapter we have, I. His fitting up several buildings for himself and his own use, ver. 1-12. II. His furnishing the temple which he had built for God, 1. With two pillars, ver. 13-22. 2. With a molten sea, ver. 23-26. 3. With ten basins of brass (ver. 27-37), and ten layers upon them, ver. 38, 39. 4. With all the other utensils of the temple, ver. 40-50. 5. With the things that his father had dedicated, ver. 51. The particular description of these things was not needless when it was written, nor is it now useless.
Adam Clarke: Commentary on the Bible - 1831
Solomon builds his own house, and completes it in thirteen years, Kg1 7:1. He builds another called the house of the forest of Lebanon; and a house for Pharaoh's daughter, Kg1 7:2-12. He brings Hiram, a coppersmith, out of Tyre, who makes much curious work for the temple, Kg1 7:13-20. He makes the two pillars Jachin and Boaz, Kg1 7:21, Kg1 7:22. The molten sea, and the twelve oxen that bare it, Kg1 7:23-26. And ten brazen bases, and the ten lavers with pots, shovels, and basons, all of which he cast in the plain of Jordan, vv. 27-46. The quantity of brass too great to be weighed; and the vessels of the temple were all of pure gold, Kg1 7:47-50. Solomon brings into the house the silver and gold which his father had dedicated, Kg1 7:51.
3 Kings (1 Kings) 7:1
R. A. Torrey - Treasury: Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge - 1880
Kg1 7:1, The building of Solomon's house; Kg1 7:2, Of the house of Lebanon; Kg1 7:6, Of the porch of pillars; Kg1 7:7, Of the porch of judgment; Kg1 7:8, Of the house for Pharaoh's daughter; Kg1 7:13, Hiram's work of the two pillars; Kg1 7:23, Of the molten sea; Kg1 7:27, Of the ten bases; Kg1 7:38, Of the ten lavers, Kg1 7:40, and all the vessels.
Carl Friedrich Keil and Franz Delitzsch

Erection of the royal palace. - 3Kings 7:1 is closely connected in form with 3Kings 6:38, and contains a summary account of the building, which is more minutely described in 3Kings 7:2-12. "And Solomon built his house (his palace) in thirteen years, and finished (in that time) all his house." The thirteen years are to be reckoned after the completion of the temple in seven years, so that the two buildings were executed in twenty years (3Kings 9:10). The expression כּל־בּיתו is used, because the palace consisted of several buildings connected together; namely, (1) the house of the forest of Lebanon (3Kings 7:2-5); (2) the pillar-hall with the porch (3Kings 7:6); (3) the throne-room and judgment-hall (3Kings 7:7); (4) the king's dwelling-house and the house of Pharaoh's daughter (3Kings 7:8). That all these buildings were only different portions of the one royal palace, and the house of the forest of Lebanon was not a summer residence of Solomon erected on Lebanon itself, as many of the earlier commentators supposed, is indisputably evident, not only from the first verse when correctly interpreted, but also and still more clearly from the fact that when the buildings of Solomon are spoken of afterwards (see 3Kings 9:1, 3Kings 9:10, 3Kings 9:15, and 3Kings 10:12), we only read of the house of Jehovah and the house of the king, that is to say, of the temple and one palace. The description of the several portions of this palace is so very brief, that it is impossible to form a distinct idea of its character. The different divisions are given in 3Kings 7:1-8 in their natural order, commencing at the back and terminating with the front (3Kings 7:8), and there then follows in 3Kings 7:9-12 the description of the stones that were used.
3Kings 7:2-5
The house of the forest of Lebanon. - This building - so named because it was built, so to speak, of a forest of cedar pillars - is called in the Arabic the "house of his arms," because, according to 3Kings 10:17, it also served as a keeping-place for arms:" it is hardly to be regarded, however, as simply an arsenal, but was probably intended for other purposes also. He built it "a hundred cubits its length, fifty cubits its breadth, and thirty cubits its height, on four rows of cedar pillars, and hewn cedar beams (were) over the pillars." As the building was not merely a hall of pillars, but, according to 3Kings 7:3, had side-rooms (צלעת, cf. 3Kings 6:5) above the pillars, the construction of it can hardly be represented in any other way than this, that the rooms were built upon four rows of pillars, which ran round all four sides of the building, which was 100 cubits long and fifty cubits broad in the inside, and thus surrounded the inner courtyard on all sides. Of course the building could not rest merely upon pillars, but was surrounded on the outside with a strong wall of hewn square stones (3Kings 7:9), so that the hewn beams which were laid upon the pillars had their outer ends built into the wall, and were supported by it, so as to give to the whole building the requisite strength.
(Note: Thenius therefore supposes that "the lower part of the armoury formed a peristyle, a fourfold row of pillars running round inside its walls and enclosing a courtyard, so that the Vulgate alone gives the true sense, quatuor deambulacra inter columnas cedrinas;" and he points to the court of the palace of Luxor, which has a double row of pillars round it. The number of pillars is not given in the text, but Thenius in his drawing of this building sets it down at 400, which would certainly present a forest-like aspect to any one entering the building. Nevertheless we cannot regard this assumption as correct, because the pillars,which we cannot suppose to have been less than a cubit in thickness, would have been so close to one another that the four rows of pillars could not have formed four deambulacra. As the whole building was only fifty cubits broad, and this breadth included the inner courtyard, we cannot suppose that the sides of the building were more than ten cubits deep, which would leave a breadth of thirty cubits for the court. If then four pillars, each of a cubit in thickness, stood side by side or one behind the other in a space of ten cubits in depth, the distance between the pillars would be only a cubit and a half, that is to say, would be only just enough for one man and no more to walk conveniently through. And what could have been the object of crowding pillars together in this way, so as to render the entire space almost useless? It is on this ground, probably that Hermann Weiss assumes that each side of the oblong building, which was half as broad as it was long, was supported by one row, and therefore all the sides together by four rows of cedar pillars, and the beams of the same material which rested upon them. But this view is hardly a correct one; for it not only does not do justice to the words of the text, "four rows of pillars," but it is insufficient in itself, for the simple reason that one row of pillars on each side would not have afforded the requisite strength and stability to the three stories built upon them, even if we should not suppose the rooms in these stories to be very broad, since the further three rows of pillars, which Weiss assumes in addition, according to 3Kings 7:3, as the actual supporters of the upper building, have no foundation in the text. The words "four rows of cedar pillars" do not absolutely require the assumption that there were four rows side by side or one behind the other on every side of the building; for the assertion that טוּר does not denote a row in the sense of a straight line, but generally signifies a row surrounding and enclosing a space, is refuted by Ex 28:17, where we read of the four טוּרים of precious stones upon the breastplate of the high priest. - Is it not likely that the truth lies midway between these two views, and that the following is the view most in accordance with the actual fact, namely, that there were four rows of pillars running along the full length of the building, but that they were distributed on the two sides, so that there were only two rows on each side? In this case a person entering from the front would see four rows of pillars running the whole length of the building. In any case the rows of pillars would of necessity be broken in front by the entrance itself.
The utter uncertainty as to the number and position of the four rows of pillars is sufficient in itself to render it quite impossible to draw any plan of the building that could in the slightest degree answer to the reality. Moreover, there is no allusion at all in the description given in the text to either entrance or exit, or to staircases and other things, and the other buildings are still more scantily described, so that nothing certain can be determined with regard to their relative position or their probable connection with one another. For this reason, after studying the matter again and again, I have been obliged to relinquish the intention to illustrate the description in the text by drawings.)
3Kings 7:3-4
"And roofing in (of) cedar was above the over the side-rooms upon the pillars, five and forty; fifteen the row." ספן is to be understood of the roofing, as in 3Kings 6:15 (compare ספּן, 3Kings 6:15). The numbers "forty-five and fifteen the row" cannot refer to העמּוּדים, but must refer, as Thenius assumes, to הצּלעת as the main idea, which is more precisely defined by העמּוּדים על. If we took it as referring to the pillars, as I myself have formerly done, we should have to assume that there were only galleries or pillar-halls above the lower rows of pillars, which is at variance with הצּלעת. There were forty-five side-rooms, therefore, built upon the lower rows of pillars, in ranges of fifteen each. This could only be done by the ranges of rooms being built, not side by side, but one over the other, in other words, by the forty-five side-rooms forming three stories, as in the side buildings of the temple, so that each story had a "row" of fifteen side-rooms round it. This view receives support from 3Kings 7:4 : "and beam-layers (שׁקפים, beams, as in 3Kings 6:4) were three rows, and outlook against outlook three times;" i.e., the rows of side-rooms were built one over the other by means of layers of beams, so that the rooms had windows opposite to one another three times; that is to say, the windows looking out upon the court were so arranged in the three stories that those on the one side were vis vis to those on the opposite side of the building. The expression in 3Kings 7:5, אל־מחזה מחזה מוּל, "window over against window," compels us to take אל־מחזה in the sense of "opposite to the window" (אל, versus), and not, as Thenius proposes, "outlook against outlook," according to which אל is supposed to indicate that the windows were only separated from one another by slender piers. מחזה, which only occurs here, is different from חלּון, the ordinary window, and probably denotes a large opening affording a wide outlook.
3Kings 7:5
"And all the doorways and mouldings were square of beams" (שׁקף is an accusative of free subordination, denoting the material or the mode of execution; cf. Ewald, 284, a., β). "Square with a straight upper beam" (Thenius) cannot be the correct rendering of שׁקף רבעים. Thenius proposes to read והמּחזת for והמּזוּזת, after the reading αἱ χῶραι of the Seventy, who have also rendered מחזה in 3Kings 7:4 by χῶρα, a broad space. It may be pleaded in support of this, that רבעים taht , is less applicable to the doorposts or mouldings than to the doorways and outlooks (windows), inasmuch as, if the doorways were square, the square form of the moulding or framework would follow as a matter of course. הפּתחים are both the doors, through which the different rooms were connected with one another, and also those through which the building and its stories were reached, of course by stairs, probably winding staircases, as in the side stories of the temple. The stairs were placed, no doubt, at the front of the building. The height given is thirty cubits, corresponding to that of the whole building (3Kings 7:2). If we reckon the height of the lower pillars at eight cubits, there were twenty-two cubits left for the stories; and assuming that the roofing of each was one cubit in thickness, there remained eighteen cubits in all for the rooms of the three stories; and this, if equally distributed, would give an internal height of six cubits for each story, or if arranged on a graduated scale, which would probably be more appropriate, a height of seven, six, and five cubits respectively.
3Kings 7:6-8
The other buildings. - 3Kings 7:6. "And he made the pillar-hall, fifty cubits its length, and thirty cubits its breadth, and a hall in front of them, and pillars and a threshold in front of them." With regard to the situation of this hall in relation to the other parts of the building, which is not precisely defined, we may infer, from the fact that it is mentioned between the house of the forest of Lebanon and the throne and judgment halls, that it stood between these two. The length of this building (fifty cubits) corresponds to the breadth of the house of the forest of Lebanon; so that, according to the analogy of the temple-hall (3Kings 6:3), we might picture to ourselves the length given here as running parallel to the breadth of the house of the forest of Lebanon, and might therefore assume that the pillar-hall was fifty cubits broad and thirty cubits deep. But the statement that there was a hall in front of the pillar-hall is irreconcilable with this assumption. We must therefore understand the length in the natural way, as signifying the measurement from back to front, and regard the pillar-hall as a portico fifty cubits long and thirty cubits broad, in front of which there was also a porch as an entrance. על־פּניהם, in front of them, i.e., in front of the pillars which formed this portico. The last words, "and pillars and threshold in front of them," refer to the porch. This had also pillars, probably on both sides of the doorway, which carried the roof; and in front of them was עב, i.e., according to the Chaldee סקפתא, the moulding or framework of the threshold, a threshold-like entrance, with steps.
3Kings 7:7
"And the throne-hall, where he judged, the judgment-hall, he made and (indeed) covered with cedar, from floor to floor." The throne-hall and the judgment-hall are therefore one and the same hall, which was both a court of judgment and an audience-chamber, and in which, no doubt, there stood and splendid throne described in 3Kings 10:18-20. But it is distinguished from the pillar-hall by the repetition of עשׂה. It probably followed immediately upon this, but was clearly distinguished from it by the fact that it was covered with cedar הקּרקע עד מהקּרקע. These words are very obscure. The rendering given by Thenius, "panelled from the floor to the beams of the roof," is open to these objections: (1) that ספן generally does not mean to panel, but simply to cover, and that בּארז ספן is particular cannot possibly be taken in a different sense here from that which it bears in 3Kings 7:3, where it denotes the roofing of the rooms built above the portico of pillars; and (2) that the alteration of the second הקרקע into הקּורות has no critical warrant in the rendering of the Syriac, a fundamento ad coelum ejus usque, or in that of the Vulgate, a pavimento usque ad summitatem, whereas the lxx and Chald. both read הקּרקע עד. But even if we were to read הקּורות, this would not of itself signify the roof beams, inasmuch as in 3Kings 6:16 הקּירות or הקּורות receives its more precise definition from the expression הסּפּן noisserpx קירות (קורות) in 3Kings 7:15. The words in question cannot have any other meaning than this: "from the one floor to the other," i.e., either from the floor of the throne-hall to the floor of the pillar-hall (described in 3Kings 7:6), or more probably from the lower floor to the upper, inasmuch as there were rooms built over the throne-room, just as in the case of the house of the forest of Lebanon; for קרקע may denote not only the lower floor, but also the floor of upper rooms, which served at the same time as the ceiling of the lower rooms. So much, at any rate, may be gathered from these words, with all their obscurity, that the throne-hall was not an open pillar-hall, but was only open in front, and was shut in by solid walls on the other three sides.
3Kings 7:8
After (behind) the throne and judgment hall then followed the king's own palace, the principal entrance to which was probably through the throne-hall, so that the king really delivered judgment and granted audiences in the gate of his palace. "His house, where he dwelt, in the other court inwards from the (throne) hall was like this work," i.e., was built like the throne-hall; "and a (dwelling) house he made for the daughter of Pharaoh, whom Solomon had taken, like this hall." The construction of the dwelling-places of the king and queen cannot be ascertained from these words, because the hall with which its style is compared is not more minutely described. All that can be clearly inferred from the words, "in the other court inside the hall," is, that the abode of the king and his Egyptian wife had a court of its own, and when looked at from the entrance, formed the hinder court of the whole palace. The house of Pharaoh's daughter was probably distinct from the dwelling-place of the king, so that the palace of the women formed a building by itself, most likely behind the dwelling-house of the king, since the women in the East generally occupy the inner portion of the house. The statement that the dwelling-place of the king and queen formed a court by itself within the complex of the palace, warrants the further inference, that the rest of the buildings (the house of the forest of Lebanon, the pillar-hall, and the throne-hall) were united together in one first or front court.
3Kings 7:9-12
"All these (viz., the whole of the buildings described in 3Kings 7:2-8) were costly stones, after the measure of that which is hewn, sawn with the saw within and without (i.e., on the inner and outer side of the halls and buildings), and from the foundation to the corbels, and from without to the great court," הטּפחות, the corbels, upon which the beams of the roof rest. The lxx renders it ἕως τῶν γεισῶν. Thenius understands by this the battlements which protected the flat roofs, and therefore interprets טפחות as signifying the stone border of the roof of the palace. But γεῖσος, or γεῖσσος γεῖσον, merely signifies the projection of the roof, and, generally speaking, every projection in a building resembling a roof, but not the battlement-like protection or border of the flat roof, which is called מעקה in Deut 22:8. חוּץ, the outside in distinction from the great court, can only be the outer court; and as הגּדולה החצר is no doubt identical with האחרת חצר (3Kings 7:8), and therefore refers to the court surrounding the king's dwelling-house, חוּץ is to be understood as relating to the court-yard or fore-court surrounding the front halls.
3Kings 7:10-11
"And the foundation was laid with costly, large stones of ten and eight cubits (sc., in length, and of corresponding breadth and thickness). And above (the foundation, and therefore the visible walls, were) costly stones, after the measure of that which is hewn, and cedars."
3Kings 7:12
And (as for) the great court, there were found it three rows (i.e., it was formed of three rows) of hewn stones and a row of hewn cedar beams, as in the inner court of the house of Jehovah (see at 3Kings 6:36) and the hall of the house. ולחצר signifies "and so with the court," Vav serving as a comparison, as in Prov 25:20, and frequently in Proverbs (see Dietrich in Ges. Lex. x.v. ,ו and Ewald, 340, b.), so that there is no necessity for the un-Hebraic conjecture of Thenius, כּלחצר. הבּית לאוּלם in all probability refers not to the temple-hall, but to the pillar-hall of the palace, the surrounding wall of which was of the same nature as the wall of the great, i.e., the other or hinder, court.
(Note: The situation of this palace in Jerusalem is not defined. Ewald supposes (Gesch. iii. p. 317) that it was probably built on the southern continuation of the temple-mountain, commonly called Ophel, i.e., Hill. But "nothing more is needed to convince us that it cannot have stood upon Ophel, than a single glance at any geographical outline of Ophel on one of the best of the modern maps, and a recollection of the fact that, according to Neh 3:26, Neh 3:31, it was upon Ophel, where the king's palace is said to have stood, that the temple-socagers and shopkeepers had their places of abode after the captivity" (Thenius). The view held by earlier travellers and pilgrims to Zion, and defended by Berggren (p. 109ff.), namely, that the ancient Solomonian and Asmonaean palaces stood upon Moriah on the western side of the temple, is equally untenable. For the xystus, above which, according to Josephus, Bell. Jud. ii. 16, 3, the Asmonaean palace stood, was connected with the temple by a bridge, and therefore did not stand upon Moriah, but upon Zion or the ἄνω πόλις, since this bridge, according to Josephus, Bell. Jud. vi. 6, 2, connected the temple with the upper city. Moreover, it clearly follows from the passages of Josephus already noticed (pp. 61f.), in which he refers to the substructures of the temple area, that the temple occupied the whole of Moriah towards the west, and extended as far as the valley of the Tyropoeon, and consequently there was no room for a palace on that side. When Josephus affirms, therefore (Ant. viii. 5, 2), that Solomon's palace stood opposite to the temple (ἄντικρυς ἔχων ναόν), it can only have been built on the north-east side of Zion, as most of the modern writers assume (see W. Krafft, Topographie Jerus. p. 114ff., and Berggr. p. 110). This is sustained not only by the probability that the Asmonaeans would hardly build their palace anywhere else than on the spot where the palace of the kings of Judah built by Solomon stood, but also by the account of the elevation of Joash to the throng in 2 Kings 11 and 2 Chron 23, from which it is perfectly obvious that the royal palace stood upon Zion opposite to the temple.)
Geneva 1599
But Solomon was building his own house thirteen years, and he (a) finished all his house.
(a) After he had built the temple.
John Gill
This chapter gives an account of some buildings of Solomon for himself, 3Kings 7:1; and of other things for the use of the temple; of two pillars of brass, 3Kings 7:13; of the molten sea, 3Kings 7:23; and of ten bases, and ten layers on them, 3Kings 7:27; with other utensils and ornaments, 3Kings 7:40.
John Wesley
House - The royal palace for himself, and for his successors. Thirteen years - Almost double the time to that in which the temple was built; because neither were the materials so far provided and prepared for this, as they were for the temple: nor did either he or his people use the same diligence in this, as in the other work; to which they were quickened by God's express command.
Robert Jamieson, A. R. Fausset and David Brown
Solomon was building his own house thirteen years--The time occupied in building his palace was nearly double that spent in the erection of the temple [3Kings 6:38], because neither had there been the same previous preparations for it, nor was there the same urgency as in providing a place of worship, on which the national well-being so much depended.
7:17:1: Եւ զիւր տունն շինեաց Սողոմոն զերեքտասան ամ, եւ կատարեաց զամենայն զտունն իւր։
1 Սողոմոնն իր տունը տասներեք տարի կառուցեց եւ ամբողջովին աւարտեց այն:
7 Սողոմոն տասնըերեք տարուան մէջ շինեց ու լմնցուց իր բոլոր տունը։
Եւ զիւր տունն շինեաց Սողոմոն զերեքտասան ամ, եւ կատարեաց զամենայն զտունն իւր:

7:1: Եւ զիւր տունն շինեաց Սողոմոն զերեքտասան ամ, եւ կատարեաց զամենայն զտունն իւր։
1 Սողոմոնն իր տունը տասներեք տարի կառուցեց եւ ամբողջովին աւարտեց այն:
7 Սողոմոն տասնըերեք տարուան մէջ շինեց ու լմնցուց իր բոլոր տունը։
zohrab-1805▾ eastern-1994▾ western am▾
7:17:1 А свой дом Соломон строил тринадцать лет и окончил весь дом свой.
7:1 καὶ και and; even ἀπέστειλεν αποστελλω send off / away ὁ ο the βασιλεὺς βασιλευς monarch; king Σαλωμων σαλωμων and; even ἔλαβεν λαμβανω take; get τὸν ο the Χιραμ χιραμ from; out of Τύρου τυρος Tyros; Tiros
7:1 וְ wᵊ וְ and אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker] בֵּיתֹו֙ bêṯˌô בַּיִת house בָּנָ֣ה bānˈā בנה build שְׁלֹמֹ֔ה šᵊlōmˈō שְׁלֹמֹה Solomon שְׁלֹ֥שׁ šᵊlˌōš שָׁלֹשׁ three עֶשְׂרֵ֖ה ʕeśrˌē עֶשְׂרֵה -teen שָׁנָ֑ה šānˈā שָׁנָה year וַ wa וְ and יְכַ֖ל yᵊḵˌal כלה be complete אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker] כָּל־ kol- כֹּל whole בֵּיתֹֽו׃ bêṯˈô בַּיִת house
7:1. domum autem suam aedificavit Salomon tredecim annis et ad perfectum usque perduxitAnd Solomon built his own house in thirteen years, and brought it to perfection.
1. And Solomon was building his own house thirteen years, and he finished all his house.
But Solomon was building his own house thirteen years, and he finished all his house:

7:1 А свой дом Соломон строил тринадцать лет и окончил весь дом свой.
καὶ και and; even
ἀπέστειλεν αποστελλω send off / away
ο the
βασιλεὺς βασιλευς monarch; king
Σαλωμων σαλωμων and; even
ἔλαβεν λαμβανω take; get
τὸν ο the
Χιραμ χιραμ from; out of
Τύρου τυρος Tyros; Tiros
וְ wᵊ וְ and
אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker]
בֵּיתֹו֙ bêṯˌô בַּיִת house
בָּנָ֣ה bānˈā בנה build
שְׁלֹמֹ֔ה šᵊlōmˈō שְׁלֹמֹה Solomon
שְׁלֹ֥שׁ šᵊlˌōš שָׁלֹשׁ three
עֶשְׂרֵ֖ה ʕeśrˌē עֶשְׂרֵה -teen
שָׁנָ֑ה šānˈā שָׁנָה year
וַ wa וְ and
יְכַ֖ל yᵊḵˌal כלה be complete
אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker]
כָּל־ kol- כֹּל whole
בֵּיתֹֽו׃ bêṯˈô בַּיִת house
7:1. domum autem suam aedificavit Salomon tredecim annis et ad perfectum usque perduxit
And Solomon built his own house in thirteen years, and brought it to perfection.
ru▾ LXX-gloss▾ bhs-gloss▾ vulgate▾ erva_1895▾
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А. П. Лопухин: Tолковая Библия или комментарий на все книги Св.Писания Ветхого и Нового Заветов - 1903-1914
1: Большая продолжительность постройки дворца Соломонова - 13: лет в сравнении с храмом - 7,5: лет объясняется или большим количеством рабочих при постройке храма, или тем, что строительных работ при дворе было больше; притом для дворца не было запасено заранее материала, как для храма. 13: лет - от окончания постройки храма, след. дворец был окончен спустя 20: лет от начала постройки храма (3: Цар. IX:10), т. е. на 24-м году царствования Соломона (И. Флав. Древн. VIII, 5, 1). Дворец Соломона был построен не на Мориа, где храм, и не в Офеле (юго-восточном подножии Мориа: 2: Пар. XXVII:3; XXXIII:14; Неем. III:26; XI:21; И. Флав. Иуд. война, VI, 6, 2; Robinson, Palästina II, 29), а на г. Сионе (в "верхнем городе", по И. Флав.) , долиной Тиропеон отделяемой от храмовой горы; с храмом дворец был искусственно соединен мостом (во втором Иерусалимском храме здесь была галерея, так называемый Ксист) и внутренним ходом (4: Цар. XI:19). Впоследствии здесь был и дворец Асмонеев.
Matthew Henry: Concise Commentary on the Whole Bible - 1706
The Building of the Temple. B. C. 1004.

1 But Solomon was building his own house thirteen years, and he finished all his house. 2 He built also the house of the forest of Lebanon; the length thereof was a hundred cubits, and the breadth thereof fifty cubits, and the height thereof thirty cubits, upon four rows of cedar pillars, with cedar beams upon the pillars. 3 And it was covered with cedar above upon the beams, that lay on forty five pillars, fifteen in a row. 4 And there were windows in three rows, and light was against light in three ranks. 5 And all the doors and posts were square, with the windows: and light was against light in three ranks. 6 And he made a porch of pillars; the length thereof was fifty cubits, and the breadth thereof thirty cubits: and the porch was before them: and the other pillars and the thick beam were before them. 7 Then he made a porch for the throne where he might judge, even the porch of judgment: and it was covered with cedar from one side of the floor to the other. 8 And his house where he dwelt had another court within the porch, which was of the like work. Solomon made also a house for Pharaoh's daughter, whom he had taken to wife, like unto this porch. 9 All these were of costly stones, according to the measures of hewed stones, sawed with saws, within and without, even from the foundation unto the coping, and so on the outside toward the great court. 10 And the foundation was of costly stones, even great stones, stones of ten cubits, and stones of eight cubits. 11 And above were costly stones, after the measures of hewed stones, and cedars. 12 And the great court round about was with three rows of hewed stones, and a row of cedar beams, both for the inner court of the house of the LORD, and for the porch of the house.
Never had any man so much of the spirit of building as Solomon had, nor to better purpose; he began with the temple, built for God first, and then all his other buildings were comfortable. The surest foundations of lasting prosperity are those which are laid in an early piety, Matt. vi. 33. 1. He built a house for himself (v. 1), where he dwelt, v. 8. His father had built a good house; but it was no reflection upon his father for him to build a better, in proportion to the estate wherewith God had blessed him. Much of the comfort of this life is connected with an agreeable house. He was thirteen years building this house, whereas he built the temple in little more than seven years; not that he was more exact, but less eager and intent, in building his own house than in building God's. He was in no haste for his own palace, but impatient till the temple was finished and fit for use. Thus we ought to prefer God's honour before our own ease and satisfaction. 2. He built the house of the forest at Lebanon (v. 2), supposed to be a country seat near Jerusalem, so called from the pleasantness of its situation and the trees that encompassed it. I rather incline to think that it was a house built in the forest of Lebanon itself, whither (though far distant from Jerusalem) Solomon (having so many chariots and horses, and those dispersed into chariot-cities, which probably were his stages) might frequently retire with ease. It does not appear that his throne (mentioned v. 7) was at the house of the forest of Lebanon, and it was not at all improper to put his shields there as in a magazine. Express notice is taken of his buildings, not only in Jerusalem, but in Lebanon (ch. ix. 19), and we read of the tower of Lebanon, which looks towards Damascus (Cant. vii. 4), which probably was part of this house. A particular account is given of this house, that being built in Lebanon, a place famed for cedars, the pillars, and beams, and roof, were all cedar (v. 2, 3), and, being designed for pleasant prospects, there were three tiers of windows on each side, light against light (v. 4, 5), or, as it may be read, prospect against prospect. Those whose lost i cast in the country may be well reconciled to a country life by this, that some of the greatest princes have thought those the most pleasant of their days which they have spent in their country retirements. 3. He built piazzas before one of his houses, either that at Jerusalem or that in Lebanon, which were very famous--a porch of pillars (v. 6), perhaps for an exchange or a guard-house, or for those to walk in that attended him about business till they could have audience, or for state and magnificence. He himself speaks of Wisdom's building her house, and hewing out her seven pillars (Prov. ix. 1), for the shelter of those that, three verses before (ch. viii. 34), are said to watch daily at her gates and to wait at the posts of her doors. 4. At his house where he dwelt in Jerusalem he built a great hall, or porch of judgment, where was set the throne, or king's bench, for the trial of causes, in which he himself was appealed to (placita coram ipso rege tenenda--causes were to be adjusted in the king's presence,) and this was richly wainscoted with cedar, from the floor to the roof, v. 7. He had there also another court within the porch, nearer his house, of similar work, for his attendants to walk in, v. 8. 5. He built a house for his wife, where she kept her court, v. 8. It is said to be like the porch, because built of cedar like it, though not in the same form; this, no doubt, was nearer adjoining to his own palace, yet perhaps if it had been as near as it ought to have been Solomon would not have multiplied wives as he did.
Adam Clarke: Commentary on the Bible - 1831
7:1: Building his own house - This house is said to have been situated in Jerusalem, and probably was, what some call it, his winter's residence. It is called the king's house, Kg1 9:10.
3 Kings (1 Kings) 7:2
Albert Barnes: Notes on the Bible - 1834
7:1: Thirteen years - The thirteen years, i. e., counting from the end of the seven Kg1 6:38. Solomon's buildings thus occupied him twenty years Kg1 9:10; Ch2 8:1, from the fourth year of his reign to the twenty-fourth. The difference in the time taken by the temple and the palace is to be accounted for,
(1) by the long period of preparation which preceded the actual building of the former Ch1 22:2-4; Kg1 5:13-18; and
(2) by the greater size of the palace, which consisted of several large ranges of buildings. (See the next note.)
R. A. Torrey - Treasury: Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge - 1880
7:1: thirteen years: Kg1 9:10; Ch2 8:1; Ecc 2:4, Ecc 2:5; Mat 6:33
John Gill
But Solomon was building his own house thirteen years,.... He made more haste with the house of God than with his own, for that was but seven years in building; which showed greater regard to the honour of God then to his own glory, or even convenience; nor was this built till after that:
and finished all his house; or houses he undertook to build, the singular for the plural; even the house of God, his own palace, and that for the daughter of Pharaoh, and that which is next mentioned, which were in all twenty years building, 3Kings 9:10.
7:27:2: Եւ շինեաց զտուն անտառին Լիբանանու՝ հարի՛ւր կանգուն երկայնութիւն, եւ յիսուն կանգուն լայնութիւն նորա, եւ երեսուն կանգուն բարձրութիւն նորա. եւ երից կարգաց սեանցն եղեւնափայտից, եւ ո՛ւսք եղեւնեայք ՚ի վերայ սեանցն[3500]. [3500] Յօրինակին. Եւ ուսք եւ ղեւնեայք։
2 Տունը շինեց Լիբանանի անտառի փայտով: Տունն ունէր հարիւր կանգուն երկարութիւն, յիսուն կանգուն լայնութիւն եւ երեսուն կանգուն բարձրութիւն. այն կառուցուել էր երեք շարք եղեւնափայտէ սիւներով, որոնց վրայ դրուած էին եղեւնափայտէ հեծաններ:
2 Լիբանանի անտառին տունն ալ շինեց. երկայնութիւնը՝ հարիւր կանգուն ու լայնութիւնը՝ յիսուն կանգուն ու բարձրութիւնը՝ երեսուն կանգուն։ Չորս կարգ եղեւնափայտէ սիւներու վրայ շինեց ու սիւներուն վրայ եղեւնափայտէ հեծաններ դրաւ։
Եւ շինեաց զտուն անտառին Լիբանանու` հարեւր կանգուն երկայնութիւն եւ յիսուն կանգուն լայնութիւն նորա, եւ երեսուն կանգուն բարձրութիւն նորա, [124]եւ երից`` կարգաց սեանցն եղեւնափայտից, եւ [125]ուսք եղեւնեայք ի վերայ սեանցն:

7:2: Եւ շինեաց զտուն անտառին Լիբանանու՝ հարի՛ւր կանգուն երկայնութիւն, եւ յիսուն կանգուն լայնութիւն նորա, եւ երեսուն կանգուն բարձրութիւն նորա. եւ երից կարգաց սեանցն եղեւնափայտից, եւ ո՛ւսք եղեւնեայք ՚ի վերայ սեանցն[3500].
[3500] Յօրինակին. Եւ ուսք եւ ղեւնեայք։
2 Տունը շինեց Լիբանանի անտառի փայտով: Տունն ունէր հարիւր կանգուն երկարութիւն, յիսուն կանգուն լայնութիւն եւ երեսուն կանգուն բարձրութիւն. այն կառուցուել էր երեք շարք եղեւնափայտէ սիւներով, որոնց վրայ դրուած էին եղեւնափայտէ հեծաններ:
2 Լիբանանի անտառին տունն ալ շինեց. երկայնութիւնը՝ հարիւր կանգուն ու լայնութիւնը՝ յիսուն կանգուն ու բարձրութիւնը՝ երեսուն կանգուն։ Չորս կարգ եղեւնափայտէ սիւներու վրայ շինեց ու սիւներուն վրայ եղեւնափայտէ հեծաններ դրաւ։
zohrab-1805▾ eastern-1994▾ western am▾
7:27:2 И построил он дом из дерева Ливанского, длиною во сто локтей, шириною в пятьдесят локтей, а вышиною в тридцать локтей, на четырех рядах кедровых столбов; и кедровые бревна {положены были} на столбах.
7:2 υἱὸν υιος son γυναικὸς γυνη woman; wife χήρας χηρα widow καὶ και and; even οὗτος ουτος this; he ἀπὸ απο from; away τῆς ο the φυλῆς φυλη tribe Νεφθαλι νεφθαλειμ Nephthaleim; Nefthalim καὶ και and; even ὁ ο the πατὴρ πατηρ father αὐτοῦ αυτος he; him ἀνὴρ ανηρ man; husband Τύριος τυριος Tyrios; Tirios τέκτων τεκτων carpenter; craftsman χαλκοῦ χαλκεος of brass καὶ και and; even πεπληρωμένος πληροω fulfill; fill τῆς ο the τέχνης τεχνη craft καὶ και and; even συνέσεως συνεσις comprehension καὶ και and; even ἐπιγνώσεως επιγνωσις recognition τοῦ ο the ποιεῖν ποιεω do; make πᾶν πας all; every ἔργον εργον work ἐν εν in χαλκῷ χαλκεος of brass καὶ και and; even εἰσήχθη εισαγω lead in; bring in πρὸς προς to; toward τὸν ο the βασιλέα βασιλευς monarch; king Σαλωμων σαλωμων and; even ἐποίησεν ποιεω do; make πάντα πας all; every τὰ ο the ἔργα εργον work
7:2 וַ wa וְ and יִּ֜בֶן yyˈiven בנה build אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker] בֵּ֣ית׀ bˈêṯ בַּיִת house יַ֣עַר yˈaʕar יַעַר wood הַ ha הַ the לְּבָנֹ֗ון llᵊvānˈôn לְבָנֹון Lebanon מֵאָ֨ה mēʔˌā מֵאָה hundred אַמָּ֤ה ʔammˈā אַמָּה cubit אָרְכֹּו֙ ʔorkˌô אֹרֶךְ length וַ wa וְ and חֲמִשִּׁ֤ים ḥᵃmiššˈîm חָמֵשׁ five אַמָּה֙ ʔammˌā אַמָּה cubit רָחְבֹּ֔ו roḥbˈô רֹחַב breadth וּ û וְ and שְׁלֹשִׁ֥ים šᵊlōšˌîm שָׁלֹשׁ three אַמָּ֖ה ʔammˌā אַמָּה cubit קֹומָתֹ֑ו qômāṯˈô קֹומָה height עַ֗ל ʕˈal עַל upon אַרְבָּעָה֙ ʔarbāʕˌā אַרְבַּע four טוּרֵי֙ ṭûrˌê טוּר row עַמּוּדֵ֣י ʕammûḏˈê עַמּוּד pillar אֲרָזִ֔ים ʔᵃrāzˈîm אֶרֶז cedar וּ û וְ and כְרֻתֹ֥ות ḵᵊruṯˌôṯ כְּרוּתָה beam אֲרָזִ֖ים ʔᵃrāzˌîm אֶרֶז cedar עַל־ ʕal- עַל upon הָ hā הַ the עַמּוּדִֽים׃ ʕammûḏˈîm עַמּוּד pillar
7:2. aedificavit quoque domum saltus Libani centum cubitorum longitudinis et quinquaginta cubitorum latitudinis et triginta cubitorum altitudinis et quattuor deambulacra inter columnas cedrinas ligna quippe cedrina exciderat in columnasHe built also the house of the forest of Libanus; the length of it was a hundred cubits, and the breadth fifty cubits, and the height thirty cubits: and four galleries between pillars of cedar: for he had cut cedar trees into pillars.
2. For he built the house of the forest of Lebanon; the length thereof was an hundred cubits, and the breadth thereof fifty cubits, and the height thereof thirty cubits, upon four rows of cedar pillars, with cedar beams upon the pillars.
He built also the house of the forest of Lebanon; the length thereof [was] an hundred cubits, and the breadth thereof fifty cubits, and the height thereof thirty cubits, upon four rows of cedar pillars, with cedar beams upon the pillars:

7:2 И построил он дом из дерева Ливанского, длиною во сто локтей, шириною в пятьдесят локтей, а вышиною в тридцать локтей, на четырех рядах кедровых столбов; и кедровые бревна {положены были} на столбах.
υἱὸν υιος son
γυναικὸς γυνη woman; wife
χήρας χηρα widow
καὶ και and; even
οὗτος ουτος this; he
ἀπὸ απο from; away
τῆς ο the
φυλῆς φυλη tribe
Νεφθαλι νεφθαλειμ Nephthaleim; Nefthalim
καὶ και and; even
ο the
πατὴρ πατηρ father
αὐτοῦ αυτος he; him
ἀνὴρ ανηρ man; husband
Τύριος τυριος Tyrios; Tirios
τέκτων τεκτων carpenter; craftsman
χαλκοῦ χαλκεος of brass
καὶ και and; even
πεπληρωμένος πληροω fulfill; fill
τῆς ο the
τέχνης τεχνη craft
καὶ και and; even
συνέσεως συνεσις comprehension
καὶ και and; even
ἐπιγνώσεως επιγνωσις recognition
τοῦ ο the
ποιεῖν ποιεω do; make
πᾶν πας all; every
ἔργον εργον work
ἐν εν in
χαλκῷ χαλκεος of brass
καὶ και and; even
εἰσήχθη εισαγω lead in; bring in
πρὸς προς to; toward
τὸν ο the
βασιλέα βασιλευς monarch; king
Σαλωμων σαλωμων and; even
ἐποίησεν ποιεω do; make
πάντα πας all; every
τὰ ο the
ἔργα εργον work
וַ wa וְ and
יִּ֜בֶן yyˈiven בנה build
אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker]
בֵּ֣ית׀ bˈêṯ בַּיִת house
יַ֣עַר yˈaʕar יַעַר wood
הַ ha הַ the
לְּבָנֹ֗ון llᵊvānˈôn לְבָנֹון Lebanon
מֵאָ֨ה mēʔˌā מֵאָה hundred
אַמָּ֤ה ʔammˈā אַמָּה cubit
אָרְכֹּו֙ ʔorkˌô אֹרֶךְ length
וַ wa וְ and
חֲמִשִּׁ֤ים ḥᵃmiššˈîm חָמֵשׁ five
אַמָּה֙ ʔammˌā אַמָּה cubit
רָחְבֹּ֔ו roḥbˈô רֹחַב breadth
וּ û וְ and
שְׁלֹשִׁ֥ים šᵊlōšˌîm שָׁלֹשׁ three
אַמָּ֖ה ʔammˌā אַמָּה cubit
קֹומָתֹ֑ו qômāṯˈô קֹומָה height
עַ֗ל ʕˈal עַל upon
אַרְבָּעָה֙ ʔarbāʕˌā אַרְבַּע four
טוּרֵי֙ ṭûrˌê טוּר row
עַמּוּדֵ֣י ʕammûḏˈê עַמּוּד pillar
אֲרָזִ֔ים ʔᵃrāzˈîm אֶרֶז cedar
וּ û וְ and
כְרֻתֹ֥ות ḵᵊruṯˌôṯ כְּרוּתָה beam
אֲרָזִ֖ים ʔᵃrāzˌîm אֶרֶז cedar
עַל־ ʕal- עַל upon
הָ הַ the
עַמּוּדִֽים׃ ʕammûḏˈîm עַמּוּד pillar
7:2. aedificavit quoque domum saltus Libani centum cubitorum longitudinis et quinquaginta cubitorum latitudinis et triginta cubitorum altitudinis et quattuor deambulacra inter columnas cedrinas ligna quippe cedrina exciderat in columnas
He built also the house of the forest of Libanus; the length of it was a hundred cubits, and the breadth fifty cubits, and the height thirty cubits: and four galleries between pillars of cedar: for he had cut cedar trees into pillars.
ru▾ LXX-gloss▾ bhs-gloss▾ vulgate▾ erva_1895▾
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А. П. Лопухин: Tолковая Библия или комментарий на все книги Св.Писания Ветхого и Нового Заветов - 1903-1914
2: Первым из отдельных дворцов назван "дом леса Ливанского", евр. бет йар га-Лебанои, Vulg.: domus saltus Libani, LXX, слав.-рус. (синодальн., архим. Макария, проф. Гуляева): "из Ливанского дерева" (LXX: οι̃κος δρυμω̃ του̃ Λιβάνου). Конечно, этот дворец был не на Ливане (не принадлежавшем Соломону), как полагали некоторые (Михаэлис и др.) , или где-либо вообще вне Иерусалима (по таргуму, "летний царский дом" - род дачи); названием своим обязан множеству кедровых деревьев, стоявших аллеями близ него, и множеству кедровых столбов в середине здания. "Соломон во дворце своем построил весьма большое здание перед входом в судилище... имело оно сто тридцать столбов кедровых, и думаю, что поэтому и названо домом древа Ливанского, так как множество сих кедровых столбов уподоблялось ливанской роще" (блаж. Феодорит, вопр. 26). Вероятно, дом леса Ливанского, дом царя и дом дочери фараоновой (ст. 8) были частями одного здания, причем первый был центральным корпусом (100: л. длины, 50: ширины и 30: высоту). По устройству дом леса Ливанского представлял колоннаду или перистиль в 4: ряда колонн (Vulg.: quattuor deambulacrainter columnas cedrinas). По назначению это здание служило, между прочим, своего рода арсеналом (ср. 3: Цар. X:17; Ис. XXII:8).
Adam Clarke: Commentary on the Bible - 1831
7:2: The house of the forest of Lebanon - It was not built in Lebanon, but is thought to have been on Mount Sion. And why it was called the house of the forest of Lebanon does not appear; probably it was because it was built almost entirely of materials brought from that place. See the following verses.
3 Kings (1 Kings) 7:7
Albert Barnes: Notes on the Bible - 1834
7:2: Many have supposed that the buildings mentioned in Kg1 7:1-2, Kg1 7:8, were three entirely distinct and separate buildings. But it is perhaps best to consider the "house" of Kg1 7:1 as the palace proper - Solomon's own dwelling-house (see Kg1 7:8); the house of Kg1 7:2, as the state apartments; and the house for Pharaoh's daughter as the hareem or zenana; and to regard these three groups of buildings as distinct, though interconnected, and as together constituting what is else-where termed "the king's house" Kg1 9:10.
The house of the forest of Lebanon - This name was probably given from the supposed resemblance of the mass of cedar pillars, which was its main feature, to the Lebanon cedar forest. Its length of "a hundred cubits," or 150 feet, was nearly twice as long as the entire temple without the porch. Some of the great halls in Assyrian palaces were occasionally as much as 180 feet.
The breadth "of fifty cubits," or 75 feet, is a breadth very much greater than is ever found in Assyria, and one indicative of the employment in the two countries of quite different methods of roofing. By their use of pillars the Jews, like the Persians, were able to cover in a very wide space.
Four rows - The Septuagint gives "three rows." If the pillars were forty-five Kg1 7:3, fifteen in a row, there should have been but three rows, as seems to have been the case in the old palace of Cyrus at Pasargadae. If there were four rows of fifteen, the number of pillars should have been sixty.
R. A. Torrey - Treasury: Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge - 1880
7:2: Kg1 9:19, Kg1 10:17; Ch2 9:16; Sol 7:4
Geneva 1599
He built also the house (b) of the forest of Lebanon; the length thereof [was] an hundred cubits, and the breadth thereof fifty cubits, and the height thereof thirty cubits, upon four rows of cedar pillars, with cedar beams upon the pillars.
(b) Because of the beauty of the place, and great abundance of cedar trees that went into the building of it, it was compared to mount Lebanon.
John Gill
He built also the house of the forest of Lebanon,.... Besides the temple, his own palace, and the queen's; so called, not because it was built on Mount Lebanon, which lay at the northern border of the land, at a great distance from Jerusalem, whereas this was both a magazine of arms, and a court of judicature, 3Kings 7:7; see 3Kings 10:17; neither of which can be supposed to be far from Jerusalem; but because not only it was built of the cedars of Lebanon, but in a situation, and among groves of trees which resembled it; it seems to have been a summer house; and so the Targum calls it, a royal house of refreshment:
the length thereof was an hundred cubits, and the breadth thereof fifty and the height thereof thirty cubits; so that it was in every measure larger than the temple; and, there was good reason for it, since into that only the priests entered; whereas into this went not only Solomon's family but his courtiers and nobles, and all foreign ambassadors, and whoever had any business with him, which required various rooms to receive them in:
upon four rows of cedar pillars; or piazzas:
with cedar beams upon the pillars; which laid the floor for the second story.
John Wesley
Of the forest of Lebanon - An house so called, because it was built in the forest of Lebanon, for a summer - seat, whither Solomon, having so many chariots and horses, might at any time retire with ease. The length - Of the principal mansion; to which doubtless other buildings were adjoining. Pillars - Upon which the house was built, and between which there were four stately walks. Beams - Which were laid for the floor of the second story.
Robert Jamieson, A. R. Fausset and David Brown
He built also the house of the forest of Lebanon--It is scarcely possible to determine whether this was a different edifice from the former, or whether his house, the house of the forest of Lebanon, and the one for Pharaoh's daughter, were not parts of one grand palace. As difficult is it to decide what was the origin of the name; some supposing it was so called because built on Lebanon; others, that it was in or near Jerusalem, but contained such a profuse supply of cedar columns as to have occasioned this peculiar designation. We have a similar peculiarity of name in the building called the East India house, though situated in London. The description is conformable to the arrangement of Eastern palaces. The building stood in the middle of a great oblong square, which was surrounded by an enclosing wall, against which the houses and offices of those attached to the court were built. The building itself was oblong, consisting of two square courts, flanking a large oblong hall which formed the center, and was one hundred cubits long, by fifty broad. This was properly the house of the forest of Lebanon, being the part where were the cedar pillars of this hall. In front was the porch of judgment, which was appropriated to the transaction of public business. On the one side of this great hall was the king's house; and on the other the harem or royal apartments for Pharaoh's daughter (Esther 2:3, Esther 2:9). This arrangement of the palace accords with the Oriental style of building, according to which a great mansion always consists of three divisions, or separate houses--all connected by doors and passages--the men dwelling at one extremity, the women of the family at the other, while public rooms occupy the central part of the building.
7:37:3: եւ էյարկ զտունն ՚ի վերայ կողմանոցա՛ց սեանցն. եւ թի՛ւ սեանցն քառասուն եւ հինգ, եւ հնգետասան կարգ[3501]։ [3501] Բազումք. Եւ արկ տունն ՚ի վերայ։
3 Նաեւ կառուցեց մի յարկ սիւների վրայ: Կառոյցը քառասունհինգ սիւն ունէր. ամէն մի շարքի վրայ տասնհինգ սիւն:
3 Նաեւ եղեւնափայտէ յարկ մը շինեց այն գերաններուն վրայ, որոնք քառասունըհինգ սիւներու վրայ էին, իւրաքանչիւր կարգը տասնըհինգ հատ։
եւ [126]էյարկ զտունն ի վերայ կողմանոցաց սեանցն``. եւ թիւ սեանցն քառասուն եւ հինգ, եւ հնգետասան կարգ:

7:3: եւ էյարկ զտունն ՚ի վերայ կողմանոցա՛ց սեանցն. եւ թի՛ւ սեանցն քառասուն եւ հինգ, եւ հնգետասան կարգ[3501]։
[3501] Բազումք. Եւ արկ տունն ՚ի վերայ։
3 Նաեւ կառուցեց մի յարկ սիւների վրայ: Կառոյցը քառասունհինգ սիւն ունէր. ամէն մի շարքի վրայ տասնհինգ սիւն:
3 Նաեւ եղեւնափայտէ յարկ մը շինեց այն գերաններուն վրայ, որոնք քառասունըհինգ սիւներու վրայ էին, իւրաքանչիւր կարգը տասնըհինգ հատ։
zohrab-1805▾ eastern-1994▾ western am▾
7:37:3 И настлан был помост из кедра над бревнами на сорока пяти столбах, по пятнадцати в ряд.
7:3 καὶ και and; even ἐχώνευσεν χωνευω the δύο δυο two στύλους στυλος pillar τῷ ο the αιλαμ αιλαμ.1 the οἴκου οικος home; household ὀκτωκαίδεκα οκτωκαιδεκα forearm; foot and a half ὕψος υψος height; on high τοῦ ο the στύλου στυλος pillar καὶ και and; even περίμετρον περιμετρον four καὶ και and; even δέκα δεκα ten πήχεις πηχυς forearm; foot and a half ἐκύκλου κυκλος he; him καὶ και and; even τὸ ο the πάχος παχος the στύλου στυλος pillar τεσσάρων τεσσαρες four δακτύλων δακτυλος finger τὰ ο the κοιλώματα κοιλωμα and; even οὕτως ουτως so; this way ὁ ο the στῦλος στυλος pillar ὁ ο the δεύτερος δευτερος second
7:3 וְ wᵊ וְ and סָפֻ֣ן sāfˈun ספן cover בָּ bā בְּ in † הַ the אֶ֗רֶז ʔˈerez אֶרֶז cedar מִ mi מִן from מַּ֨עַל֙ mmˈaʕal מַעַל top עַל־ ʕal- עַל upon הַ ha הַ the צְּלָעֹת֙ ṣṣᵊlāʕˌōṯ צֵלָע side אֲשֶׁ֣ר ʔᵃšˈer אֲשֶׁר [relative] עַל־ ʕal- עַל upon הָֽ hˈā הַ the עַמּוּדִ֔ים ʕammûḏˈîm עַמּוּד pillar אַרְבָּעִ֖ים ʔarbāʕˌîm אַרְבַּע four וַ wa וְ and חֲמִשָּׁ֑ה ḥᵃmiššˈā חָמֵשׁ five חֲמִשָּׁ֥ה ḥᵃmiššˌā חָמֵשׁ five עָשָׂ֖ר ʕāśˌār עָשָׂר -teen הַ ha הַ the טּֽוּר׃ ṭṭˈûr טוּר row
7:3. et tabulatis cedrinis vestivit totam cameram quae quadraginta quinque columnis sustentabatur unus autem ordo habebat columnas quindecimAnd he covered the whole vault with boards of cedar, and it was held up with five and forty pillars. And one row had fifteen pillars,
3. And it was covered with cedar above over the forty and five beams, that were upon the pillars; fifteen in a row.
And [it was] covered with cedar above upon the beams, that [lay] on forty five pillars, fifteen [in] a row:

7:3 И настлан был помост из кедра над бревнами на сорока пяти столбах, по пятнадцати в ряд.
καὶ και and; even
ἐχώνευσεν χωνευω the
δύο δυο two
στύλους στυλος pillar
τῷ ο the
αιλαμ αιλαμ.1 the
οἴκου οικος home; household
ὀκτωκαίδεκα οκτωκαιδεκα forearm; foot and a half
ὕψος υψος height; on high
τοῦ ο the
στύλου στυλος pillar
καὶ και and; even
περίμετρον περιμετρον four
καὶ και and; even
δέκα δεκα ten
πήχεις πηχυς forearm; foot and a half
ἐκύκλου κυκλος he; him
καὶ και and; even
τὸ ο the
πάχος παχος the
στύλου στυλος pillar
τεσσάρων τεσσαρες four
δακτύλων δακτυλος finger
τὰ ο the
κοιλώματα κοιλωμα and; even
οὕτως ουτως so; this way
ο the
στῦλος στυλος pillar
ο the
δεύτερος δευτερος second
וְ wᵊ וְ and
סָפֻ֣ן sāfˈun ספן cover
בָּ בְּ in
הַ the
אֶ֗רֶז ʔˈerez אֶרֶז cedar
מִ mi מִן from
מַּ֨עַל֙ mmˈaʕal מַעַל top
עַל־ ʕal- עַל upon
הַ ha הַ the
צְּלָעֹת֙ ṣṣᵊlāʕˌōṯ צֵלָע side
אֲשֶׁ֣ר ʔᵃšˈer אֲשֶׁר [relative]
עַל־ ʕal- עַל upon
הָֽ hˈā הַ the
עַמּוּדִ֔ים ʕammûḏˈîm עַמּוּד pillar
אַרְבָּעִ֖ים ʔarbāʕˌîm אַרְבַּע four
וַ wa וְ and
חֲמִשָּׁ֑ה ḥᵃmiššˈā חָמֵשׁ five
חֲמִשָּׁ֥ה ḥᵃmiššˌā חָמֵשׁ five
עָשָׂ֖ר ʕāśˌār עָשָׂר -teen
הַ ha הַ the
טּֽוּר׃ ṭṭˈûr טוּר row
7:3. et tabulatis cedrinis vestivit totam cameram quae quadraginta quinque columnis sustentabatur unus autem ordo habebat columnas quindecim
And he covered the whole vault with boards of cedar, and it was held up with five and forty pillars. And one row had fifteen pillars,
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А. П. Лопухин: Tолковая Библия или комментарий на все книги Св.Писания Ветхого и Нового Заветов - 1903-1914
3-4: Крыша здания состояла из кедровых балок, опиравшихся на каменных стенах. Здание было трехэтажное; каждый этаж имел боковые комнаты; евр. целаот (ср. VI:5-6; Иез. XLI:6).
R. A. Torrey - Treasury: Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge - 1880
7:3: beams: Heb. ribs, Kg1 6:5 *marg.
John Gill
And it was covered with cedar above the beams, that lay on forty five pillars, fifteen in a row. On the second floor were three rows of pillars, fifteen in a row, which made forty five, that stood to east, north, and south; and upon these pillars beams, which were the floor of the third story, over which was a roof of cedar wood.
John Wesley
Fifteen - So in this second story were only three rows of pillars, which was sufficient for the ornament of the second and for the support of the third story.
7:47:4: Եւ պատուարք երեք, եւ անջրպետք առ անջրպետօք երեքկին։
4 Երեք պատուարներն ու երեք միջնորմները կանգնած էին իրար դէմ առ դէմ:
4 Երեք կարգ իրարու դէմ շարուած վանդակաւոր պատուհաններ կային։
Եւ [127]պատուարք երեք, եւ անջրպետք առ անջրպետօք`` երեքկին:

7:4: Եւ պատուարք երեք, եւ անջրպետք առ անջրպետօք երեքկին։
4 Երեք պատուարներն ու երեք միջնորմները կանգնած էին իրար դէմ առ դէմ:
4 Երեք կարգ իրարու դէմ շարուած վանդակաւոր պատուհաններ կային։
zohrab-1805▾ eastern-1994▾ western am▾
7:47:4 Оконных косяков {было} три ряда; и три ряда {окон}, окно против окна.
7:4 καὶ και and; even δύο δυο two ἐπιθέματα επιθεμα do; make δοῦναι διδωμι give; deposit ἐπὶ επι in; on τὰς ο the κεφαλὰς κεφαλη head; top τῶν ο the στύλων στυλος pillar χωνευτὰ χωνευτος of brass πέντε πεντε five πήχεις πηχυς forearm; foot and a half τὸ ο the ὕψος υψος height; on high τοῦ ο the ἐπιθέματος επιθεμα the ἑνός εις.1 one; unit καὶ και and; even πέντε πεντε five πήχεις πηχυς forearm; foot and a half τὸ ο the ὕψος υψος height; on high τοῦ ο the ἐπιθέματος επιθεμα the δευτέρου δευτερος second
7:4 וּ û וְ and שְׁקֻפִ֖ים šᵊqufˌîm שְׁקֻפִים windows שְׁלֹשָׁ֣ה šᵊlōšˈā שָׁלֹשׁ three טוּרִ֑ים ṭûrˈîm טוּר row וּ û וְ and מֶחֱזָ֥ה meḥᵉzˌā מֶחֱזָה opening אֶל־ ʔel- אֶל to מֶחֱזָ֖ה meḥᵉzˌā מֶחֱזָה opening שָׁלֹ֥שׁ šālˌōš שָׁלֹשׁ three פְּעָמִֽים׃ pᵊʕāmˈîm פַּעַם foot
7:4. contra se invicem positasSet one against another,
4. And there were prospects in three rows, and light was over against light in three ranks.
And [there were] windows [in] three rows, and light [was] against light [in] three ranks:

7:4 Оконных косяков {было} три ряда; и три ряда {окон}, окно против окна.
καὶ και and; even
δύο δυο two
ἐπιθέματα επιθεμα do; make
δοῦναι διδωμι give; deposit
ἐπὶ επι in; on
τὰς ο the
κεφαλὰς κεφαλη head; top
τῶν ο the
στύλων στυλος pillar
χωνευτὰ χωνευτος of brass
πέντε πεντε five
πήχεις πηχυς forearm; foot and a half
τὸ ο the
ὕψος υψος height; on high
τοῦ ο the
ἐπιθέματος επιθεμα the
ἑνός εις.1 one; unit
καὶ και and; even
πέντε πεντε five
πήχεις πηχυς forearm; foot and a half
τὸ ο the
ὕψος υψος height; on high
τοῦ ο the
ἐπιθέματος επιθεμα the
δευτέρου δευτερος second
וּ û וְ and
שְׁקֻפִ֖ים šᵊqufˌîm שְׁקֻפִים windows
שְׁלֹשָׁ֣ה šᵊlōšˈā שָׁלֹשׁ three
טוּרִ֑ים ṭûrˈîm טוּר row
וּ û וְ and
מֶחֱזָ֥ה meḥᵉzˌā מֶחֱזָה opening
אֶל־ ʔel- אֶל to
מֶחֱזָ֖ה meḥᵉzˌā מֶחֱזָה opening
שָׁלֹ֥שׁ šālˌōš שָׁלֹשׁ three
פְּעָמִֽים׃ pᵊʕāmˈîm פַּעַם foot
7:4. contra se invicem positas
Set one against another,
ru▾ LXX-gloss▾ bhs-gloss▾ vulgate▾ erva_1895▾
jw▾ jg▾ gnv▾ tr▾ ab▾ all ▾
Albert Barnes: Notes on the Bible - 1834
7:4: Either three ranges of windows, one above the other, on either side of the house; or perhaps the three ranges were one in either side wall, and the third in a wall down the middle of the hall, along the course of the midmost row of pillars. The windows were directly opposite one another, giving what we call a through light.
R. A. Torrey - Treasury: Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge - 1880
7:4: windows: Kg1 7:5, Kg1 6:4; Isa 54:12; Eze 40:16, Eze 40:22, Eze 40:25, Eze 40:29, Eze 40:33, Eze 40:36, Eze 41:26
light was against light: Heb. sight against sight
Geneva 1599
And [there were] windows [in] three rows, and light [was] (c) against light [in] three ranks.
(c) There were as many and like proportion on the one side as the other, and at every end even three in a row one above another.
John Gill
And there were windows in three rows,.... Both in the second and third stories, east, north, and south, there being none in the west, where the porch stood:
and light was against light in three ranks; or the windows, through which light was let, answered to each other.
John Wesley
Against light - One directly opposite to the other, as is usual in well - contrived buildings. In ranks - One exactly under another.
7:57:5: Եւ ամենայն դրունք, եւ ամենայն անջրպետք չորեքկուսի պատուարաւորք. եւ ՚ի դրանէ ՚ի դուռն երեքկին։
5 Բոլոր դռներն ու միջնորմները քառակուսի էին, պատուարով: Դռները երեք շարքով իրար դիմաց էին:
5 Բոլոր դռներն ու դրանդիքները քառակուսի էին եւ վանդակաւոր պատուհանները իրարու դէմ երեք կարգ էին։
Եւ ամենայն դրունք եւ ամենայն [128]անջրպետք չորեքկուսի [129]պատուարաւորք, եւ ի դրանէ ի դուռն`` երեքկին:

7:5: Եւ ամենայն դրունք, եւ ամենայն անջրպետք չորեքկուսի պատուարաւորք. եւ ՚ի դրանէ ՚ի դուռն երեքկին։
5 Բոլոր դռներն ու միջնորմները քառակուսի էին, պատուարով: Դռները երեք շարքով իրար դիմաց էին:
5 Բոլոր դռներն ու դրանդիքները քառակուսի էին եւ վանդակաւոր պատուհանները իրարու դէմ երեք կարգ էին։
zohrab-1805▾ eastern-1994▾ western am▾
7:57:5 И все двери и дверные косяки были четырехугольные, и окно против окна, в три ряда.
7:5 καὶ και and; even ἐποίησεν ποιεω do; make δύο δυο two δίκτυα δικτυον net περικαλύψαι περικαλυπτω plate; blindfold τὸ ο the ἐπίθεμα επιθεμα the στύλων στυλος pillar καὶ και and; even δίκτυον δικτυον net τῷ ο the ἐπιθέματι επιθεμα the ἑνί εις.1 one; unit καὶ και and; even δίκτυον δικτυον net τῷ ο the ἐπιθέματι επιθεμα the δευτέρῳ δευτερος second
7:5 וְ wᵊ וְ and כָל־ ḵol- כֹּל whole הַ ha הַ the פְּתָחִ֥ים ppᵊṯāḥˌîm פֶּתַח opening וְ wᵊ וְ and הַ ha הַ the מְּזוּזֹ֖ות mmᵊzûzˌôṯ מְזוּזָה door-post רְבֻעִ֣ים rᵊvuʕˈîm רבע be square שָׁ֑קֶף šˈāqef שָׁקֶף [uncertain] וּ û וְ and מ֧וּל mˈûl מוּל front מֶחֱזָ֛ה meḥᵉzˈā מֶחֱזָה opening אֶל־ ʔel- אֶל to מֶחֱזָ֖ה meḥᵉzˌā מֶחֱזָה opening שָׁלֹ֥שׁ šālˌōš שָׁלֹשׁ three פְּעָמִֽים׃ pᵊʕāmˈîm פַּעַם foot
7:5. et e regione se respicientes aequali spatio inter columnas et super columnas quadrangulata ligna in cunctis aequaliaAnd looking one upon another, with equal space between the pillars, and over the pillars were square beams in all things equal.
5. And all the doors and posts were square in prospect: and light was over against light in three ranks.
And all the doors and posts [were] square, with the windows: and light [was] against light [in] three ranks:

7:5 И все двери и дверные косяки были четырехугольные, и окно против окна, в три ряда.
καὶ και and; even
ἐποίησεν ποιεω do; make
δύο δυο two
δίκτυα δικτυον net
περικαλύψαι περικαλυπτω plate; blindfold
τὸ ο the
ἐπίθεμα επιθεμα the
στύλων στυλος pillar
καὶ και and; even
δίκτυον δικτυον net
τῷ ο the
ἐπιθέματι επιθεμα the
ἑνί εις.1 one; unit
καὶ και and; even
δίκτυον δικτυον net
τῷ ο the
ἐπιθέματι επιθεμα the
δευτέρῳ δευτερος second
וְ wᵊ וְ and
כָל־ ḵol- כֹּל whole
הַ ha הַ the
פְּתָחִ֥ים ppᵊṯāḥˌîm פֶּתַח opening
וְ wᵊ וְ and
הַ ha הַ the
מְּזוּזֹ֖ות mmᵊzûzˌôṯ מְזוּזָה door-post
רְבֻעִ֣ים rᵊvuʕˈîm רבע be square
שָׁ֑קֶף šˈāqef שָׁקֶף [uncertain]
וּ û וְ and
מ֧וּל mˈûl מוּל front
מֶחֱזָ֛ה meḥᵉzˈā מֶחֱזָה opening
אֶל־ ʔel- אֶל to
מֶחֱזָ֖ה meḥᵉzˌā מֶחֱזָה opening
שָׁלֹ֥שׁ šālˌōš שָׁלֹשׁ three
פְּעָמִֽים׃ pᵊʕāmˈîm פַּעַם foot
7:5. et e regione se respicientes aequali spatio inter columnas et super columnas quadrangulata ligna in cunctis aequalia
And looking one upon another, with equal space between the pillars, and over the pillars were square beams in all things equal.
ru▾ LXX-gloss▾ bhs-gloss▾ vulgate▾ erva_1895▾
jw▾ jg▾ tr▾ ab▾ tb▾ all ▾
А. П. Лопухин: Tолковая Библия или комментарий на все книги Св.Писания Ветхого и Нового Заветов - 1903-1914
5: Все двери и дверные косяки были четвероугольны. LXX: θυρώματα καί αί χω̃ραι τετράγωναι, слав.: вся двери и камары четвероуголны. О величине комнат не говорится. В целом рассматриваемый дворец представлял нередко и теперь встречающийся на востоке архитектурный тип: двор в середине и галерея с колоннадой кругом.
Albert Barnes: Notes on the Bible - 1834
7:5: All the doors and posts - The doorways, and the posts which formed them, seem to be intended. These were square at top, not arched or rounded. In Assyrian buildings arched doorways were not uncommon. The doorways also, like the windows, exactly faced one another.
R. A. Torrey - Treasury: Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge - 1880
7:5: doors and posts were square, with the windows: or, spaces and pillars were square in prospect, Kg1 7:5
John Gill
And all the doors and posts were square with the windows,.... The doors into the several stories and apartments, and the posts and lintel of them, and the windows over them, were all square:
and light was against light in three ranks; they answered one another as before.
John Wesley
Windows - He speaks, of smaller windows or lights, which were over the several doors.
7:67:6: Եւ զկամար սեանցն արար յիսուն կանգուն յերկայնութիւն, եւ երեսուն ՚ի լայնութիւն. զօդեալ կամարքն հանդէպ միմեանց. եւ սիւնքն եւ խարիսխք ՚ի դիմա՛ց կողմանէ կամարացն[3502]։ [3502] Ոմանք. Եւ խարիսխք նոցա ՚ի դիմաց։
6 Նա յիսուն կանգուն երկարութեամբ ու երեսուն կանգուն լայնութեամբ սիւնազարդ կամարակապ դահլիճ կառուցեց: Իրար միացուած կամարները տեղաւորուած էին միմեանց դիմաց, իսկ սիւներն ու խարիսխները դրուած էին կամարների դիմաց:
6 Սիւներուն Սրահը շինեց։ Երկայնութիւնը՝ յիսուն կանգուն ու լայնութիւնը՝ երեսուն կանգուն։ Գաւիթ մըն ալ կար, ճակատը սիւներ եւ անոնց առջեւ ամպհովանի մը կար։
Եւ [130]զկամար սեանցն`` արար յիսուն կանգուն յերկայնութիւն եւ երեսուն ի լայնութիւն, զօդեալ կամարքն հանդէպ միմեանց, եւ սիւնքն եւ խարիսխք ի դիմաց կողմանէ կամարացն:

7:6: Եւ զկամար սեանցն արար յիսուն կանգուն յերկայնութիւն, եւ երեսուն ՚ի լայնութիւն. զօդեալ կամարքն հանդէպ միմեանց. եւ սիւնքն եւ խարիսխք ՚ի դիմա՛ց կողմանէ կամարացն[3502]։
[3502] Ոմանք. Եւ խարիսխք նոցա ՚ի դիմաց։
6 Նա յիսուն կանգուն երկարութեամբ ու երեսուն կանգուն լայնութեամբ սիւնազարդ կամարակապ դահլիճ կառուցեց: Իրար միացուած կամարները տեղաւորուած էին միմեանց դիմաց, իսկ սիւներն ու խարիսխները դրուած էին կամարների դիմաց:
6 Սիւներուն Սրահը շինեց։ Երկայնութիւնը՝ յիսուն կանգուն ու լայնութիւնը՝ երեսուն կանգուն։ Գաւիթ մըն ալ կար, ճակատը սիւներ եւ անոնց առջեւ ամպհովանի մը կար։
zohrab-1805▾ eastern-1994▾ western am▾
7:67:6 И притвор из столбов сделал он длиною в пятьдесят локтей, шириною в тридцать локтей, и пред ними крыльцо, и столбы, и порог пред ними.
7:6 καὶ και and; even ἔργον εργον work κρεμαστόν κρεμαστος two στίχοι στιχος of brass δεδικτυωμένοι δικτυοω work κρεμαστόν κρεμαστος in; on στίχον στιχος and; even οὕτως ουτως so; this way ἐποίησεν ποιεω do; make τῷ ο the ἐπιθέματι επιθεμα the δευτέρῳ δευτερος second
7:6 וְ wᵊ וְ and אֵ֨ת ʔˌēṯ אֵת [object marker] אוּלָ֤ם ʔûlˈām אֵילָם porch הָֽ hˈā הַ the עַמּוּדִים֙ ʕammûḏîm עַמּוּד pillar עָשָׂ֔ה ʕāśˈā עשׂה make חֲמִשִּׁ֤ים ḥᵃmiššˈîm חָמֵשׁ five אַמָּה֙ ʔammˌā אַמָּה cubit אָרְכֹּ֔ו ʔorkˈô אֹרֶךְ length וּ û וְ and שְׁלֹשִׁ֥ים šᵊlōšˌîm שָׁלֹשׁ three אַמָּ֖ה ʔammˌā אַמָּה cubit רָחְבֹּ֑ו roḥbˈô רֹחַב breadth וְ wᵊ וְ and אוּלָם֙ ʔûlˌām אֵילָם porch עַל־ ʕal- עַל upon פְּנֵיהֶ֔ם pᵊnêhˈem פָּנֶה face וְ wᵊ וְ and עַמֻּדִ֥ים ʕammuḏˌîm עַמּוּד pillar וְ wᵊ וְ and עָ֖ב ʕˌāv עָב [uncertain] עַל־ ʕal- עַל upon פְּנֵיהֶֽם׃ pᵊnêhˈem פָּנֶה face
7:6. et porticum columnarum fecit quinquaginta cubitorum longitudinis et triginta cubitorum latitudinis et alteram porticum in facie maioris porticus et columnas et epistylia super columnasAnd he made a porch of pillars of fifty cubits in length, and thirty cubits in breadth: and another porch before the greater porch, and pillars, and chapiters upon the pillars.
6. And he made the porch of pillars; the length thereof was fifty cubits, and the breadth thereof thirty cubits; and a porch before them; and pillars and thick beams before them.
And he made a porch of pillars; the length thereof [was] fifty cubits, and the breadth thereof thirty cubits: and the porch [was] before them: and the [other] pillars and the thick beam [were] before them:

7:6 И притвор из столбов сделал он длиною в пятьдесят локтей, шириною в тридцать локтей, и пред ними крыльцо, и столбы, и порог пред ними.
καὶ και and; even
ἔργον εργον work
κρεμαστόν κρεμαστος two
στίχοι στιχος of brass
δεδικτυωμένοι δικτυοω work
κρεμαστόν κρεμαστος in; on
στίχον στιχος and; even
οὕτως ουτως so; this way
ἐποίησεν ποιεω do; make
τῷ ο the
ἐπιθέματι επιθεμα the
δευτέρῳ δευτερος second
וְ wᵊ וְ and
אֵ֨ת ʔˌēṯ אֵת [object marker]
אוּלָ֤ם ʔûlˈām אֵילָם porch
הָֽ hˈā הַ the
עַמּוּדִים֙ ʕammûḏîm עַמּוּד pillar
עָשָׂ֔ה ʕāśˈā עשׂה make
חֲמִשִּׁ֤ים ḥᵃmiššˈîm חָמֵשׁ five
אַמָּה֙ ʔammˌā אַמָּה cubit
אָרְכֹּ֔ו ʔorkˈô אֹרֶךְ length
וּ û וְ and
שְׁלֹשִׁ֥ים šᵊlōšˌîm שָׁלֹשׁ three
אַמָּ֖ה ʔammˌā אַמָּה cubit
רָחְבֹּ֑ו roḥbˈô רֹחַב breadth
וְ wᵊ וְ and
אוּלָם֙ ʔûlˌām אֵילָם porch
עַל־ ʕal- עַל upon
פְּנֵיהֶ֔ם pᵊnêhˈem פָּנֶה face
וְ wᵊ וְ and
עַמֻּדִ֥ים ʕammuḏˌîm עַמּוּד pillar
וְ wᵊ וְ and
עָ֖ב ʕˌāv עָב [uncertain]
עַל־ ʕal- עַל upon
פְּנֵיהֶֽם׃ pᵊnêhˈem פָּנֶה face
7:6. et porticum columnarum fecit quinquaginta cubitorum longitudinis et triginta cubitorum latitudinis et alteram porticum in facie maioris porticus et columnas et epistylia super columnas
And he made a porch of pillars of fifty cubits in length, and thirty cubits in breadth: and another porch before the greater porch, and pillars, and chapiters upon the pillars.
ru▾ LXX-gloss▾ bhs-gloss▾ vulgate▾ erva_1895▾
jw▾ jg▾ gnv▾ tr▾ ab▾ tb▾ all ▾
А. П. Лопухин: Tолковая Библия или комментарий на все книги Св.Писания Ветхого и Нового Заветов - 1903-1914
6-7: К центральному зданию "дома леса Ливанскаго" примыкало "другое четырехугольное здание в 30: локтей ширины, которое на противоположном конце своем имело чертог, украшенный низкими и толстыми колоннами. Тут находился прекрасный трон, на котором восседал царь во время судебных разбирательств" (И. Флав. Древн. VIII, 5, 2). Вероятно, "притвор (LXX: αιλάμ, слав.: элам, Vulg.: porticus) из столбов" (ст. 6) и "притвор с престолом" составляли одно здание, причем первый был как бы общей приемной, а второй - собственной тронной залой (описание трона Соломона в X:18: сл. По талмудическому преданию, упомянутые в этом описании 12: львов были подвижные и могли поднимать царя со ступени на ступень, когда он хотел взойти на трон; и самое седалище было снабжено механическими фигурами других животных: орел, напр., возлагал на голову воссевшего царя венец, а голубь подавал ему свитки закона; ср. блаж. Феодорита, вопр. 26).
Albert Barnes: Notes on the Bible - 1834
7:6: Probably the porch of the "House of the Forest." Porches of columns immediately in front of columnar chambers were a favorite feature of Persian architecture. The whole verse should be translated, "And he made the porch of the pillars in length 50 cubits, and in breadth 30 cubits, and a porch before them (i. e., the pillars), and pillars, and a base (or step) before them." Most of the Persepolitan porches had small pillared chambers at some little distance in front of them.
R. A. Torrey - Treasury: Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge - 1880
7:6: before them: or, according to them
before them: or, according to them. Kg1 7:6
Geneva 1599
And he made a porch of pillars; the length thereof [was] fifty cubits, and the breadth thereof thirty cubits: and the porch [was] before (d) them: and the [other] pillars and the thick beam [were] before them.
(d) Before the pillars of the house.
John Gill
And he made a porch of pillars,.... At the west end of the house:
and the length thereof was fifty cubits; answerable to the breadth of the house:
and the breadth thereof thirty cubits: which, added to the length of the house, made it one hundred and thirty:
and the porch was before them; the four rows of cedar pillars of the house, 3Kings 7:2 this porch was either for his guards to keep watch in; or for his courtiers to walk in, sheltered from rain or the like; or perhaps only for grandeur and magnificence:
and the other pillars and the thick beam were before them; the pillars of the porch, on which were laid beams of cedar for a storey over them, and so on; these were before and right against, and answered to the pillars of the house.
John Wesley
A porch - Supported by divers pillars, for the more magnificent entrance into the house; upon which also it is thought there were other rooms built, as in the house. The porch - Now mentioned which is said to be before them; before the pillars on which the house of Lebanon stood. Pillars - Or, and pillars; That is, fewer and lesser pillars for the support of the lesser porch. Beam - Which was laid upon these pillars, as the others were 3Kings 7:2.
7:77:7: Եւ զկամար աթոռոցն ուր դատէ՛ր ՚ի կամարի ատենին, արա՛ր եւ յարկ եղեւնափայտիւք ՚ի յատակէ մինչեւ ցյատակ[3503]։ [3503] Ոմանք. Աթոռոյն. որ դատէր ՚ի կա՛՛։
7 Նա կառուցեց նաեւ կամարակապ գահասրահ եւ դատաստան էր անում այդ կամարակապ ատեանում: Այդ յարկը յատակից մինչեւ ձեղուն երեսապատուած էր եղեւնափայտով:
7 Նաեւ գահին Սրահը շինեց, ուր դատաստան կ’ընէր։ Անիկա Ատեանի Սրահ ալ կը կոչուէր։ Յատակէն մինչեւ ձեղունը* եղեւնափայտով ծածկուած էր։
Եւ զկամար աթոռոցն ուր դատէր [131]ի կամարի ատենին` արար, եւ յարկ`` եղեւնափայտիւք ի յատակէ մինչեւ [132]ցյատակ:

7:7: Եւ զկամար աթոռոցն ուր դատէ՛ր ՚ի կամարի ատենին, արա՛ր եւ յարկ եղեւնափայտիւք ՚ի յատակէ մինչեւ ցյատակ[3503]։
[3503] Ոմանք. Աթոռոյն. որ դատէր ՚ի կա՛՛։
7 Նա կառուցեց նաեւ կամարակապ գահասրահ եւ դատաստան էր անում այդ կամարակապ ատեանում: Այդ յարկը յատակից մինչեւ ձեղուն երեսապատուած էր եղեւնափայտով:
7 Նաեւ գահին Սրահը շինեց, ուր դատաստան կ’ընէր։ Անիկա Ատեանի Սրահ ալ կը կոչուէր։ Յատակէն մինչեւ ձեղունը* եղեւնափայտով ծածկուած էր։
zohrab-1805▾ eastern-1994▾ western am▾
7:77:7 Еще притвор с престолом, с которого он судил, притвор для судилища сделал он и покрыл все полы кедром.
7:7 καὶ και and; even ἔστησεν ιστημι stand; establish τοὺς ο the στύλους στυλος pillar τοῦ ο the αιλαμ αιλαμ.1 the ναοῦ ναος sanctuary καὶ και and; even ἔστησεν ιστημι stand; establish τὸν ο the στῦλον στυλος pillar τὸν ο the ἕνα εις.1 one; unit καὶ και and; even ἐπεκάλεσεν επικαλεω invoke; nickname τὸ ο the ὄνομα ονομα name; notable αὐτοῦ αυτος he; him Ιαχουμ ιαχουμ and; even ἔστησεν ιστημι stand; establish τὸν ο the στῦλον στυλος pillar τὸν ο the δεύτερον δευτερος second καὶ και and; even ἐπεκάλεσεν επικαλεω invoke; nickname τὸ ο the ὄνομα ονομα name; notable αὐτοῦ αυτος he; him Βααζ βααζ Baaz; Vaaz
7:7 וְ wᵊ וְ and אוּלָ֤ם ʔûlˈām אֵילָם porch הַ ha הַ the כִּסֵּא֙ kkissˌē כִּסֵּא seat אֲשֶׁ֣ר ʔᵃšˈer אֲשֶׁר [relative] יִשְׁפָּט־ yišpoṭ- שׁפט judge שָׁ֔ם šˈām שָׁם there אֻלָ֥ם ʔulˌām אֵילָם porch הַ ha הַ the מִּשְׁפָּ֖ט mmišpˌāṭ מִשְׁפָּט justice עָשָׂ֑ה ʕāśˈā עשׂה make וְ wᵊ וְ and סָפ֣וּן sāfˈûn ספן cover בָּ bā בְּ in † הַ the אֶ֔רֶז ʔˈerez אֶרֶז cedar מֵ mē מִן from הַ ha הַ the קַּרְקַ֖ע qqarqˌaʕ קַרְקַע floor עַד־ ʕaḏ- עַד unto הַ ha הַ the קַּרְקָֽע׃ qqarqˈāʕ קַרְקַע floor
7:7. porticum quoque solii in qua tribunal est fecit et texit lignis cedrinis a pavimento usque ad summitatemHe made also the porch of the throne wherein is the seat of judgment; and covered it with cedar wood from the floor to the top.
7. And he made the porch of the throne where he might judge, even the porch of judgment: and it was covered with cedar from floor to floor.
Then he made a porch for the throne where he might judge, [even] the porch of judgment: and [it was] covered with cedar from one side of the floor to the other:

7:7 Еще притвор с престолом, с которого он судил, притвор для судилища сделал он и покрыл все полы кедром.
καὶ και and; even
ἔστησεν ιστημι stand; establish
τοὺς ο the
στύλους στυλος pillar
τοῦ ο the
αιλαμ αιλαμ.1 the
ναοῦ ναος sanctuary
καὶ και and; even
ἔστησεν ιστημι stand; establish
τὸν ο the
στῦλον στυλος pillar
τὸν ο the
ἕνα εις.1 one; unit
καὶ και and; even
ἐπεκάλεσεν επικαλεω invoke; nickname
τὸ ο the
ὄνομα ονομα name; notable
αὐτοῦ αυτος he; him
Ιαχουμ ιαχουμ and; even
ἔστησεν ιστημι stand; establish
τὸν ο the
στῦλον στυλος pillar
τὸν ο the
δεύτερον δευτερος second
καὶ και and; even
ἐπεκάλεσεν επικαλεω invoke; nickname
τὸ ο the
ὄνομα ονομα name; notable
αὐτοῦ αυτος he; him
Βααζ βααζ Baaz; Vaaz
וְ wᵊ וְ and
אוּלָ֤ם ʔûlˈām אֵילָם porch
הַ ha הַ the
כִּסֵּא֙ kkissˌē כִּסֵּא seat
אֲשֶׁ֣ר ʔᵃšˈer אֲשֶׁר [relative]
יִשְׁפָּט־ yišpoṭ- שׁפט judge
שָׁ֔ם šˈām שָׁם there
אֻלָ֥ם ʔulˌām אֵילָם porch
הַ ha הַ the
מִּשְׁפָּ֖ט mmišpˌāṭ מִשְׁפָּט justice
עָשָׂ֑ה ʕāśˈā עשׂה make
וְ wᵊ וְ and
סָפ֣וּן sāfˈûn ספן cover
בָּ בְּ in
הַ the
אֶ֔רֶז ʔˈerez אֶרֶז cedar
מֵ מִן from
הַ ha הַ the
קַּרְקַ֖ע qqarqˌaʕ קַרְקַע floor
עַד־ ʕaḏ- עַד unto
הַ ha הַ the
קַּרְקָֽע׃ qqarqˈāʕ קַרְקַע floor
7:7. porticum quoque solii in qua tribunal est fecit et texit lignis cedrinis a pavimento usque ad summitatem
He made also the porch of the throne wherein is the seat of judgment; and covered it with cedar wood from the floor to the top.
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jw▾ jg▾ gnv▾ tr▾ ab▾ ac▾ all ▾
Adam Clarke: Commentary on the Bible - 1831
7:7: A porch for the throne - One porch appears to have been devoted to the purposes of administering judgment, which Solomon did in person.
3 Kings (1 Kings) 7:8
Albert Barnes: Notes on the Bible - 1834
7:7: The porch or gate of justice still kept alive the likeness of the old patriarchal custom of sitting in judgment at the gate; exactly as the "Gate of justice" still recalls it at Granada, and the Sublime Porte - "the Lofty Gate" - at Constantinople.
R. A. Torrey - Treasury: Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge - 1880
7:7: a porch: Kg1 6:3
for the throne: Kg1 10:18-20; Psa 122:5; Isa 9:7
of judgment: Kg1 3:9, Kg1 3:28; Pro 20:8
from one side of the floor to the other: Heb. from floor to floor
Geneva 1599
Then he made a porch (e) for the throne where he might judge, [even] the porch of judgment: and [it was] covered with cedar from one side of the floor to the other.
(e) For his house which was at Jerusalem.
John Gill
Then he made a porch for the throne,.... The ivory throne on which he sat to hear and try causes, 3Kings 10:18,
where he might judge, even the porch of judgment: which had its name from thence; this was either in his house in the forest of Lebanon, or in his palace at Jerusalem; the former seems best:
and it was covered with cedar from one side of the floor unto the other; that is, the whole floor.
John Wesley
A porch - Another porch or distinct room without the house. The other - The whole floor; or, from floor to floor, from the lower floor on the ground, to the upper floor which covered it.
7:87:8: Եւ տա՛ն նորա յորում նստցի՝ սրա՛հ մի կամարակապ ըստ նմի՛ն գործոյ։ Եւ տուն դստերն փարաւոնի զոր ա՛ռ Սողոմոն՝ ըստ նմին օրինակի, կամարակապ[3504]. [3504] Ոմանք. Յորում նստիցի... ըստ նմին կամարակապ։
8 Նրա տան մէջ, ուր բնակւում էր, կար նոյն ձեւով կառուցուած կամարակապ մի սրահ: Փարաւոնի դստեր համար, որը Սողոմոնի կինն էր, նոյն ձեւով կամարակապ սրահ պատրաստեց:
8 Իր բնակարանը, որ սրահին ետեւի գաւիթին մէջ էր, միւս սրահներուն նման շինած էր։ Եւ Փարաւոնին աղջկան համար ալ, որ Սողոմոն իրեն կին առեր էր, այս սրահին պէս տուն մը շինեց։
Եւ տան նորա յորում նստիցի` սրահ մի կամարակապ ըստ նմին գործոյ. եւ [133]տուն դստերն փարաւոնի զոր ա՛ռ Սողոմոն` ըստ նմին օրինակի կամարակապ:

7:8: Եւ տա՛ն նորա յորում նստցի՝ սրա՛հ մի կամարակապ ըստ նմի՛ն գործոյ։ Եւ տուն դստերն փարաւոնի զոր ա՛ռ Սողոմոն՝ ըստ նմին օրինակի, կամարակապ[3504].
[3504] Ոմանք. Յորում նստիցի... ըստ նմին կամարակապ։
8 Նրա տան մէջ, ուր բնակւում էր, կար նոյն ձեւով կառուցուած կամարակապ մի սրահ: Փարաւոնի դստեր համար, որը Սողոմոնի կինն էր, նոյն ձեւով կամարակապ սրահ պատրաստեց:
8 Իր բնակարանը, որ սրահին ետեւի գաւիթին մէջ էր, միւս սրահներուն նման շինած էր։ Եւ Փարաւոնին աղջկան համար ալ, որ Սողոմոն իրեն կին առեր էր, այս սրահին պէս տուն մը շինեց։
zohrab-1805▾ eastern-1994▾ western am▾
7:87:8 В доме, где он жил, другой двор позади притвора был такого же устройства. И в доме дочери фараоновой, которую взял за себя Соломон, он сделал такой же притвор.
7:8 καὶ και and; even ἐπὶ επι in; on τῶν ο the κεφαλῶν κεφαλη head; top τῶν ο the στύλων στυλος pillar ἔργον εργον work κρίνου κρινον lily κατὰ κατα down; by τὸ ο the αιλαμ αιλαμ.1 four πηχῶν πηχυς forearm; foot and a half
7:8 וּ û וְ and בֵיתֹו֩ vêṯˌô בַּיִת house אֲשֶׁר־ ʔᵃšer- אֲשֶׁר [relative] יֵ֨שֶׁב yˌēšev ישׁב sit שָׁ֜ם šˈām שָׁם there חָצֵ֣ר ḥāṣˈēr חָצֵר court הָ hā הַ the אַחֶ֗רֶת ʔaḥˈereṯ אַחֵר other מִ mi מִן from בֵּית֙ bbêṯ בַּיִת house לָֽ lˈā לְ to † הַ the אוּלָ֔ם ʔûlˈām אֵילָם porch כַּ ka כְּ as † הַ the מַּֽעֲשֶׂ֥ה mmˈaʕᵃśˌeh מַעֲשֶׂה deed הַ ha הַ the זֶּ֖ה zzˌeh זֶה this הָיָ֑ה hāyˈā היה be וּ û וְ and בַ֜יִת vˈayiṯ בַּיִת house יַעֲשֶׂ֤ה yaʕᵃśˈeh עשׂה make לְ lᵊ לְ to בַת־ vaṯ- בַּת daughter פַּרְעֹה֙ parʕˌō פַּרְעֹה pharaoh אֲשֶׁ֣ר ʔᵃšˈer אֲשֶׁר [relative] לָקַ֣ח lāqˈaḥ לקח take שְׁלֹמֹ֔ה šᵊlōmˈō שְׁלֹמֹה Solomon כָּ kā כְּ as † הַ the אוּלָ֖ם ʔûlˌām אֵילָם porch הַ ha הַ the זֶּֽה׃ zzˈeh זֶה this
7:8. et domuncula in qua sedetur ad iudicandum erat in media porticu simili opere domum quoque fecit filiae Pharaonis quam uxorem duxerat Salomon tali opere quali et hanc porticumAnd in the midst of the porch, was a small house, where he sat in judgment of the like work. He made also a house for the daughter of Pharao (whom Solomon had taken to wife) of the same work, as this porch;
8. And his house where he might dwell, the other court within the porch, was of the like work. He made also an house for Pharaoh’s daughter, (whom Solomon had taken to wife,) like unto this porch.
And his house where he dwelt [had] another court within the porch, [which] was of the like work. Solomon made also an house for Pharaoh' s daughter, whom he had taken [to wife], like unto this porch:

7:8 В доме, где он жил, другой двор позади притвора был такого же устройства. И в доме дочери фараоновой, которую взял за себя Соломон, он сделал такой же притвор.
καὶ και and; even
ἐπὶ επι in; on
τῶν ο the
κεφαλῶν κεφαλη head; top
τῶν ο the
στύλων στυλος pillar
ἔργον εργον work
κρίνου κρινον lily
κατὰ κατα down; by
τὸ ο the
αιλαμ αιλαμ.1 four
πηχῶν πηχυς forearm; foot and a half
וּ û וְ and
בֵיתֹו֩ vêṯˌô בַּיִת house
אֲשֶׁר־ ʔᵃšer- אֲשֶׁר [relative]
יֵ֨שֶׁב yˌēšev ישׁב sit
שָׁ֜ם šˈām שָׁם there
חָצֵ֣ר ḥāṣˈēr חָצֵר court
הָ הַ the
אַחֶ֗רֶת ʔaḥˈereṯ אַחֵר other
מִ mi מִן from
בֵּית֙ bbêṯ בַּיִת house
לָֽ lˈā לְ to
הַ the
אוּלָ֔ם ʔûlˈām אֵילָם porch
כַּ ka כְּ as
הַ the
מַּֽעֲשֶׂ֥ה mmˈaʕᵃśˌeh מַעֲשֶׂה deed
הַ ha הַ the
זֶּ֖ה zzˌeh זֶה this
הָיָ֑ה hāyˈā היה be
וּ û וְ and
בַ֜יִת vˈayiṯ בַּיִת house
יַעֲשֶׂ֤ה yaʕᵃśˈeh עשׂה make
לְ lᵊ לְ to
בַת־ vaṯ- בַּת daughter
פַּרְעֹה֙ parʕˌō פַּרְעֹה pharaoh
אֲשֶׁ֣ר ʔᵃšˈer אֲשֶׁר [relative]
לָקַ֣ח lāqˈaḥ לקח take
שְׁלֹמֹ֔ה šᵊlōmˈō שְׁלֹמֹה Solomon
כָּ כְּ as
הַ the
אוּלָ֖ם ʔûlˌām אֵילָם porch
הַ ha הַ the
זֶּֽה׃ zzˈeh זֶה this
7:8. et domuncula in qua sedetur ad iudicandum erat in media porticu simili opere domum quoque fecit filiae Pharaonis quam uxorem duxerat Salomon tali opere quali et hanc porticum
And in the midst of the porch, was a small house, where he sat in judgment of the like work. He made also a house for the daughter of Pharao (whom Solomon had taken to wife) of the same work, as this porch;
ru▾ LXX-gloss▾ bhs-gloss▾ vulgate▾ erva_1895▾
jw▾ jg▾ tr▾ ab▾ ac▾ tb▾ all ▾
А. П. Лопухин: Tолковая Библия или комментарий на все книги Св.Писания Ветхого и Нового Заветов - 1903-1914
8: Третий дворец состоял также из двух зданий: дома самого Соломона и дома жены его, дочери фараоновой. Дворец этот был изящно отделан, но архитектура его не описывается подробно.
Adam Clarke: Commentary on the Bible - 1831
7:8: A house for Pharaoh's daughter - This appears to have been a third house; probably the whole three made but one building, and were in the same place, but distinguished from each other; the first as Solomon's palace, the second as a house of judgment, a court-house; the third, the harem, or apartments for the women.
3 Kings (1 Kings) 7:13
Albert Barnes: Notes on the Bible - 1834
7:8: Like unto this porch - i. e., of similar materials, hewn stone and cedar. The zenana could not have been a mere portico.
R. A. Torrey - Treasury: Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge - 1880
7:8: another court: Kg2 20:4
an house: Kg1 3:1, Kg1 9:24; Ch2 8:11
John Gill
And his house where he dwelt,.... Which was properly his dwellingplace, that part of the house where he usually resided:
had another court within the porch, which was of the like work; a court between that and the porch, called the inner court, 4Kings 20:4.
Solomon made also a house for Pharaoh's daughter, whom he had taken to wife; see 3Kings 3:1,
like unto this porch: being built of the same sort of materials, though in a different form.
John Wesley
Another court - That is, between the porch and the house, called therefore the middle court, 4Kings 20:4. Like this - Not for form or quantity, but for the materials and workmanship, the rooms being covered with cedar, and furnished with like ornaments.
7:97:9: ամենայն ՚ի քարա՛նց պատուականաց. չափով յանկոփից կցեալ ընդ միմեանս յերկարաւոր ՚ի ներքոյ եւ արտաքոյ, ՚ի հիմանէ մինչեւ ցառաստաղն[3505]։ [3505] Յօրինակի մերում գրիչն ՚ի վերայ առաջին այբ-ի բառիս յերկարաւոր կրկին կետիւ նշանակեալ, թերեւս ակնարկէ բառնալ զայն, եւ առնել յերկրաւոր, ըստ որում իմացաւ ընդօրինակող նորին. թէպէտ եւ ամենայն գրչագիրք մեր համաձայն այնպէս ունին որպէս եւ եդաք։ Ոմանք. Մինչեւ ցառաստաղս։
9 Ամէն ինչ շինուած էր ընտիր քարերից. անտաշ քարերը հիմքից մինչեւ առաստաղ ներսից ու դրսից իրար էին ագուցուած ըստ իրենց չափերի:
9 Այս բոլորը՝ ներսէն ու դուրսէն, հիմէն մինչեւ առաստաղը, դուրսի կողմէն մինչեւ մեծ գաւիթը տաշուած քարերով շինուած էր։
Ամենայն ի քարանց պատուականաց, չափով [134]յանկոփից կցեալ ընդ միմեանս յերկարաւոր`` ի ներքոյ եւ արտաքոյ, ի հիմանէ մինչեւ [135]ցառաստաղն. եւ արտաքուստ ի սրահին մեծի:

7:9: ամենայն ՚ի քարա՛նց պատուականաց. չափով յանկոփից կցեալ ընդ միմեանս յերկարաւոր ՚ի ներքոյ եւ արտաքոյ, ՚ի հիմանէ մինչեւ ցառաստաղն[3505]։
[3505] Յօրինակի մերում գրիչն ՚ի վերայ առաջին այբ-ի բառիս յերկարաւոր կրկին կետիւ նշանակեալ, թերեւս ակնարկէ բառնալ զայն, եւ առնել յերկրաւոր, ըստ որում իմացաւ ընդօրինակող նորին. թէպէտ եւ ամենայն գրչագիրք մեր համաձայն այնպէս ունին որպէս եւ եդաք։ Ոմանք. Մինչեւ ցառաստաղս։
9 Ամէն ինչ շինուած էր ընտիր քարերից. անտաշ քարերը հիմքից մինչեւ առաստաղ ներսից ու դրսից իրար էին ագուցուած ըստ իրենց չափերի:
9 Այս բոլորը՝ ներսէն ու դուրսէն, հիմէն մինչեւ առաստաղը, դուրսի կողմէն մինչեւ մեծ գաւիթը տաշուած քարերով շինուած էր։
zohrab-1805▾ eastern-1994▾ western am▾
7:97:9 Все это сделано было из дорогих камней, обтесанных по размеру, обрезанных пилою, с внутренней и наружной стороны, от основания до выступов, и с наружной стороны до большого двора.
7:9 καὶ και and; even μέλαθρον μελαθρον in; on ἀμφοτέρων αμφοτερος both τῶν ο the στύλων στυλος pillar καὶ και and; even ἐπάνωθεν επανωθεν the πλευρῶν πλευρα side ἐπίθεμα επιθεμα the μέλαθρον μελαθρον the πάχει παχος thickness
7:9 כָּל־ kol- כֹּל whole אֵ֜לֶּה ʔˈēlleh אֵלֶּה these אֲבָנִ֤ים ʔᵃvānˈîm אֶבֶן stone יְקָרֹת֙ yᵊqārˌōṯ יָקָר rare כְּ kᵊ כְּ as מִדֹּ֣ת middˈōṯ מִדָּה measured stretch גָּזִ֔ית gāzˈîṯ גָּזִית hewn stone מְגֹרָרֹ֥ות mᵊḡōrārˌôṯ גרר drag away בַּ ba בְּ in † הַ the מְּגֵרָ֖ה mmᵊḡērˌā מְגֵרָה stone-saw מִ mi מִן from בַּ֣יִת bbˈayiṯ בַּיִת house וּ û וְ and מִ mi מִן from ח֑וּץ ḥˈûṣ חוּץ outside וּ û וְ and מִ mi מִן from מַּסָּד֙ mmassˌāḏ מַסַּד foundation עַד־ ʕaḏ- עַד unto הַ ha הַ the טְּפָחֹ֔ות ṭṭᵊfāḥˈôṯ טַפְחָה span וּ û וְ and מִ mi מִן from ח֖וּץ ḥˌûṣ חוּץ outside עַד־ ʕaḏ- עַד unto הֶ he הַ the חָצֵ֥ר ḥāṣˌēr חָצֵר court הַ ha הַ the גְּדֹולָֽה׃ ggᵊḏôlˈā גָּדֹול great
7:9. omnia lapidibus pretiosis qui ad normam quandam atque mensuram tam intrinsecus quam extrinsecus serrati erant a fundamento usque ad summitatem parietum et intrinsecus usque ad atrium maiusAll of costly stones, which were sawed by a certain rule and measure, both within and without: from the foundation to the top of the walls, and without, unto the great court.
9. All these were of costly stones, even of hewn stone, according to measure, sawed with saws, within and without, even from the foundation unto the coping, and so on the outside unto the great court.
All these [were of] costly stones, according to the measures of hewed stones, sawed with saws, within and without, even from the foundation unto the coping, and [so] on the outside toward the great court:

7:9 Все это сделано было из дорогих камней, обтесанных по размеру, обрезанных пилою, с внутренней и наружной стороны, от основания до выступов, и с наружной стороны до большого двора.
καὶ και and; even
μέλαθρον μελαθρον in; on
ἀμφοτέρων αμφοτερος both
τῶν ο the
στύλων στυλος pillar
καὶ και and; even
ἐπάνωθεν επανωθεν the
πλευρῶν πλευρα side
ἐπίθεμα επιθεμα the
μέλαθρον μελαθρον the
πάχει παχος thickness
כָּל־ kol- כֹּל whole
אֵ֜לֶּה ʔˈēlleh אֵלֶּה these
אֲבָנִ֤ים ʔᵃvānˈîm אֶבֶן stone
יְקָרֹת֙ yᵊqārˌōṯ יָקָר rare
כְּ kᵊ כְּ as
מִדֹּ֣ת middˈōṯ מִדָּה measured stretch
גָּזִ֔ית gāzˈîṯ גָּזִית hewn stone
מְגֹרָרֹ֥ות mᵊḡōrārˌôṯ גרר drag away
בַּ ba בְּ in
הַ the
מְּגֵרָ֖ה mmᵊḡērˌā מְגֵרָה stone-saw
מִ mi מִן from
בַּ֣יִת bbˈayiṯ בַּיִת house
וּ û וְ and
מִ mi מִן from
ח֑וּץ ḥˈûṣ חוּץ outside
וּ û וְ and
מִ mi מִן from
מַּסָּד֙ mmassˌāḏ מַסַּד foundation
עַד־ ʕaḏ- עַד unto
הַ ha הַ the
טְּפָחֹ֔ות ṭṭᵊfāḥˈôṯ טַפְחָה span
וּ û וְ and
מִ mi מִן from
ח֖וּץ ḥˌûṣ חוּץ outside
עַד־ ʕaḏ- עַד unto
הֶ he הַ the
חָצֵ֥ר ḥāṣˌēr חָצֵר court
הַ ha הַ the
גְּדֹולָֽה׃ ggᵊḏôlˈā גָּדֹול great
7:9. omnia lapidibus pretiosis qui ad normam quandam atque mensuram tam intrinsecus quam extrinsecus serrati erant a fundamento usque ad summitatem parietum et intrinsecus usque ad atrium maius
All of costly stones, which were sawed by a certain rule and measure, both within and without: from the foundation to the top of the walls, and without, unto the great court.
ru▾ LXX-gloss▾ bhs-gloss▾ vulgate▾ erva_1895▾
jw▾ jg▾ gnv▾ tr▾ ab▾ tb▾ all ▾
А. П. Лопухин: Tолковая Библия или комментарий на все книги Св.Писания Ветхого и Нового Заветов - 1903-1914
9-12: Сказанное здесь о строительном материале относится ко всем названным выше (трем) группам зданий. Дорогой материал состоял из разных сортов камня - газит (ср. V:17: и наше примечание там), по И. Флавию, во множестве был употребляем и белый мрамор. Ст. 12: возвращает нить повествования к рассказу об устройстве храма (прерванному, ст. 1-11).
Albert Barnes: Notes on the Bible - 1834
7:9: The stones were uniform - all cut to certain fixed measures of length, breadth, and thickness. They were not squared only on the face which showed, but also on the sides which fell within the wall and were not seen. Saws appear in Assyrian sculptures of the age of Sennacherib; and fragments of an iron saw have been found at Nimrud.
R. A. Torrey - Treasury: Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge - 1880
7:9: costly stones: Kg1 7:10, Kg1 7:11, Kg1 5:17
Geneva 1599
All these [were of] costly stones, according to the measures of hewed stones, sawed with saws, within and without, even from the foundation unto (f) the coping, and [so] on the outside toward the great court.
(f) Which were rests and stays for the beams to lie on.
John Gill
All these were of costly stones,.... Marble, porphyry, &c.
according to the measure of hewed stones, sawed with saws, within and without; they were all hewed, and squared, and polished, and so they appeared both on the inside of the building, and without:
even from the foundation unto the coping; from the bottom to the top:
and so on the outside toward the great court: where the people used to assemble when they had causes to be tried, and was adjoining to the king's house.
John Wesley
These - Buildings described here and in the former chapter. The measures - Hewed in such measure and proportion as exact workmen use to hew ordinary stones. Within, &c. - Both on the inside of the buildings which were covered with cedar, and on the outside also. To the coping - From the bottom to the top of the building. And so on - Not only on the outside of the front of the house, which being most visible, men are more careful to adorn; but also of the other side of the house, which looked towards the great court belonging to the king's house.
7:107:10: Եւ արտաքուստ ՚ի սրահին մեծի հաստատեալ քարամբք մեծամեծօք տասն կանգնէիւք եւ ութ կանգնէիւք.
10 Մեծ սրահի պատի հիմքը նա կառուցել էր մեծ-մեծ քարերով, որոնք ունէին տասը եւ ութ կանգուն երկարութիւն,
10 Հիմն ալ թանկագին քարերէ էր, մեծ քարերէ, տասը կանգուն քարերէ եւ ութը կանգուն քարերէ։
հաստատեալ քարամբք մեծամեծօք տասնկանգնէիւք եւ ութկանգնէիւք:

7:10: Եւ արտաքուստ ՚ի սրահին մեծի հաստատեալ քարամբք մեծամեծօք տասն կանգնէիւք եւ ութ կանգնէիւք.
10 Մեծ սրահի պատի հիմքը նա կառուցել էր մեծ-մեծ քարերով, որոնք ունէին տասը եւ ութ կանգուն երկարութիւն,
10 Հիմն ալ թանկագին քարերէ էր, մեծ քարերէ, տասը կանգուն քարերէ եւ ութը կանգուն քարերէ։
zohrab-1805▾ eastern-1994▾ western am▾
7:107:10 И в основание положены были камни дорогие, камни большие, камни в десять локтей и камни в восемь локтей,
7:10 καὶ και and; even ἐποίησεν ποιεω do; make τὴν ο the θάλασσαν θαλασσα sea δέκα δεκα ten ἐν εν in πήχει πηχυς forearm; foot and a half ἀπὸ απο from; away τοῦ ο the χείλους χειλος lip; shore αὐτῆς αυτος he; him ἕως εως till; until τοῦ ο the χείλους χειλος lip; shore αὐτῆς αυτος he; him στρογγύλον στρογγυλος circling; in a circle τὸ ο the αὐτό αυτος he; him πέντε πεντε five ἐν εν in πήχει πηχυς forearm; foot and a half τὸ ο the ὕψος υψος height; on high αὐτῆς αυτος he; him καὶ και and; even συνηγμένοι συναγω gather τρεῖς τρεις three καὶ και and; even τριάκοντα τριακοντα thirty ἐν εν in πήχει πηχυς forearm; foot and a half ἐκύκλουν κυκλοω encircle; surround αὐτήν αυτος he; him
7:10 וּ û וְ and מְיֻסָּ֕ד mᵊyussˈāḏ יסד found אֲבָנִ֥ים ʔᵃvānˌîm אֶבֶן stone יְקָרֹ֖ות yᵊqārˌôṯ יָקָר rare אֲבָנִ֣ים ʔᵃvānˈîm אֶבֶן stone גְּדֹלֹ֑ות gᵊḏōlˈôṯ גָּדֹול great אַבְנֵי֙ ʔavnˌê אֶבֶן stone עֶ֣שֶׂר ʕˈeśer עֶשֶׂר ten אַמֹּ֔ות ʔammˈôṯ אַמָּה cubit וְ wᵊ וְ and אַבְנֵ֖י ʔavnˌê אֶבֶן stone שְׁמֹנֶ֥ה šᵊmōnˌeh שְׁמֹנֶה eight אַמֹּֽות׃ ʔammˈôṯ אַמָּה cubit
7:10. fundamenta autem de lapidibus pretiosis lapidibus magnis decem sive octo cubitorumAnd the foundations were of costly stones, great stones of ten cubits or eight cubits.
10. And the foundation was of costly stones, even great stones, stones of ten cubits, and stones of eight cubits.
And the foundation [was of] costly stones, even great stones, stones of ten cubits, and stones of eight cubits:

7:10 И в основание положены были камни дорогие, камни большие, камни в десять локтей и камни в восемь локтей,
καὶ και and; even
ἐποίησεν ποιεω do; make
τὴν ο the
θάλασσαν θαλασσα sea
δέκα δεκα ten
ἐν εν in
πήχει πηχυς forearm; foot and a half
ἀπὸ απο from; away
τοῦ ο the
χείλους χειλος lip; shore
αὐτῆς αυτος he; him
ἕως εως till; until
τοῦ ο the
χείλους χειλος lip; shore
αὐτῆς αυτος he; him
στρογγύλον στρογγυλος circling; in a circle
τὸ ο the
αὐτό αυτος he; him
πέντε πεντε five
ἐν εν in
πήχει πηχυς forearm; foot and a half
τὸ ο the
ὕψος υψος height; on high
αὐτῆς αυτος he; him
καὶ και and; even
συνηγμένοι συναγω gather
τρεῖς τρεις three
καὶ και and; even
τριάκοντα τριακοντα thirty
ἐν εν in
πήχει πηχυς forearm; foot and a half
ἐκύκλουν κυκλοω encircle; surround
αὐτήν αυτος he; him
וּ û וְ and
מְיֻסָּ֕ד mᵊyussˈāḏ יסד found
אֲבָנִ֥ים ʔᵃvānˌîm אֶבֶן stone
יְקָרֹ֖ות yᵊqārˌôṯ יָקָר rare
אֲבָנִ֣ים ʔᵃvānˈîm אֶבֶן stone
גְּדֹלֹ֑ות gᵊḏōlˈôṯ גָּדֹול great
אַבְנֵי֙ ʔavnˌê אֶבֶן stone
עֶ֣שֶׂר ʕˈeśer עֶשֶׂר ten
אַמֹּ֔ות ʔammˈôṯ אַמָּה cubit
וְ wᵊ וְ and
אַבְנֵ֖י ʔavnˌê אֶבֶן stone
שְׁמֹנֶ֥ה šᵊmōnˌeh שְׁמֹנֶה eight
אַמֹּֽות׃ ʔammˈôṯ אַמָּה cubit
7:10. fundamenta autem de lapidibus pretiosis lapidibus magnis decem sive octo cubitorum
And the foundations were of costly stones, great stones of ten cubits or eight cubits.
10. And the foundation was of costly stones, even great stones, stones of ten cubits, and stones of eight cubits.
ru▾ LXX-gloss▾ bhs-gloss▾ vulgate▾ erva_1895▾
jfb▾ jg▾ tr▾ ab▾ all ▾
Albert Barnes: Notes on the Bible - 1834
7:10: See the Kg1 5:17 note.
R. A. Torrey - Treasury: Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge - 1880
7:10: the foundation: Isa 28:16, Isa 54:11; Co1 3:10, Co1 3:11; Rev 21:19, Rev 21:20
stones of ten cubits: Reckoning the cubit at 21 inches, the ten cubits are 17 feet and a half, and the eight cubits are 14 feet. The magnitude of these stones was certainly extraordinary; but let us hear M. Volney, and our surprise will no longer be fixed on these stones, but transferred from Solomon's house to the ruins of Balbec: "What is still more astonishing is the enormous stones which compose the sloping wall. To the west, the second layer is formed of stones which are from 28 to 35 feet long, by about 9 in height. Over this layer, at the north-west angle, there are three stones, which alone occupy a space of 175 feet and a half; viz. the first, 58 feet 7 inches; the second, 58 feet 11 inches; and the third, exactly 58 feet; and each of these is 12 feet thick. These stones are of white granite, with large shining flakes, like gypsum: there is a quarry of this kind of stone under the whole city, and another in the adjacent mountains, which is open in several places. On the right, as we approach the city, there is still lying there a stone hewn on three sides, which is 69 feet 2 inches long, 12 feet 10 inches broad, and 13 feet 3 inches in thickness.
John Gill
And the foundation was of costly stones, even great stones,.... Of a great price, and very large:
stones of ten cubits, and stones of eight cubits some of one measure, and some of another; not so many cubits square, but of solid measure; they were so many in length.
Robert Jamieson, A. R. Fausset and David Brown
the foundation was of costly stones, even great stones--Enormous stones, corresponding exactly with the dimensions given, are found in Jerusalem at this day. Not only the walls from the foundation to the roof beams were built of large hewn stones, but the spacious court around the palace was also paved with great square stones.
7:117:11: եւ ՚ի վերուստ կողմանէ քարամբք պատուականօք ըստ նմին չափոյ անտաշիւք։ Եւ եղեւնափայտիւք
11 իսկ վերեւի մասը կառուցել էր նոյն չափի անտաշ ու ընտիր քարերով: Պատերը երեսապատուած էին եղեւնափայտով:
11 Վերը տաշուած քարերուն չափովը ազնիւ քար ու եղեւնափայտ էր։
եւ ի վերուստ կողմանէ քարամբք պատուականօք ըստ նմին չափոյ [136]անտաշիւք, եւ եղեւնափայտիւք:

7:11: եւ ՚ի վերուստ կողմանէ քարամբք պատուականօք ըստ նմին չափոյ անտաշիւք։ Եւ եղեւնափայտիւք
11 իսկ վերեւի մասը կառուցել էր նոյն չափի անտաշ ու ընտիր քարերով: Պատերը երեսապատուած էին եղեւնափայտով:
11 Վերը տաշուած քարերուն չափովը ազնիւ քար ու եղեւնափայտ էր։
zohrab-1805▾ eastern-1994▾ western am▾
7:117:11 и сверху дорогие камни, обтесанные по размеру, и кедр.
7:11 καὶ και and; even ὑποστηρίγματα υποστηριγμα the χείλους χειλος lip; shore αὐτῆς αυτος he; him κυκλόθεν κυκλοθεν circling; from all around ἐκύκλουν κυκλοω encircle; surround αὐτήν αυτος he; him δέκα δεκα ten ἐν εν in πήχει πηχυς forearm; foot and a half κυκλόθεν κυκλοθεν circling; from all around ἀνιστᾶν ανιστημι stand up; resurrect τὴν ο the θάλασσαν θαλασσα sea
7:11 וּ û וְ and מִ mi מִן from לְ lᵊ לְ to מַ֗עְלָה mˈaʕlā מַעַל top אֲבָנִ֧ים ʔᵃvānˈîm אֶבֶן stone יְקָרֹ֛ות yᵊqārˈôṯ יָקָר rare כְּ kᵊ כְּ as מִדֹּ֥ות middˌôṯ מִדָּה measured stretch גָּזִ֖ית gāzˌîṯ גָּזִית hewn stone וָ wā וְ and אָֽרֶז׃ ʔˈārez אֶרֶז cedar
7:11. et desuper lapides pretiosi aequalis mensurae secti erant similiterque de cedroAnd above there were costly stones of equal measure hewed, and in like manner planks of cedar.
11. And above were costly stones, even hewn stone, according to measure, and cedar wood.
And above [were] costly stones, after the measures of hewed stones, and cedars:

7:11 и сверху дорогие камни, обтесанные по размеру, и кедр.
καὶ και and; even
ὑποστηρίγματα υποστηριγμα the
χείλους χειλος lip; shore
αὐτῆς αυτος he; him
κυκλόθεν κυκλοθεν circling; from all around
ἐκύκλουν κυκλοω encircle; surround
αὐτήν αυτος he; him
δέκα δεκα ten
ἐν εν in
πήχει πηχυς forearm; foot and a half
κυκλόθεν κυκλοθεν circling; from all around
ἀνιστᾶν ανιστημι stand up; resurrect
τὴν ο the
θάλασσαν θαλασσα sea
וּ û וְ and
מִ mi מִן from
לְ lᵊ לְ to
מַ֗עְלָה mˈaʕlā מַעַל top
אֲבָנִ֧ים ʔᵃvānˈîm אֶבֶן stone
יְקָרֹ֛ות yᵊqārˈôṯ יָקָר rare
כְּ kᵊ כְּ as
מִדֹּ֥ות middˌôṯ מִדָּה measured stretch
גָּזִ֖ית gāzˌîṯ גָּזִית hewn stone
וָ וְ and
אָֽרֶז׃ ʔˈārez אֶרֶז cedar
7:11. et desuper lapides pretiosi aequalis mensurae secti erant similiterque de cedro
And above there were costly stones of equal measure hewed, and in like manner planks of cedar.
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R. A. Torrey - Treasury: Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge - 1880
7:11: Eph 2:20-22; Pe1 2:5
Geneva 1599
And (g) above [were] costly stones, after the measures of hewed stones, and cedars.
(g) From the foundation upward.
John Gill
And above were costly stones,.... Above the foundation, from thence to the top of the buildings; the whole walls were made of such right up to the ceiling:
after the measure of hewed stones; which, according to the Rabbins, as Kimchi says, were five hands breadth:
and cedars; beams of cedars over them, or these, both the foundation and the walls, were lined with them.
John Wesley
Above - That is, in the upper part; for this is opposed to the foundation. Stones and cedars - Intermixed the one, and the other.
7:127:12: զսրահն մեծ շուրջանակի երեքկանգնեանս յանտաշից. եւ կա՛րգ մի մածուցեալ եղեւնափայտիւ։ Եւ շինեա՛ց զսրահ տանն Տեառն, զներքին կամարաց տան Տեառն հանդէպ տաճարին[3506]։ [3506] Այլք. Երեքկարգեանս յանտաշից, եւ։
12 Մեծ սրահը շուրջանակի երեք կարգ անտաշ քարերից էր եւ երեսապատուած եղեւնափայտով: Տիրոջ տան սրահը՝ Տիրոջ տան ներքին կամարակապ սրահը շինուած էր տաճարի դիմաց:
12 Եւ մեծ գաւիթին չորս կողմը ու Տէրոջը տանը ներքին գաւիթը եւ տանը սրահը երեք կարգ տաշուած քարերով ու մէկ կարգ եղեւնափայտի հեծաններով շինուած էր։
[137]Զսրահն մեծ շուրջանակի երեքկարգեանս [138]յանտաշից, եւ կարգ մի [139]մածուցեալ եղեւնափայտիւ: Եւ շինեաց զսրահ տանն Տեառն` զներքին կամարաց տան Տեառն հանդէպ տաճարին:

7:12: զսրահն մեծ շուրջանակի երեքկանգնեանս յանտաշից. եւ կա՛րգ մի մածուցեալ եղեւնափայտիւ։ Եւ շինեա՛ց զսրահ տանն Տեառն, զներքին կամարաց տան Տեառն հանդէպ տաճարին[3506]։
[3506] Այլք. Երեքկարգեանս յանտաշից, եւ։
12 Մեծ սրահը շուրջանակի երեք կարգ անտաշ քարերից էր եւ երեսապատուած եղեւնափայտով: Տիրոջ տան սրահը՝ Տիրոջ տան ներքին կամարակապ սրահը շինուած էր տաճարի դիմաց:
12 Եւ մեծ գաւիթին չորս կողմը ու Տէրոջը տանը ներքին գաւիթը եւ տանը սրահը երեք կարգ տաշուած քարերով ու մէկ կարգ եղեւնափայտի հեծաններով շինուած էր։
zohrab-1805▾ eastern-1994▾ western am▾
7:127:12 Большой двор огорожен был кругом тремя рядами тесаных камней и одним рядом кедровых бревен; также и внутренний двор храма Господа и притвор храма.
7:12 καὶ και and; even τὸ ο the χεῖλος χειλος lip; shore αὐτῆς αυτος he; him ὡς ως.1 as; how ἔργον εργον work χείλους χειλος lip; shore ποτηρίου ποτηριον cup βλαστὸς βλαστος.1 lily καὶ και and; even τὸ ο the πάχος παχος he; him παλαιστής παλαιστη palm’s breadth; four inches
7:12 וְ wᵊ וְ and חָצֵ֨ר ḥāṣˌēr חָצֵר court הַ ha הַ the גְּדֹולָ֜ה ggᵊḏôlˈā גָּדֹול great סָבִ֗יב sāvˈîv סָבִיב surrounding שְׁלֹשָׁה֙ šᵊlōšˌā שָׁלֹשׁ three טוּרִ֣ים ṭûrˈîm טוּר row גָּזִ֔ית gāzˈîṯ גָּזִית hewn stone וְ wᵊ וְ and ט֖וּר ṭˌûr טוּר row כְּרֻתֹ֣ת kᵊruṯˈōṯ כְּרוּתָה beam אֲרָזִ֑ים ʔᵃrāzˈîm אֶרֶז cedar וְ wᵊ וְ and לַ la לְ to חֲצַ֧ר ḥᵃṣˈar חָצֵר court בֵּית־ bêṯ- בַּיִת house יְהוָ֛ה [yᵊhwˈāh] יְהוָה YHWH הַ ha הַ the פְּנִימִ֖ית ppᵊnîmˌîṯ פְּנִימִי inner וּ û וְ and לְ lᵊ לְ to אֻלָ֥ם ʔulˌām אֵילָם porch הַ ha הַ the בָּֽיִת׃ פ bbˈāyiṯ . f בַּיִת house
7:12. et atrium maius rotundum trium ordinum de lapidibus sectis et unius ordinis dolata cedro necnon et in atrio domus Domini interiori et in porticu domusAnd the great court was made round with three rows of hewed stones, and one row of planks of cedar, which also was observed in the inner court of the house of the Lord, and in the porch of the house.
12. And the great court round about had three rows of hewn stone, and a row of cedar beams; like as the inner court of the house of the LORD, and the porch of the house.
And the great court round about [was] with three rows of hewed stones, and a row of cedar beams, both for the inner court of the house of the LORD, and for the porch of the house:

7:12 Большой двор огорожен был кругом тремя рядами тесаных камней и одним рядом кедровых бревен; также и внутренний двор храма Господа и притвор храма.
καὶ και and; even
τὸ ο the
χεῖλος χειλος lip; shore
αὐτῆς αυτος he; him
ὡς ως.1 as; how
ἔργον εργον work
χείλους χειλος lip; shore
ποτηρίου ποτηριον cup
βλαστὸς βλαστος.1 lily
καὶ και and; even
τὸ ο the
πάχος παχος he; him
παλαιστής παλαιστη palm’s breadth; four inches
וְ wᵊ וְ and
חָצֵ֨ר ḥāṣˌēr חָצֵר court
הַ ha הַ the
גְּדֹולָ֜ה ggᵊḏôlˈā גָּדֹול great
סָבִ֗יב sāvˈîv סָבִיב surrounding
שְׁלֹשָׁה֙ šᵊlōšˌā שָׁלֹשׁ three
טוּרִ֣ים ṭûrˈîm טוּר row
גָּזִ֔ית gāzˈîṯ גָּזִית hewn stone
וְ wᵊ וְ and
ט֖וּר ṭˌûr טוּר row
כְּרֻתֹ֣ת kᵊruṯˈōṯ כְּרוּתָה beam
אֲרָזִ֑ים ʔᵃrāzˈîm אֶרֶז cedar
וְ wᵊ וְ and
לַ la לְ to
חֲצַ֧ר ḥᵃṣˈar חָצֵר court
בֵּית־ bêṯ- בַּיִת house
יְהוָ֛ה [yᵊhwˈāh] יְהוָה YHWH
הַ ha הַ the
פְּנִימִ֖ית ppᵊnîmˌîṯ פְּנִימִי inner
וּ û וְ and
לְ lᵊ לְ to
אֻלָ֥ם ʔulˌām אֵילָם porch
הַ ha הַ the
בָּֽיִת׃ פ bbˈāyiṯ . f בַּיִת house
7:12. et atrium maius rotundum trium ordinum de lapidibus sectis et unius ordinis dolata cedro necnon et in atrio domus Domini interiori et in porticu domus
And the great court was made round with three rows of hewed stones, and one row of planks of cedar, which also was observed in the inner court of the house of the Lord, and in the porch of the house.
ru▾ LXX-gloss▾ bhs-gloss▾ vulgate▾ erva_1895▾
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Albert Barnes: Notes on the Bible - 1834
7:12: The palace, like the temple, had two courts Kg1 6:36, not, however, one immediately within the other. The lesser court of the palace seems to have been a private inner court among the buildings Kg1 7:8. The greater court was outside all the buildings, surrounding the palace on every side. Assyrian palaces had always such an external court, and had generally one or more inner courts or quadrangles.
Both for the inner court - By a slight alteration of the text, the meaning would be "as (was done) in the inner court, etc. and in the porch."
R. A. Torrey - Treasury: Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge - 1880
7:12: three rows: Kg1 6:36
the porch: Joh 10:23; Act 3:11, Act 5:12
Geneva 1599
And the great court round about [was] with three rows of hewed stones, and a row of cedar beams, (h) both for the inner court of the house of the LORD, and for the porch of the house.
(h) As the Lord's house was built so was this, only the great court of Solomon's house was uncovered.
John Gill
And the great court round about,.... Which surrounded Solomon's house:
was with three rows of hewed stones, and a row of cedar beams; these rows were one upon another, and were a wall to the court, which were either topped with a row of cedar wood, or that was a lining to the stones
for the inner court of the house of the Lord; or rather as, or like to that, as appears from 3Kings 6:36,
and for the porch of the house; not the temple, but Solomon's house.
John Wesley
The court - Namely, of Solomon's dwelling - house mentioned, 3Kings 7:8.
Robert Jamieson, A. R. Fausset and David Brown
for the inner court of the house of the Lord--should be, as in the inner court of the house of the Lord; the meaning is, that in this palace, as in the temple, rows of hewed stones and the cedar beams formed the enclosing wall.
7:137:13: Եւ առաքեա՛ց արքայ Սողոմոն, ա՛ռ զՔիրամ ՚ի Տիւրոսէ[3507], [3507] Այլք. Եւ առ զՔիրամ ՚ի Տիւ՛՛։
13 Սողոմոն արքան մարդ ուղարկեց ու Քիրամ անունով մի մարդու բերել տուեց Տիւրոսից:
13 Եւ Սողոմոն թագաւորը մարդ ղրկեց ու Տիւրոսէն Քիրամը բերել տուաւ։
Եւ առաքեաց արքայ Սողոմոն, եւ առ զՔիրամ ի Տիւրոսէ:

7:13: Եւ առաքեա՛ց արքայ Սողոմոն, ա՛ռ զՔիրամ ՚ի Տիւրոսէ[3507],
[3507] Այլք. Եւ առ զՔիրամ ՚ի Տիւ՛՛։
13 Սողոմոն արքան մարդ ուղարկեց ու Քիրամ անունով մի մարդու բերել տուեց Տիւրոսից:
13 Եւ Սողոմոն թագաւորը մարդ ղրկեց ու Տիւրոսէն Քիրամը բերել տուաւ։
zohrab-1805▾ eastern-1994▾ western am▾
7:137:13 И послал царь Соломон и взял из Тира Хирама,
7:13 καὶ και and; even δώδεκα δωδεκα twelve βόες βους ox ὑποκάτω υποκατω underneath τῆς ο the θαλάσσης θαλασσα sea οἱ ο the τρεῖς τρεις three ἐπιβλέποντες επιβλεπω look on βορρᾶν βορρας north wind καὶ και and; even οἱ ο the τρεῖς τρεις three ἐπιβλέποντες επιβλεπω look on θάλασσαν θαλασσα sea καὶ και and; even οἱ ο the τρεῖς τρεις three ἐπιβλέποντες επιβλεπω look on νότον νοτος south wind καὶ και and; even οἱ ο the τρεῖς τρεις three ἐπιβλέποντες επιβλεπω look on ἀνατολήν ανατολη springing up; east καὶ και and; even πάντα πας all; every τὰ ο the ὀπίσθια οπισθιος into; for τὸν ο the οἶκον οικος home; household καὶ και and; even ἡ ο the θάλασσα θαλασσα sea ἐπ᾿ επι in; on αὐτῶν αυτος he; him ἐπάνωθεν επανωθεν from above; above
7:13 וַ wa וְ and יִּשְׁלַח֙ yyišlˌaḥ שׁלח send הַ ha הַ the מֶּ֣לֶךְ mmˈeleḵ מֶלֶךְ king שְׁלֹמֹ֔ה šᵊlōmˈō שְׁלֹמֹה Solomon וַ wa וְ and יִּקַּ֥ח yyiqqˌaḥ לקח take אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker] חִירָ֖ם ḥîrˌām חִירָם Hiram מִ mi מִן from צֹּֽר׃ ṣṣˈōr צֹר Tyrus
7:13. misit quoque rex Salomon et tulit Hiram de TyroAnd king Solomon sent, and brought Hiram from Tyre,
13. And king Solomon sent and fetched Hiram out of Tyre.
And king Solomon sent and fetched Hiram out of Tyre:

7:13 И послал царь Соломон и взял из Тира Хирама,
καὶ και and; even
δώδεκα δωδεκα twelve
βόες βους ox
ὑποκάτω υποκατω underneath
τῆς ο the
θαλάσσης θαλασσα sea
οἱ ο the
τρεῖς τρεις three
ἐπιβλέποντες επιβλεπω look on
βορρᾶν βορρας north wind
καὶ και and; even
οἱ ο the
τρεῖς τρεις three
ἐπιβλέποντες επιβλεπω look on
θάλασσαν θαλασσα sea
καὶ και and; even
οἱ ο the
τρεῖς τρεις three
ἐπιβλέποντες επιβλεπω look on
νότον νοτος south wind
καὶ και and; even
οἱ ο the
τρεῖς τρεις three
ἐπιβλέποντες επιβλεπω look on
ἀνατολήν ανατολη springing up; east
καὶ και and; even
πάντα πας all; every
τὰ ο the
ὀπίσθια οπισθιος into; for
τὸν ο the
οἶκον οικος home; household
καὶ και and; even
ο the
θάλασσα θαλασσα sea
ἐπ᾿ επι in; on
αὐτῶν αυτος he; him
ἐπάνωθεν επανωθεν from above; above
וַ wa וְ and
יִּשְׁלַח֙ yyišlˌaḥ שׁלח send
הַ ha הַ the
מֶּ֣לֶךְ mmˈeleḵ מֶלֶךְ king
שְׁלֹמֹ֔ה šᵊlōmˈō שְׁלֹמֹה Solomon
וַ wa וְ and
יִּקַּ֥ח yyiqqˌaḥ לקח take
אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker]
חִירָ֖ם ḥîrˌām חִירָם Hiram
מִ mi מִן from
צֹּֽר׃ ṣṣˈōr צֹר Tyrus
7:13. misit quoque rex Salomon et tulit Hiram de Tyro
And king Solomon sent, and brought Hiram from Tyre,
ru▾ LXX-gloss▾ bhs-gloss▾ vulgate▾ erva_1895▾
jfb▾ jg▾ kad▾ tr▾ ab▾ ac▾ mh▾ tb▾ all ▾
А. П. Лопухин: Tолковая Библия или комментарий на все книги Св.Писания Ветхого и Нового Заветов - 1903-1914
13-14: Отсутствие необходимых дли резных и подобных работ мастеров среди евреев побудило Соломона вызвать мастера из Тира; то был Xирам (по 2: Пар. II:12, Xирам-Авия), по отцу финикиянин, по матери - из евреев (по кн. Царств, мать его была из колена Неффалимова, а по 2: Пар. II:13, из Данова) . Xудожественные способности Xирама изображаются подобно дарованиям художника Веселиила (Исх. XXXI:3-5), работавшего по благоукрашению скинии. Из работ, произведенных Xирамом, книга Царств называет только совершенно новые, а не такие, подобные которым имели место уже в скинии Моисеевой. Так, книга Царств не упоминает об устройстве Xирамом нового, медного жертвенника всесожжений (с медными стенками, а внутри он был наполнен дикими камнями и землей), о чем узнаем только из 2: Пар. IV:1. (Ср. у проф. А. А. Олесницкого, с. 321).
Matthew Henry: Concise Commentary on the Whole Bible - 1706

The wonderful magnificence of all these buildings is taken notice of, v. 9, &c. All the materials were the best of their kind. The foundation-stones were costly for their size, four or five yards square, or at least so many yards long (v. 10), and the stones of the building were costly for the workmanship, hewn and sawn, and in all respects finely wrought, v. 9, 11. The court of his own house was like that of the temple (v. 12, compare ch. vi. 36); so well did he like the model of God's courts that he made his own by it.

13 And king Solomon sent and fetched Hiram out of Tyre. 14 He was a widow's son of the tribe of Naphtali, and his father was a man of Tyre, a worker in brass: and he was filled with wisdom, and understanding, and cunning to work all works in brass. And he came to king Solomon, and wrought all his work. 15 For he cast two pillars of brass, of eighteen cubits high apiece: and a line of twelve cubits did compass either of them about. 16 And he made two chapiters of molten brass, to set upon the tops of the pillars: the height of the one chapiter was five cubits, and the height of the other chapiter was five cubits: 17 And nets of checker work, and wreaths of chain work, for the chapiters which were upon the top of the pillars; seven for the one chapiter, and seven for the other chapiter. 18 And he made the pillars, and two rows round about upon the one network, to cover the chapiters that were upon the top, with pomegranates: and so did he for the other chapiter. 19 And the chapiters that were upon the top of the pillars were of lily work in the porch, four cubits. 20 And the chapiters upon the two pillars had pomegranates also above, over against the belly which was by the network: and the pomegranates were two hundred in rows round about upon the other chapiter. 21 And he set up the pillars in the porch of the temple: and he set up the right pillar, and called the name thereof Jachin: and he set up the left pillar, and called the name thereof Boaz. 22 And upon the top of the pillars was lily work: so was the work of the pillars finished. 23 And he made a molten sea, ten cubits from the one brim to the other: it was round all about, and his height was five cubits: and a line of thirty cubits did compass it round about. 24 And under the brim of it round about there were knops compassing it, ten in a cubit, compassing the sea round about: the knops were cast in two rows, when it was cast. 25 It stood upon twelve oxen, three looking toward the north, and three looking toward the west, and three looking toward the south, and three looking toward the east: and the sea was set above upon them, and all their hinder parts were inward. 26 And it was a hand breadth thick, and the brim thereof was wrought like the brim of a cup, with flowers of lilies: it contained two thousand baths. 27 And he made ten bases of brass; four cubits was the length of one base, and four cubits the breadth thereof, and three cubits the height of it. 28 And the work of the bases was on this manner: they had borders, and the borders were between the ledges: 29 And on the borders that were between the ledges were lions, oxen, and cherubims: and upon the ledges there was a base above: and beneath the lions and oxen were certain additions made of thin work. 30 And every base had four brasen wheels, and plates of brass: and the four corners thereof had undersetters: under the laver were undersetters molten, at the side of every addition. 31 And the mouth of it within the chapiter and above was a cubit: but the mouth thereof was round after the work of the base, a cubit and a half: and also upon the mouth of it were gravings with their borders, foursquare, not round. 32 And under the borders were four wheels; and the axletrees of the wheels were joined to the base: and the height of a wheel was a cubit and half a cubit. 33 And the work of the wheels was like the work of a chariot wheel: their axletrees, and their naves, and their felloes, and their spokes, were all molten. 34 And there were four undersetters to the four corners of one base: and the undersetters were of the very base itself. 35 And in the top of the base was there a round compass of half a cubit high: and on the top of the base the ledges thereof and the borders thereof were of the same. 36 For on the plates of the ledges thereof, and on the borders thereof, he graved cherubims, lions, and palm trees, according to the proportion of every one, and additions round about. 37 After this manner he made the ten bases: all of them had one casting, one measure, and one size. 38 Then made he ten lavers of brass: one laver contained forty baths: and every laver was four cubits: and upon every one of the ten bases one laver. 39 And he put five bases on the right side of the house, and five on the left side of the house: and he set the sea on the right side of the house eastward over against the south. 40 And Hiram made the lavers, and the shovels, and the basons. So Hiram made an end of doing all the work that he made king Solomon for the house of the LORD: 41 The two pillars, and the two bowls of the chapiters that were on the top of the two pillars; and the two networks, to cover the two bowls of the chapiters which were upon the top of the pillars; 42 And four hundred pomegranates for the two networks, even two rows of pomegranates for one network, to cover the two bowls of the chapiters that were upon the pillars; 43 And the ten bases, and ten lavers on the bases; 44 And one sea, and twelve oxen under the sea; 45 And the pots, and the shovels, and the basons: and all these vessels, which Hiram made to king Solomon for the house of the LORD, were of bright brass. 46 In the plain of Jordan did the king cast them, in the clay ground between Succoth and Zarthan. 47 And Solomon left all the vessels unweighed, because they were exceeding many: neither was the weight of the brass found out.
We have here an account of the brass-work about the temple. There was no iron about the temple, though we find David preparing for the temple iron for things of iron, 1 Chron. xxix. 2. What those things were we are not told, but some of the things of brass are here described and the rest mentioned.
I. The brasier whom Solomon employed to preside in this part of the work was Hiram, or Huram (2 Chron. iv. 11), who was by his mother's side an Israelite, of the tribe of Naphtali, by his father's side a man of Tyre, v. 14. If he had the ingenuity of a Tyrian, and the affection of an Israelite to the house of God (the head of a Tyrian and the heart of an Israelite), it was happy that the blood of the two nations mixed in him, for thereby he was qualified for the work to which he was designed. As the tabernacle was built with the wealth of Egypt, so the temple with the wit of Tyre. God will serve himself by the common gifts of the children of men.
II. The brass he made use of was the best he could get. All the brazen vessels were of bright brass (v. 45), good brass, so the Chaldee, that which was strongest and looked finest. God, who is the best, must be served and honoured with the best.
III. The place where all the brazen vessels were cast was the plain of Jordan, because the ground there was stiff and clayey, fit to make moulds of for the casting of the brass (v. 46), and Solomon would not have this dirty smoky work done in or near Jerusalem.
IV. The quantity was not accounted for. The vessels were unnumbered (so it may be read, v. 47, as well as unweighed), because they were exceedingly numerous, and it would have been an endless thing to keep the account of them; neither was the weight of the brass, when it was delivered to the workmen, searched or enquired into; so honest were the workmen, and such great plenty of brass they had, that there was no danger of wanting. We must ascribe it to Solomon's care that he provided so much, not to his carelessness that he kept no account of it.
V. Some particulars of the brass-work are described.
1. Two brazen pillars, which were set up in the porch of the temple (v. 21), whether under the cover of the porch or in the open air is not certain; it was between the temple and the court of the priests. These pillars were neither to hang gates upon nor to rest any building upon, but purely for ornament and significancy. (1.) What an ornament they were we may gather from the account here given of the curious work that was about them, chequer-work, chain-work, net-work, lily-work, and pomegranates in rows, and all of bright brass, and framed no doubt according to the best rules of proportion, to please the eye. (2.) Their significancy is intimated in the names given them (v. 21): Jachin--he will establish; and Boaz--in him is strength. Some think they were intended for memorials of the pillar of cloud and fire which led Israel through the wilderness: I rather think them designed for memorandums to the priests and others that came to worship at God's door, [1.] To depend upon God only, and not upon any sufficiency of their own, for strength and establishment in all their religious exercises. When we come to wait upon God, and find our hearts wandering and unfixed, then by faith let us fetch in help from heaven: Jachin--God will fix this roving mind. It is a good thing that the heart be established with grace. We find ourselves weak and unable for holy duties, but this is our encouragement: Boaz--in him is our strength, who works in us both to will and to do. I will go in the strength of the Lord God. Spiritual strength and stability are to be had at the door of God's temple, where we must wait for the gifts of grace in the use of the means of grace. [2.] It was a memorandum to them of the strength and establishment of the temple of God among them. Let them keep close to God and duty, and they should never lose their dignities and privileges, but the grant should be confirmed and perpetuated to them. The gospel church is what God will establish, what he will strengthen, and what the gates of hell can never prevail against. But, with respect to this temple, when it was destroyed particular notice was taken of the destroying of these pillars (2 Kings xxv. 13, 17), which had been the tokens of its establishment, and would have been so if they had not forsaken God.
2. A brazen sea, a very large vessel, above five yards in diameter, and which contained above 500 barrels of water for the priests' use, in washing themselves and the sacrifices, and keeping the courts of the temple clean, v. 23, &c. It stood raised upon the figures of twelve oxen in brass, so high that either they must have stairs to climb up to it or cocks at the bottom to draw water from it. The Gibeonites, or Nethinim, who were to draw water for the house of God, had the care of filling it. Some think Solomon made the images of oxen to support this great cistern in contempt of the golden calf which Israel had worshipped, that (as bishop Patrick expresses it) the people might see there was nothing worthy of adoration in those figures; they were fitter to make posts of than to make gods of. Yet this prevailed not to prevent Jerusalem's setting up the calves for deities. In the court of the tabernacle there was only a laver of brass provided to wash in, but in the court of the temple a sea of brass, intimating that by the gospel of Christ much fuller preparation is made for our cleansing than was by the law of Moses. That had a laver, this has a sea, a fountain opened, Zech. xiii. 1.
3. Ten bases, or stands, or settles, of brass, on which were put ten lavers, to be filled with water for the service of the temple, because there would not be room at the molten sea for all that had occasion to wash there. The bases on which the lavers were fixed are very largely described here, v. 27, &c. They were curiously adorned and set upon wheels, that the lavers might be removed as there was occasion; but ordinarily they stood in two rows, five on one side of the court and five on the other, v. 39. Each laver contained forty baths, that is, about ten barrels, v. 38. Those must be very clean that bear the vessels of the Lord. Spiritual priests and spiritual sacrifices must be washed in the laver of Christ's blood and of regeneration. We must wash often, for we daily contract pollution, must cleanse our hands and purify our hearts. Plentiful provision is made for our cleansing; so that if we have our lot for ever among the unclean it will be our own fault.
Adam Clarke: Commentary on the Bible - 1831
7:13: Solomon sent and fetched Hiram out of Tyre - This was not the Tyrian king, mentioned before, but a very intelligent coppersmith, of Jewish extraction by his mother's side, who was probably married to a Tyrian. In Ch2 2:14, this woman is said to be of the daughters of Dan, but here of the tribe of Naphtali. The king of Tyre, who gives the account as we have it in Chronicles, might have made the mistake, and confounded the two tribes; or she might have been of Naphtali by her father, and of Dan by her mother, and so be indifferently called of the tribe of Naphtali or of the daughters of Dan. This appears to be the best solution of the difficulty. The versions and MSS. give no help here.
3 Kings (1 Kings) 7:15
Albert Barnes: Notes on the Bible - 1834
7:13: Hiram - A man who bore the same name as the king of Tyre, a master workman, known as Hiram Ab, i. e. Master Hiram Ch2 2:13; Ch2 4:16.
R. A. Torrey - Treasury: Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge - 1880
7:13: Hiram: Kg1 7:40; Ch2 2:13, Ch2 4:11, Huram
Carl Friedrich Keil and Franz Delitzsch

The Metallic Vessels of the Temple (compare 2Chron 2:13-14, and 3:15-5:1). - 3Kings 7:13, 3Kings 7:14. To make these vessels king Hiram had sent to Solomon, at his request (2Chron 2:6), a workman named Hiram of Tyre. 3Kings 7:13 contains a supplementary remark, in which ויּשׁלח must be rendered in the pluperfect (compare the remarks on Gen 2:19). King Solomon had sent and fetched Hiram from Tyre. This artisan bore the same name as the king, חירם or חירום (3Kings 7:40), in 2Chron 2:13 חוּרם (Huram), with the epithet אבי, i.e., my father, אב being a title of honour equivalent to master or counsellor, as in Gen 45:8. He was the son of a widow of the tribe of Naphtali, and his father was צרי אישׁ, i.e., a Tyrian by birth. According to 2Chron 2:13, his mother was "of the daughters of Dan," i.e., of the tribe of Dan. Both statements may easily be united thus: she was a Danite by birth, and married into the tribe of Naphtali. When her husband died, she was married again as the widow of a Naphtalite, and became the wife of a Tyrian, to whom she bore a son, Hiram. This explanation is also adopted by Bertheau (on the Chronicles); and the conjecture of Lundius, Thenius, and others, that the mother was an Israelitish widow of the city of Dan in the tribe of Naphtali, which was quite close to Tyre, is less in harmony with the expression "of the daughters of Dan." נחשׁה חרשׁ, "a brass-worker," refers to הוּא (he), i.e., Hiram, and not to his father (Thenius). The skill of Hiram is described in almost the same terms as that of Bezaleel in Ex 31:3., with this exception, that Bezaleel's skill is attributed to his being filled with the Spirit of God, i.e., is described rather as a supernatural gift, whereas in the case of Hiram the more indefinite expression, "he was filled with wisdom, etc.," is used, representing it rather as a natural endowment. In the account given here, Hiram is merely described as a worker in brass, because he is only mentioned at the commencement of the section which treats of the preparation of the brazen vessels of the temple. According to 2Chron 2:14, he was able to work in gold, silver, brass, iron, stone, wood, purple, etc. There is nothing improbable in this extension of his skill to wood and to the art of weaving. Bezaleel also combined in himself all these talents. Of course Hiram was merely a foreman or leader of these different branches of art; and he certainly did not come alone, but brought several assistants with him, who carried out the different works under his superintendence. - The enumeration of them commences with the pillars of the temple-hall.
John Gill
And King Solomon sent and fetched Hiram out of Tyre. Not the king of Tyre, but an artificer in it, after described, whom Solomon had heard and upon his request Huram sent him to him, 2Chron 2:13 his name is called Hyperon by Clemens of Alexandria (l).
(l) Stromat. l. 1. p. 332.
Robert Jamieson, A. R. Fausset and David Brown
HIRAM'S WORKS. (1Ki. 7:13-51)
Solomon sent and fetched Hiram out of Tyre--The Tyrians and other inhabitants on the Phœnician coast were the most renowned artists and workers in metal in the ancient world.
7:147:14: որդի կնոջ այրւոյ, եւ նա է՛ր ՚ի ցեղէն Նեփթաղիմայ. եւ հա՛յր նորա այր Տիւրացի, ճարտարապետ պղնձոյ, եւ լի՛ արուեստիւ եւ իմաստութեամբ եւ գիտութեամբ, գործել զամենայն գործ պղնձոյ. եւ եմո՛ւտ առ արքայ Սողոմոն. եւ արար զամենայն զգործն։
14 Սա Նեփթաղիմի ցեղից մի այրի կնոջ որդի էր: Նրա հայրը տիւրոսցի էր, պղնձի վարպետ եւ ամէն տեսակ պղնձի գործերի մէջ մեծ հմտութիւն, վարպետութիւն ու գիտելիքներ ունէր: Նա եկաւ Սողոմոն արքայի մօտ ու նրա բոլոր գործերը կատարեց.
14 Անիկա Նեփթաղիմի ցեղէն որբեւայրի կնոջ մը որդին էր։ Անոր հայրը Տիւրացի պղնձագործ մըն էր։ Այս մարդը պղինձէ ամէն տեսակ գործեր ընելու մեծ հմտութիւն, իմաստութիւն ու գիտութիւն ունէր։ Սողոմոն թագաւորին եկաւ ու անոր ամէն գործը կատարեց։
որդի կնոջ այրւոյ, եւ նա էր ի ցեղէն Նեփթաղիմայ, եւ հայր նորա այր Տիւրացի. ճարտարապետ պղնձոյ եւ լի արուեստիւ եւ իմաստութեամբ եւ գիտութեամբ` գործել զամենայն գործ պղնձոյ. եւ եմուտ առ արքայ Սողոմոն, եւ արար զամենայն զգործն:

7:14: որդի կնոջ այրւոյ, եւ նա է՛ր ՚ի ցեղէն Նեփթաղիմայ. եւ հա՛յր նորա այր Տիւրացի, ճարտարապետ պղնձոյ, եւ լի՛ արուեստիւ եւ իմաստութեամբ եւ գիտութեամբ, գործել զամենայն գործ պղնձոյ. եւ եմո՛ւտ առ արքայ Սողոմոն. եւ արար զամենայն զգործն։
14 Սա Նեփթաղիմի ցեղից մի այրի կնոջ որդի էր: Նրա հայրը տիւրոսցի էր, պղնձի վարպետ եւ ամէն տեսակ պղնձի գործերի մէջ մեծ հմտութիւն, վարպետութիւն ու գիտելիքներ ունէր: Նա եկաւ Սողոմոն արքայի մօտ ու նրա բոլոր գործերը կատարեց.
14 Անիկա Նեփթաղիմի ցեղէն որբեւայրի կնոջ մը որդին էր։ Անոր հայրը Տիւրացի պղնձագործ մըն էր։ Այս մարդը պղինձէ ամէն տեսակ գործեր ընելու մեծ հմտութիւն, իմաստութիւն ու գիտութիւն ունէր։ Սողոմոն թագաւորին եկաւ ու անոր ամէն գործը կատարեց։
zohrab-1805▾ eastern-1994▾ western am▾
7:147:14 сына одной вдовы, из колена Неффалимова. Отец его Тирянин был медник; он владел способностью, искусством и уменьем выделывать всякие вещи из меди. И пришел он к царю Соломону и производил у него всякие работы:
7:14 καὶ και and; even ἐποίησεν ποιεω do; make δέκα δεκα ten μεχωνωθ μεχωνωθ of brass πέντε πεντε five πήχεις πηχυς forearm; foot and a half μῆκος μηκος length τῆς ο the μεχωνωθ μεχωνωθ the μιᾶς εις.1 one; unit καὶ και and; even τέσσαρες τεσσαρες four πήχεις πηχυς forearm; foot and a half πλάτος πλατος breadth αὐτῆς αυτος he; him καὶ και and; even ἓξ εξ six ἐν εν in πήχει πηχυς forearm; foot and a half ὕψος υψος height; on high αὐτῆς αυτος he; him
7:14 בֶּן־ ben- בֵּן son אִשָּׁה֩ ʔiššˌā אִשָּׁה woman אַלְמָנָ֨ה ʔalmānˌā אַלְמָנָה widow ה֜וּא hˈû הוּא he מִ mi מִן from מַּטֵּ֣ה mmaṭṭˈē מַטֶּה staff נַפְתָּלִ֗י naftālˈî נַפְתָּלִי Naphtali וְ wᵊ וְ and אָבִ֣יו ʔāvˈiʸw אָב father אִישׁ־ ʔîš- אִישׁ man צֹרִי֮ ṣōrˈî צֹרִי Tyrian חֹרֵ֣שׁ ḥōrˈēš חרשׁ plough נְחֹשֶׁת֒ nᵊḥōšˌeṯ נְחֹשֶׁת bronze וַ֠ wa וְ and יִּמָּלֵא yyimmālˌē מלא be full אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker] הַ ha הַ the חָכְמָ֤ה ḥoḵmˈā חָכְמָה wisdom וְ wᵊ וְ and אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker] הַ ha הַ the תְּבוּנָה֙ ttᵊvûnˌā תְּבוּנָה understanding וְ wᵊ וְ and אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker] הַ ha הַ the דַּ֔עַת ddˈaʕaṯ דַּעַת knowledge לַ la לְ to עֲשֹׂ֥ות ʕᵃśˌôṯ עשׂה make כָּל־ kol- כֹּל whole מְלָאכָ֖ה mᵊlāḵˌā מְלָאכָה work בַּ ba בְּ in † הַ the נְּחֹ֑שֶׁת nnᵊḥˈōšeṯ נְחֹשֶׁת bronze וַ wa וְ and יָּבֹוא֙ yyāvô בוא come אֶל־ ʔel- אֶל to הַ ha הַ the מֶּ֣לֶךְ mmˈeleḵ מֶלֶךְ king שְׁלֹמֹ֔ה šᵊlōmˈō שְׁלֹמֹה Solomon וַ wa וְ and יַּ֖עַשׂ yyˌaʕaś עשׂה make אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker] כָּל־ kol- כֹּל whole מְלַאכְתֹּֽו׃ mᵊlaḵtˈô מְלֶאכֶת work
7:14. filium mulieris viduae de tribu Nepthali patre Tyrio artificem aerarium et plenum sapientia et intellegentia et doctrina ad faciendum omne opus ex aere qui cum venisset ad regem Salomonem fecit omne opus eiusThe son of a widow woman, of the tribe of Nephthali, whose father was a Tyrian, an artificer in brass, and full of wisdom, and understanding, and skill to work all work in brass. And when he was come to king Solomon, he wrought all his work.
14. He was the son of a widow woman of the tribe of Naphtali, and his father was a man of Tyre, a worker in brass; and he was filled with wisdom and understanding and cunning, to work all works in brass. And he came to king Solomon, and wrought all his work.
He [was] a widow' s son of the tribe of Naphtali, and his father [was] a man of Tyre, a worker in brass: and he was filled with wisdom, and understanding, and cunning to work all works in brass. And he came to king Solomon, and wrought all his work:

7:14 сына одной вдовы, из колена Неффалимова. Отец его Тирянин был медник; он владел способностью, искусством и уменьем выделывать всякие вещи из меди. И пришел он к царю Соломону и производил у него всякие работы:
καὶ και and; even
ἐποίησεν ποιεω do; make
δέκα δεκα ten
μεχωνωθ μεχωνωθ of brass
πέντε πεντε five
πήχεις πηχυς forearm; foot and a half
μῆκος μηκος length
τῆς ο the
μεχωνωθ μεχωνωθ the
μιᾶς εις.1 one; unit
καὶ και and; even
τέσσαρες τεσσαρες four
πήχεις πηχυς forearm; foot and a half
πλάτος πλατος breadth
αὐτῆς αυτος he; him
καὶ και and; even
ἓξ εξ six
ἐν εν in
πήχει πηχυς forearm; foot and a half
ὕψος υψος height; on high
αὐτῆς αυτος he; him
בֶּן־ ben- בֵּן son
אִשָּׁה֩ ʔiššˌā אִשָּׁה woman
אַלְמָנָ֨ה ʔalmānˌā אַלְמָנָה widow
ה֜וּא hˈû הוּא he
מִ mi מִן from
מַּטֵּ֣ה mmaṭṭˈē מַטֶּה staff
נַפְתָּלִ֗י naftālˈî נַפְתָּלִי Naphtali
וְ wᵊ וְ and
אָבִ֣יו ʔāvˈiʸw אָב father
אִישׁ־ ʔîš- אִישׁ man
צֹרִי֮ ṣōrˈî צֹרִי Tyrian
חֹרֵ֣שׁ ḥōrˈēš חרשׁ plough
נְחֹשֶׁת֒ nᵊḥōšˌeṯ נְחֹשֶׁת bronze
וַ֠ wa וְ and
יִּמָּלֵא yyimmālˌē מלא be full
אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker]
הַ ha הַ the
חָכְמָ֤ה ḥoḵmˈā חָכְמָה wisdom
וְ wᵊ וְ and
אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker]
הַ ha הַ the
תְּבוּנָה֙ ttᵊvûnˌā תְּבוּנָה understanding
וְ wᵊ וְ and
אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker]
הַ ha הַ the
דַּ֔עַת ddˈaʕaṯ דַּעַת knowledge
לַ la לְ to
עֲשֹׂ֥ות ʕᵃśˌôṯ עשׂה make
כָּל־ kol- כֹּל whole
מְלָאכָ֖ה mᵊlāḵˌā מְלָאכָה work
בַּ ba בְּ in
הַ the
נְּחֹ֑שֶׁת nnᵊḥˈōšeṯ נְחֹשֶׁת bronze
וַ wa וְ and
יָּבֹוא֙ yyāvô בוא come
אֶל־ ʔel- אֶל to
הַ ha הַ the
מֶּ֣לֶךְ mmˈeleḵ מֶלֶךְ king
שְׁלֹמֹ֔ה šᵊlōmˈō שְׁלֹמֹה Solomon
וַ wa וְ and
יַּ֖עַשׂ yyˌaʕaś עשׂה make
אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker]
כָּל־ kol- כֹּל whole
מְלַאכְתֹּֽו׃ mᵊlaḵtˈô מְלֶאכֶת work
7:14. filium mulieris viduae de tribu Nepthali patre Tyrio artificem aerarium et plenum sapientia et intellegentia et doctrina ad faciendum omne opus ex aere qui cum venisset ad regem Salomonem fecit omne opus eius
The son of a widow woman, of the tribe of Nephthali, whose father was a Tyrian, an artificer in brass, and full of wisdom, and understanding, and skill to work all work in brass. And when he was come to king Solomon, he wrought all his work.
ru▾ LXX-gloss▾ bhs-gloss▾ vulgate▾ erva_1895▾
jfb▾ jw▾ jg▾ gnv▾ tr▾ ab▾ all ▾
Albert Barnes: Notes on the Bible - 1834
7:14: Hiram's mother, while by birth of the tribe of Dan, had had for her first husband a man of the tribe of Naphtali. (Compare this verse and margin reference.)
All his work - The work that he personally did for Solomon seems to have been limited to metal-work, and indeed to works in brass. (See below, Kg1 7:45, and compare Ch2 4:16.)
R. A. Torrey - Treasury: Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge - 1880
7:14: a widow's son: Heb. the son of a widow woman
tribe: The mother of Hiram (not the Tyrian king mentioned before, but an intelligent coppersmith, of Jewish extraction by his mother's side) in Chronicles, is said to have been of "the daughters of Dan;" and she might have been of Naphtali by her father, and of Dan by her mother; or she might originally be of the tribe of Dan, and have been first married to a man of the tribe of Naphtali; and, in either case, she might be indifferently called "of the tribe of Naphtali," or of "the daughters of Dan."
Naphtali: Ch2 2:14
his father: Ch2 4:16
he was filled: Exo 31:2-6, Exo 35:30-35, Exo 36:1, Exo 36:2, Exo 36:8; Isa 28:26
Geneva 1599
He [was] a widow's son of the tribe of Naphtali, and his father [was] a man of Tyre, a worker in brass: and (i) he was filled with wisdom, and understanding, and cunning to work all works in brass. And he came to king Solomon, and wrought all his work.
(i) Thus when God will have his glory set forth, he raises up men, and gives them excellent gifts for the accomplishment of the same, (Ex 31:2-3).
John Gill
He was a widow's son of the tribe of Naphtali,.... In 2Chron 2:14, his mother is said to be of the daughters of Dan, as she might be, and yet her son of the tribe of Naphtali; for either she was of the city of Dan, which is placed in the tribe of Naphtali (m), or her mother was of the tribe of Dan; and therefore she is said to be of the daughters of Dan, when her father was of the tribe of Naphtali, as it is expressed by the Targum on 2Chron 2:14, and in which way most of the Jewish commentators reconcile this; or she was of Dan, and her husband of Naphtali besides, if there was any mistake, it must be ascribed, not to the sacred historians, but to the king of Tyre, whose words they are in the above place, and who might not be so well acquainted with the tribe this man and his parents were of:
and his father was a man of Tyre; not a Tyrian by birth, but one who had dwelt there a while, and therefore so called, as Obededom, for a like reason, is called the Gittite:
a worker in brass; and he was filled with wisdom, and understanding, and cunning to work all works in brass; which might be true both of the father and of the son, and especially of the son, who had improved upon his father's knowledge and instructions; and who was skilful to work in other things besides brass, as gold, silver, iron, stone, timber, purple, blue and fine linen, crimson, and all sorts of engraving, and every device that could be put to him by the most ingenious workmen that either David or Solomon had, 2Chron 2:14, but this is only mentioned, because it was in such work he was only employed by Solomon; and it seems, by the mode of expression, that, besides his natural genius, and his diligence and industry, he was filled with wisdom from God more immediately for this service, as Bezaleel and Aholiab were for the service of the tabernacle:
and he came to King Solomon, and wrought all his work; in brass, as follows.
(m) Vid. Adrichom. Theat. T. S. p. 105. Fuller's Pisgah-Sight, 107.
John Wesley
In brass - And Of gold, and stone, and purple, and blue, 2Chron 2:14. But only his skill in brass is here mentioned, because he speaks only of the brasen things which he made.
Robert Jamieson, A. R. Fausset and David Brown
He was a widow's son of the tribe of Naphtali--In 2Chron 2:14 his mother is said to have been of the daughters of Dan. The apparent discrepancy may be reconciled thus: Hiram's mother, though belonging to the tribe of Dan, had been married to a Naphtalite, so that when married afterwards to a Tyrian, she might be described as a widow of the tribe of Naphtali. Or, if she was a native of the city Dan (Laish), she might be said to be of the daughters of Dan, as born in that place; and of the tribe of Naphtali, as really belonging to it.
a worker in brass--This refers particularly to the works described in this chapter. But in 2Chron 2:13 his artistic skill is represented as extending to a great variety of departments. In fact, he was appointed, from his great natural talents and acquired skill, to superintend the execution of all the works of art in the temple.
7:157:15: Եւ ձուլեաց զերկոսին սիւնսն կամարի տանն. ութ եւ տա՛սն կանգուն բարձրութիւն սեանն. եւ շուրջ զնովաւ չափ չորեքտասան կանգուն շուրջանակի թանձրութիւն սեանն. եւ ՚ի չորից մատանց մատնէ՛քն. նոյնպէս եւ երկրորդ սիւնն[3508]։ [3508] Ոմանք. Սիւնսն ՚ի կամար տանն։ ՚Ի լուս՛՛. Մատանց մատնէնքն։
15 պատրաստեց տան կամարակապ սրահի երկու ձուլածոյ սիւները՝ ամէն մի սիւնի բարձրութիւնը տասնութ կանգուն, իսկ սիւների շուրջը կապեց մի գօտի, որի լայնութիւնը տասնչորս կանգուն էր եւ չորս մատ լայնութեամբ ակօսներ ունէր: Նոյն ձեւով կերտեց նաեւ երկրորդ սիւնը:
15 Ասիկա պղնձէ երկու սիւն ձուլեց։ Մէկ սիւնին երկայնութիւնը տասնըութը կանգուն ու շրջապատը տասներկու կանգուն էր։ Նոյնպէս էր երկրորդ սիւնինն ալ։
Եւ ձուլեաց զերկոսին սիւնսն [140]կամարի տանն``, ութ եւ տասն կանգուն բարձրութիւն [141]սեանն, եւ շուրջ զնովաւ չափ [142]չորեքտասան կանգուն շուրջանակի [143]թանձրութիւն սեանն, եւ ի չորից մատանց մատնէքն``. նոյնպէս եւ երկրորդ սիւնն:

7:15: Եւ ձուլեաց զերկոսին սիւնսն կամարի տանն. ութ եւ տա՛սն կանգուն բարձրութիւն սեանն. եւ շուրջ զնովաւ չափ չորեքտասան կանգուն շուրջանակի թանձրութիւն սեանն. եւ ՚ի չորից մատանց մատնէ՛քն. նոյնպէս եւ երկրորդ սիւնն[3508]։
[3508] Ոմանք. Սիւնսն ՚ի կամար տանն։ ՚Ի լուս՛՛. Մատանց մատնէնքն։
15 պատրաստեց տան կամարակապ սրահի երկու ձուլածոյ սիւները՝ ամէն մի սիւնի բարձրութիւնը տասնութ կանգուն, իսկ սիւների շուրջը կապեց մի գօտի, որի լայնութիւնը տասնչորս կանգուն էր եւ չորս մատ լայնութեամբ ակօսներ ունէր: Նոյն ձեւով կերտեց նաեւ երկրորդ սիւնը:
15 Ասիկա պղնձէ երկու սիւն ձուլեց։ Մէկ սիւնին երկայնութիւնը տասնըութը կանգուն ու շրջապատը տասներկու կանգուն էր։ Նոյնպէս էր երկրորդ սիւնինն ալ։
zohrab-1805▾ eastern-1994▾ western am▾
7:157:15 и сделал он два медных столба, каждый в восемнадцать локтей вышиною, и снурок в двенадцать локтей обнимал {окружность} того и другого столба;
7:15 καὶ και and; even τοῦτο ουτος this; he τὸ ο the ἔργον εργον work τῶν ο the μεχωνωθ μεχωνωθ he; him καὶ και and; even σύγκλειστον συγκλειστον up; each μέσον μεσος in the midst; in the middle τῶν ο the ἐξεχομένων εξεχω stand out
7:15 וַ wa וְ and יָּ֛צַר yyˈāṣar צור shape אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker] שְׁנֵ֥י šᵊnˌê שְׁנַיִם two הָ hā הַ the עַמּוּדִ֖ים ʕammûḏˌîm עַמּוּד pillar נְחֹ֑שֶׁת nᵊḥˈōšeṯ נְחֹשֶׁת bronze שְׁמֹנֶ֨ה šᵊmōnˌeh שְׁמֹנֶה eight עֶשְׂרֵ֜ה ʕeśrˈē עֶשְׂרֵה -teen אַמָּ֗ה ʔammˈā אַמָּה cubit קֹומַת֙ qômˌaṯ קֹומָה height הָ hā הַ the עַמּ֣וּד ʕammˈûḏ עַמּוּד pillar הָ hā הַ the אֶחָ֔ד ʔeḥˈāḏ אֶחָד one וְ wᵊ וְ and חוּט֙ ḥûṭ חוּט thread שְׁתֵּים־ šᵊttêm- שְׁנַיִם two עֶשְׂרֵ֣ה ʕeśrˈē עֶשְׂרֵה -teen אַמָּ֔ה ʔammˈā אַמָּה cubit יָסֹ֖ב yāsˌōv סבב turn אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker] הָ hā הַ the עַמּ֥וּד ʕammˌûḏ עַמּוּד pillar הַ ha הַ the שֵּׁנִֽי׃ ššēnˈî שֵׁנִי second
7:15. et finxit duas columnas aereas decem et octo cubitorum altitudinis columnam unam et linea duodecim cubitorum ambiebat columnam utramqueAnd he cast two pillars in brass, each pillar was eighteen cubits high: and a line of twelve cubits compassed both the pillars.
15. For he fashioned the two pillars of brass, of eighteen cubits high apiece: and a line of twelve cubits compassed either of them about.
For he cast two pillars of brass, of eighteen cubits high apiece: and a line of twelve cubits did compass either of them about:

7:15 и сделал он два медных столба, каждый в восемнадцать локтей вышиною, и снурок в двенадцать локтей обнимал {окружность} того и другого столба;
καὶ και and; even
τοῦτο ουτος this; he
τὸ ο the
ἔργον εργον work
τῶν ο the
μεχωνωθ μεχωνωθ he; him
καὶ και and; even
σύγκλειστον συγκλειστον up; each
μέσον μεσος in the midst; in the middle
τῶν ο the
ἐξεχομένων εξεχω stand out
וַ wa וְ and
יָּ֛צַר yyˈāṣar צור shape
אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker]
שְׁנֵ֥י šᵊnˌê שְׁנַיִם two
הָ הַ the
עַמּוּדִ֖ים ʕammûḏˌîm עַמּוּד pillar
נְחֹ֑שֶׁת nᵊḥˈōšeṯ נְחֹשֶׁת bronze
שְׁמֹנֶ֨ה šᵊmōnˌeh שְׁמֹנֶה eight
עֶשְׂרֵ֜ה ʕeśrˈē עֶשְׂרֵה -teen
אַמָּ֗ה ʔammˈā אַמָּה cubit
קֹומַת֙ qômˌaṯ קֹומָה height
הָ הַ the
עַמּ֣וּד ʕammˈûḏ עַמּוּד pillar
הָ הַ the
אֶחָ֔ד ʔeḥˈāḏ אֶחָד one
וְ wᵊ וְ and
חוּט֙ ḥûṭ חוּט thread
שְׁתֵּים־ šᵊttêm- שְׁנַיִם two
עֶשְׂרֵ֣ה ʕeśrˈē עֶשְׂרֵה -teen
אַמָּ֔ה ʔammˈā אַמָּה cubit
יָסֹ֖ב yāsˌōv סבב turn
אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker]
הָ הַ the
עַמּ֥וּד ʕammˌûḏ עַמּוּד pillar
הַ ha הַ the
שֵּׁנִֽי׃ ššēnˈî שֵׁנִי second
7:15. et finxit duas columnas aereas decem et octo cubitorum altitudinis columnam unam et linea duodecim cubitorum ambiebat columnam utramque
And he cast two pillars in brass, each pillar was eighteen cubits high: and a line of twelve cubits compassed both the pillars.
ru▾ LXX-gloss▾ bhs-gloss▾ vulgate▾ erva_1895▾
jfb▾ jg▾ kad▾ tr▾ ab▾ ac▾ tb▾ all ▾
А. П. Лопухин: Tолковая Библия или комментарий на все книги Св.Писания Ветхого и Нового Заветов - 1903-1914
15-22: Первое монументальное произведение Xирама: две монументальные медные колонны в притворе или на паперти храма, по имени Иахин (имя правой колонны) и Воаз (левой). Из данного раздела, в снесении с параллельными повествованиями (2: Пар. III:15-17; сн. 1: Пар. XVIII:8; 2: Цар. IV:12-13; 4: Цар. XXV:13, 16; Иер. III:20-23; Иез. XL:48; И. Флав. Древн. VIII, 3, 4), открываются следующие данные о внешнем виде или архитектуре каждой из этих колонн, а также и их религиозно-национальном значении. Обе колонны, как и "медное море" и др. сосуды, сделаны были из меди, некогда взятой Давидом в добычу в войне с сирийцами (1: Пар. XVIII:8). Высота каждой колонны равнялась 18: локтям (по 2: Пар. III:15-35: локтям, но, вероятно, включительно с постаментом колонны), т. е. 8: метр. 71: сантим. = ок. 11: арш. с лишком: объем или окружность - 12: локтей = 5: метр. 806: миллим, или ок. 8: арш., след. в диаметре ок. 4: локтей (по И. Флавию: соответственно - 3, 82: л. = 1: метр. 84: сантим.) . Толщина стенок каждой колонны - 4: перста, внутри та и другая колонны были пустые. По LXX ст. 15, колонны не были гладкими, но с углублениями величины 4-х пальцев: τεσσάρων δακτύλων τά κοιλώματα, слав. четырех перстов вглубления, т. е. с продольными линиями. Сверху на каждой колонне имелась капитель (евр. котерет, LXX: επίθεμα, слав. возложение, русск: венец) в 5: локтей (по 4: Цар. XXV:17-3: локтя) вышины, так что общая высота колонны была 23: локтя (= 11: метр. 13: сантим. = ок. 17: арш.) . Нижняя часть капителей была выпуклой, чревообразной, верхняя представляла лилиеобразную чашечку. На верхнем и нижнем концах этой части расположены были два ряда, по 100: штук в каждом, гранатовых яблок с сетчатыми цепочками для укрепления. Обе колонны, надо полагать, были именно самостоятельными монументами, стояли независимо от притвора (а не составляли часть самого притвора, служа его подпорами, как полагали Тений, Дистель, Гитцаг, Вопоэ, Пэн, Новакк). По 2: Пар. III:15: обе колонны стояли "пред (евр. лифне) домом (храмом)", и самый образ выражения ст. 21: (2: Пар. III:17) "поставил" (евр. геким), устойчиво водрузил, - приложимо только к самостоятельной колонне (ср. Лев. XXVI:1; Втор. XXVII:2, 4: и др.) . Особенно же самостоятельное монументальное значение обеих колонн видно из того, что каждая из них носила нарочитое название: правая - Иахин, левая - Воаз. Названия эти во всяком случае говорят о важном теократическом и национальном значении обеих колонн, но точный смысл их нельзя установить с несомненностью. Xотя оба названия в Ветхом Завете встречаются в качестве собственных имен лиц: первое - как имя нескольких лиц в коленах Симеоновом (Быт. XLVI:10; Исх. VI:15; Чис. XXVI:12) и Левиином (1: Пар. IX:9; XXIV:17), а второе в евр. Библии тождественно с именем известного из истории Руфи праотца Давида Вооза (Руфь II:1: сл.) , однако посвящение колонн этим лицам (особенно одному из малоизвестных Иахинов) маловероятно (Таргум к 2: Пар. III:17: отождествляет имя левой колонны с именем Вооза). Столь же мало основательно видели в тех названиях имена строителей храма (Гезениус), сыновей Соломона (Эвальд) или же неисторические имена Давида и Соломона (Абарбанель). Напротив, за нарицательное значение обоих названий говорит уже авторитет LXX-ти, которые в 2: Пар. III:17: передают евр. Иахин, Боаз нарицательными терминами: κατόρθωσις, ισχύς, слав.: исправление, крепость. В этом смысле, соединяя оба названия в одно суждение (предположение некоторых ученых, будто оба названия составляли одну целую надпись, библейским текстом, впрочем, не оправдывается), получим такую мысль: "да стоит (храм) непоколебимо, крепостью" или (если гл. кун взять в ф. Гифил): "да утвердит (Иегова - храм) силою Своею" (ср. 3: Цар. VIII:13; Ис. XIV:24). Являясь непосредственно пред национальным святилищем Израиля, колонны Иахина и Вооза свидетельствовали о наступлении нового, высшего периода в истории ветхозаветной теократии, святилища и народа Божия. Ввиду основания прочного, неподвижного храма Иеговы в Израиле и утверждения политического могущества и глубокого мира среди него, колонны эти являлись как бы национально-религиозным флагом, храмом культа и теократии среди всех народов древности. Этим уже исключается сближение Иахина и Вооза с разного рода языческими монументами: египетскими сфинксами (у Випоэ), финикийскими статуями Геракла и Сатурна (Моверс, Фатке), наконец, с культами Ваала и Астарты (Гипляни). Ср. у проф. А. А. Олесницкого, Ветхозаветный храм, с. 254-288.
Adam Clarke: Commentary on the Bible - 1831
7:15: He cast two pillars - eighteen cubits high - That is, about thirty feet in English measure.
A line of twelve cubits - In circumference. It would be difficult even now to procure a founder who could cast such massive pillars, whether solid or hollow.
3 Kings (1 Kings) 7:21
Albert Barnes: Notes on the Bible - 1834
7:15: These famous pillars, which were broken in pieces by the Babylonians when they destroyed Jerusalem Kg2 25:13; Jer 52:17, were probably for ornament, standing by themselves under or in front of the porch. It is certain that the Phoenicians used isolated metal columns as sacred ornaments, so that Hiram would be familiar with such a mode of ornamentation. Eighteen cubits appear to have been the height of the shaft only. Adding the capital Kg1 7:16, Kg1 7:19, the entire metal pillar was 27 cubits high; and if it had a stone base of eight cubits, which would not be greatly out of proportion, the height of 35 cubits (52 12 feet, Ch2 3:15) would have been reached. The height of some of the Persepolitan columns, with which these pillars may be best compared, is 67 feet. The circumference of 12 cubits (18 feet) implies a diameter of about 5 feet 9 inches at the base, which would make the column somewhat heavy in appearance. Egyptian pillars were, however, even thicker in proportion to their height. On the supposition that a portion of the original text has fallen out, this verse has been thus completed: "He cast two pillars of brass; eighteen cubits was the height of the one pillar, and eighteen cubits was the height of the other pillar; and a line of twelve cubits compassed the one pillar, and a line of twelve cubits compassed the other pillar."
R. A. Torrey - Treasury: Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge - 1880
7:15: cast: Heb. fashioned
two pillars: Kg1 7:21; Kg2 25:16, Kg2 25:17; Ch2 3:15-17, Ch2 4:12-22; Jer 52:21-23
eighteen cubits: That is, nearly thirty feet, English measure. But in the parallel place in Chronicles, these pillars are said to thirty-five cubits high. Tremellius reconciles this difference by observing, that the common cubit was but one-half of the cubit of the sanctuary; so that eighteen of the one would make thirty-six of the other; from which, if we deduct one cubit for the base, there will remain thirty-five. Notwithstanding the names of these pillars, they seem to have supported no part of the building, and appear to have been formed for ornament; and were no doubt also emblematical. The right pillar was called Jachin, which signifies, "He will establish;" while that on the left was named Boaz, "In it is strength." Some think they were intended for memorials of the pillars and cloud of fire, which led Israel through the wilderness; but Henry supposes them designed for memorandums to the priests and others that came to worship at God's door.
1st. To depend upon God only, and not upon any sufficiency of their own, for strength and establishment in all their religious exercises.
2nd. It was a memorandum to them of the strength and establishment of the temple of God among them.
When the temple was destroyed, particular notice is taken of the breaking up and carrying away of these brazen pillars, Kg2 25:13, Kg2 25:17, which had been the tokens of its establishment, and would have been still so, if they had not forsaken God.
Carl Friedrich Keil and Franz Delitzsch

The brazen pillars of the porch (compare 2Chron 3:15-17). - He formed the two brazen pillars, which were erected, according to 2Chron 3:15, "before the (temple) house, i.e., in front of the hall of the temple. One was eighteen cubits high, and a thread of twelve cubits surrounded (spanned) the other pillar." The statement of the height of the one pillar and that of the circumference of the other is to be understood as an abbreviated expression, signifying that the height and thickness mentioned applied to the one as well as to the other, or that they were alike in height and circumference. According to the Chronicles, they were thirty-five cubits long; which many expositors understand as signifying that the length of the two together was thirty-five cubits, so that each one was only 17 1/2 cubits long, for which the full number 18 is substituted in our text. But this mode of reconciling the discrepancy is very improbable, and is hardly in harmony with the words of the Chronicles. The number 35 evidently arose from confounding the numeral letters יח = 18 with לה = 35. The correctness of the number 18 is confirmed by 4Kings 25:17 and Jer 52:21. The pillars were hollow, the brass being four finger-breadths in thickness (Jer 52:21); and they were cast in the Jordan valley (3Kings 7:46).
3Kings 7:16
"And he made two capitals (כּתרות), to set them on the heads of the pillars, cast in brass, five cubits the height of the one and of the other capital." If, on the other hand, in 4Kings 25:17 the height of the capital is said to have been three cubits, this discrepancy cannot be explained on the supposition that the capitals had been reduced two cubits in the course of time; but the statement rests, like the parallel passage in Jer 52:22, upon an error of the text, i.e., upon the substitution of ג (3) for ה (5).
3Kings 7:17
"Plait (i.e., ornaments of plait), plait-work and cords (twist, resembling) chain-work, were on the capitals, which were upon the heads of the pillars, seven on the one capital and seven on the other capital." Consequently this decoration consisted of seven twists arranged as festoons, which were hung round the capitals of the pillars.
3Kings 7:18
"And he made pomegranates, and indeed two rows round about the one twist, to cover the capitals which were upon the head of the pillars; and so he did with the other capital." In the Masoretic text the words העמּוּדים and הרמּנים are confused together, and we must read, as some of the Codd. do, in the first clause את־הרמּנים for את־העמּוּדים, and in the middle clause העמּוּדים על־ראשׁ for הרמּנים על־ראשׁ. This is not only required by the sense, but sustained by a comparison with 3Kings 7:19. The relation between the two rows of pomegranates and the plaited work is indeed not precisely defined; but it is generally and correctly assumed, that one row ran round the pillars below the plaited work and the other above, so that the plaited work, which was formed of seven cords plaited together in the form of festoons, was enclosed above and below by the rows of pomegranates. If we compare with this the further statements in 3Kings 7:41, 3Kings 7:42, 2Chron 3:16 and 2Chron 4:12-13, and Jer 52:23, הכּתרת is there more precisely designated הכּתרת גּלות, "bowls of the capitals," from which it is evident that the lower portion of the capitals, to which the braided work was fastened, was rounded in the form of a pitcher or caldron. the number of the pomegranates on the two festoons is given at 400, so that there were 200 on each capital, and consequently each row contained 100 (2Chron 3:16); and according to Jer. (l.c.) there were 96 רוּחה, "windwards," and in all 100 on the braided work round about. רוּחה, "windwards," can hardly be taken in any other sense than this: in the direction of the wine, i.e., facing the four quarters of the heavens. This meaning is indisputably sustained by the use of the word רוּח, to denote the quarters of the heavens, in statements of the aspect of buildings (Ezek 42:16-18), whereas there is no foundation whatever for such meanings as "airwards = uncovered" (Bttcher, Thenius), or hanging freely (Ewald).
(Note: It is hardly necessary to observe, that the expression רוּח שׁאף, to gasp for air, in Jer 2:24; Jer 14:6, does not warrant our giving to רוּחה the meaning open or uncovered, as Bttcher supposes. But when Thenius follows Bttcher (Proben, p. 335) in adducing in support of this the fact "that the tangent, which is drawn to any circle divided into a hundred parts, covers exactly four of these parts," the fact rests upon a simple error, inasmuch as any drawing will show that a tangent only touches one point of a circle divided into a hundred parts. And the remark of Bttcher, "If you describe on the outside of a circle of twelve cubits in circumference a hundred small circles of twelve-hundredths of a cubit in diameter, a tangent drawn thereupon will cover to the eye exactly four small circles, although mathematically it touches only one of them in one point," is not correct according to any measurement. For if the tangent touches one of these smaller circles with mathematical exactness, to the eye there will be covered either three or five half circles, or even seven, but never four.)
3Kings 7:19-20
In 3Kings 7:19 and 3Kings 7:20 a second decoration of the capitals of the pillars is mentioned, from which we may see that the rounding with the chain-like plaited work and the pomegranates enclosing it did not cover the capital to the very top, but only the lower portion of it. The decoration of the upper part is described in 3Kings 7:19 : "And capitals, which were upon the top of the pillars, were (or, Hiram made) lily-work after the manner of the hall, four cubits." The lily-work occupied, according to 3Kings 7:20, the upper portion of the capitals, which is here called כּתרת, as a crown set upon the lower portion. It was lily-work, i.e., sculpture in the form of flowering lilies. The words אמּות ארבּע בּאוּלם are obscure. According to Bttcher and Thenius, בּאוּלם is intended to indicate the position of the pillars within the hall, so that their capitals sustained the lintel of the doorway. But even if בּאוּלם were rendered, within the hall, as it is by Bttcher, it is impossible to see how this meaning could be obtained from the words "capitals upon the head of the pillars lily-work within the hall." In that case we must at least have "the pillars within the hall;" and בּאוּלם would be connected with העמּוּדים, instead of being separated from it by שׁוּשׁן מעשׂה. Even if we were to introduce a stop after שׁוּשׁן and take בּאוּלם by itself, the expression "in (or at) the hall" would not in itself indicate the position of the pillars in the doorway, to say nothing of the fact that it is only in 3Kings 7:21 that anything is said concerning the position of the pillars. Again, the measurement "four cubits" cannot be understood, as it is by Thenius, as denoting the diameter of the capitals of the pillars; it must rather indicate the measure of the lily-work, that is to say, it affirms that there were four cubits of lily-work on the capitals, which were five cubits high, - in other words, the lily-work covered the four upper cubits of the capitals; from which it still further follows, that the plaited work which formed the decoration of the lower portion of the capitals was only one cubit broad or high. Consequently בּאוּלם cannot be understood in any other sense than "in the manner of or according to the hall," and can only express the thought, that there was lily-work on the capitals of the pillars as there was on the hall. For the vindication of this use of בּ see Ges. Lex. by Dietrich, s.v. בּ.
(Note: This is the way in which the earlier translators appear to have understood it: e.g., lxx ἕργον κρίνου κατὰ τὸ αὐλὰμ τεσσάρων πηχῶν ("lily-work according to the hall four cubits"); Vulg. Capitella... quasi opere lilii fabricata erant in porticu quatuor cubitorum; Chald. ארבע אמּין עובד שׁושׁנתא לקיט בוּלמּא (opus liliaceum collectum in porticu quatuor cubitorum); Syr. opus liliaceum idem fecit (Syr. wa-(ekad ke)set[a4wa4)) in porticu quatuor cubitis. These readings appear to be based upon the view supported by Rashi (בּאוּלם for כּאוּלם): lily-work as it was in the hall.)
There is no valid objection to the inference to which this leads, namely, that on the frontispiece of the temple-hall there was a decoration of lily-work. For since the construction of the hall is not more minutely described, we cannot expect a description of its decorations. - In 3Kings 7:20 a more precise account is given of the position in which the crowns consisting of lily-work were placed on the capitals of this columns, so that this verse is to be regarded as an explanation of 3Kings 7:19 : namely, capitals upon the pillars (did he make) also above near the belly, which was on the other side of the plait-work." הבּטן, the belly, i.e., the belly-shaped rounding, can only be the rounding of the lower portion of the capitals, which is called גּלה in 3Kings 7:41, 3Kings 7:42. Hence השּׂבכה לעבר (Keri), "on the other side of the plaited work," can only mean behind or under the plait, since we cannot suppose that there was a belly-shaped rounding above the caldron-shaped rounding which was covered with plaited work, and between this and the lily-work. The belly-shaped rounding, above or upon which the plaited work lay round about, might, when looked at from without, be described as being on the other side of it, i.e., behind it. In the second half of the verse: "and the pomegranates two hundred in rows round about on the second capital," the number of the pomegranates placed upon the capitals, which was omitted in 3Kings 7:18, is introduced in a supplementary form.
(Note: Hermann Weiss (Kostmkunde, i. p. 367) agrees in the main with the idea worked out in the text; but he assumes, on the ground of monumental views, that the decoration was of a much simpler kind, and one by no means out of harmony with the well-known monumental remains of the East. In his opinion, the pillars consisted of "a shaft nineteen cubits in height, surrounded at the top, exactly after the fashion of the ornamentation of the Egyptian pillars, with seven bands decorated like plaited work, which unitedly covered a cubit, in addition to which there was the lily-work of five cubits in height, i.e., a slender capital rising up in the form of the calyx of a lily, ornamented with pomegranates." Our reasons for dissenting from this opinion are given in the exposition of the different verses.)
3Kings 7:21
"And he set up the pillars at the hall of the Holy Place, and set up the right pillar, and called its name Jachin, and ... the left...Boaz." Instead of ההיכל לאוּלם we have in 2Chron 3:15 הבּית לפני, and in 2Chron 3:17 ההיכל על־פּני, "before the house," "before the Holy Place." This unquestionably implies that the two brazen pillars stood unconnected in front of the hall, on the right and left sides of it, and not within the hall as supporters of the roof. Nevertheless many have decided in favour of the latter view. But of the four arguments used by Thenius in proof that this was the position of the pillars, there is no force whatever in the first, which is founded upon Amos 9:1, unless we assume, as Merz and others do, that the words of the prophet, "Smite the capital, that the thresholds may shake, and break them (the capitals of the pillars), that they may fall upon the head of all," refer to the temple at Jerusalem, and not, as Thenius and others suppose, to the temple erected at Bethel for the calf-worship. For even if the temple at Bethel had really had a portal supported by pillars, it would by no means follow that the pillars Jachin and Boaz in Solomon's temple supported the roof of the hall, as it is nowhere stated that the temple of Jeroboam at Bethel was an exact copy of that of Solomon. And even with the only correct interpretation, in which the words of Amos are made to refer to the temple at Jerusalem, the argument founded upon them in support of the position of the pillars as bearers of the hall rests upon the false idea, that the ספּים, which are shaken by the smiting of the capital, are the beams lying upon the top of the pillars, or the superliminaria of the hall. It is impossible to prove that סף has any such meaning. The beam over the entrance, or upon the doorposts, is called משׁקוף in Ex 12:7, Ex 12:22-23, whereas סף denotes the threshold, i.e., the lower part of the framework of the door, as is evident from Judg 19:27. The words of the prophet are not to be interpreted architecturally, but to be taken in a rhetorical sense; "so that by the blow, which strikes the capital, and causes the thresholds to tremble, such a blow is intended as shakes the temple in all its joints" (Baur on Amos 9:1). "הכּפתּור, a kind of ornament at the top of the pillars, and הסּפּים, the thresholds, are opposed to one another, to express the thought that the building is to be shaken and destroyed a summo usque ad imum, a capite ad calcem" (Hengstenberg, Chrisol. i. p. 366 transl.). The other arguments derived from Ezek 40:48 and Ezek 40:49, and from Josephus, Ant. viii. 3, 4, prove nothing at all. From the words of Josephus, τούτων τῶν κιόνων τὸν μέν ἕτερον κατὰ τὴν δεξιὰν ἔστησε τοῦ προπυλαίου παραστάδα...τὸν δὲ ἕτερον κ.τ.λ., it would only follow "that the pillars (according to the view of Josephus) must have stood in the doorway," if it were the case that παραστάς had no other meaning than doorpost, and προπύλαιον could be understood as referring to the temple-hall generally. But this is conclusively disproved by the fact that Josephus always calls the temple-hall πρόναον (l.c., and viii. 3, 2 and 3), so that προπύλαιον can only denote the fore-court, and παραστάς a pillar standing by itself. Consequently Josephus regarded the pillars Jachin and Boaz as propylaea erected in front of the hall. We must therefore adhere to the view expressed by Bhr (d. Tempel, p. 35ff.), that these pillars did not support the roof of the temple-hall, but were set up in front of the hall on either side of the entrance. In addition to the words of the text, this conclusion is sustained (1) by the circumstance that the two pillars are not mentioned in connection with the building of the temple and the hall, but are referred to for the first time here in the enumeration of the sacred vessels of the court that were made of brass. "If the pillars had formed an essential part of the construction and had been supporters of the hall, they would certainly have been mentioned in the description of the building, and not have been placed among the articles of furniture" (Schnaase); and moreover they would not have been made of metal like the rest of the vessels, but would have been constructed of the same building materials as the hall and the house, namely, of stone or wood (Bhr). And to this we may add (2) the monumental character of the pillars, which is evident from the names given to them. No architectural portion of the building received a special name.
(Note: Stieglitz (Gesch. der Baukunst, p. 127) aptly observes in relation to this: "The architect cannot subscribe to Meyer's view (that the pillars were supporters of the hall), since it was only through their independent position that the pillars received the solemn character intended to be given to them, and by their dignity subserved the end designed, of exalting the whole building and calling attention to the real purpose of the whole.")
Jachin (יכין): "he establishes," stabiliet templum (Simonis Onom. p. 430); and Boaz (בּעז), ex עז בּו in illo, sc. Domino, robur (Sim. p. 460). Kimchi has correctly interpreted the first name thus: "Let this temple stand for ever;" and the second, "Solomon desired that God would give it strength and endurance." The pillars were symbols of the stability and strength, which not only the temple as an outward building, but the kingdom of God in Israel as embodied in the temple, received from the Lord, who had chosen the temple to be His dwelling-place in the midst of His people.
(Note: There is no necessity to refute the fanciful notion of Ewald, that these pillars, "when they were erected and consecrated, were certainly named after men who were held in estimation at that time, probably after the younger sons of Solomon," and that of Thenius, that בּעז יכין, "He (the Lord) establishes with strength," was engraved upon them as an inscription.)
3Kings 7:22
In 3Kings 7:22 it is stated again that there was lily-work upon the head of the pillars, - a repetition which may be explained from the significance of this emblem of the capitals of the pillars; and then the words, "So was the work of the capitals finished," bring the account of this ornament of the temple to a close.
John Gill
For he cast two pillars of brass, eighteen cubits high apiece,.... In 2Chron 3:15 they are said to be thirty five cubits high, which must be understood of the length or height of them both; and whereas that would allow but seventeen cubits and a half to a pillar, either the round number of eighteen is used, or half a cubit in each may be allowed, either for the base or pedestal into which they were put; or the chapiter at the top of them, into which they might go such a length, and so only what was seen is described:
and a line of twelve cubits did compass either of them about; that was the circumference of them, and therefore their diameter must be four cubits. Eupolemus, an Heathen writer (n) speaks of these pillars, but he makes the circuit of them to be but ten cubits; and says they were equal in height with the temple, and stood on the right and left, and were made of brass, and covered with gold, the thickness of a finger.
(n) Apud Euseb, Praepar. Evangel. l. 9. c. 34. p. 450.
Robert Jamieson, A. R. Fausset and David Brown
two pillars of brass of eighteen cubits high--They were made of the brass (bronze) which was taken from the king of Zobah (1Chron 18:8). In 2Chron 3:15 they are said to have been thirty-five cubits high. There, however, their joint lengths are given; whereas here the length of the pillars is given separately. Each pillar was seventeen and a half cubits long, which is stated, in round numbers, as eighteen. Their dimensions in English measure are as follows: The pillars without the capitals measured thirty-two and a half feet long, and seven feet diameter; and if hollow, as WHISTON, in his translation of JOSEPHUS, thinks (Jer 52:21), the metal would be about three and a half inches thick; so that the whole casting of one pillar must have been from sixteen to twenty tons. The height of the capitals was eight and three-fourths feet; and, at the same thickness of metal, would not weigh less than seven or eight tons each. The nature of the workmanship in the finishing of these capitals is described (3Kings 7:17-22). The pillars, when set up, would stand forty feet in height [NAPIER, Metal].
7:167:16: Եւ երկուս խոյակս արար տալ ՚ի վերայ գլխոց սեանցն ձո՛յլ պղնձիս. հինգ կանգուն բարձրութիւն միոյ խոյակին, եւ հինգ կանգուն բարձրութիւն երկրորդ խոյակին։
16 Նա երկու խոյակ պատրաստեց, որոնք պէտք է դրուէին պղնձաձոյլ սիւների վրայ, նրանց գլխին: Մի խոյակի բարձրութիւնը հինգ կանգուն էր, երկրորդ խոյակի բարձրութիւնը նոյնպէս հինգ կանգուն էր:
16 Սիւներուն գլուխը դնելու համար պղնձէ երկու խոյակ ձուլեց։ Մէկ խոյակին բարձրութիւնը հինգ կանգուն ու միւս խոյակին բարձրութիւնը հինգ կանգուն էր։
Եւ երկուս խոյակս արար տալ ի վերայ գլխոց սեանցն ձոյլ պղնձիս. հինգ կանգուն բարձրութիւն միոյ խոյակին, եւ հինգ կանգուն բարձրութիւն երկրորդ խոյակին:

7:16: Եւ երկուս խոյակս արար տալ ՚ի վերայ գլխոց սեանցն ձո՛յլ պղնձիս. հինգ կանգուն բարձրութիւն միոյ խոյակին, եւ հինգ կանգուն բարձրութիւն երկրորդ խոյակին։
16 Նա երկու խոյակ պատրաստեց, որոնք պէտք է դրուէին պղնձաձոյլ սիւների վրայ, նրանց գլխին: Մի խոյակի բարձրութիւնը հինգ կանգուն էր, երկրորդ խոյակի բարձրութիւնը նոյնպէս հինգ կանգուն էր:
16 Սիւներուն գլուխը դնելու համար պղնձէ երկու խոյակ ձուլեց։ Մէկ խոյակին բարձրութիւնը հինգ կանգուն ու միւս խոյակին բարձրութիւնը հինգ կանգուն էր։
zohrab-1805▾ eastern-1994▾ western am▾
7:167:16 и два венца, вылитых из меди, он сделал, чтобы положить наверху столбов: пять локтей вышины в одном венце и пять локтей вышины в другом венце;
7:16 καὶ και and; even ἐπὶ επι in; on τὰ ο the συγκλείσματα συγκλεισμα he; him ἀνὰ ανα.1 up; each μέσον μεσος in the midst; in the middle τῶν ο the ἐξεχομένων εξεχω lion καὶ και and; even βόες βους ox καὶ και and; even χερουβιν χερουβ cherubim καὶ και and; even ἐπὶ επι in; on τῶν ο the ἐξεχομένων εξεχω so; this way καὶ και and; even ἐπάνωθεν επανωθεν and; even ὑποκάτωθεν υποκατωθεν the λεόντων λεων lion καὶ και and; even τῶν ο the βοῶν βους ox χῶραι χωρα territory; estate ἔργον εργον work καταβάσεως καταβασις descent
7:16 וּ û וְ and שְׁתֵּ֨י šᵊttˌê שְׁנַיִם two כֹתָרֹ֜ת ḵōṯārˈōṯ כֹּתֶרֶת capital עָשָׂ֗ה ʕāśˈā עשׂה make לָ lā לְ to תֵ֛ת ṯˈēṯ נתן give עַל־ ʕal- עַל upon רָאשֵׁ֥י rāšˌê רֹאשׁ head הָֽ hˈā הַ the עַמּוּדִ֖ים ʕammûḏˌîm עַמּוּד pillar מֻצַ֣ק muṣˈaq יצק pour נְחֹ֑שֶׁת nᵊḥˈōšeṯ נְחֹשֶׁת bronze חָמֵ֣שׁ ḥāmˈēš חָמֵשׁ five אַמֹּ֗ות ʔammˈôṯ אַמָּה cubit קֹומַת֙ qômˌaṯ קֹומָה height הַ ha הַ the כֹּתֶ֣רֶת kkōṯˈereṯ כֹּתֶרֶת capital הָ hā הַ the אֶחָ֔ת ʔeḥˈāṯ אֶחָד one וְ wᵊ וְ and חָמֵ֣שׁ ḥāmˈēš חָמֵשׁ five אַמֹּ֔ות ʔammˈôṯ אַמָּה cubit קֹומַ֖ת qômˌaṯ קֹומָה height הַ ha הַ the כֹּתֶ֥רֶת kkōṯˌereṯ כֹּתֶרֶת capital הַ ha הַ the שֵּׁנִֽית׃ ššēnˈîṯ שֵׁנִי second
7:16. duo quoque capitella fecit quae ponerentur super capita columnarum fusili aere quinque cubitorum altitudinis capitellum unum et quinque cubitorum altitudinis capitellum alterumHe made also two chapiters of molten brass, to be set upon the tops of the pillars: the height of one chapiter was five cubits, and the height of the other chapiter was five cubits:
16. And he made two chapiters of molten brass, to set upon the tops of the pillars: the height of the one chapiter was five cubits, and the height of the other chapiter was five cubits.
And he made two chapiters [of] molten brass, to set upon the tops of the pillars: the height of the one chapiter [was] five cubits, and the height of the other chapiter [was] five cubits:

7:16 и два венца, вылитых из меди, он сделал, чтобы положить наверху столбов: пять локтей вышины в одном венце и пять локтей вышины в другом венце;
καὶ και and; even
ἐπὶ επι in; on
τὰ ο the
συγκλείσματα συγκλεισμα he; him
ἀνὰ ανα.1 up; each
μέσον μεσος in the midst; in the middle
τῶν ο the
ἐξεχομένων εξεχω lion
καὶ και and; even
βόες βους ox
καὶ και and; even
χερουβιν χερουβ cherubim
καὶ και and; even
ἐπὶ επι in; on
τῶν ο the
ἐξεχομένων εξεχω so; this way
καὶ και and; even
ἐπάνωθεν επανωθεν and; even
ὑποκάτωθεν υποκατωθεν the
λεόντων λεων lion
καὶ και and; even
τῶν ο the
βοῶν βους ox
χῶραι χωρα territory; estate
ἔργον εργον work
καταβάσεως καταβασις descent
וּ û וְ and
שְׁתֵּ֨י šᵊttˌê שְׁנַיִם two
כֹתָרֹ֜ת ḵōṯārˈōṯ כֹּתֶרֶת capital
עָשָׂ֗ה ʕāśˈā עשׂה make
לָ לְ to
תֵ֛ת ṯˈēṯ נתן give
עַל־ ʕal- עַל upon
רָאשֵׁ֥י rāšˌê רֹאשׁ head
הָֽ hˈā הַ the
עַמּוּדִ֖ים ʕammûḏˌîm עַמּוּד pillar
מֻצַ֣ק muṣˈaq יצק pour
נְחֹ֑שֶׁת nᵊḥˈōšeṯ נְחֹשֶׁת bronze
חָמֵ֣שׁ ḥāmˈēš חָמֵשׁ five
אַמֹּ֗ות ʔammˈôṯ אַמָּה cubit
קֹומַת֙ qômˌaṯ קֹומָה height
הַ ha הַ the
כֹּתֶ֣רֶת kkōṯˈereṯ כֹּתֶרֶת capital
הָ הַ the
אֶחָ֔ת ʔeḥˈāṯ אֶחָד one
וְ wᵊ וְ and
חָמֵ֣שׁ ḥāmˈēš חָמֵשׁ five
אַמֹּ֔ות ʔammˈôṯ אַמָּה cubit
קֹומַ֖ת qômˌaṯ קֹומָה height
הַ ha הַ the
כֹּתֶ֥רֶת kkōṯˌereṯ כֹּתֶרֶת capital
הַ ha הַ the
שֵּׁנִֽית׃ ššēnˈîṯ שֵׁנִי second
7:16. duo quoque capitella fecit quae ponerentur super capita columnarum fusili aere quinque cubitorum altitudinis capitellum unum et quinque cubitorum altitudinis capitellum alterum
He made also two chapiters of molten brass, to be set upon the tops of the pillars: the height of one chapiter was five cubits, and the height of the other chapiter was five cubits:
ru▾ LXX-gloss▾ bhs-gloss▾ vulgate▾ erva_1895▾
jw▾ jg▾ tr▾ ab▾ all ▾
Albert Barnes: Notes on the Bible - 1834
7:16: The general character of the "chapiters" or capitals, their great size in proportion to the shaft, which is as one to two, and their construction of two quite different members, remind us of the pillars used by the Persians in their palaces, which were certainly more like Jachin and Boaz than any pillars that have reached us from antiquity. The ornamentation, however, seems to have been far more elaborate than that of the Persian capitals.
R. A. Torrey - Treasury: Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge - 1880
7:16: Exo 36:38, Exo 38:17, Exo 38:19, Exo 38:28; Ch2 4:12, Ch2 4:13
John Gill
And he made two chapiters of molten brass, to set upon the tops of the pillars,.... These were large ovals in the form of a crown, as the word signifies; or like two crowns joined together, as Ben Gersom; or bowls, as they are called, 3Kings 7:41,
the height of the one chapiter was five cubits, and the height of the other chapiter was five cubits; in 4Kings 25:17 they are said to be but three cubits high; but that is to be understood only of the ornamented part of them, the wreathen work and pomegranates on them, as there expressed; here it includes, with that, the part below unornamented.
John Wesley
Five cubits - The word chapiter is taken either more largely for the whole, so it is five cubits; Or, more strictly, either for the pommels, as they are called, 2Chron 4:12, or for the cornice or crown, and so it was but three cubits, to which the pomegranates being added make it four cubits, as it is below, 3Kings 7:19, and the other work upon it took up one cubit more, which in all made five cubits.
7:177:17: Եւ արար երկուս վանդակս ծածկել զխոյակն, եւ արար երկուս եւս վանդակս ծածկել զերկրորդ խոյակն. գո՛րծ կախաղանաւ.
17 Նա պատրաստեց վանդակակերպ երկու ցանց խոյակը ծածկելու համար:
17 Սիւներուն գլուխի խոյակներուն համար՝ մէկ խոյակին համար՝ եօթը ու միւս խոյակին համար եօթը ցանցակերպ ու շղթայագործ հիւսուած զարդեր շինեց։
[144]Եւ արար երկուս վանդակս ծածկել զխոյակն, եւ արար երկուս եւս վանդակս ծածկել զերկրորդ խոյակն, գործ կախաղանաւ:

7:17: Եւ արար երկուս վանդակս ծածկել զխոյակն, եւ արար երկուս եւս վանդակս ծածկել զերկրորդ խոյակն. գո՛րծ կախաղանաւ.
17 Նա պատրաստեց վանդակակերպ երկու ցանց խոյակը ծածկելու համար:
17 Սիւներուն գլուխի խոյակներուն համար՝ մէկ խոյակին համար՝ եօթը ու միւս խոյակին համար եօթը ցանցակերպ ու շղթայագործ հիւսուած զարդեր շինեց։
zohrab-1805▾ eastern-1994▾ western am▾
7:177:17 сетки плетеной работы и снурки в виде цепочек для венцов, которые были на верху столбов: семь на одном венце и семь на другом венце.
7:17 καὶ και and; even τέσσαρες τεσσαρες four τροχοὶ τροχος wheel χαλκοῖ χαλκεος of brass τῇ ο the μεχωνωθ μεχωνωθ the μιᾷ εις.1 one; unit καὶ και and; even τὰ ο the προσέχοντα προσεχω pay attention; beware χαλκᾶ χαλκεος of brass καὶ και and; even τέσσαρα τεσσαρες four μέρη μερος part; in particular αὐτῶν αυτος he; him ὠμίαι ωμια underneath τῶν ο the λουτήρων λουτηρ washing tub; basin
7:17 שְׂבָכִ֞ים śᵊvāḵˈîm שְׂבָכָה net מַעֲשֵׂ֣ה maʕᵃśˈē מַעֲשֶׂה deed שְׂבָכָ֗ה śᵊvāḵˈā שְׂבָכָה net גְּדִלִים֙ gᵊḏilîm גָּדִל tassel מַעֲשֵׂ֣ה maʕᵃśˈē מַעֲשֶׂה deed שַׁרְשְׁרֹ֔ות šaršᵊrˈôṯ שַׁרְשְׁרָה chain לַ la לְ to † הַ the כֹּ֣תָרֹ֔ת kkˈōṯārˈōṯ כֹּתֶרֶת capital אֲשֶׁ֖ר ʔᵃšˌer אֲשֶׁר [relative] עַל־ ʕal- עַל upon רֹ֣אשׁ rˈōš רֹאשׁ head הָ hā הַ the עַמּוּדִ֑ים ʕammûḏˈîm עַמּוּד pillar שִׁבְעָה֙ šivʕˌā שֶׁבַע seven לַ la לְ to † הַ the כֹּתֶ֣רֶת kkōṯˈereṯ כֹּתֶרֶת capital הָ hā הַ the אֶחָ֔ת ʔeḥˈāṯ אֶחָד one וְ wᵊ וְ and שִׁבְעָ֖ה šivʕˌā שֶׁבַע seven לַ la לְ to † הַ the כֹּתֶ֥רֶת kkōṯˌereṯ כֹּתֶרֶת capital הַ ha הַ the שֵּׁנִֽית׃ ššēnˈîṯ שֵׁנִי second
7:17. et quasi in modum retis et catenarum sibi invicem miro opere contextarum utrumque capitellum columnarum fusile erat septena versuum retiacula in capitello uno et septena retiacula in capitello alteroAnd a kind of network, and chain work wreathed together with wonderful art. Both the chapiters of the pillars were cast: seven rows of nets were on one chapiter, and seven nets on the other chapiter.
17. There were nets of checker work, and wreaths of chain work, for the chapiters which were upon the top of the pillars; seven for the one chapiter, and seven for the other chapiter.
And nets of checker work, and wreaths of chain work, for the chapiters which [were] upon the top of the pillars; seven for the one chapiter, and seven for the other chapiter:

7:17 сетки плетеной работы и снурки в виде цепочек для венцов, которые были на верху столбов: семь на одном венце и семь на другом венце.
καὶ και and; even
τέσσαρες τεσσαρες four
τροχοὶ τροχος wheel
χαλκοῖ χαλκεος of brass
τῇ ο the
μεχωνωθ μεχωνωθ the
μιᾷ εις.1 one; unit
καὶ και and; even
τὰ ο the
προσέχοντα προσεχω pay attention; beware
χαλκᾶ χαλκεος of brass
καὶ και and; even
τέσσαρα τεσσαρες four
μέρη μερος part; in particular
αὐτῶν αυτος he; him
ὠμίαι ωμια underneath
τῶν ο the
λουτήρων λουτηρ washing tub; basin
שְׂבָכִ֞ים śᵊvāḵˈîm שְׂבָכָה net
מַעֲשֵׂ֣ה maʕᵃśˈē מַעֲשֶׂה deed
שְׂבָכָ֗ה śᵊvāḵˈā שְׂבָכָה net
גְּדִלִים֙ gᵊḏilîm גָּדִל tassel
מַעֲשֵׂ֣ה maʕᵃśˈē מַעֲשֶׂה deed
שַׁרְשְׁרֹ֔ות šaršᵊrˈôṯ שַׁרְשְׁרָה chain
לַ la לְ to
הַ the
כֹּ֣תָרֹ֔ת kkˈōṯārˈōṯ כֹּתֶרֶת capital
אֲשֶׁ֖ר ʔᵃšˌer אֲשֶׁר [relative]
עַל־ ʕal- עַל upon
רֹ֣אשׁ rˈōš רֹאשׁ head
הָ הַ the
עַמּוּדִ֑ים ʕammûḏˈîm עַמּוּד pillar
שִׁבְעָה֙ šivʕˌā שֶׁבַע seven
לַ la לְ to
הַ the
כֹּתֶ֣רֶת kkōṯˈereṯ כֹּתֶרֶת capital
הָ הַ the
אֶחָ֔ת ʔeḥˈāṯ אֶחָד one
וְ wᵊ וְ and
שִׁבְעָ֖ה šivʕˌā שֶׁבַע seven
לַ la לְ to
הַ the
כֹּתֶ֥רֶת kkōṯˌereṯ כֹּתֶרֶת capital
הַ ha הַ the
שֵּׁנִֽית׃ ššēnˈîṯ שֵׁנִי second
7:17. et quasi in modum retis et catenarum sibi invicem miro opere contextarum utrumque capitellum columnarum fusile erat septena versuum retiacula in capitello uno et septena retiacula in capitello altero
And a kind of network, and chain work wreathed together with wonderful art. Both the chapiters of the pillars were cast: seven rows of nets were on one chapiter, and seven nets on the other chapiter.
ru▾ LXX-gloss▾ bhs-gloss▾ vulgate▾ erva_1895▾
jfb▾ jw▾ jg▾ tr▾ ab▾ all ▾
Albert Barnes: Notes on the Bible - 1834
7:17: Nets ... - Rather "Nets chequerwise, and festoons chainwise," - probably a fine network over the whole, and chainwork hanging in festoons outside.
Seven for the one chapiter - The Septuagint reading is preferable. "A net for the one chapiter and a net for the other chapiter." Compare Kg1 7:41.
R. A. Torrey - Treasury: Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge - 1880
7:17: Exo 28:14, Exo 28:22, Exo 28:24, Exo 28:25, Exo 39:15-18; Kg2 25:17
John Gill
And nets of checker work, and wreaths of chain work, for the chapiters which were upon the top of the pillars,.... These were the ornaments of the chapiters; the former being like thick branches of trees, with their boughs and leaves curiously wrought, as the word signifies, and the latter like fringes, such as the Jews wore at the skirt of their garments:
seven for the one chapiter, and seven for the other chapiter; perhaps with four rows of checker work, and three of chain work.
John Wesley
The chapiters - Which those nets and wreathes encompass, either covering, and as it were receiving and holding the pomegranates, or being mixed with them.
Robert Jamieson, A. R. Fausset and David Brown
nets of checker work--that is, branch-work, resembling the branches of palm trees, and
wreaths of chain-work--that is, plaited in the form of a chain, composing a sort of crown or garland. Seven of these were wound in festoons on one capital, and over and underneath them were fringes, one hundred in a row. Two rows of pomegranates strung on chains (2Chron 3:16) ran round the capital (3Kings 7:42; compare 2Chron 4:12-13; Jer 52:23), which, itself, was of a bowl-like or globular form (3Kings 7:41). These rows were designed to form a binding to the ornamental work--to keep it from falling asunder; and they were so placed as to be above the chain work, and below the place where the branch-work was.
7:187:18: եւ երկոցունց սեանցն նռնաձեւս պղնձիս ՚ի վանդակապատսն, գո՛րծ կախաղանաւ, կարգ առ կարգ։ Եւ ա՛յնպէս արար երկրորդի խոյակին[3509] [3509] Յօրինակին. Կարգ առ գարգ։
18 Վանդակակերպ երկու ցանց էլ պատրաստեց երկրորդ խոյակը զարդարանքով ծածկելու համար: Նա երկու սիւների համար պատրաստեց նռնաձեւ զարդեր, որպէսզի դրանք շարք-շարք կախեն վանդակացանցի վրայ:
18 Այսպէս սիւները շինեց ու մէկ ցանցակերպ զարդին վրայ շուրջանակի երկու կարգ նուռեր շարեց, որպէս զի սիւնին գլուխը եղած խոյակը նուռերով ծածկուի։ Միւս խոյակին ալ այնպէս ըրաւ։
եւ երկոցունց սեանցն նռնաձեւս պղնձիս ի վանդակապատսն, գործ կախաղանաւ, կարգ առ կարգ. եւ այնպէս արար երկրորդի խոյակին:

7:18: եւ երկոցունց սեանցն նռնաձեւս պղնձիս ՚ի վանդակապատսն, գո՛րծ կախաղանաւ, կարգ առ կարգ։ Եւ ա՛յնպէս արար երկրորդի խոյակին[3509]
[3509] Յօրինակին. Կարգ առ գարգ։
18 Վանդակակերպ երկու ցանց էլ պատրաստեց երկրորդ խոյակը զարդարանքով ծածկելու համար: Նա երկու սիւների համար պատրաստեց նռնաձեւ զարդեր, որպէսզի դրանք շարք-շարք կախեն վանդակացանցի վրայ:
18 Այսպէս սիւները շինեց ու մէկ ցանցակերպ զարդին վրայ շուրջանակի երկու կարգ նուռեր շարեց, որպէս զի սիւնին գլուխը եղած խոյակը նուռերով ծածկուի։ Միւս խոյակին ալ այնպէս ըրաւ։
zohrab-1805▾ eastern-1994▾ western am▾
7:187:18 Так сделал он столбы и два ряда гранатовых яблок вокруг сетки, чтобы покрыть венцы, которые на верху столбов; то же сделал и для другого венца.
7:18 καὶ και and; even χεῖρες χειρ hand ἐν εν in τοῖς ο the τροχοῖς τροχος wheel ἐν εν in τῇ ο the μεχωνωθ μεχωνωθ and; even τὸ ο the ὕψος υψος height; on high τοῦ ο the τροχοῦ τροχος wheel τοῦ ο the ἑνὸς εις.1 one; unit πήχεος πηχυς forearm; foot and a half καὶ και and; even ἡμίσους ημισυς half
7:18 וַ wa וְ and יַּ֖עַשׂ yyˌaʕaś עשׂה make אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker] הָ hā הַ the עַמּוּדִ֑ים ʕammûḏˈîm עַמּוּד pillar וּ û וְ and שְׁנֵי֩ šᵊnˌê שְׁנַיִם two טוּרִ֨ים ṭûrˌîm טוּר row סָבִ֜יב sāvˈîv סָבִיב surrounding עַל־ ʕal- עַל upon הַ ha הַ the שְּׂבָכָ֣ה śśᵊvāḵˈā שְׂבָכָה net הָ hā הַ the אֶחָ֗ת ʔeḥˈāṯ אֶחָד one לְ lᵊ לְ to כַסֹּ֤ות ḵassˈôṯ כסה cover אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker] הַ ha הַ the כֹּֽתָרֹת֙ kkˈōṯārōṯ כֹּתֶרֶת capital אֲשֶׁר֙ ʔᵃšˌer אֲשֶׁר [relative] עַל־ ʕal- עַל upon רֹ֣אשׁ rˈōš רֹאשׁ head הָֽ hˈā הַ the רִמֹּנִ֔ים rimmōnˈîm רִמֹּון pomegranate וְ wᵊ וְ and כֵ֣ן ḵˈēn כֵּן thus עָשָׂ֔ה ʕāśˈā עשׂה make לַ la לְ to † הַ the כֹּתֶ֖רֶת kkōṯˌereṯ כֹּתֶרֶת capital הַ ha הַ the שֵּׁנִֽית׃ ššēnˈîṯ שֵׁנִי second
7:18. et perfecit columnas et duos ordines per circuitum retiaculorum singulorum ut tegerent capitella quae erant super summitatem malogranatorum eodem modo fecit et capitello secundoAnd he made the pillars, and two rows round about each network to cover the chapiters, that were upon the top, with pomegranates: and in like manner did he to the other chapiter.
18. So he made the pillars; and there were two rows round about upon the one network, to cover the chapiters that were upon the top of the pillars: and so did he for the other chapiter.
And he made the pillars, and two rows round about upon the one network, to cover the chapiters that [were] upon the top, with pomegranates: and so did he for the other chapiter:

7:18 Так сделал он столбы и два ряда гранатовых яблок вокруг сетки, чтобы покрыть венцы, которые на верху столбов; то же сделал и для другого венца.
καὶ και and; even
χεῖρες χειρ hand
ἐν εν in
τοῖς ο the
τροχοῖς τροχος wheel
ἐν εν in
τῇ ο the
μεχωνωθ μεχωνωθ and; even
τὸ ο the
ὕψος υψος height; on high
τοῦ ο the
τροχοῦ τροχος wheel
τοῦ ο the
ἑνὸς εις.1 one; unit
πήχεος πηχυς forearm; foot and a half
καὶ και and; even
ἡμίσους ημισυς half
וַ wa וְ and
יַּ֖עַשׂ yyˌaʕaś עשׂה make
אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker]
הָ הַ the
עַמּוּדִ֑ים ʕammûḏˈîm עַמּוּד pillar
וּ û וְ and
שְׁנֵי֩ šᵊnˌê שְׁנַיִם two
טוּרִ֨ים ṭûrˌîm טוּר row
סָבִ֜יב sāvˈîv סָבִיב surrounding
עַל־ ʕal- עַל upon
הַ ha הַ the
שְּׂבָכָ֣ה śśᵊvāḵˈā שְׂבָכָה net
הָ הַ the
אֶחָ֗ת ʔeḥˈāṯ אֶחָד one
לְ lᵊ לְ to
כַסֹּ֤ות ḵassˈôṯ כסה cover
אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker]
הַ ha הַ the
כֹּֽתָרֹת֙ kkˈōṯārōṯ כֹּתֶרֶת capital
אֲשֶׁר֙ ʔᵃšˌer אֲשֶׁר [relative]
עַל־ ʕal- עַל upon
רֹ֣אשׁ rˈōš רֹאשׁ head
הָֽ hˈā הַ the
רִמֹּנִ֔ים rimmōnˈîm רִמֹּון pomegranate
וְ wᵊ וְ and
כֵ֣ן ḵˈēn כֵּן thus
עָשָׂ֔ה ʕāśˈā עשׂה make
לַ la לְ to
הַ the
כֹּתֶ֖רֶת kkōṯˌereṯ כֹּתֶרֶת capital
הַ ha הַ the
שֵּׁנִֽית׃ ššēnˈîṯ שֵׁנִי second
7:18. et perfecit columnas et duos ordines per circuitum retiaculorum singulorum ut tegerent capitella quae erant super summitatem malogranatorum eodem modo fecit et capitello secundo
And he made the pillars, and two rows round about each network to cover the chapiters, that were upon the top, with pomegranates: and in like manner did he to the other chapiter.
ru▾ LXX-gloss▾ bhs-gloss▾ vulgate▾ erva_1895▾
jw▾ jg▾ tr▾ ab▾ all ▾
Albert Barnes: Notes on the Bible - 1834
7:18: The pomegranate was one of the most common ornaments in Assyria. It was used on quivers, on spear-shafts, and maceheads, in patterns on doorways and pavements, etc. It is doubtful whether a symbolic meaning was attached to it, or whether it was merely selected as a beautiful natural form.
R. A. Torrey - Treasury: Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge - 1880
7:18: Exo 28:14, Exo 28:22, Exo 28:24, Exo 28:25, Exo 39:15-18; Kg2 25:17
John Gill
And he made the pillars,.... Or adorned them in this manner:
and two rows round about upon the one network, to cover the chapiters that were upon the top, with pomegranates; that is, there were two rows of figures like pomegranates upon the net or branch work that covered the chapiters that were on the top of the pillars; and Kimchi owns, that some copies so read, on the top of the pillars, instead of pomegranates, though he thinks it a mistake:
and so did he for the other chapiter; put two rows about that also.
John Wesley
Two rows - Either of pomegranates, by comparing this with 3Kings 7:20, or of some other curious work.
7:197:19: ՚ի վերայ գլխոյ սեանցն, գո՛րծ շուշանագործ առ կամարաւ ՚ի չորից կանգնոց։
19 Սիւնի գլխին գտնուող երկրորդ խոյակի վրայ, կամարի մօտ դրեց մի պսակ, որն ունէր չորս կանգուն երկարութիւն, եւ վրան շուշաններ էին քանդակուած:
19 Սրահին մէջի սիւներուն գլուխը եղող խոյակները չորս կանգուն էին շուշանաձեւ շինուածքով։
ի վերայ գլխոյ սեանցն`` գործ շուշանագործ [145]առ կամարաւ`` ի չորից կանգնոց:

7:19: ՚ի վերայ գլխոյ սեանցն, գո՛րծ շուշանագործ առ կամարաւ ՚ի չորից կանգնոց։
19 Սիւնի գլխին գտնուող երկրորդ խոյակի վրայ, կամարի մօտ դրեց մի պսակ, որն ունէր չորս կանգուն երկարութիւն, եւ վրան շուշաններ էին քանդակուած:
19 Սրահին մէջի սիւներուն գլուխը եղող խոյակները չորս կանգուն էին շուշանաձեւ շինուածքով։
zohrab-1805▾ eastern-1994▾ western am▾
7:197:19 А в притворе венцы на верху столбов сделаны {наподобие} лилии, в четыре локтя,
7:19 καὶ και and; even τὸ ο the ἔργον εργον work τῶν ο the τροχῶν τροχος wheel ἔργον εργον work τροχῶν τροχος wheel ἅρματος αρμα chariot αἱ ο the χεῖρες χειρ hand αὐτῶν αυτος he; him καὶ και and; even οἱ ο the νῶτοι νωτος back αὐτῶν αυτος he; him καὶ και and; even ἡ ο the πραγματεία πραγματεια practicality αὐτῶν αυτος he; him τὰ ο the πάντα πας all; every χωνευτά χωνευτος formed of cast metal; molten
7:19 וְ wᵊ וְ and כֹֽתָרֹ֗ת ḵˈōṯārˈōṯ כֹּתֶרֶת capital אֲשֶׁר֙ ʔᵃšˌer אֲשֶׁר [relative] עַל־ ʕal- עַל upon רֹ֣אשׁ rˈōš רֹאשׁ head הָ hā הַ the עַמּוּדִ֔ים ʕammûḏˈîm עַמּוּד pillar מַעֲשֵׂ֖ה maʕᵃśˌē מַעֲשֶׂה deed שׁוּשַׁ֣ן šûšˈan שׁוּשַׁן lily בָּֽ bˈā בְּ in † הַ the אוּלָ֑ם ʔûlˈām אֵילָם porch אַרְבַּ֖ע ʔarbˌaʕ אַרְבַּע four אַמֹּֽות׃ ʔammˈôṯ אַמָּה cubit
7:19. capitella autem quae erant super capita columnarum quasi opere lilii fabricata erant in porticu quattuor cubitorumAnd the chapiters that were upon the top of the pillars, were of lily work, in the porch of four cubits.
19. And the chapiters that were upon the top of the pillars in the porch were of lily work, four cubits.
And the chapiters that [were] upon the top of the pillars [were] of lily work in the porch, four cubits:

7:19 А в притворе венцы на верху столбов сделаны {наподобие} лилии, в четыре локтя,
καὶ και and; even
τὸ ο the
ἔργον εργον work
τῶν ο the
τροχῶν τροχος wheel
ἔργον εργον work
τροχῶν τροχος wheel
ἅρματος αρμα chariot
αἱ ο the
χεῖρες χειρ hand
αὐτῶν αυτος he; him
καὶ και and; even
οἱ ο the
νῶτοι νωτος back
αὐτῶν αυτος he; him
καὶ και and; even
ο the
πραγματεία πραγματεια practicality
αὐτῶν αυτος he; him
τὰ ο the
πάντα πας all; every
χωνευτά χωνευτος formed of cast metal; molten
וְ wᵊ וְ and
כֹֽתָרֹ֗ת ḵˈōṯārˈōṯ כֹּתֶרֶת capital
אֲשֶׁר֙ ʔᵃšˌer אֲשֶׁר [relative]
עַל־ ʕal- עַל upon
רֹ֣אשׁ rˈōš רֹאשׁ head
הָ הַ the
עַמּוּדִ֔ים ʕammûḏˈîm עַמּוּד pillar
מַעֲשֵׂ֖ה maʕᵃśˌē מַעֲשֶׂה deed
שׁוּשַׁ֣ן šûšˈan שׁוּשַׁן lily
בָּֽ bˈā בְּ in
הַ the
אוּלָ֑ם ʔûlˈām אֵילָם porch
אַרְבַּ֖ע ʔarbˌaʕ אַרְבַּע four
אַמֹּֽות׃ ʔammˈôṯ אַמָּה cubit
7:19. capitella autem quae erant super capita columnarum quasi opere lilii fabricata erant in porticu quattuor cubitorum
And the chapiters that were upon the top of the pillars, were of lily work, in the porch of four cubits.
ru▾ LXX-gloss▾ bhs-gloss▾ vulgate▾ erva_1895▾
jfb▾ jw▾ jg▾ gnv▾ tr▾ ab▾ all ▾
Albert Barnes: Notes on the Bible - 1834
7:19: There is a cornice of (so-called) lilywork at Persepolis, consisting of three ranges of broadish rounded leaves, one over the other. Lilies are also represented with much spirit on a bas-relief from Koyunjik.
R. A. Torrey - Treasury: Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge - 1880
7:19: lily work: Kg1 7:22, Kg1 6:18, Kg1 6:32-35
Geneva 1599
And the chapiters that [were] upon the top of the pillars [were] of (k) lily work in the porch, four cubits.
(k) As was seen commonly wrought in costly porches.
John Gill
And the chapiters that were upon the top of the pillars were of lily work in the porch,.... Or such as was in the porch of the temple; the work was like that wrought in the form of the flower of lilies open:
four cubits; of the five cubits of which the chapiters consisted, four of them were of lily work, the two rows of pomegranates taking up the other; though Dr. Lightfoot (o) thinks, that at the head of the pillar was a border or circle of lily work, that stood out four cubits under the chapiter, into and along the porch; a four cubit circle, after the manner of a spread lily.
(o) Prospect of the Temple, c. 13. sect. 2. p. 1075.
John Wesley
Lilly work - Made like the leaves of lillies. In the porch - Or, as in the porch; such work as there was in the porch of the temple, in which these pillars were set, 3Kings 7:21, that so the work of the tops of these pillars might agree with that in the top of the porch.
Robert Jamieson, A. R. Fausset and David Brown
lily work--beautiful ornaments, resembling the stalks, leaves, and blossoms of lilies--of large dimensions, as suited to the height of their position.
7:207:20: Եւ պատուար ՚ի վերայ երկոցունց սեանցն. եւ ՚ի վերուստ ՚ի կողմանոցաց խոյակին պատուար. եւ նռնաձեւացն երկերիւր կարգ շուրջ զերկրորդիւ խոյակաւն։
20 Երկու սիւների խոյակների վերեւից դրեց պսակներ, իսկ երկրորդ խոյակի շուրջը՝ կարգով շարուած երկու հարիւր նռնաձեւ զարդեր:
20 Երկու սիւներուն վրայի խոյակներուն ու ցանցակերպ զարդին մօտ եղող փորին վրայ ալ նուռեր կային։ Երկու խոյակներուն* վրայ կարգով շարուած երկու հարիւր նուռ կար։
[146]Եւ պատուար ի վերայ երկոցունց սեանցն ի վերուստ ի կողմանոցաց խոյակին պատուար, եւ նռնաձեւացն երկերիւր կարգ`` շուրջ զերկրորդիւ խոյակաւն:

7:20: Եւ պատուար ՚ի վերայ երկոցունց սեանցն. եւ ՚ի վերուստ ՚ի կողմանոցաց խոյակին պատուար. եւ նռնաձեւացն երկերիւր կարգ շուրջ զերկրորդիւ խոյակաւն։
20 Երկու սիւների խոյակների վերեւից դրեց պսակներ, իսկ երկրորդ խոյակի շուրջը՝ կարգով շարուած երկու հարիւր նռնաձեւ զարդեր:
20 Երկու սիւներուն վրայի խոյակներուն ու ցանցակերպ զարդին մօտ եղող փորին վրայ ալ նուռեր կային։ Երկու խոյակներուն* վրայ կարգով շարուած երկու հարիւր նուռ կար։
zohrab-1805▾ eastern-1994▾ western am▾
7:207:20 и венцы на обоих столбах вверху, прямо над выпуклостью, которая подле сетки; и на другом венце, рядами кругом, двести гранатовых яблок.
7:20 αἱ ο the τέσσαρες τεσσαρες four ὠμίαι ωμια in; on τῶν ο the τεσσάρων τεσσαρες four γωνιῶν γωνια corner τῆς ο the μεχωνωθ μεχωνωθ the μιᾶς εις.1 one; unit ἐκ εκ from; out of τῆς ο the μεχωνωθ μεχωνωθ the ὦμοι ωμοι he; him
7:20 וְ wᵊ וְ and כֹתָרֹ֗ת ḵōṯārˈōṯ כֹּתֶרֶת capital עַל־ ʕal- עַל upon שְׁנֵי֙ šᵊnˌê שְׁנַיִם two הָֽ hˈā הַ the עַמּוּדִ֔ים ʕammûḏˈîm עַמּוּד pillar גַּם־ gam- גַּם even מִ mi מִן from מַּ֨עַל֙ mmˈaʕal מַעַל top מִ mi מִן from לְּ llᵊ לְ to עֻמַּ֣ת ʕummˈaṯ עֻמָּה side הַ ha הַ the בֶּ֔טֶן bbˈeṭen בֶּטֶן belly אֲשֶׁ֖ר ʔᵃšˌer אֲשֶׁר [relative] לְ lᵊ לְ to עֵ֣בֶר ʕˈēver עֵבֶר opposite הַ† *ha הַ the שְּׂבָכָ֑השׂבכה *śśᵊvāḵˈā שְׂבָכָה net וְ wᵊ וְ and הָ hā הַ the רִמֹּונִ֤ים rimmônˈîm רִמֹּון pomegranate מָאתַ֨יִם֙ māṯˈayim מֵאָה hundred טֻרִ֣ים ṭurˈîm טוּר row סָבִ֔יב sāvˈîv סָבִיב surrounding עַ֖ל ʕˌal עַל upon הַ ha הַ the כֹּתֶ֥רֶת kkōṯˌereṯ כֹּתֶרֶת capital הַ ha הַ the שֵּׁנִֽית׃ ššēnˈîṯ שֵׁנִי second
7:20. et rursum alia capitella in summitate columnarum desuper iuxta mensuram columnae contra retiacula malogranatorum autem ducenti ordines erant in circuitu capitelli secundiAnd again there were other chapiters on the top of the pillars above, according to the measure of the pillar over against the network: and of pomegranates there were two hundred, in rows round about the other chapiter.
20. And there were chapiters above also upon the two pillars, close by the belly which was beside the network: and the pomegranates were two hundred, in rows round about upon the other chapiter.
And the chapiters upon the two pillars [had pomegranates] also above, over against the belly which [was] by the network: and the pomegranates [were] two hundred in rows round about upon the other chapiter:

7:20 и венцы на обоих столбах вверху, прямо над выпуклостью, которая подле сетки; и на другом венце, рядами кругом, двести гранатовых яблок.
αἱ ο the
τέσσαρες τεσσαρες four
ὠμίαι ωμια in; on
τῶν ο the
τεσσάρων τεσσαρες four
γωνιῶν γωνια corner
τῆς ο the
μεχωνωθ μεχωνωθ the
μιᾶς εις.1 one; unit
ἐκ εκ from; out of
τῆς ο the
μεχωνωθ μεχωνωθ the
ὦμοι ωμοι he; him
וְ wᵊ וְ and
כֹתָרֹ֗ת ḵōṯārˈōṯ כֹּתֶרֶת capital
עַל־ ʕal- עַל upon
שְׁנֵי֙ šᵊnˌê שְׁנַיִם two
הָֽ hˈā הַ the
עַמּוּדִ֔ים ʕammûḏˈîm עַמּוּד pillar
גַּם־ gam- גַּם even
מִ mi מִן from
מַּ֨עַל֙ mmˈaʕal מַעַל top
מִ mi מִן from
לְּ llᵊ לְ to
עֻמַּ֣ת ʕummˈaṯ עֻמָּה side
הַ ha הַ the
בֶּ֔טֶן bbˈeṭen בֶּטֶן belly
אֲשֶׁ֖ר ʔᵃšˌer אֲשֶׁר [relative]
לְ lᵊ לְ to
עֵ֣בֶר ʕˈēver עֵבֶר opposite
*ha הַ the
*śśᵊvāḵˈā שְׂבָכָה net
וְ wᵊ וְ and
הָ הַ the
רִמֹּונִ֤ים rimmônˈîm רִמֹּון pomegranate
מָאתַ֨יִם֙ māṯˈayim מֵאָה hundred
טֻרִ֣ים ṭurˈîm טוּר row
סָבִ֔יב sāvˈîv סָבִיב surrounding
עַ֖ל ʕˌal עַל upon
הַ ha הַ the
כֹּתֶ֥רֶת kkōṯˌereṯ כֹּתֶרֶת capital
הַ ha הַ the
שֵּׁנִֽית׃ ššēnˈîṯ שֵׁנִי second
7:20. et rursum alia capitella in summitate columnarum desuper iuxta mensuram columnae contra retiacula malogranatorum autem ducenti ordines erant in circuitu capitelli secundi
And again there were other chapiters on the top of the pillars above, according to the measure of the pillar over against the network: and of pomegranates there were two hundred, in rows round about the other chapiter.
ru▾ LXX-gloss▾ bhs-gloss▾ vulgate▾ erva_1895▾
jw▾ jg▾ tr▾ ab▾ all ▾
Albert Barnes: Notes on the Bible - 1834
7:20: In this verse also a portion of the original text is supposed to have fallen out in consequence of the repetition of words. The full phrase of the original has been retained in Kg1 7:16-17. It may be restored thus: "And the pomegranates were two hundred in rows round about upon the one chapiter, and two hundred in rows round about upon the other chapiter." The "four hundred" Kg1 7:42; Ch2 4:13, are obtained by counting the pomegranates of both pillars together. In Jer 52:23, is an account of the arrangement of a single row of pomegranates, whereof each pillar had two.
R. A. Torrey - Treasury: Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge - 1880
7:20: and the pomegranates: Kg2 25:17; Ch2 3:16, Ch2 4:13; Jer 52:22, Jer 52:23
John Gill
And the chapiters upon the two pillars had pomegranates also above, over against the belly which was by the network,.... The supplement is needless, according to Dr. Lightfoot; the sense being only, that the chapiters were above the lily work, which wrought out as far as the belly of the chapiters, or the middle cubit of them, which the pomegranates filled up:
and the pomegranates were two hundred, in rows round about upon the other chapiter: there were so many in each, which in all made four hundred, as in 3Kings 7:42. In Jer 52:23, it is said there were ninety six on a side, and yet one hundred round about; the meaning of which is, either that there were twenty four to every wind, as the word there is, and four on the four angles, and so in all one hundred; or, as the above learned writer, when the pillars were set to the wall, only ninety six appeared in sight in a row, the other four being hid behind them.
John Wesley
The belly - So he calls the middle part of the chapiter, which jetted farthest out. Two hundred - They are said to be ninety and six on a side of a pillar; in one row and in all an hundred, Jer 52:23, four great pomegranates between the several checker - works being added to the first ninety six. And it must needs be granted, that there were as many on the other side of the pillar, or in the other row, which makes them two hundred upon a pillar, as is here said, and four hundred upon both pillars, as they are numbered, 2Chron 4:13.
7:217:21: Եւ կանգնեաց զսիւնս կամարի տաճարին եւ կանգնեաց զմի սիւնն, եւ կոչեաց զանուն նորա Յաքում. եւ կանգնեաց զսիւնն երկրորդ, եւ կոչեաց զանուն նորա Բոոզ[3510]։ [3510] Ոմանք. Եւ կոչեաց զանուն նորա Բոով։
21 Նա սիւներ կանգնեցրեց տաճարի սրահում: Մի սիւն կանգնեցրեց ու այն անուանեց Յաքում. երկրորդ սիւնը կանգնեցրեց ու անունը դրեց Բոոզ:
21 Եւ սիւները տաճարին մէջ կանգնեցուց ու աջ կողմի սիւնը կանգնեցնելով՝ զայն Յաքին* կոչեց ու ձախ կողմի սիւնը կանգնեցնելով՝ զայն ալ Բոոզ* կոչեց։
Եւ կանգնեաց զսիւնս [147]կամարի տաճարին, եւ կանգնեաց [148]զմի սիւնն, եւ կոչեաց զանուն նորա [149]Յաքում. եւ կանգնեաց զսիւնն [150]երկրորդ, եւ կոչեաց զանուն նորա [151]Բոոզ:

7:21: Եւ կանգնեաց զսիւնս կամարի տաճարին եւ կանգնեաց զմի սիւնն, եւ կոչեաց զանուն նորա Յաքում. եւ կանգնեաց զսիւնն երկրորդ, եւ կոչեաց զանուն նորա Բոոզ[3510]։
[3510] Ոմանք. Եւ կոչեաց զանուն նորա Բոով։
21 Նա սիւներ կանգնեցրեց տաճարի սրահում: Մի սիւն կանգնեցրեց ու այն անուանեց Յաքում. երկրորդ սիւնը կանգնեցրեց ու անունը դրեց Բոոզ:
21 Եւ սիւները տաճարին մէջ կանգնեցուց ու աջ կողմի սիւնը կանգնեցնելով՝ զայն Յաքին* կոչեց ու ձախ կողմի սիւնը կանգնեցնելով՝ զայն ալ Բոոզ* կոչեց։
zohrab-1805▾ eastern-1994▾ western am▾
7:217:21 И поставил столбы к притвору храма; поставил столб на правой стороне и дал ему имя Иахин, и поставил столб на левой стороне и дал ему имя Воаз.
7:21 καὶ και and; even ἐπὶ επι in; on τῆς ο the κεφαλῆς κεφαλη head; top τῆς ο the μεχωνωθ μεχωνωθ half τοῦ ο the πήχεος πηχυς forearm; foot and a half μέγεθος μεγεθος magnitude; greatness στρογγύλον στρογγυλον circling; in a circle ἐπὶ επι in; on τῆς ο the κεφαλῆς κεφαλη head; top τῆς ο the μεχωνωθ μεχωνωθ and; even ἀρχὴ αρχη origin; beginning χειρῶν χειρ hand αὐτῆς αυτος he; him καὶ και and; even τὰ ο the συγκλείσματα συγκλεισμα he; him καὶ και and; even ἠνοίγετο ανοιγω open up ἐπὶ επι in; on τὰς ο the ἀρχὰς αρχη origin; beginning τῶν ο the χειρῶν χειρ hand αὐτῆς αυτος he; him
7:21 וַ wa וְ and יָּ֨קֶם֙ yyˈāqem קום arise אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker] הָֽ hˈā הַ the עַמֻּדִ֔ים ʕammuḏˈîm עַמּוּד pillar לְ lᵊ לְ to אֻלָ֖ם ʔulˌām אֵילָם porch הַֽ hˈa הַ the הֵיכָ֑ל hêḵˈāl הֵיכָל palace וַ wa וְ and יָּ֜קֶם yyˈāqem קום arise אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker] הָ hā הַ the עַמּ֣וּד ʕammˈûḏ עַמּוּד pillar הַ ha הַ the יְמָנִ֗י yᵊmānˈî יְמָנִי right-hand וַ wa וְ and יִּקְרָ֤א yyiqrˈā קרא call אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker] שְׁמֹו֙ šᵊmˌô שֵׁם name יָכִ֔ין yāḵˈîn יָכִין Jakin וַ wa וְ and יָּ֨קֶם֙ yyˈāqem קום arise אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker] הָ hā הַ the עַמּ֣וּד ʕammˈûḏ עַמּוּד pillar הַ ha הַ the שְּׂמָאלִ֔י śśᵊmālˈî שְׂמָאלִי lefthand וַ wa וְ and יִּקְרָ֥א yyiqrˌā קרא call אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker] שְׁמֹ֖ו šᵊmˌô שֵׁם name בֹּֽעַז׃ bˈōʕaz בֹּעַז Boaz
7:21. et statuit duas columnas in porticum templi cumque statuisset columnam dexteram vocavit eam nomine Iachin similiter erexit columnam secundam et vocavit nomen eius BoozAnd he set up the two pillars in the porch of the temple: and when he had set up the pillar on the right hand, he called the name thereof Jachin: in like manner he set up the second pillar, and called the name thereof Booz.
21. And he set up the pillars at the porch of the temple: and he set up the right pillar, and called the name thereof Jachin: and he set up the left pillar, and called the name thereof Boaz.
And he set up the pillars in the porch of the temple: and he set up the right pillar, and called the name thereof Jachin: and he set up the left pillar, and called the name thereof Boaz:

7:21 И поставил столбы к притвору храма; поставил столб на правой стороне и дал ему имя Иахин, и поставил столб на левой стороне и дал ему имя Воаз.
καὶ και and; even
ἐπὶ επι in; on
τῆς ο the
κεφαλῆς κεφαλη head; top
τῆς ο the
μεχωνωθ μεχωνωθ half
τοῦ ο the
πήχεος πηχυς forearm; foot and a half
μέγεθος μεγεθος magnitude; greatness
στρογγύλον στρογγυλον circling; in a circle
ἐπὶ επι in; on
τῆς ο the
κεφαλῆς κεφαλη head; top
τῆς ο the
μεχωνωθ μεχωνωθ and; even
ἀρχὴ αρχη origin; beginning
χειρῶν χειρ hand
αὐτῆς αυτος he; him
καὶ και and; even
τὰ ο the
συγκλείσματα συγκλεισμα he; him
καὶ και and; even
ἠνοίγετο ανοιγω open up
ἐπὶ επι in; on
τὰς ο the
ἀρχὰς αρχη origin; beginning
τῶν ο the
χειρῶν χειρ hand
αὐτῆς αυτος he; him
וַ wa וְ and
יָּ֨קֶם֙ yyˈāqem קום arise
אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker]
הָֽ hˈā הַ the
עַמֻּדִ֔ים ʕammuḏˈîm עַמּוּד pillar
לְ lᵊ לְ to
אֻלָ֖ם ʔulˌām אֵילָם porch
הַֽ hˈa הַ the
הֵיכָ֑ל hêḵˈāl הֵיכָל palace
וַ wa וְ and
יָּ֜קֶם yyˈāqem קום arise
אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker]
הָ הַ the
עַמּ֣וּד ʕammˈûḏ עַמּוּד pillar
הַ ha הַ the
יְמָנִ֗י yᵊmānˈî יְמָנִי right-hand
וַ wa וְ and
יִּקְרָ֤א yyiqrˈā קרא call
אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker]
שְׁמֹו֙ šᵊmˌô שֵׁם name
יָכִ֔ין yāḵˈîn יָכִין Jakin
וַ wa וְ and
יָּ֨קֶם֙ yyˈāqem קום arise
אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker]
הָ הַ the
עַמּ֣וּד ʕammˈûḏ עַמּוּד pillar
הַ ha הַ the
שְּׂמָאלִ֔י śśᵊmālˈî שְׂמָאלִי lefthand
וַ wa וְ and
יִּקְרָ֥א yyiqrˌā קרא call
אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker]
שְׁמֹ֖ו šᵊmˌô שֵׁם name
בֹּֽעַז׃ bˈōʕaz בֹּעַז Boaz
7:21. et statuit duas columnas in porticum templi cumque statuisset columnam dexteram vocavit eam nomine Iachin similiter erexit columnam secundam et vocavit nomen eius Booz
And he set up the two pillars in the porch of the temple: and when he had set up the pillar on the right hand, he called the name thereof Jachin: in like manner he set up the second pillar, and called the name thereof Booz.
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Adam Clarke: Commentary on the Bible - 1831
7:21: The right pillar - Jachin - That is, He shall establish. The left pillar - Boaz, that is, in strength. These were no doubt emblematical; for notwithstanding their names, they seem to have supported no part of the building.
3 Kings (1 Kings) 7:27
Albert Barnes: Notes on the Bible - 1834
7:21: The Septuagint in the parallel passage (margin reference), translate Jachin and Boaz by Κατόρθωσις Katorthō sis and Ἰσχύς Ischus - "Direction" and "Strength." The literal meaning of the names is given in the margin. The meaning was probably "God will establish in strength" (i. e. firmly) the temple and the religion connected with it.
R. A. Torrey - Treasury: Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge - 1880
7:21: And he set: Ch2 3:17; Gal 2:9; Rev 3:12
the porch: Kg1 7:12, Kg1 6:3; Eze 40:48, Eze 40:49
Jachin: Sa2 7:12; Isa 9:7
Boaz: Rut 4:21; Isa 45:24; Mat 16:18
Geneva 1599
And he set up the pillars in the (l) porch of the temple: and he set up the right pillar, and called the name thereof (m) Jachin: and he set up the left pillar, and called the name thereof (n) Boaz.
(l) Which was in the inner court between the temple and the oracle.
(m) That is, he will stablish, that is, his promise toward this house.
(n) That is, in strength: meaning the power of it will continue.
John Gill
And he set up the pillars in the porch of the temple,.... Not at the door or entrance into the temple, as Jarchi, but at the entrance into the porch:
and he set up the right pillar; or the pillar on the right hand as you went in, which was on the north, the front being east:
and called the name thereof Jachin; which signifies "he will establish", i.e. the house to which here was an entrance, so long as the pure worship of God should continue in it:
and he set up the left pillar; or the pillar on the left hand, which was to the south, unless the position of them was as you come out:
and called the name thereof Boaz; which signifies "in him", or "it is strength", namely, in the Lord that dwelt there; for this has no respect to Boaz, a prince of the house of Judah, from whom all its kings sprung, as the Targum, in 2Chron 3:17 suggests. These names were given them not by Hiram the artificer, but by Solomon, and which were very expressive; not so much of the nobility of the kingdom of the house of David, as the Targum intimates; or of the church of God, the pillar and ground of truth; as of Christ himself, and the two natures in him, and of his royal dignity, signified by the crowns or chapiters on them, decorated as they were, whose legs are as pillars of marble, and in whom are righteousness and strength; which is no small encouragement to those who are entering into the church of God the temple was a type of; who, should they fear, being feeble and weak, that they should totter and fall, here stands Jachin, to let them know the Lord will establish and settle them; or that they should never hold out to the end, here is Boaz to direct them to Christ, in whom their strength lies, see Song 4:15. Allusion is had to these, Rev_ 3:12.
John Wesley
Jachin - Jachin signifies he; That is, God shall establish, his temple, and church, and people: and Boaz signifies, in it, or rather, in him (to answer the he in the former name) is strength. So these pillars being eminently strong and stable, were types of that strength which was in God, and would be put forth by God for the defending and establishing of his temple and people, if they were careful to keep the conditions required by God on their parts.
Robert Jamieson, A. R. Fausset and David Brown
Jachin and . . . Boaz--These names were symbolical, and indicated the strength and stability--not so much of the material temple, for they were destroyed along with it (Jer 52:17), as of the spiritual kingdom of God, which was embodied in the temple.
7:227:22: Եւ ՚ի վերայ գլխոյ սեանցն գո՛րծ շուշանագործ. եւ կատարեցաւ գործ սեանցն։
22 Սիւների գլխին շուշանաձեւ զարդեր քանդակեց: Այսպիսով աւարտուեցին սիւների հետ կապուած աշխատանքները:
22 Սիւներուն գլխուն վրայ շուշանաձեւ գործ կար։ Այսպէս սիւներուն գործը լմնցաւ։
Եւ ի վերայ գլխոյ սեանցն` գործ շուշանագործ. եւ կատարեցաւ գործ սեանցն:

7:22: Եւ ՚ի վերայ գլխոյ սեանցն գո՛րծ շուշանագործ. եւ կատարեցաւ գործ սեանցն։
22 Սիւների գլխին շուշանաձեւ զարդեր քանդակեց: Այսպիսով աւարտուեցին սիւների հետ կապուած աշխատանքները:
22 Սիւներուն գլխուն վրայ շուշանաձեւ գործ կար։ Այսպէս սիւներուն գործը լմնցաւ։
zohrab-1805▾ eastern-1994▾ western am▾
7:227:22 И над столбами поставил {венцы}, сделанные {наподобие} лилии; так окончена работа над столбами.
7:22 καὶ και and; even τὰ ο the συγκλείσματα συγκλεισμα he; him χερουβιν χερουβ cherubim καὶ και and; even λέοντες λεων lion καὶ και and; even φοίνικες φοινιξ.1 palm tree; palm ἑστῶτα ιστημι stand; establish ἐχόμενον εχω have; hold ἕκαστον εκαστος each κατὰ κατα down; by πρόσωπον προσωπον face; ahead of αὐτοῦ αυτος he; him ἔσω εσω inside; inner καὶ και and; even τὰ ο the κυκλόθεν κυκλοθεν circling; from all around
7:22 וְ wᵊ וְ and עַ֛ל ʕˈal עַל upon רֹ֥אשׁ rˌōš רֹאשׁ head הָ hā הַ the עַמּוּדִ֖ים ʕammûḏˌîm עַמּוּד pillar מַעֲשֵׂ֣ה maʕᵃśˈē מַעֲשֶׂה deed שֹׁושָׁ֑ן šôšˈān שׁוּשַׁן lily וַ wa וְ and תִּתֹּ֖ם ttittˌōm תמם be complete מְלֶ֥אכֶת mᵊlˌeḵeṯ מְלֶאכֶת work הָ hā הַ the עַמּוּדִֽים׃ ʕammûḏˈîm עַמּוּד pillar
7:22. et super capita columnarum opus in modum lilii posuit perfectumque est opus columnarumAnd upon the tops of the pillars he made lily work: so the work of the pillars was finished.
22. And upon the top of the pillars was lily work: so was the work of the pillars finished.
And upon the top of the pillars [was] lily work: so was the work of the pillars finished:

7:22 И над столбами поставил {венцы}, сделанные {наподобие} лилии; так окончена работа над столбами.
καὶ και and; even
τὰ ο the
συγκλείσματα συγκλεισμα he; him
χερουβιν χερουβ cherubim
καὶ και and; even
λέοντες λεων lion
καὶ και and; even
φοίνικες φοινιξ.1 palm tree; palm
ἑστῶτα ιστημι stand; establish
ἐχόμενον εχω have; hold
ἕκαστον εκαστος each
κατὰ κατα down; by
πρόσωπον προσωπον face; ahead of
αὐτοῦ αυτος he; him
ἔσω εσω inside; inner
καὶ και and; even
τὰ ο the
κυκλόθεν κυκλοθεν circling; from all around
וְ wᵊ וְ and
עַ֛ל ʕˈal עַל upon
רֹ֥אשׁ rˌōš רֹאשׁ head
הָ הַ the
עַמּוּדִ֖ים ʕammûḏˌîm עַמּוּד pillar
מַעֲשֵׂ֣ה maʕᵃśˈē מַעֲשֶׂה deed
שֹׁושָׁ֑ן šôšˈān שׁוּשַׁן lily
וַ wa וְ and
תִּתֹּ֖ם ttittˌōm תמם be complete
מְלֶ֥אכֶת mᵊlˌeḵeṯ מְלֶאכֶת work
הָ הַ the
עַמּוּדִֽים׃ ʕammûḏˈîm עַמּוּד pillar
7:22. et super capita columnarum opus in modum lilii posuit perfectumque est opus columnarum
And upon the tops of the pillars he made lily work: so the work of the pillars was finished.
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John Gill
And upon the top of the pillars was lily work,.... Which seems to be repeated from 3Kings 7:19 and confirms that:
and so was the work of the pillars finished; in the manner described.
7:237:23: Եւ արար զծովն ձուլածոյ, տասն կանգուն շրթանէ ՚ի շուրթն, գո՛րծ բոլորշի՛ նոյնաձեւ. հինգ կանգուն բարձրութիւն նորա, եւ գոգեալք՝ երեսուն եւ երեք կանգնովք պատէին զնա շուրջանակի[3511]. [3511] Այլք. Երեսուն եւ երիւք կան՛՛։
23 Նա պատրաստեց նաեւ մի ձուլածոյ աւազան, որի երկարութիւնը մի ծայրից մինչեւ միւս ծայրը տասը կանգուն էր: Այն կլոր էր: Դրա բարձրութիւնը հինգ կանգուն էր, իսկ երեսուներեք կանգուն երկարութիւն ունեցող դրա շուրջբոլորը փոսեր կային:
23 Ծովը ձուլածոյ շինեց, որուն մէկ եզերքէն մինչեւ միւս եզերքը տասը կանգուն էր ու բոլորաձեւ էր։ Անոր բարձրութիւնը հինգ կանգուն ու շրջագիծը երեսուն կանգուն էր։
Եւ արար զծովն ձուլածոյ, տասն կանգուն շրթանէ ի շուրթն, գործ բոլորշի [152]նոյնաձեւ. հինգ կանգուն բարձրութիւն նորա, եւ [153]գոգեալք երեսուն եւ երիւք կանգնովք պատէին`` զնա շուրջանակի:

7:23: Եւ արար զծովն ձուլածոյ, տասն կանգուն շրթանէ ՚ի շուրթն, գո՛րծ բոլորշի՛ նոյնաձեւ. հինգ կանգուն բարձրութիւն նորա, եւ գոգեալք՝ երեսուն եւ երեք կանգնովք պատէին զնա շուրջանակի[3511].
[3511] Այլք. Երեսուն եւ երիւք կան՛՛։
23 Նա պատրաստեց նաեւ մի ձուլածոյ աւազան, որի երկարութիւնը մի ծայրից մինչեւ միւս ծայրը տասը կանգուն էր: Այն կլոր էր: Դրա բարձրութիւնը հինգ կանգուն էր, իսկ երեսուներեք կանգուն երկարութիւն ունեցող դրա շուրջբոլորը փոսեր կային:
23 Ծովը ձուլածոյ շինեց, որուն մէկ եզերքէն մինչեւ միւս եզերքը տասը կանգուն էր ու բոլորաձեւ էր։ Անոր բարձրութիւնը հինգ կանգուն ու շրջագիծը երեսուն կանգուն էր։
zohrab-1805▾ eastern-1994▾ western am▾
7:237:23 И сделал литое {из меди} море,~--- от края его до края его десять локтей,~--- совсем круглое, вышиною в пять локтей, и снурок в тридцать локтей обнимал его кругом.
7:23 κατ᾿ κατα down; by αὐτὴν αυτος he; him ἐποίησεν ποιεω do; make πάσας πας all; every τὰς ο the δέκα δεκα ten μεχωνωθ μεχωνωθ order; arrangement μίαν εις.1 one; unit καὶ και and; even μέτρον μετρον measure ἓν εις.1 one; unit πάσαις πας all; every
7:23 וַ wa וְ and יַּ֥עַשׂ yyˌaʕaś עשׂה make אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker] הַ ha הַ the יָּ֖ם yyˌom יָם sea מוּצָ֑ק mûṣˈāq יצק pour עֶ֣שֶׂר ʕˈeśer עֶשֶׂר ten בָּ֠ bā בְּ in † הַ the אַמָּה ʔammˌā אַמָּה cubit מִ mi מִן from שְּׂפָתֹ֨ו śśᵊfāṯˌô שָׂפָה lip עַד־ ʕaḏ- עַד unto שְׂפָתֹ֜ו śᵊfāṯˈô שָׂפָה lip עָגֹ֣ל׀ ʕāḡˈōl עָגֹל round סָבִ֗יב sāvˈîv סָבִיב surrounding וְ wᵊ וְ and חָמֵ֤שׁ ḥāmˈēš חָמֵשׁ five בָּֽ bˈā בְּ in † הַ the אַמָּה֙ ʔammˌā אַמָּה cubit קֹומָתֹ֔ו qômāṯˈô קֹומָה height וְו *wᵊ וְ and קָו֙קוה *qˌāw קָו line שְׁלֹשִׁ֣ים šᵊlōšˈîm שָׁלֹשׁ three בָּֽ bˈā בְּ in † הַ the אַמָּ֔ה ʔammˈā אַמָּה cubit יָסֹ֥ב yāsˌōv סבב turn אֹתֹ֖ו ʔōṯˌô אֵת [object marker] סָבִֽיב׃ sāvˈîv סָבִיב surrounding
7:23. fecit quoque mare fusile decem cubitorum a labio usque ad labium rotundum in circuitu quinque cubitorum altitudo eius et resticula triginta cubitorum cingebat illud per circuitumHe made also a molten sea, of ten cubits, from brim to brim, round all about; the height of it was five cubits, and a line of thirty cubits compassed it round about.
23. And he made the molten sea of ten cubits from brim to brim, round in compass, and the height thereof was five cubits: and a line of thirty cubits compassed it round about.
And he made a molten sea, ten cubits from the one brim to the other: [it was] round all about, and his height [was] five cubits: and a line of thirty cubits did compass it round about:

7:23 И сделал литое {из меди} море,~--- от края его до края его десять локтей,~--- совсем круглое, вышиною в пять локтей, и снурок в тридцать локтей обнимал его кругом.
κατ᾿ κατα down; by
αὐτὴν αυτος he; him
ἐποίησεν ποιεω do; make
πάσας πας all; every
τὰς ο the
δέκα δεκα ten
μεχωνωθ μεχωνωθ order; arrangement
μίαν εις.1 one; unit
καὶ και and; even
μέτρον μετρον measure
ἓν εις.1 one; unit
πάσαις πας all; every
וַ wa וְ and
יַּ֥עַשׂ yyˌaʕaś עשׂה make
אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker]
הַ ha הַ the
יָּ֖ם yyˌom יָם sea
מוּצָ֑ק mûṣˈāq יצק pour
עֶ֣שֶׂר ʕˈeśer עֶשֶׂר ten
בָּ֠ בְּ in
הַ the
אַמָּה ʔammˌā אַמָּה cubit
מִ mi מִן from
שְּׂפָתֹ֨ו śśᵊfāṯˌô שָׂפָה lip
עַד־ ʕaḏ- עַד unto
שְׂפָתֹ֜ו śᵊfāṯˈô שָׂפָה lip
עָגֹ֣ל׀ ʕāḡˈōl עָגֹל round
סָבִ֗יב sāvˈîv סָבִיב surrounding
וְ wᵊ וְ and
חָמֵ֤שׁ ḥāmˈēš חָמֵשׁ five
בָּֽ bˈā בְּ in
הַ the
אַמָּה֙ ʔammˌā אַמָּה cubit
קֹומָתֹ֔ו qômāṯˈô קֹומָה height
*wᵊ וְ and
*qˌāw קָו line
שְׁלֹשִׁ֣ים šᵊlōšˈîm שָׁלֹשׁ three
בָּֽ bˈā בְּ in
הַ the
אַמָּ֔ה ʔammˈā אַמָּה cubit
יָסֹ֥ב yāsˌōv סבב turn
אֹתֹ֖ו ʔōṯˌô אֵת [object marker]
סָבִֽיב׃ sāvˈîv סָבִיב surrounding
7:23. fecit quoque mare fusile decem cubitorum a labio usque ad labium rotundum in circuitu quinque cubitorum altitudo eius et resticula triginta cubitorum cingebat illud per circuitum
He made also a molten sea, of ten cubits, from brim to brim, round all about; the height of it was five cubits, and a line of thirty cubits compassed it round about.
ru▾ LXX-gloss▾ bhs-gloss▾ vulgate▾ erva_1895▾
jfb▾ jw▾ jg▾ gnv▾ kad▾ tr▾ ab▾ tb▾ all ▾
А. П. Лопухин: Tолковая Библия или комментарий на все книги Св.Писания Ветхого и Нового Заветов - 1903-1914
23-26: (сн. 2: Пар. IV:2-5). Новой принадлежностью храма и вторым грандиозным произведением Xирама было так называемое медное или "литое" море (иам муцак), т. е. названным морем по обширности (по И. Флавию, Древн. VIII, 3, 5: εκαλήθη... θάλασσα διά το μέγεθος) бассейн во дворе храма, между жертвенником всесожжения и Святым, ближе к югу, 10: локтей в диаметре, 30: локтей (по LXX и блаж. Феодор., - 33) в окружности и 5: локтей высоты, вмещавший 2: 000: (по 2: Пар. IV:5: - 3000) батов воды. Отношение окружности и диаметра в указанных цифрах (30: и 10: л.) не представляется математически точным (при диаметре 10: локтей окружность = 31,4: или 31,416: локтей; при окружности 30: локтей диаметр = 9: 174/314: локтей) и возбуждало много споров в среде археологов-библеистов. Но понятно, священные писатели не могли затруднять речь свою дробями и указывали лишь целые числа; возможно также, что диаметр и окружность определены в тексте независимо одно от другого, потому что в разных местах сосуда окружность его изменялась. В зависимости от этого объясняют (напр., Ляйтфут, митр. Филарет) неодинаковое определение вместимости "медного моря" - в 2000: батов (по кн. Царств) или в 3000: батов (по 2: Пар.): последняя дата могла обозначать полную вместимость медного моря до самых краев, а первая, - сколько обычно наливалась.

Форма бассейна - не цилиндрическая, как полагали некоторые, а имела вид чашечки распустившейся лилии (ст. 26), и, кроме того, имела выпуклую средину - наподобие бокала. По Иосифу Флавию (Древн. VIII, 3, 5) и блаж. Феодориту (вопр. 24), медное море имело вид полушария (ημισφαίριον). Под краями медного моря одним литьем с ним были сделаны два ряда шаров наподобие колокинтов, по 10: шаров на локоть (по 2: Пар. IV:3, эти барельефы представляли волов). Бассейн держался на 12: колоссальных изображениях медных волов, задняя часть которых была обращена к центру, а головы волов, по три вместе, обращены были во все четыре страны света; высота фигур волов, вероятно, равнялась натуральной высоте этих животных. По значению своему эти изображения могли напоминать волов, некогда перевозивших скинию в пустыне, и вообще были уместны во дворе храма, представляя главный жертвенный материал для близ стоявшего жертвенника всесожжений (А. А. Олесницкий, с. 326), менее всего они имели отношения к языческим предметам культа (мнение И. Флав. Древн. VIII, 7, 5).

Назначение медного моря - служить умывальницей для священников (2: Пар. II:6). По преданию, священники пользовались водой моря снизу, при помощи кранов или отверстий - или в пастях волов, или в стенке самого бассейна, между группами волов (А. А. Олесницкий, cтс. 327-328). Нечто подобное медному морю представляет однородный финикийский сосуд "Амафонское море", открытый на Кипре и с 1866: года находящийся в Луврском музее.
Albert Barnes: Notes on the Bible - 1834
7:23: The "molten sea "of Solomon, so called from its great size, took the place of the laver of the tabernacle Exo 30:18-21, which was required for the ablutions of the priests. It was ten cubits, or fully fifteen feet, in diameter at top, and therefore forty-seven feet in circumference, with a depth of 5 cubits, or 7 12 feet. As a vessel of these dimensions, if hemispherical, would certainly not hold 2, 000 Kg1 7:26, much less 3, 000 Ch2 4:3 baths, the bath equaling 8 12 gallons, it is now generally supposed that the bowl bulged considerably below the brim, and further, that it had a "foot," - or basin which received the water as it was drawn out by taps from the bowl. The "2, 000 baths" may give the quantity of water ordinarily supplied to the "sea;" the "3, 000 baths" the utmost that the laver could anyhow take. Bowls of a considerable size are represented in the Assyrian bas-reliefs; but none of such dimensions as Solomon's. The largest mentioned by the Greeks held only 5, 400 gallons, less than one-third of the contents of the "molten sea," even according to the lowest estimate.
R. A. Torrey - Treasury: Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge - 1880
7:23: he made: Exo 30:18-21, Exo 38:8
a molten sea: Kg2 25:13; Ch2 4:2; Jer 52:17, Jer 52:20
the one brim to the other: Heb. his brim to his brim
Carl Friedrich Keil and Franz Delitzsch

The brazen sea (cf. 2Chron 4:2-5). - "He made the molten sea - a water-basin called ים (mare) on account of its size - ten cubits from the one upper rim to the other," i.e., in diameter measured from the upper rim to the one opposite to it, "rounded all round, and five cubits its (external) height, and a line of thirty cubits encircled it round about," i.e., it was thirty cubits in circumference. The Chethib קוה is to be read קוה here and in Zech 1:16 and Jer 31:39, for which the Keri has קו in all these passages. קוה or קו means a line for measuring, which is expressed in 3Kings 7:15 by חוּט. The relation of the diameter to the circumference is expressed in whole numbers which come very near to the mathematical proportions. The more exact proportions would be as 7 to 22, or 113 to 355.
3Kings 7:24
Any colocynths (gourds) ran round it under its brim, ten to the cubit, surrounding the sea in two rows; the colocynths "cast in its casting," i.e., cast at the same time as the vessel itself. Instead of פּקעים, gourds (see at 3Kings 6:18), we find בּקרים דּמוּת, figures of oxen, in the corresponding text of the Chronicles, and in the last clause merely הבּקר, an evident error of the pen, בקרים being substituted by mistake for פקעים, and afterwards interpreted בקרים דמות. The assumption by which the early expositors removed the discrepancy, namely, that they were casts of bullocks' heads, is not to be thought of, for the simple reason that בקרים signifies oxen and not the heads of oxen. How far apart the two rows of gourd-like ornaments were, it is impossible to decide. Their size may be estimated, from the fact that there were ten within the space of a cubit, at a little over two inches in diameter.
3Kings 7:25
This vessel stood (rested) upon twelve brazen oxen, three turning to the north, three to the west, three to the south, and three to the east, "and the sea above upon them, and all their backs (turned) inwards;" i.e., they were so placed that three of their heads were directed towards each quarter of the heavens. The size of the oxen is not given; but we must assume that it was in proportion to the size and height of the sea, and therefore about five cubits in height up to the back. These figures stood, no doubt, upon a metal plate, which gave them a fixed and immoveable position (see the engraving in my bibl. Archol. Taf. iii. fig. 1).
3Kings 7:26
"And its thickness (i.e., the thickness of the metal) was a handbreadth" = four finger-breadths, as in the case of the brazen pillars (see at 3Kings 7:15), "and its upper rim like work of a goblet (or of a goblet-rim, i.e., bent outwards), lily-blossom," i.e., ornamented with lily-flowers. It held 2000 baths; according to the Chronicles, 3000 baths. The latter statement has arisen from the confusion of ג (3) with ב (2); since, according to the calculation of Thenius, the capacity of the vessel, from the dimensions given, could not exceed 2000 baths. This vessel, which took the place of the laver in the tabernacle, was provided for the priests to wash themselves (2Chron 4:6), that is to say, that a supply of water might be kept in readiness to enable the priests to wash their hands and feet when they approached the altar to officiate, or were about to enter the Holy Place (Ex 30:18.). There were no doubt taps by which the water required for this purpose was drawn off from the sea.
(Note: For the different conjectures on this subject, see Lundius, jud. Heiligthmer, p. 356. Thenius supposes that there was also a provision for filling the vessel, since the height of it would have rendered it a work of great labour and time to fill it by hand, and that there was probably a pipe hidden behind the figures of the oxen, since, according to Aristeas, histor. lxx Interp., Oxon. 1692, p. 32 (also Eusebii praep. evang. ix. 38), there were openings concealed at the foot of the altar, out of which water was allowed to run at certain seasons for the requisite cleansing of the pavement of the court from the blood of the sacrifices; and there is still a fountain just in the neighbourhood of the spot on which, according to 3Kings 7:39, the brazen sea must have stood (see Schultz's plan); and in the time of the Crusaders there was a large basin, covered by a dome supported by columns (see Robinson, Pal. i. 446). But even if the later temple was supplied with the water required by means of artificial water-pipes, the Solomonian origin of these arrangements or designs is by no means raised even to the rank of probability.)
- The artistic form of the vessel corresponded to its sacred purpose. The rim of the basin, which rose upwards in the form of a lily, was intended to point to the holiness and loveliness of that life which issued from the sanctuary. The twelve oxen, on which it rested, pointed to the twelve tribes of Israel as a priestly nation, which cleansed itself here in the persons of its priests, to appear clean and holy before the Lord. Just as the number twelve unquestionably suggests the allusion to the twelve tribes of the covenant nation, so, in the choice of oxen or bullocks as supporters of the basin, it is impossible to overlook the significance of this selection of the first and highest of the sacrificial animals to represent the priestly service, especially if we compare the position of the lions on Solomon's throne (3Kings 10:20).
Geneva 1599
And he made a molten (o) sea, ten cubits from the one brim to the other: [it was] round all about, and his height [was] five cubits: and a line of thirty cubits did compass it round about.
(o) So called for the size of the vessel.
John Gill
And he made a molten sea,.... A large vessel made of molten brass, which, because of the great quantity of water it held, is called a sea; as it was usual with the Jews to call a large collection of waters a sea, as the sea of Tiberius and Galilee. This was made by the man of Tyre, as the pillars, by the order of Solomon, and answered to the brasen laver in the tabernacle, only larger than that; and was not only for the priests to wash their hands and feet in, but to dip upon occasion, and by the Jews (p) is expressly said to be a dipping place for the priests, see 2Chron 4:6,
ten cubits from the one brim to the other: which was the diameter of it: it was round all about; spherical or circular; not as an hemisphere, as Josephus (q), and Procopius Gazaeus, but rather cylindrical:
and his height was five cubits; from the bottom of it, not including the pedestal of oxen on which it stood:
and a line of thirty cubits did compass it round about; this was the circumference of it; which answers to the diameter of ten cubits, or near it, a round number being given not strictly mathematical.
(Sceptics have ridiculed the Bible for saying that the mathematical constant is 3 instead of the more precise 3.14159. (This number is an "irrational number" and needs an infinite number digits to specify it exactly.) Two explanations for the apparent lack of precision in the measurement are given.
1) The circumference given may be for the inside circumference and the diameter may be the diameter including the thickness of the rim. This would yield a very accurate mathematical result for the inside circumference of thirty cubits. The outside circumference would be about 31.4 cubits giving a rim thickness of four inches or an hand breadth agreeing with 3Kings 7:26.
2) In 3Kings 7:26 we read the vessel "was wrought like the brim of a cup." That is the brim on the top of the vessel was wider than the main part of the vessel. The diameter would be given for the brim. If the brim or lip extended about four inches past the main body of the vessel then the outside circumference of the main part of the vessel would be exactly thirty cubits.
In each case the mathematical ratio for circumference of the circle is d, where "d" is the diameter and is the number 3.14159 ..... For a more complete discussion on this see the article by Russel Grigg. (r). Editor.)
(p) T. Hieros, Yema, fol. 41. 1 (q) Antiqu. l. 8. c. 3. sect 5. (r) "Does the Bible say pi equals 3.0?", Russell Greg, page 24, "Ex Nihil", March-May Issue, Vol. 17. No. 2., Creation Science Foundation Ltd. Brisbane, Australia.
John Wesley
A Sea - He melted the brass, and cast it into the form of a great vessel, for its vastness called a sea, which name is given by the Hebrews to all great collections of waters. The use of it was for the priests to wash their hands and feet, or other things as occasion required, with the water which they drew out of it.
Robert Jamieson, A. R. Fausset and David Brown
he made a molten sea--In the tabernacle was no such vessel; the laver served the double purpose of washing the hands and feet of the priests as well as the parts of the sacrifices. But in the temple there were separate vessels provided for these offices. (See on 2Chron 4:6). The molten sea was an immense semicircular vase, measuring seventeen and a half feet in diameter, and being eight and three-fourths feet in depth. This, at three and a half inches in thickness, could not weigh less than from twenty-five to thirty tons in one solid casting--and held from sixteen thousand to twenty thousand gallons of water. [See on 2Chron 4:3.] The brim was all carved with lily work or flowers; and oxen were carved or cut on the outside all round, to the number of three hundred; and it stood on a pedestal of twelve oxen. These oxen must have been of considerable size, like the Assyrian bulls, so that their corresponding legs would give thickness or strength to support so great a weight for, when the vessel was filled with water, the whole weight would be about one hundred tons [NAPIER]. (See on 2Chron 4:3).
7:247:24: եւ նեցուկ ՚ի ներքոյ նորա՝ շուրջանակի պատէին զնա ՚ի տասն կանգնոյ շուրջանակի, երկու կարգ մութից ձուլեալք ՚ի ձուլին նորա հաստեալք[3512]։ [3512] Այլք. Եւ նեցուկք ՚ի ներ՛՛... երկու կարգք մու՛՛։
24 Դրա եզրերից ներքեւ տասը կանգուն շուրջանակի յենարաններ կային, եւ երկու շարք մոյթեր ձուլուած-ամրացուած էին դրա շուրջը:
24 Անոր եզերքին տակ շուրջանակի ամէն կողմէն գնդակներ շարուած էին։ Ծովուն բոլորտիքը ամէն մէկ կանգունի մէջ տասնական գնդակներ կային։ Գնդակները երկու կարգ էին, որոնք ծովուն ձուլուած ատենը ձուլուեր էին։
Եւ [154]նեցուկք ի ներքոյ նորա` շուրջանակի պատէին զնա ի տասն կանգնոյ շուրջանակի``, երկու կարգ [155]մութից ձուլեալք ի ձուլին նորա [156]հաստատեալք:

7:24: եւ նեցուկ ՚ի ներքոյ նորա՝ շուրջանակի պատէին զնա ՚ի տասն կանգնոյ շուրջանակի, երկու կարգ մութից ձուլեալք ՚ի ձուլին նորա հաստեալք[3512]։
[3512] Այլք. Եւ նեցուկք ՚ի ներ՛՛... երկու կարգք մու՛՛։
24 Դրա եզրերից ներքեւ տասը կանգուն շուրջանակի յենարաններ կային, եւ երկու շարք մոյթեր ձուլուած-ամրացուած էին դրա շուրջը:
24 Անոր եզերքին տակ շուրջանակի ամէն կողմէն գնդակներ շարուած էին։ Ծովուն բոլորտիքը ամէն մէկ կանգունի մէջ տասնական գնդակներ կային։ Գնդակները երկու կարգ էին, որոնք ծովուն ձուլուած ատենը ձուլուեր էին։
zohrab-1805▾ eastern-1994▾ western am▾
7:247:24 {Подобия} огурцов под краями его окружали его по десяти на локоть, окружали море со всех сторон в два ряда; {подобия} огурцов были вылиты с ним одним литьем.
7:24 καὶ και and; even ἐποίησεν ποιεω do; make δέκα δεκα ten χυτροκαύλους χυτροκαυλος of brass τεσσαράκοντα τεσσαρακοντα forty χοεῖς χοευς have / make room; hold τὸν ο the χυτρόκαυλον χυτροκαυλος the ἕνα εις.1 one; unit μετρήσει μετρησις the χυτρόκαυλος χυτροκαυλος the εἷς εις.1 one; unit ἐπὶ επι in; on τῆς ο the μεχωνωθ μεχωνωθ the μιᾶς εις.1 one; unit ταῖς ο the δέκα δεκα ten μεχωνωθ μεχωνωθ stands; bases
7:24 וּ û וְ and פְקָעִים֩ fᵊqāʕîm פְּקָעִים gourd-ornament מִ mi מִן from תַּ֨חַת ttˌaḥaṯ תַּחַת under part לִ li לְ to שְׂפָתֹ֤ו׀ śᵊfāṯˈô שָׂפָה lip סָבִיב֙ sāvîv סָבִיב surrounding סֹבְבִ֣ים sōvᵊvˈîm סבב turn אֹתֹ֔ו ʔōṯˈô אֵת [object marker] עֶ֚שֶׂר ˈʕeśer עֶשֶׂר ten בָּֽ bˈā בְּ in † הַ the אַמָּ֔ה ʔammˈā אַמָּה cubit מַקִּפִ֥ים maqqifˌîm נקף go around אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker] הַ ha הַ the יָּ֖ם yyˌom יָם sea סָבִ֑יב sāvˈîv סָבִיב surrounding שְׁנֵ֤י šᵊnˈê שְׁנַיִם two טוּרִים֙ ṭûrîm טוּר row הַ ha הַ the פְּקָעִ֔ים ppᵊqāʕˈîm פְּקָעִים gourd-ornament יְצֻקִ֖ים yᵊṣuqˌîm יצק pour בִּ bi בְּ in יצֻקָתֹֽו׃ yṣuqāṯˈô יְצֻקָה casting of metal
7:24. et scalptura subter labium circumibat illud decem cubitis ambiens mare duo ordines scalpturarum histriatarum erant fusilesAnd a graven work, under the brim of it, compassed it for ten cubits going about the sea: there were two rows cast of chamfered sculptures.
24. And under the brim of it round about there were knops which did compass it, for ten cubits, compassing the sea round about: the knops were in two rows, cast when it was cast.
And under the brim of it round about [there were] knops compassing it, ten in a cubit, compassing the sea round about: the knops [were] cast in two rows, when it was cast:

7:24 {Подобия} огурцов под краями его окружали его по десяти на локоть, окружали море со всех сторон в два ряда; {подобия} огурцов были вылиты с ним одним литьем.
καὶ και and; even
ἐποίησεν ποιεω do; make
δέκα δεκα ten
χυτροκαύλους χυτροκαυλος of brass
τεσσαράκοντα τεσσαρακοντα forty
χοεῖς χοευς have / make room; hold
τὸν ο the
χυτρόκαυλον χυτροκαυλος the
ἕνα εις.1 one; unit
μετρήσει μετρησις the
χυτρόκαυλος χυτροκαυλος the
εἷς εις.1 one; unit
ἐπὶ επι in; on
τῆς ο the
μεχωνωθ μεχωνωθ the
μιᾶς εις.1 one; unit
ταῖς ο the
δέκα δεκα ten
μεχωνωθ μεχωνωθ stands; bases
וּ û וְ and
פְקָעִים֩ fᵊqāʕîm פְּקָעִים gourd-ornament
מִ mi מִן from
תַּ֨חַת ttˌaḥaṯ תַּחַת under part
לִ li לְ to
שְׂפָתֹ֤ו׀ śᵊfāṯˈô שָׂפָה lip
סָבִיב֙ sāvîv סָבִיב surrounding
סֹבְבִ֣ים sōvᵊvˈîm סבב turn
אֹתֹ֔ו ʔōṯˈô אֵת [object marker]
עֶ֚שֶׂר ˈʕeśer עֶשֶׂר ten
בָּֽ bˈā בְּ in
הַ the
אַמָּ֔ה ʔammˈā אַמָּה cubit
מַקִּפִ֥ים maqqifˌîm נקף go around
אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker]
הַ ha הַ the
יָּ֖ם yyˌom יָם sea
סָבִ֑יב sāvˈîv סָבִיב surrounding
שְׁנֵ֤י šᵊnˈê שְׁנַיִם two
טוּרִים֙ ṭûrîm טוּר row
הַ ha הַ the
פְּקָעִ֔ים ppᵊqāʕˈîm פְּקָעִים gourd-ornament
יְצֻקִ֖ים yᵊṣuqˌîm יצק pour
בִּ bi בְּ in
יצֻקָתֹֽו׃ yṣuqāṯˈô יְצֻקָה casting of metal
7:24. et scalptura subter labium circumibat illud decem cubitis ambiens mare duo ordines scalpturarum histriatarum erant fusiles
And a graven work, under the brim of it, compassed it for ten cubits going about the sea: there were two rows cast of chamfered sculptures.
ru▾ LXX-gloss▾ bhs-gloss▾ vulgate▾ erva_1895▾
jw▾ jg▾ tr▾ ab▾ all ▾
Albert Barnes: Notes on the Bible - 1834
7:24: Knops - literally, "gourds," - i. e. a boss or ball ornament encircled the rim of the bowl in two rows.
R. A. Torrey - Treasury: Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge - 1880
7:24: knops: Kg1 6:18; Exo 25:31-36, Exo 37:17-22
compassing the sea: Ch2 4:3
John Gill
And under the brim of it round about there were knops compassing it,.... Of an oval form, and therefore the Targum calls them figures of eggs; in 2Chron 4:3 they are said to have the similitude of oxen, being like the heads of oxen, and the other parts oval; or these were in the form of gourds, as sometimes the word is rendered, 4Kings 4:39 which had on them the figures of the heads of oxen, and might serve as cocks to let out the water:
ten in a cubit, compassing the sea round about it; and as the circumference was thirty cubits, there must be three hundred of these in the circuit:
the knops were cast in two rows when it was cast; for these were cast together with the sea, and being in two rows, there must be in all six hundred of them.
John Wesley
Knops - Carved or molten figures: for this word signifies figures or pictures of all sorts. Ten, &c. - So there were three hundred in all. Cast - Together with the sea; not carved. Two rows - It seems doubtful whether the second row had ten in each cubit, and so there were three hundred more; or, whether the ten were distributed into five in each row.
7:257:25: Եւ երկոտասան եզն ՚ի ներքո՛յ ծովուն. երեքն հայէին ընդ հիւսւսի, եւ երեքն հայէին ընդ ծով, եւ երեքն հայէին ընդ հարաւ, եւ երեքն հայէին ընդ արեւելս. եւ ծովն ՚ի վերայ նոցա ՚ի վերուստ կողմանէ. եւ ամենեցուն թիկունք ՚ի տունն։
25 Ձուլածոյ աւազանը դրուած էր տասներկու եզների վրայ. երեքը դէպի հիւսիս էին նայում, երեքը՝ դէպի ծով, երեքը՝ դէպի հարաւ, երեքը՝ դէպի արեւելք: Աւազանը դրանց վրայ էր ամրացուած: Բոլոր եզների գաւակները դէպի ներս էին ուղղուած:
25 Անիկա տասներկու եզներու վրայ կը կենար, որոնց երեքը՝ դէպի հիւսիս, երեքը՝ դէպի արեւմուտք, երեքը՝ դէպի հարաւ ու երեքը դէպի արեւելք կը նայէին։ Ծովը անոնց վրայ էր ու բոլորին ետեւի կողմը դէպի ներս դարձած էր։
Եւ երկոտասան եզն ի ներքոյ ծովուն. երեքն հայէին ընդ հիւսիսի, եւ երեքն հայէին ընդ [157]ծով, եւ երեքն հայէին ընդ հարաւ, եւ երեքն հայէին ընդ արեւելս. եւ ծովն ի վերայ նոցա ի վերուստ կողմանէ. եւ ամենեցուն [158]թիկունք ի տունն:

7:25: Եւ երկոտասան եզն ՚ի ներքո՛յ ծովուն. երեքն հայէին ընդ հիւսւսի, եւ երեքն հայէին ընդ ծով, եւ երեքն հայէին ընդ հարաւ, եւ երեքն հայէին ընդ արեւելս. եւ ծովն ՚ի վերայ նոցա ՚ի վերուստ կողմանէ. եւ ամենեցուն թիկունք ՚ի տունն։
25 Ձուլածոյ աւազանը դրուած էր տասներկու եզների վրայ. երեքը դէպի հիւսիս էին նայում, երեքը՝ դէպի ծով, երեքը՝ դէպի հարաւ, երեքը՝ դէպի արեւելք: Աւազանը դրանց վրայ էր ամրացուած: Բոլոր եզների գաւակները դէպի ներս էին ուղղուած:
25 Անիկա տասներկու եզներու վրայ կը կենար, որոնց երեքը՝ դէպի հիւսիս, երեքը՝ դէպի արեւմուտք, երեքը՝ դէպի հարաւ ու երեքը դէպի արեւելք կը նայէին։ Ծովը անոնց վրայ էր ու բոլորին ետեւի կողմը դէպի ներս դարձած էր։
zohrab-1805▾ eastern-1994▾ western am▾
7:257:25 Оно стояло на двенадцати волах: три глядели к северу, три глядели к западу, три глядели к югу и три глядели к востоку; море лежало на них, и зады их {обращены были} внутрь под него.
7:25 καὶ και and; even ἔθετο τιθημι put; make τὰς ο the δέκα δεκα ten μεχωνωθ μεχωνωθ five ἀπὸ απο from; away τῆς ο the ὠμίας ωμια the οἴκου οικος home; household ἐκ εκ from; out of δεξιῶν δεξιος right καὶ και and; even πέντε πεντε five ἀπὸ απο from; away τῆς ο the ὠμίας ωμια the οἴκου οικος home; household ἐξ εκ from; out of ἀριστερῶν αριστερος left καὶ και and; even ἡ ο the θάλασσα θαλασσα sea ἀπὸ απο from; away τῆς ο the ὠμίας ωμια the οἴκου οικος home; household ἐκ εκ from; out of δεξιῶν δεξιος right κατ᾿ κατα down; by ἀνατολὰς ανατολη springing up; east ἀπὸ απο from; away τοῦ ο the κλίτους κλιτος the νότου νοτος south wind
7:25 עֹמֵ֞ד ʕōmˈēḏ עמד stand עַל־ ʕal- עַל upon שְׁנֵ֧י šᵊnˈê שְׁנַיִם two עָשָׂ֣ר ʕāśˈār עָשָׂר -teen בָּקָ֗ר bāqˈār בָּקָר cattle שְׁלֹשָׁ֣ה šᵊlōšˈā שָׁלֹשׁ three פֹנִ֣ים׀ fōnˈîm פנה turn צָפֹ֡ונָה ṣāfˈônā צָפֹון north וּ û וְ and שְׁלֹשָׁה֩ šᵊlōšˌā שָׁלֹשׁ three פֹנִ֨ים׀ fōnˌîm פנה turn יָ֜מָּה yˈommā יָם sea וּ û וְ and שְׁלֹשָׁ֣ה׀ šᵊlōšˈā שָׁלֹשׁ three פֹּנִ֣ים pōnˈîm פנה turn נֶ֗גְבָּה nˈeḡbā נֶגֶב south וּ û וְ and שְׁלֹשָׁה֙ šᵊlōšˌā שָׁלֹשׁ three פֹּנִ֣ים pōnˈîm פנה turn מִזְרָ֔חָה mizrˈāḥā מִזְרָח sunrise וְ wᵊ וְ and הַ ha הַ the יָּ֥ם yyˌom יָם sea עֲלֵיהֶ֖ם ʕᵃlêhˌem עַל upon מִ mi מִן from לְ lᵊ לְ to מָ֑עְלָה mˈāʕᵊlā מַעַל top וְ wᵊ וְ and כָל־ ḵol- כֹּל whole אֲחֹֽרֵיהֶ֖ם ʔᵃḥˈōrêhˌem אָחֹור back(wards) בָּֽיְתָה׃ bˈāyᵊṯā בַּיִת house
7:25. et stabat super duodecim boves e quibus tres respiciebant ad aquilonem et tres ad occidentem et tres ad meridiem et tres ad orientem et mare super eos desuper erat quorum posteriora universa intrinsecus latitabantAnd it stood upon twelve oxen, of which three looked towards the north, and three towards the west, and three towards the south, and three towards the east: and the sea was above upon them, and their hinder parts were all hid within.
25. It stood upon twelve oxen, three looking toward the north, and three looking toward the west, and three looking toward the south, and three looking toward the east: and the sea was set upon them above, and all their hinder parts were inward.
It stood upon twelve oxen, three looking toward the north, and three looking toward the west, and three looking toward the south, and three looking toward the east: and the sea [was set] above upon them, and all their hinder parts [were] inward:

7:25 Оно стояло на двенадцати волах: три глядели к северу, три глядели к западу, три глядели к югу и три глядели к востоку; море лежало на них, и зады их {обращены были} внутрь под него.
καὶ και and; even
ἔθετο τιθημι put; make
τὰς ο the
δέκα δεκα ten
μεχωνωθ μεχωνωθ five
ἀπὸ απο from; away
τῆς ο the
ὠμίας ωμια the
οἴκου οικος home; household
ἐκ εκ from; out of
δεξιῶν δεξιος right
καὶ και and; even
πέντε πεντε five
ἀπὸ απο from; away
τῆς ο the
ὠμίας ωμια the
οἴκου οικος home; household
ἐξ εκ from; out of
ἀριστερῶν αριστερος left
καὶ και and; even
ο the
θάλασσα θαλασσα sea
ἀπὸ απο from; away
τῆς ο the
ὠμίας ωμια the
οἴκου οικος home; household
ἐκ εκ from; out of
δεξιῶν δεξιος right
κατ᾿ κατα down; by
ἀνατολὰς ανατολη springing up; east
ἀπὸ απο from; away
τοῦ ο the
κλίτους κλιτος the
νότου νοτος south wind
עֹמֵ֞ד ʕōmˈēḏ עמד stand
עַל־ ʕal- עַל upon
שְׁנֵ֧י šᵊnˈê שְׁנַיִם two
עָשָׂ֣ר ʕāśˈār עָשָׂר -teen
בָּקָ֗ר bāqˈār בָּקָר cattle
שְׁלֹשָׁ֣ה šᵊlōšˈā שָׁלֹשׁ three
פֹנִ֣ים׀ fōnˈîm פנה turn
צָפֹ֡ונָה ṣāfˈônā צָפֹון north
וּ û וְ and
שְׁלֹשָׁה֩ šᵊlōšˌā שָׁלֹשׁ three
פֹנִ֨ים׀ fōnˌîm פנה turn
יָ֜מָּה yˈommā יָם sea
וּ û וְ and
שְׁלֹשָׁ֣ה׀ šᵊlōšˈā שָׁלֹשׁ three
פֹּנִ֣ים pōnˈîm פנה turn
נֶ֗גְבָּה nˈeḡbā נֶגֶב south
וּ û וְ and
שְׁלֹשָׁה֙ šᵊlōšˌā שָׁלֹשׁ three
פֹּנִ֣ים pōnˈîm פנה turn
מִזְרָ֔חָה mizrˈāḥā מִזְרָח sunrise
וְ wᵊ וְ and
הַ ha הַ the
יָּ֥ם yyˌom יָם sea
עֲלֵיהֶ֖ם ʕᵃlêhˌem עַל upon
מִ mi מִן from
לְ lᵊ לְ to
מָ֑עְלָה mˈāʕᵊlā מַעַל top
וְ wᵊ וְ and
כָל־ ḵol- כֹּל whole
אֲחֹֽרֵיהֶ֖ם ʔᵃḥˈōrêhˌem אָחֹור back(wards)
בָּֽיְתָה׃ bˈāyᵊṯā בַּיִת house
7:25. et stabat super duodecim boves e quibus tres respiciebant ad aquilonem et tres ad occidentem et tres ad meridiem et tres ad orientem et mare super eos desuper erat quorum posteriora universa intrinsecus latitabant
And it stood upon twelve oxen, of which three looked towards the north, and three towards the west, and three towards the south, and three towards the east: and the sea was above upon them, and their hinder parts were all hid within.
ru▾ LXX-gloss▾ bhs-gloss▾ vulgate▾ erva_1895▾
jw▾ jg▾ tr▾ ab▾ all ▾
Albert Barnes: Notes on the Bible - 1834
7:25: Josephus charged Solomon with a breach of the Commandment Exo 20:4-5, on account of the oxen here and the lions for his throne. The charge expresses the prohibition which some Jews have conceived the Commandment to urge against the arts of sculpture and painting.
R. A. Torrey - Treasury: Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge - 1880
7:25: Ch2 4:4, Ch2 4:5; Jer 52:20; Eze 1:10; Mat 28:19; Mar 16:15, Mar 16:16; Luk 24:47; Co1 9:9; Rev 4:6, Rev 4:7
John Gill
It stood upon twelve oxen,.... Figures of them in brass, of full proportion:
three looking toward the north, and three looking toward the west, and three looking toward the south, and three looking toward the east; and so turned to the four quarters of the world:
and the sea was set above upon them; as it were on the backs of them, and their mouths served as spouts or cocks, to let water out of it on all sides:
and all their hinder parts were inward; that they might not be seen, and which met in a centre; they that were north came against those that were south, and they in the east met with those to the west. The brass of the sea, according to Jacob Leon (r), weighed 1,800 arobas, and, with twelve oxen under, 33,500; each aroba being twenty five pounds weight.
(r) Relation of Memorable Things in the Temple, ch. 4. p. 21.
John Wesley
Oxen - Of solid brass, which was necessary to bear so great a weight.
7:267:26: Եւ թանձրութիւն նորա թզա՛ւ եւ շուրթն նորա իբրեւ զգործ շրթան բաժակի. եւ բո՛յս շուշանի ՚ի վերայ նորա. եւ տանէր իբրեւ երկո՛ւս հազարս մարս[3513]։ [3513] Օրինակ մի. Իբրեւ զշուրթ գործ բաժակի։
26 Աւազանի պղնձի հաստութիւնը մի թիզ էր. դրա շուրթը բաժակի շուրթի նման էր. դրա վրայ ծաղկած շուշան էր քանդակուած: Աւազանը մօտաւորապէս երկու հազար մար[52] էր տանում: [52] 52. Շուրջ 80.000լիտր:
26 Անոր թանձրութիւնը չորս մատնաչափ էր։ Եզերքը գաւիթին եզերքին պէս էր, վրան շուշանի ծաղիկներ շինուած էին։ Ան երկու հազար մար կ’առնէր։
Եւ թանձրութիւն նորա [159]թզաւ, եւ շուրթն նորա իբրեւ զգործ շրթան բաժակի. եւ բոյս շուշանի ի վերայ նորա. եւ տանէր իբրեւ երկուս հազարս մարս:

7:26: Եւ թանձրութիւն նորա թզա՛ւ եւ շուրթն նորա իբրեւ զգործ շրթան բաժակի. եւ բո՛յս շուշանի ՚ի վերայ նորա. եւ տանէր իբրեւ երկո՛ւս հազարս մարս[3513]։
[3513] Օրինակ մի. Իբրեւ զշուրթ գործ բաժակի։
26 Աւազանի պղնձի հաստութիւնը մի թիզ էր. դրա շուրթը բաժակի շուրթի նման էր. դրա վրայ ծաղկած շուշան էր քանդակուած: Աւազանը մօտաւորապէս երկու հազար մար[52] էր տանում:
[52] 52. Շուրջ 80.000լիտր:
26 Անոր թանձրութիւնը չորս մատնաչափ էր։ Եզերքը գաւիթին եզերքին պէս էր, վրան շուշանի ծաղիկներ շինուած էին։ Ան երկու հազար մար կ’առնէր։
zohrab-1805▾ eastern-1994▾ western am▾
7:267:26 Толщиною оно было в ладонь, и края его, сделанные подобно краям чаши, {походили} на распустившуюся лилию. Оно вмещало две тысячи батов.
7:26 καὶ και and; even ἐποίησεν ποιεω do; make Χιραμ χιραμ the λέβητας λεβης and; even τὰς ο the θερμάστρεις θερμαστρις and; even τὰς ο the φιάλας φιαλη bowl καὶ και and; even συνετέλεσεν συντελεω consummate; finish Χιραμ χιραμ of what kind; which πάντα πας all; every τὰ ο the ἔργα εργον work ἃ ος who; what ἐποίησεν ποιεω do; make τῷ ο the βασιλεῖ βασιλευς monarch; king Σαλωμων σαλωμων in οἴκῳ οικος home; household κυρίου κυριος lord; master
7:26 וְ wᵊ וְ and עָבְיֹ֣ו ʕovyˈô עֲבִי thickness טֶ֔פַח ṭˈefaḥ טֶפַח span וּ û וְ and שְׂפָתֹ֛ו śᵊfāṯˈô שָׂפָה lip כְּ kᵊ כְּ as מַעֲשֵׂ֥ה maʕᵃśˌē מַעֲשֶׂה deed שְׂפַת־ śᵊfaṯ- שָׂפָה lip כֹּ֖וס kˌôs כֹּוס cup פֶּ֣רַח pˈeraḥ פֶּרַח bud שֹׁושָׁ֑ן šôšˈān שׁוּשַׁן lily אַלְפַּ֥יִם ʔalpˌayim אֶלֶף thousand בַּ֖ת bˌaṯ בַּת [measure] יָכִֽיל׃ פ yāḵˈîl . f כול comprehend
7:26. grossitudo autem luteris trium unciarum erat labiumque eius quasi labium calicis et folium repandi lilii duo milia batos capiebatAnd the laver was a hand breadth thick: and the brim thereof was like the brim of a cup, or the leaf of a crisped lily: it contained two thousand bates.
26. And it was an handbreadth thick; and the brim thereof was wrought like the brim of a cup, like the flower of a lily: it held two thousand baths.
And it [was] an hand breadth thick, and the brim thereof was wrought like the brim of a cup, with flowers of lilies: it contained two thousand baths:

7:26 Толщиною оно было в ладонь, и края его, сделанные подобно краям чаши, {походили} на распустившуюся лилию. Оно вмещало две тысячи батов.
καὶ και and; even
ἐποίησεν ποιεω do; make
Χιραμ χιραμ the
λέβητας λεβης and; even
τὰς ο the
θερμάστρεις θερμαστρις and; even
τὰς ο the
φιάλας φιαλη bowl
καὶ και and; even
συνετέλεσεν συντελεω consummate; finish
Χιραμ χιραμ of what kind; which
πάντα πας all; every
τὰ ο the
ἔργα εργον work
ος who; what
ἐποίησεν ποιεω do; make
τῷ ο the
βασιλεῖ βασιλευς monarch; king
Σαλωμων σαλωμων in
οἴκῳ οικος home; household
κυρίου κυριος lord; master
וְ wᵊ וְ and
עָבְיֹ֣ו ʕovyˈô עֲבִי thickness
טֶ֔פַח ṭˈefaḥ טֶפַח span
וּ û וְ and
שְׂפָתֹ֛ו śᵊfāṯˈô שָׂפָה lip
כְּ kᵊ כְּ as
מַעֲשֵׂ֥ה maʕᵃśˌē מַעֲשֶׂה deed
שְׂפַת־ śᵊfaṯ- שָׂפָה lip
כֹּ֖וס kˌôs כֹּוס cup
פֶּ֣רַח pˈeraḥ פֶּרַח bud
שֹׁושָׁ֑ן šôšˈān שׁוּשַׁן lily
אַלְפַּ֥יִם ʔalpˌayim אֶלֶף thousand
בַּ֖ת bˌaṯ בַּת [measure]
יָכִֽיל׃ פ yāḵˈîl . f כול comprehend
7:26. grossitudo autem luteris trium unciarum erat labiumque eius quasi labium calicis et folium repandi lilii duo milia batos capiebat
And the laver was a hand breadth thick: and the brim thereof was like the brim of a cup, or the leaf of a crisped lily: it contained two thousand bates.
ru▾ LXX-gloss▾ bhs-gloss▾ vulgate▾ erva_1895▾
jw▾ jg▾ gnv▾ tr▾ ab▾ all ▾
Albert Barnes: Notes on the Bible - 1834
7:26: The palm or hand-breadth seems to have a little exceeded three inches.
With flowers of lilies - Rather, "in the shape of a lily flower." The rim was slightly curved outward, like the rim of an ordinary drinking-cup, or the edge of a lily blossom. See Ch2 4:5 margin.
R. A. Torrey - Treasury: Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge - 1880
7:26: an hand breadth: Jer 52:21
with flowers: Kg1 7:19, Kg1 6:18, Kg1 6:32, Kg1 6:35
it contained: This immense laver, called a sea from it magnitude, held, at a moderate computation, 16, 000 gallons. Besides this great brazen laver, there were in the temple ten lavers of brass of a less size, which moved on wheels, and were ornamented with the figures of various animals, having, probably, always some relation to the cherubim. These lavers were to hold water for the use of the priests in their sacred office, particularly to wash the victims that were to be offered as a burnt offering, as we learn from Ch2 4:6; but the brazen sea was for the priests to wash in. The knops are supposed to have been in the form of an ox's head (Ch2 4:3); and some think the water flowed out at their mouths.
two thousand: Kg1 7:38; Ch2 4:5; Eze 45:14
Geneva 1599
And it [was] an hand breadth thick, and the brim thereof was wrought like the brim of a cup, with flowers of lilies: it contained two thousand (p) baths.
(p) Bath and ephah seem to be one measure, (Ezek 45:11) a bath contains about 5 gallons.
John Gill
And it was an hand breadth thick,.... Or four fingers, as in Jer 52:21.
and the brim thereof was wrought like the brim of a cup,
with flowers of lilies, embroidered and engraven on it for ornament sake:
Tit contained 2,000 baths; which is reckoned about five hundred barrels of water; it was filled by the Gibeonites; in 2Chron 4:5, it is said to receive and hold 3,000 baths, which the Jewish writers (s) thus reconcile; they suppose here it means so many baths of liquid, as the Targum expresses, there of dry measure, which might be heaped up, and so contain more; but as this was a vessel for water, and this distinction seems to answer no purpose, it may be better to observe, that in common, for the use of the priests, whether for washing their hands and feet, or dipping their bodies, it had no more than 2,000 baths in it, but, if filled up to the brim, it would hold 3,000. How a vessel of such dimensions should hold so much is difficult to account for; the Rabbins say (t), that in the two upper cubits of it it was circular, and in the three lower cubits square, by which they imagine it would hold more, and the position of it on the oxen seems to countenance this; but very probably it was wider, and bellied out in the lower part of it, and so more capacious; but of the contents of this, according to mathematical rules, see a treatise of Bishop Cumberland's (u). It is said (w) of a temple of Neptune's, in the fore part of it were two signs of him, and another of Amphitrite, and that was a brasen sea. This brasen sea of Solomon was typical of Christ, the fountain opened to wash in for uncleanness, by all that are made priests unto God; and this being larger than the laver in the tabernacle, may denote the greater efficacy of Christ's blood than in anything in the law of Moses to cleanse from sin; and the larger provision made for it, not only for Israel, but for all the people of God in the several nations of the world, in the four quarters of it; being published, and proclaimed, and directed to by the twelve apostles of Christ, and by all Gospel ministers since, signified by oxen for their laboriousness and strength. In the second temple there were no sea, nor bases, after mentioned, nor lavers, but one, which stood between the porch and the altar, which was for the priests to wash their hands and feet at (x).
(s) Shilte Hagibborim, c. 27. fol. 23. 4. (t) T. Bab. Eruvin, fol. 14. 2. (u) Of Scripture Weights and Measures, c. 3. p. 93, &c. (w) Pausaniae Corinthiaca, sive, l. 2. p. 87. (x) Shilte Hagibborim, c. 27. fol. 24. 2.
John Wesley
Baths - Which amounts to five hundred barrels, each bath containing about eight gallons; the bath being a measure of the same bigness with an ephah.
7:277:27: Եւ արա՛ր զմենքենովթս տասն պղնձիս. հինգ կանգուն երկայնութիւն միոյ մենքենովթայ, եւ չո՛րք կանգունք լայնութիւն նորա, եւ վե՛ց կանգունք բարձրութիւն նորա[3514]։ [3514] Այլք ՚ի բովանդակ յայս գլուխ եւ այլուր գրեթէ միշտ՝ ունին մեքենովթս, մեքենովթացն, եւ այլն։
27 Նա պղնձէ տասը պատուանդաններ շինեց. մէկ պատուանդանի երկարութիւնը հինգ կանգուն էր, լայնութիւնը՝ չորս կանգուն, բարձրութիւնը՝ վեց կանգուն:
27 Պղնձէ տասը մեքենովթ* շինեց։ Ամէն մէկ մեքենովթին երկայնութիւնը չորս կանգուն ու լայնութիւնը՝ չորս կանգուն եւ բարձրութիւնը երեք կանգուն էր։
Եւ արար [160]մեքենովթս տասն պղնձիս. [161]հինգ կանգուն երկայնութիւն միոյ մեքենովթայ, եւ չորք կանգունք լայնութիւն նորա, եւ [162]վեց կանգուն բարձրութիւն նորա:

7:27: Եւ արա՛ր զմենքենովթս տասն պղնձիս. հինգ կանգուն երկայնութիւն միոյ մենքենովթայ, եւ չո՛րք կանգունք լայնութիւն նորա, եւ վե՛ց կանգունք բարձրութիւն նորա[3514]։
[3514] Այլք ՚ի բովանդակ յայս գլուխ եւ այլուր գրեթէ միշտ՝ ունին մեքենովթս, մեքենովթացն, եւ այլն։
27 Նա պղնձէ տասը պատուանդաններ շինեց. մէկ պատուանդանի երկարութիւնը հինգ կանգուն էր, լայնութիւնը՝ չորս կանգուն, բարձրութիւնը՝ վեց կանգուն:
27 Պղնձէ տասը մեքենովթ* շինեց։ Ամէն մէկ մեքենովթին երկայնութիւնը չորս կանգուն ու լայնութիւնը՝ չորս կանգուն եւ բարձրութիւնը երեք կանգուն էր։
zohrab-1805▾ eastern-1994▾ western am▾
7:277:27 И сделал он десять медных подстав; длина каждой подставы~--- четыре локтя, ширина~--- четыре локтя и три локтя~--- вышина.
7:27 στύλους στυλος pillar δύο δυο two καὶ και and; even τὰ ο the στρεπτὰ στρεπτος the στύλων στυλος pillar ἐπὶ επι in; on τῶν ο the κεφαλῶν κεφαλη head; top τῶν ο the στύλων στυλος pillar δύο δυο two καὶ και and; even τὰ ο the δίκτυα δικτυον net δύο δυο two τοῦ ο the καλύπτειν καλυπτω cover ἀμφότερα αμφοτερος both τὰ ο the στρεπτὰ στρεπτος the γλυφῶν γλυφη the ὄντα ειμι be ἐπὶ επι in; on τῶν ο the στύλων στυλος pillar
7:27 וַ wa וְ and יַּ֧עַשׂ yyˈaʕaś עשׂה make אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker] הַ ha הַ the מְּכֹנֹ֛ות mmᵊḵōnˈôṯ מְכֹונָה place עֶ֖שֶׂר ʕˌeśer עֶשֶׂר ten נְחֹ֑שֶׁת nᵊḥˈōšeṯ נְחֹשֶׁת bronze אַרְבַּ֣ע ʔarbˈaʕ אַרְבַּע four בָּ bā בְּ in † הַ the אַמָּ֗ה ʔammˈā אַמָּה cubit אֹ֚רֶךְ ˈʔōreḵ אֹרֶךְ length הַ ha הַ the מְּכֹונָ֣ה mmᵊḵônˈā מְכֹונָה place הָֽ hˈā הַ the אֶחָ֔ת ʔeḥˈāṯ אֶחָד one וְ wᵊ וְ and אַרְבַּ֤ע ʔarbˈaʕ אַרְבַּע four בָּֽ bˈā בְּ in † הַ the אַמָּה֙ ʔammˌā אַמָּה cubit רָחְבָּ֔הּ roḥbˈāh רֹחַב breadth וְ wᵊ וְ and שָׁלֹ֥שׁ šālˌōš שָׁלֹשׁ three בָּ bā בְּ in † הַ the אַמָּ֖ה ʔammˌā אַמָּה cubit קֹומָתָֽהּ׃ qômāṯˈāh קֹומָה height
7:27. et fecit bases decem aereas quattuor cubitorum longitudinis bases singulas et quattuor cubitorum latitudinis et trium cubitorum altitudinisAnd he made ten bases of brass, every base was four cubits in length, and four cubits in breadth, and three cubits high.
27. And he made the ten bases of brass; four cubits was the length of one base, and four cubits the breadth thereof, and three cubits the height of it.
And he made ten bases of brass; four cubits [was] the length of one base, and four cubits the breadth thereof, and three cubits the height of it:

7:27 И сделал он десять медных подстав; длина каждой подставы~--- четыре локтя, ширина~--- четыре локтя и три локтя~--- вышина.
στύλους στυλος pillar
δύο δυο two
καὶ και and; even
τὰ ο the
στρεπτὰ στρεπτος the
στύλων στυλος pillar
ἐπὶ επι in; on
τῶν ο the
κεφαλῶν κεφαλη head; top
τῶν ο the
στύλων στυλος pillar
δύο δυο two
καὶ και and; even
τὰ ο the
δίκτυα δικτυον net
δύο δυο two
τοῦ ο the
καλύπτειν καλυπτω cover
ἀμφότερα αμφοτερος both
τὰ ο the
στρεπτὰ στρεπτος the
γλυφῶν γλυφη the
ὄντα ειμι be
ἐπὶ επι in; on
τῶν ο the
στύλων στυλος pillar
וַ wa וְ and
יַּ֧עַשׂ yyˈaʕaś עשׂה make
אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker]
הַ ha הַ the
מְּכֹנֹ֛ות mmᵊḵōnˈôṯ מְכֹונָה place
עֶ֖שֶׂר ʕˌeśer עֶשֶׂר ten
נְחֹ֑שֶׁת nᵊḥˈōšeṯ נְחֹשֶׁת bronze
אַרְבַּ֣ע ʔarbˈaʕ אַרְבַּע four
בָּ בְּ in
הַ the
אַמָּ֗ה ʔammˈā אַמָּה cubit
אֹ֚רֶךְ ˈʔōreḵ אֹרֶךְ length
הַ ha הַ the
מְּכֹונָ֣ה mmᵊḵônˈā מְכֹונָה place
הָֽ hˈā הַ the
אֶחָ֔ת ʔeḥˈāṯ אֶחָד one
וְ wᵊ וְ and
אַרְבַּ֤ע ʔarbˈaʕ אַרְבַּע four
בָּֽ bˈā בְּ in
הַ the
אַמָּה֙ ʔammˌā אַמָּה cubit
רָחְבָּ֔הּ roḥbˈāh רֹחַב breadth
וְ wᵊ וְ and
שָׁלֹ֥שׁ šālˌōš שָׁלֹשׁ three
בָּ בְּ in
הַ the
אַמָּ֖ה ʔammˌā אַמָּה cubit
קֹומָתָֽהּ׃ qômāṯˈāh קֹומָה height
7:27. et fecit bases decem aereas quattuor cubitorum longitudinis bases singulas et quattuor cubitorum latitudinis et trium cubitorum altitudinis
And he made ten bases of brass, every base was four cubits in length, and four cubits in breadth, and three cubits high.
ru▾ LXX-gloss▾ bhs-gloss▾ vulgate▾ erva_1895▾
jfb▾ jw▾ jg▾ kad▾ tr▾ ab▾ ac▾ tb▾ all ▾
А. П. Лопухин: Tолковая Библия или комментарий на все книги Св.Писания Ветхого и Нового Заветов - 1903-1914
27-39: Как для омовений священников служило медное море, так для омовения мертвенных частей перед сожжением их на жертвеннике (ср. Лев. I:9; Иез. XL:38) служили особые сосуды числом 10, "умывальницы" (кийорот, ст. 38; 2: Пар. IV:6), поставленные на особых "подставах" (мехонот, ст. 27). Последние описываются в данном разделе 3: Цар. с величайшей подробностью, вероятно, по новизне и изяществу сооружения этого третьего произведения художества Xирама (после 2: колонн и медного моря). Каждая подстава представляла четырехугольный ящик по 4: локтя в длину и ширину и 3: локтя глубиной или вышиной (27); боковые стенки этих ящиков состояли из пластинок с накладками (евр. шелаббим, Vulg. Juncturae) по углам (28). На стенках - резные изображения львов, волов (может быть, идея всеобщего мира в Царстве Божием и царстве природы, как в Ис. XI:6-9) и пальм, а внизу - переплеты венков или фестонов из распустившихся цветов (29). В верхней части ящика-подставы было приспособление для принятия и утверждения умывальницы, выгнутое в середине и названное венцом или капителью, в 1/2: локтя вышиной (35) и 11/2: локтя в диаметре (30-31). Для сообщения устойчивости на каждой капители, к верхнему углу ящика, были приделаны плечевидные выступы (евр. кетефот), выходившие из четырех угловых столбиков ящика, описывавшие небольшой выгиб и охватывавшие умывальницу с четырех сторон в качестве подпор. Внизу у каждого ящика подставы были проделаны оси и на них колеса обычного устройства (с спицами, ступицами и под.) , в 11/2: локтя в диаметре, причем по высоте своей колеса не должны были заслонять стенок ящика (30, 32-34). Крышка, стенки и подпорки ящиков были покрыты резьбой (36).

Самые умывальницы, стоявшие на тех подставах, описываются кратко: они имели форму тазов с раздавшейся верхней частью, как бы котлообразной (сн. Исх. XXX:18). Диаметр каждого таза - 4: локтя, а глубина - 1: локоть (38).

Сложным и подвижным устройством умывальниц имелось в виду облегчить наполнение их водою, затем опорожнение их; в первом случае их подкатывали к большему водохранилищу - медному морю; во втором, по пресыщении воды кровью, умывальницы пододвигались к особой кровосточной трубе при жертвеннике. Эти колесницы-умывальницы были настолько тяжелы, что для передвижения их требовались совокупные усилия нескольких человек; они требовали тщательного ухода за собой, потому что, стоя постоянно под открытым небом, они нередко омывались дождем и подвергались порче (А. А. Олесницкий, с. 329, 332, ср. Кейля, Библейская Археология, русск. перев, ч. I, с. 161-162).
Adam Clarke: Commentary on the Bible - 1831
7:27: He made ten bases - That is, pedestals, for the ten lavers to rest on.
3 Kings (1 Kings) 7:38
Albert Barnes: Notes on the Bible - 1834
7:27: Ten bases of brass - These were for the ten lavers (Kg1 7:38. See Ch2 4:6). In general terms the bases were square stands, 6 feet each way, and 4 12 feet high, elaborately ornamented on their four sides, and resting upon four wheels, 2 14 feet in diameter. Each stand supported a laver 6 feet high, which contained 40 baths Kg1 7:38, or about 340 gallons.
R. A. Torrey - Treasury: Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge - 1880
7:27: ten bases: These highly ornamental bases appear to have been square stands, or immense pedestals, for the purpose of supporting the lavers. Kg2 25:13, Kg2 25:16; Ch2 4:14; Jer 52:17, Jer 52:20
Carl Friedrich Keil and Franz Delitzsch

The Brazen Stands and Their Basins.
(Note: The description which follows will be more easily understood by comparing it with the sketch given in my biblische Archologie, Taf. iii. fig. 4.)
- He made ten stands of brass, each four cubits long, four cubits broad, and three cubits high. מכנות, stands or stools (Luther), is the name given to these vessels from their purpose, viz., to serve as supports to the basins which were used for washing the flesh of the sacrifices. They were square chests cast in brass, of the dimensions given.
3Kings 7:28-29
Their work (their construction) was the following: they had מסגּרות, lit., surroundings, i.e., panels of flat sides, and that between שׁלבּים, commissurae, i.e., frames or borders, which enclosed the sides, and were connected together at the angles; and upon the panels within the borders (there were figures of) lions, oxen, and cherubim. The statement in Josephus, that each centre was divided into three compartments, has nothing to support it in the biblical text, nor is it at all probable in itself, inasmuch as a division of this kind would have rendered the figures placed upon them insignificantly small. "And upon the borders was a base above." כּן is a noun, and has been rendered correctly by the Chaldee כנתא, basis. The meaning is, above, over the borders, there was a pedestal for the basin upon the chest, which is more fully described in 3Kings 7:31. To take כּן as an adverb does not give a suitable sense. For if we adopt the rendering, and upon the corner borders (or ledges) likewise above (De Wette and Ewald), - i.e., there were also figures of lions, oxen, and cherubim upon the corner borders, - it is impossible to tell what the meaning of ממּעל can be, to say nothing of the fact that on the corner borders there could hardly be room for such figures as these. This last argument also tells against the rendering adopted by Thenius: "and upon the corner borders, above as well as below the lions and oxen, (there were) wreaths;" in which, moreover, it is impossible to attach any supportable meaning to the כּן. When, on the other hand, Thenius objects to our view that the pedestal in question is spoken of for the first time in 3Kings 7:31, and that the expression "above the corner borders (ledges)" would be extremely unsuitable, since the pedestal in question was above the whole stand; the former remark is not quite correct, for 3Kings 7:31 merely contains a more minute description of the character of the pedestal, and the latter is answered by the fact that the pedestal derived its strength from the corner borders or ledges. "And below the lions and oxen were wreaths, pendant work." ליות, here and at 3Kings 7:36, is to be explained from לויה in Prov 1:9 and Prov 4:9, and signifies twists or wreaths. מורד מעשׂה is not "work of sinking," i.e., sunken work (Thenius), which never can be the meaning of מורד, but pendant work, festoons, by which, however, we cannot understand festoons hanging freely, or floating in the air.
3Kings 7:30
"Every stool had four brazen wheels and brazen axles, and the four feet thereof had shoulder-pieces; below the basin were the shoulder-pieces cast, beyond each one (were) wreaths." The meaning is that the square chests stood upon axles with wheels of brass, after the style of ordinary carriage wheels (3Kings 7:33), so that they could be driven or easily moved from one place to another; and that they did not rest directly upon the axles, but stood upon four feet, which were fastened upon the axles. This raised the chest above the rim of the wheels, so that not only were the sides of the chest which were ornamented with figures left uncovered, but, according to 3Kings 7:32, the wheels stood below the panels, and not, as in ordinary carriages, at the side of the chest. With regard to the connection between the axles and the wheels, Gesenius (Thes. p. 972) and Thenius suppose that the axles were fastened to the wheels, as in the Roman plaustra and at the present day in Italy, so as to turn with them; and Thenius argues in support of this, that להם is to be connected not only with what immediately precedes, but also with נהשׁת סרני. But this latter is unfounded; and the idea is altogether irreconcilable with the fact that the wheels had naves (חשּׁקים, 3Kings 7:33), from which we must infer that they revolved upon the axles. The words להם כּתפת פעמתיו וארבּעה are ambiguous.They may either be rendered, "and its four feet had shoulder-pieces," or, as Thenius supposes, "and its four feet served as shoulder-pieces." פּעמת means stepping feet, feet bent out as if for stepping (Ex 25:12). The suffix attached to פעמתיו refers to מכונה, the masculine being often used indefinitely instead of the feminine, as in להם in 3Kings 7:28. Thenius compares these feet to the ἁμαξόποδες of the Greeks, and imagines that they were divided below, like fork-shaped upright contrivances, in which, as in forks, the wheels turned with the axles, so that the axle-peg, which projected outwards, had a special apparatus, instead of the usual pin, in the form of a stirrup-like and on the lower side hand-shaped holder (יד), which was fastened to the lower rim of the מכונה, and descended perpendicularly so as to cover the foot, and the general arrangement of the wheels themselves received greater strength in consequence. These feet, which were divided in the shape of forks, are supposed to be called כּתפת (shoulders), because they were not attached underneath at the edge of the stand, but being cast with the corner rims passed down in the inner angles, so that their uppermost portion was under the basin, and the lowest portion was under the stand, which we are to picture to ourselves as without a bottom, and projecting as a split foot, held the wheel, and so formed its shoulder-pieces. But we cannot regard this representation as either in accordance with the text, or as really correct. Even if להם כּתפת could in any case be grammatically rendered, "they served them (the wheels and axles) as shoulders," although it would be a very questionable course to take להם in a different sense here from that which it bears in the perfectly similar construction in 3Kings 7:28, the feet which carried the stand could not possibly be called the shoulders of the wheels and their axles, since they did not carry the wheels, but the מכונה. Moreover, this idea is irreconcilable with the following words: "below the basin were the shoulder-pieces cast." If, for example, as Thenius assumes, the mechonah head a cover which was arched like a dome, and had a neck in the centre into which the basin was inserted by its lower rim, the shoulder-pieces, supposing that they were cast upon the inner borders of the chest, would not be below the basin, but simply below the corners of the lid of the chest, so that they would stand in no direct relation whatever to the basin. We must therefore give the preference to the rendering, which is grammatically the most natural one, "and its feet had shoulder-pieces," and understand the words as signifying that from the feet, which descended of course from the four corner borders of the chest down to the axles, there ascended shoulder-pieces, which ran along the outside of the chest and reached to the lower part of the basin which was upon the lid of the chest, and as shoulders either supported or helped to support it. According to 3Kings 7:34, these shoulder-pieces were so cast upon the four corners of the chest, that they sprang out of it as it were. ליות אישׁ מעבר, opposite to each one were wreaths. Where these festoons were attached, the various senses in which מעבר is used prevent our deciding with certainty. At any rate, we must reject the alternation proposed by Thenius, of ליות into לאחת, for the simple reason that לאחת אישׁ in the sense of "one to the other" would not be Hebraic.
3Kings 7:31-34
In 3Kings 7:31 we have a description of the upper portion of the mechonah, which formed the pedestal for the basin, and therewith an explanation of לכּיּר מתּחת. "And the mouth of it (the basin) was within the crown and upwards with a cubit, and the mouth of it (the crown) was rounded, stand-work, a cubit and a half (wide), and on its mouth also there was engraved work, and its panels were square, not round." To understand this verse, we must observe that, according to 3Kings 7:35, the mechonah chest was provided at the top with a dome-shaped covering, in the centre of which there was an elevation resembling the capital of a pillar (הכּתרת, the crown), supporting the basin, which was inserted into it by its lower rim. The suffix in פּיהוּ (its mouth) is supposed by Thenius to refer to the mechonah chest, and he questions the allusion to the basin, on the ground that this was so flat that a mouth-like opening could not possibly be spoken of, and the basins were never within the mechonah. But however correct these two remarks may be in themselves, they by no means demonstrate the necessity of taking פּיהוּ as referring to the mechonah chest. For פּה (the mouth) is not necessarily to be understood as denoting a mouth-like opening to the basin; but just as ראשׁ פּי in Ex 28:32 signifies the opening of the clothes for the head, i.e., for putting the head through when putting on the clothes, so may פּיהוּ (its mouth) be the opening or mouth for the basin, i.e., the opening into which the basin fitted and was emptied, the water in the basin being let off into the mechonah chest through the head-shaped neck by means of a tap or plug. The mouth was really the lower or contracted portion of the shell-shaped basin, which was about a cubit in height within the neck and upwards, that is to say, in all, inasmuch as it went partly into the neck and rose in part above it. The פּיה (the mouth thereof) which follows is the (upper) opening of the crown-like neck of the lid of the mechonah. This was rounded, מעשׂה־כן, stand-work, i.e., according to De Wette's correct paraphrase, formed after the style of the foot of a pillar, a cubit and a half in diameter. "And also upon the mouth of it (the mechonah) was carved work." The גּם (also) refers to the fact that the sides of the mechonah were already ornamented with carving. מסגּרתיהם, the panels of the crown-like neck (כּתרת) and its mouth (פּיה) were square, like the panels of the sides of the mechonah chest. The fact that panels are spoken of in connection with this neck, may be explained on the assumption that with its height of one cubit and its circumference of almost five cubits (which follows from its having a diameter of a cubit and a half) it had stronger borders of brass to strengthen its bearing power, while between them it consisted of thinner plates, which are called fillings or panels. - In 3Kings 7:32, 3Kings 7:33, the wheels are more minutely described. Every stool had four wheels under the panels, i.e., not against the sides of the chest, but under them, and ידות, hands or holders of the wheels, i.e., special contrivances for fastening the wheels to the axles, probably larger and more artistically worked than the linch-pins of ordinary carriages. These ידות were only required when the wheels turned upon the axles, and not when they were fastened to them. The height of the wheel was a cubit and a half, i.e., not half the height, but the whole. For with a half height of a cubit and a half the wheels would have been three cubits in diameter; and as the chest was only four cubits long, the hinder wheels and front wheels would almost have touched one another. The work (construction) of the wheels resembled that of (ordinary) carriage wheels; but everything about them (holders, felloes, spokes, and naves) was cast in brass. - In 3Kings 7:34 the description passes to the upper portion of the mechonah. "And he made four shoulder-pieces at the four corners of one (i.e., of every) stand; out of the stand were its shoulder-pieces." כּתפות are the shoulder-pieces already mentioned in 3Kings 7:30, which were attached to the feet below, or which terminated in feet. They were fastened to the corners in such a way that they seemed to come out of them; and they rose above the corners with a slight inclination (curve) towards the middle of the neck or capital, till they came under the outer rim of the basin which rested upon the capital of the lid of the chest, so as to support the basin, which turned considerably outwards at the top.
3Kings 7:35-36
"And on the upper part of the stand (the mechonah chest) half a cubit high was rounded all round, and on the upper part were its holders, and its panels out of it. המּכונה ראשׁ is the upper portion of the square chest. This was not flat, but rounded, i.e., arched, so that the arching rose half a cubit high above the height of the sides. This arched covering (or lid) had ידות, holders, and panels, which were therefore upon the upper part of the מכונה. The holders we take to be strong broad borders of brass, which gave the lid the necessary firmness; and the fillings or panels are the thinner plates of brass between them. They were both ממּנּה, "out of it," out of the upper part of the mechonah, i.e., cast along with it. With regard to the decoration of it, 3Kings 7:36 states that "he cut out (engraved) upon the plates of its holders, and upon its panels, cherubim, lions, and palms, according to the empty space of every one, and wreaths all round." We cannot determine anything further with regard to the distribution of these figures.
3Kings 7:37-38
"Thus he made the ten stools of one kind of casting, measure, and form, and also ten brazen basins (כּיּרות), each holding forty baths, and each basin four cubits." In a round vessel this can only be understood of the diameter, not of the height or depth, as the basins were set upon (על) the stands. על־המּכונה אחד כּיּור is dependent upon ויּעשׂ: he made ten basins, ... one basin upon a stand for the ten stands, i.e., one basin for each stand. If then the basins were a cubit in diameter at the top, and therefore their size corresponded almost exactly to the length and breadth of the stand, whilst the crown-like neck, into which they were inserted, was only a cubit and a half in diameter (3Kings 7:31), their shape must have resembled that of widespreading shells. And the form thus given to them required the shoulder-pieces described in 3Kings 7:30 and 3Kings 7:34 as supports beneath the outer rim of the basins, to prevent their upsetting when the carriage was wheeled about.
(Note: The description which Ewald has given of these stands in his Geschichte, iii. pp. 311,312, and still more elaborately in an article in the Gttingen Gelehrten Nachr. 1859, pp. 131-146, is not only obscure, but almost entirely erroneous, since he proposes in the most arbitrary way to make several alterations in the biblical text, on the assumption that the Solomonian stands were constructed just like the small bronze four-wheeled kettle-carriages (hardly a foot in size) which have been discovered in Mecklenburg, Steyermark, and other places of Europe. See on this subject G. C. F. Lisch, "ber die ehernen Wagenbecken der Bronzezeit," in the Jahrbb. des Vereinsf. Mecklenb. Geschichte, ix. pp. 373,374, where a sketch of a small carriage of this kind is given.)
3Kings 7:39
And he put the stands five on the right side of the house and five on the left; and the (brazen) sea he put upon the right side eastwards, opposite to the south. The right side is the south side, and the left the north side. Consequently the stands were not placed on the right and left, i.e., on each side of the altar of burnt-offering, but on each side of the house, i.e., of the temple-hall; while the brazen sea stood farther forward between the hall and the altar, only more towards the south, i.e., to the south-east of the hall and the south-west of the altar of burnt-offering. The basins upon the stands were for washing (according to 2Chron 4:6), namely, "the work of the burnt-offering," that is to say, for cleansing the flesh and fat, which were to be consumed upon the altar of burnt-offering. By means of the stands on wheels they could not only easily bring the water required near to the priests who were engaged in preparing the sacrifices, but could also let down the dirty water into the chest of the stand by means of a special contrivance introduced for the purpose, and afterwards take it away. As the introduction of carriages for the basins arose from the necessities of the altar-service, so the preparation of ten such stands, and the size of the basins, was occasioned by the greater extension of the sacrificial worship, in which it often happened that a considerable number of sacrifices had to be made ready for the altar at the same time. The artistic work of these stands and their decoration with figures were intended to show that these vessels were set apart for the service of the sanctuary. The emblems are to some extent the same as those on the walls of the sanctuary, viz., cherubim, palms, and flowers, which had therefore naturally the same meaning here as they had there; the only difference being that they were executed there in gold, whereas here they were in brass, to correspond to the character of the court. Moreover, there were also figures of lions and oxen, pointing no doubt to the royal and priestly characters, which were combined, according to Ex 19:6, in the nation worshipping the Lord in this place.
John Gill
And he made ten bases of brass,.... Seats, stands, or settles for the ten lavers after mentioned:
four cubits was the length of one base, and four cubits the breadth thereof; as broad as it was long, and so a square, that the laver might stand firm upon it:
and three cubits the height of it; from the ground plates to the surface, that the priests might be able to reach the layers, and wash their sacrifices.
John Wesley
Bases - Upon which stood the ten lavers mentioned below, 3Kings 7:38, in which they washed the parts of the sacrifices.
Robert Jamieson, A. R. Fausset and David Brown
he made ten bases of brass--These were trucks or four-wheeled carriages, for the support and conveyance of the lavers. The description of their structure shows that they were elegantly fitted up and skilfully adapted to their purpose. They stood, not on the axles, but on four rests attached to the axles, so that the figured sides were considerably raised above the wheels. They were all exactly alike in form and size. The lavers which were borne upon them were vessels capable each of holding three hundred gallons of water, upwards of a ton weight. The whole, when full of water, would be no less than two tons [NAPIER].
7:287:28: Եւ ա՛յս գործ էր մենքենովթացն, խո՛րշք խո՛րշք ՚ի վերայ, եւ խո՛րշք ՚ի մէջ առանցիցն։
28 Պատուանդաններն այսպիսի կառուցուածք ունէին. փոսիկները յաջորդում էին միմեանց, եւ դրանց միջեւ ելուստներ կային:
28 Մեքենովթները այսպէս էին։ Անոնք սպառուածներ ունէին։ Սպառուածները եզերքներուն մէջտեղն էին։
Եւ այս գործ էր մեքենովթացն, [163]խորշք խորշք ի վերայ, եւ խորշք ի մէջ առանցիցն:

7:28: Եւ ա՛յս գործ էր մենքենովթացն, խո՛րշք խո՛րշք ՚ի վերայ, եւ խո՛րշք ՚ի մէջ առանցիցն։
28 Պատուանդաններն այսպիսի կառուցուածք ունէին. փոսիկները յաջորդում էին միմեանց, եւ դրանց միջեւ ելուստներ կային:
28 Մեքենովթները այսպէս էին։ Անոնք սպառուածներ ունէին։ Սպառուածները եզերքներուն մէջտեղն էին։
zohrab-1805▾ eastern-1994▾ western am▾
7:287:28 И вот устройство подстав: у них стенки, стенки между наугольными пластинками;
7:28 τὰς ο the ῥόας ροα four hundred ἀμφοτέροις αμφοτερος both τοῖς ο the δικτύοις δικτυον net δύο δυο two στίχοι στιχος the δικτύῳ δικτυον net τῷ ο the ἑνὶ εις.1 one; unit περικαλύπτειν περικαλυπτω plate; blindfold ἀμφότερα αμφοτερος both τὰ ο the στρεπτὰ στρεπτος in; on ἀμφοτέροις αμφοτερος both τοῖς ο the στύλοις στυλος pillar
7:28 וְ wᵊ וְ and זֶ֛ה zˈeh זֶה this מַעֲשֵׂ֥ה maʕᵃśˌē מַעֲשֶׂה deed הַ ha הַ the מְּכֹונָ֖ה mmᵊḵônˌā מְכֹונָה place מִסְגְּרֹ֣ת misgᵊrˈōṯ מִסְגֶּרֶת bulwark לָהֶ֑ם lāhˈem לְ to וּ û וְ and מִסְגְּרֹ֖ת misgᵊrˌōṯ מִסְגֶּרֶת bulwark בֵּ֥ין bˌên בַּיִן interval הַ ha הַ the שְׁלַבִּֽים׃ šᵊlabbˈîm שָׁלָב cross-bar
7:28. et ipsum opus basium interrasile erat et scalpturae inter iuncturasAnd the work itself of the bases, was intergraven: and there were gravings between the joinings.
28. And the work of the bases was on this manner: they had borders; and there were borders between the ledges:
And the work of the bases [was] on this [manner]: they had borders, and the borders [were] between the ledges:

7:28 И вот устройство подстав: у них стенки, стенки между наугольными пластинками;
τὰς ο the
ῥόας ροα four hundred
ἀμφοτέροις αμφοτερος both
τοῖς ο the
δικτύοις δικτυον net
δύο δυο two
στίχοι στιχος the
δικτύῳ δικτυον net
τῷ ο the
ἑνὶ εις.1 one; unit
περικαλύπτειν περικαλυπτω plate; blindfold
ἀμφότερα αμφοτερος both
τὰ ο the
στρεπτὰ στρεπτος in; on
ἀμφοτέροις αμφοτερος both
τοῖς ο the
στύλοις στυλος pillar
וְ wᵊ וְ and
זֶ֛ה zˈeh זֶה this
מַעֲשֵׂ֥ה maʕᵃśˌē מַעֲשֶׂה deed
הַ ha הַ the
מְּכֹונָ֖ה mmᵊḵônˌā מְכֹונָה place
מִסְגְּרֹ֣ת misgᵊrˈōṯ מִסְגֶּרֶת bulwark
לָהֶ֑ם lāhˈem לְ to
וּ û וְ and
מִסְגְּרֹ֖ת misgᵊrˌōṯ מִסְגֶּרֶת bulwark
בֵּ֥ין bˌên בַּיִן interval
הַ ha הַ the
שְׁלַבִּֽים׃ šᵊlabbˈîm שָׁלָב cross-bar
7:28. et ipsum opus basium interrasile erat et scalpturae inter iuncturas
And the work itself of the bases, was intergraven: and there were gravings between the joinings.
ru▾ LXX-gloss▾ bhs-gloss▾ vulgate▾ erva_1895▾
jw▾ jg▾ tr▾ ab▾ all ▾
Albert Barnes: Notes on the Bible - 1834
7:28: Borders - Rather, "panels" (so Kg1 7:32, Kg1 7:35), a set of square compartments between the "ledges" or borders, or mouldings. Below the panelling, with its ornamentation of lions, oxen (the two animal forms which occur most frequently in Assyrian decoration), and cherubim, was a space decorated with "additions of thin work" Kg1 7:29.
Upon the "ledges" Kg1 7:29 which surrounded the top of the base there was a stand for the laver, distinct from the upper surface of the base.
R. A. Torrey - Treasury: Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge - 1880
7:28: bases was on: It seems evident that these bases or pedestals rose with steps, and that the ornaments mentioned in the next verse appeared in front, forming so many entablatures. But the description of these bases is very difficult to comprehend: many of the original words are seldom, if at all, used elsewhere; and it would be impossible to give an explanation of each particular, without a labour and prolixity disproportioned to its importance to us. Kg1 7:28
John Gill
And the work of the bases was on this manner,.... The following was the form in which they were made:
they had borders; plates of brass all around them, which enclosed them:
and the borders were between the ledges; which were short staves or bars of brass, that stood upright all around, like the staves of a cart on each side, or the rails of a balcony, only in double rows; and between these were the borders or plates of brass.
John Wesley
Borders - Broad brims, possibly for the more secure holding of the lavers.
7:297:29: Եւ ՚ի վերայ խորշից նոցա ՚ի մէջ առանցիցն, առեւծք, եւ եզինք, եւ քերոբք. եւ ՚ի վերայ առանցիցն նո՛յնպէս. եւ ՚ի վերոյ եւ ՚ի ներքոյ առիւծուցն եւ եզանց՝ տեղիք գո՛րծ առ ՚ի թափ[3515]։ [3515] Ոմանք. Գործ զառ ՚ի թափի։
29 Ելուստների միջեւ գտնուող փոսիկների վրայ պատկերուած էին առիւծներ, եզներ ու քերովբէներ, իսկ փոսիկների վրայ պատկերուած առիւծներից եւ եզներից վերեւ ու ներքեւ զարդեր էին կախուած:
29 Եզերքներուն մէջտեղը եղող սպառուածներուն վրայ առիւծներ, եզներ ու քերովբէներ կային։ Եզերքներուն վրայ վերի կողմը խարիսխն էր ու առիւծներուն ու եզներուն տակ կախուած զարդեր կային։
Եւ ի վերայ խորշից նոցա ի մէջ առանցիցն`` առեւծք եւ եզինք եւ քերոբք, եւ ի վերայ [164]առանցիցն նոյնպէս ի վերոյ, եւ ի ներքոյ առիւծուցն եւ եզանց` տեղիք գործ առ ի թափի:

7:29: Եւ ՚ի վերայ խորշից նոցա ՚ի մէջ առանցիցն, առեւծք, եւ եզինք, եւ քերոբք. եւ ՚ի վերայ առանցիցն նո՛յնպէս. եւ ՚ի վերոյ եւ ՚ի ներքոյ առիւծուցն եւ եզանց՝ տեղիք գո՛րծ առ ՚ի թափ[3515]։
[3515] Ոմանք. Գործ զառ ՚ի թափի։
29 Ելուստների միջեւ գտնուող փոսիկների վրայ պատկերուած էին առիւծներ, եզներ ու քերովբէներ, իսկ փոսիկների վրայ պատկերուած առիւծներից եւ եզներից վերեւ ու ներքեւ զարդեր էին կախուած:
29 Եզերքներուն մէջտեղը եղող սպառուածներուն վրայ առիւծներ, եզներ ու քերովբէներ կային։ Եզերքներուն վրայ վերի կողմը խարիսխն էր ու առիւծներուն ու եզներուն տակ կախուած զարդեր կային։
zohrab-1805▾ eastern-1994▾ western am▾
7:297:29 на стенках, которые между наугольниками, {изображены} были львы, волы и херувимы; также и на наугольниках, а выше и ниже львов и волов~--- развесистые венки;
7:29 καὶ και and; even τὰς ο the μεχωνωθ μεχωνωθ ten καὶ και and; even τοὺς ο the χυτροκαύλους χυτροκαυλος ten ἐπὶ επι in; on τῶν ο the μεχωνωθ μεχωνωθ stands; bases
7:29 וְ wᵊ וְ and עַֽל־ ʕˈal- עַל upon הַ ha הַ the מִּסְגְּרֹ֞ות mmisgᵊrˈôṯ מִסְגֶּרֶת bulwark אֲשֶׁ֣ר׀ ʔᵃšˈer אֲשֶׁר [relative] בֵּ֣ין bˈên בַּיִן interval הַ ha הַ the שְׁלַבִּ֗ים šᵊlabbˈîm שָׁלָב cross-bar אֲרָיֹ֤ות׀ ʔᵃrāyˈôṯ אֲרִי lion בָּקָר֙ bāqˌār בָּקָר cattle וּ û וְ and כְרוּבִ֔ים ḵᵊrûvˈîm כְּרוּב cherub וְ wᵊ וְ and עַל־ ʕal- עַל upon הַ ha הַ the שְׁלַבִּ֖ים šᵊlabbˌîm שָׁלָב cross-bar כֵּ֣ן kˈēn כֵּן thus מִ mi מִן from מָּ֑עַל mmˈāʕal מַעַל top וּ û וְ and מִ mi מִן from תַּ֨חַת֙ ttˈaḥaṯ תַּחַת under part לַ la לְ to אֲרָיֹ֣ות ʔᵃrāyˈôṯ אֲרִי lion וְ wᵊ וְ and לַ la לְ to † הַ the בָּקָ֔ר bbāqˈār בָּקָר cattle לֹיֹ֖ות lōyˌôṯ לֹיָה wreath מַעֲשֵׂ֥ה maʕᵃśˌē מַעֲשֶׂה deed מֹורָֽד׃ môrˈāḏ מֹורָד descent
7:29. et inter coronulas et plectas leones et boves et cherubin et in iuncturis similiter desuper et subter leones et boves quasi lora ex aere dependentiaAnd between the little crowns and the ledges, were lions, and oxen, and cherubims; and in the joinings likewise above: and under the lions and oxen, as it were bands of brass hanging down.
29. and on the borders that were between the ledges were lions, oxen, and cherubim; and upon the ledges there was a pedestal above: and beneath the lions and oxen were wreaths of hanging work.
And on the borders that [were] between the ledges [were] lions, oxen, and cherubims: and upon the ledges [there was] a base above: and beneath the lions and oxen [were] certain additions made of thin work:

7:29 на стенках, которые между наугольниками, {изображены} были львы, волы и херувимы; также и на наугольниках, а выше и ниже львов и волов~--- развесистые венки;
καὶ και and; even
τὰς ο the
μεχωνωθ μεχωνωθ ten
καὶ και and; even
τοὺς ο the
χυτροκαύλους χυτροκαυλος ten
ἐπὶ επι in; on
τῶν ο the
μεχωνωθ μεχωνωθ stands; bases
וְ wᵊ וְ and
עַֽל־ ʕˈal- עַל upon
הַ ha הַ the
מִּסְגְּרֹ֞ות mmisgᵊrˈôṯ מִסְגֶּרֶת bulwark
אֲשֶׁ֣ר׀ ʔᵃšˈer אֲשֶׁר [relative]
בֵּ֣ין bˈên בַּיִן interval
הַ ha הַ the
שְׁלַבִּ֗ים šᵊlabbˈîm שָׁלָב cross-bar
אֲרָיֹ֤ות׀ ʔᵃrāyˈôṯ אֲרִי lion
בָּקָר֙ bāqˌār בָּקָר cattle
וּ û וְ and
כְרוּבִ֔ים ḵᵊrûvˈîm כְּרוּב cherub
וְ wᵊ וְ and
עַל־ ʕal- עַל upon
הַ ha הַ the
שְׁלַבִּ֖ים šᵊlabbˌîm שָׁלָב cross-bar
כֵּ֣ן kˈēn כֵּן thus
מִ mi מִן from
מָּ֑עַל mmˈāʕal מַעַל top
וּ û וְ and
מִ mi מִן from
תַּ֨חַת֙ ttˈaḥaṯ תַּחַת under part
לַ la לְ to
אֲרָיֹ֣ות ʔᵃrāyˈôṯ אֲרִי lion
וְ wᵊ וְ and
לַ la לְ to
הַ the
בָּקָ֔ר bbāqˈār בָּקָר cattle
לֹיֹ֖ות lōyˌôṯ לֹיָה wreath
מַעֲשֵׂ֥ה maʕᵃśˌē מַעֲשֶׂה deed
מֹורָֽד׃ môrˈāḏ מֹורָד descent
7:29. et inter coronulas et plectas leones et boves et cherubin et in iuncturis similiter desuper et subter leones et boves quasi lora ex aere dependentia
And between the little crowns and the ledges, were lions, and oxen, and cherubims; and in the joinings likewise above: and under the lions and oxen, as it were bands of brass hanging down.
ru▾ LXX-gloss▾ bhs-gloss▾ vulgate▾ erva_1895▾
jw▾ jg▾ tr▾ all ▾
R. A. Torrey - Treasury: Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge - 1880
7:29: lions: Kg1 7:25, Kg1 6:27; Eze 1:10, Eze 10:14, Eze 41:18, Eze 41:19; Hos 5:14; Rev 4:6, Rev 4:7, Rev 5:5
cherubims: Gen 3:24; Exo 25:18, Exo 37:7; Heb 9:5
certain additions: Pe1 2:5
John Gill
And on the borders that were between the ledges were lions, oxen, and cherubims,.... The figures of them, for ornament sake; the cherubim, being distinguished from lions and oxen might be figures of men, or else of eagles, as Josephus (y), see Ezek 1:10.
and upon the ledges there was a base above; a flat piece of brass laid upon the top of the staves or bars:
and beneath the lions and oxen were certain additions made of thin work; these, according to Dr. Lightfoot (z), whom I chiefly follow in this account, were shelving plates of brass at the bottom of the borders and bars, where the priests washed the sacrifice; the filth of which ran off the easier, through the angle of them.
(y) Ut supra. (Antiqu. l. 8. c. 3. sect. 5.) (z) Prospect of the Temple, ch. 38. sect. 2.
John Wesley
Base above - So he calls the upper - most part of the base: for though it was above, yet it was a base to the laver, which stood upon it. Additions - Either as bases for the feet of the said lions and oxen: or, only as farther ornaments.
7:307:30: Եւ չորք անիւք պղնձիք միում մենքենովթայն, եւ առանցք պղնձիք. եւ ՚ի չորեցունց կողմանց նոցա ո՛ւսք նոցա ՚ի ներքոյ աւազանացն, ※ եւ ուսք ձուլեալք հանգոյնք մարդոյ առ ընթերակացք.
30 Ամէն մի պատուանդան պղնձէ չորս անիւ ու պղնձէ սռնի ունէր, եւ չորս անկիւններին, աւազանի տակ, մարդու ուսի նմանութիւն ունեցող ձուլածոյ ելուստներ կային:
30 Ամէն մէկ մեքենովթ պղնձէ չորս անիւ ու պղնձէ չորս առանցքներ ունէր ու չորս կողմերը ուռեր կային։ Ամէն կախուած զարդի քով՝ աւազանին տակ՝ ձուլածոյ ուռեր կային։
Եւ չորք անիւք պղնձիք միում մեքենովթայն եւ առանցք պղնձիք. եւ ի չորեցունց կողմանց նոցա ուսք նոցա ի ներքոյ [165]աւազանացն եւ ուսք ձուլեալք հանգոյնք մարդոյ առ ընթերակացք:

7:30: Եւ չորք անիւք պղնձիք միում մենքենովթայն, եւ առանցք պղնձիք. եւ ՚ի չորեցունց կողմանց նոցա ո՛ւսք նոցա ՚ի ներքոյ աւազանացն, ※ եւ ուսք ձուլեալք հանգոյնք մարդոյ առ ընթերակացք.
30 Ամէն մի պատուանդան պղնձէ չորս անիւ ու պղնձէ սռնի ունէր, եւ չորս անկիւններին, աւազանի տակ, մարդու ուսի նմանութիւն ունեցող ձուլածոյ ելուստներ կային:
30 Ամէն մէկ մեքենովթ պղնձէ չորս անիւ ու պղնձէ չորս առանցքներ ունէր ու չորս կողմերը ուռեր կային։ Ամէն կախուած զարդի քով՝ աւազանին տակ՝ ձուլածոյ ուռեր կային։
zohrab-1805▾ eastern-1994▾ western am▾
7:307:30 у каждой подставы по четыре медных колеса и оси медные. На четырех углах выступы наподобие плеч, выступы литые внизу, под чашею, подле каждого венка.
7:30 καὶ και and; even τὴν ο the θάλασσαν θαλασσα sea μίαν εις.1 one; unit καὶ και and; even τοὺς ο the βόας βους ox δώδεκα δωδεκα twelve ὑποκάτω υποκατω underneath τῆς ο the θαλάσσης θαλασσα sea
7:30 וְ wᵊ וְ and אַרְבָּעָה֩ ʔarbāʕˌā אַרְבַּע four אֹופַנֵּ֨י ʔôfannˌê אֹופַן wheel נְחֹ֜שֶׁת nᵊḥˈōšeṯ נְחֹשֶׁת bronze לַ la לְ to † הַ the מְּכֹונָ֤ה mmᵊḵônˈā מְכֹונָה place הָֽ hˈā הַ the אַחַת֙ ʔaḥˌaṯ אֶחָד one וְ wᵊ וְ and סַרְנֵ֣י sarnˈê סֶרֶן axletree נְחֹ֔שֶׁת nᵊḥˈōšeṯ נְחֹשֶׁת bronze וְ wᵊ וְ and אַרְבָּעָ֥ה ʔarbāʕˌā אַרְבַּע four פַעֲמֹתָ֖יו faʕᵃmōṯˌāʸw פַּעַם foot כְּתֵפֹ֣ת kᵊṯēfˈōṯ כָּתֵף shoulder לָהֶ֑ם lāhˈem לְ to מִ mi מִן from תַּ֤חַת ttˈaḥaṯ תַּחַת under part לַ la לְ to † הַ the כִּיֹּר֙ kkiyyˌōr כִּיֹּור basin הַ ha הַ the כְּתֵפֹ֣ת kkᵊṯēfˈōṯ כָּתֵף shoulder יְצֻקֹ֔ות yᵊṣuqˈôṯ יצק pour מֵ mē מִן from עֵ֥בֶר ʕˌēver עֵבֶר opposite אִ֖ישׁ ʔˌîš אִישׁ man לֹיֹֽות׃ lōyˈôṯ לֹיָה wreath
7:30. et quattuor rotae per bases singulas et axes aerei et per quattuor partes quasi umeruli subter luterem fusiles contra se invicem respectantesAnd every base had four wheels, and axletrees of brass: and at the four sides were undersetters, under the laver molten, looking one against another.
30. And every base had four brasen wheels, and axles of brass: and the four feet thereof had undersetters: beneath the laver were the undersetters molten, with wreaths at the side of each.
And every base had four brasen wheels, and plates of brass: and the four corners thereof had undersetters: under the laver [were] undersetters molten, at the side of every addition:

7:30 у каждой подставы по четыре медных колеса и оси медные. На четырех углах выступы наподобие плеч, выступы литые внизу, под чашею, подле каждого венка.
καὶ και and; even
τὴν ο the
θάλασσαν θαλασσα sea
μίαν εις.1 one; unit
καὶ και and; even
τοὺς ο the
βόας βους ox
δώδεκα δωδεκα twelve
ὑποκάτω υποκατω underneath
τῆς ο the
θαλάσσης θαλασσα sea
וְ wᵊ וְ and
אַרְבָּעָה֩ ʔarbāʕˌā אַרְבַּע four
אֹופַנֵּ֨י ʔôfannˌê אֹופַן wheel
נְחֹ֜שֶׁת nᵊḥˈōšeṯ נְחֹשֶׁת bronze
לַ la לְ to
הַ the
מְּכֹונָ֤ה mmᵊḵônˈā מְכֹונָה place
הָֽ hˈā הַ the
אַחַת֙ ʔaḥˌaṯ אֶחָד one
וְ wᵊ וְ and
סַרְנֵ֣י sarnˈê סֶרֶן axletree
נְחֹ֔שֶׁת nᵊḥˈōšeṯ נְחֹשֶׁת bronze
וְ wᵊ וְ and
אַרְבָּעָ֥ה ʔarbāʕˌā אַרְבַּע four
פַעֲמֹתָ֖יו faʕᵃmōṯˌāʸw פַּעַם foot
כְּתֵפֹ֣ת kᵊṯēfˈōṯ כָּתֵף shoulder
לָהֶ֑ם lāhˈem לְ to
מִ mi מִן from
תַּ֤חַת ttˈaḥaṯ תַּחַת under part
לַ la לְ to
הַ the
כִּיֹּר֙ kkiyyˌōr כִּיֹּור basin
הַ ha הַ the
כְּתֵפֹ֣ת kkᵊṯēfˈōṯ כָּתֵף shoulder
יְצֻקֹ֔ות yᵊṣuqˈôṯ יצק pour
מֵ מִן from
עֵ֥בֶר ʕˌēver עֵבֶר opposite
אִ֖ישׁ ʔˌîš אִישׁ man
לֹיֹֽות׃ lōyˈôṯ לֹיָה wreath
7:30. et quattuor rotae per bases singulas et axes aerei et per quattuor partes quasi umeruli subter luterem fusiles contra se invicem respectantes
And every base had four wheels, and axletrees of brass: and at the four sides were undersetters, under the laver molten, looking one against another.
ru▾ LXX-gloss▾ bhs-gloss▾ vulgate▾ erva_1895▾
jw▾ jg▾ tr▾ ab▾ all ▾
Albert Barnes: Notes on the Bible - 1834
7:30: Plates of brass - Rather, "brazen axletrees."
The "undersetters" (literally, "shoulders") are conjectured to have been four brackets, or bars, proceeding from the four upper corners of the bases, and stretching upward to the outer rim of the laver, which thus rested partly upon them.
At the side of every addition - Rather, "each opposite garlands." The laver was ornamented with a garland at the place where the support reached it.
R. A. Torrey - Treasury: Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge - 1880
7:30: wheels: Eze 1:15-21, Eze 3:13, Eze 10:10-13
had undersetters: It is probable that these undersetters were so many strong legs, somewhat shorter than the wheels, and were intended to pRev_ent the laver from tilting, or falling, in case of any accident.
John Gill
And every base had four brasen wheels, and plates of brass,.... Flat pieces or planks of brass, on which the wheels stood, and not on the bare floor; so that these wheels seem only to serve as supporters, not to carry the laver from place to place, as is usually said; for they were not like chariot wheels, on two sides of the carriage, but set one at each square; and besides, when the lavers were placed upon them, they were fixed in a certain place, 3Kings 7:39.
and the four corners thereof had undersetters; or "shoulders (a)", or pillars, which were placed on the plates of brass the wheels were; and served with them to support the lavers when laid upon the bases, and so were of the same use as men's shoulders, to bear burdens on them:
under the layer were undersetters molten; cast as, and when and where, the bases were, and the plates on which they stood; this explains the use they were of, being under the laver; these pillars stood at the four corners of the base:
at the side of every addition; made of thin work, 3Kings 7:29 they stood by the side of, or within side, the sloping shelves.
(a) "humeri", Pagninus, Montanus, &c.
John Wesley
Wheels - Whereby the bases and lavers might be removed from place to place as need required. Under - setters - Heb. shoulders; fitly so called, because they supported the lavers, that they should not fall from their bases, when the bases were removed together with the lavers.
7:317:31: եւ բերան նորա ՚ի ներքուստ ՚ի խոյակէն եւ ՚ի վեր կանգնաւ. եւ բերան նորա գո՛րծ բոլորշի. նոյնպէս ՚ի կանգնոյ եւ ՚ի կիսոյ թանձրութիւն նորա։ Եւ առ բերանով նորա ճախարակեայ հաստատուն չորեքկուսի՛ եւ ո՛չ բոլորշի.
31 Դրա բերանը ներքին խոյակից մինչեւ վեր մէկ կանգուն էր. այդ բերանը խարսխի պէս կլոր էր ու մէկուկէս կանգուն լայնութիւն ունէր: Դրա բերանի վրայ ոչ թէ կլոր, այլ քառակուսի քանդակներ կային:
31 Անոր բերանը խոյակին մէջէն դէպի վեր մէկ կանգուն էր ու անոր բերանը խարիսխի գործի պէս բոլորաձեւ էր ու մէկուկէս կանգուն էր եւ բերնին վրայ ալ քանդակներ ու սպառուածներ* կային՝ քառակուսի եւ ոչ բոլորաձեւ։
եւ բերան նորա ի ներքուստ ի խոյակէն եւ ի վեր կանգնաւ. եւ բերան նորա [166]գործ բոլորշի``, նոյնպէս ի կանգնոյ եւ ի կիսոյ թանձրութիւն նորա. եւ առ բերանով նորա [167]ճախարակեայ հաստատուն`` չորեքկուսի եւ ոչ բոլորշի:

7:31: եւ բերան նորա ՚ի ներքուստ ՚ի խոյակէն եւ ՚ի վեր կանգնաւ. եւ բերան նորա գո՛րծ բոլորշի. նոյնպէս ՚ի կանգնոյ եւ ՚ի կիսոյ թանձրութիւն նորա։ Եւ առ բերանով նորա ճախարակեայ հաստատուն չորեքկուսի՛ եւ ո՛չ բոլորշի.
31 Դրա բերանը ներքին խոյակից մինչեւ վեր մէկ կանգուն էր. այդ բերանը խարսխի պէս կլոր էր ու մէկուկէս կանգուն լայնութիւն ունէր: Դրա բերանի վրայ ոչ թէ կլոր, այլ քառակուսի քանդակներ կային:
31 Անոր բերանը խոյակին մէջէն դէպի վեր մէկ կանգուն էր ու անոր բերանը խարիսխի գործի պէս բոլորաձեւ էր ու մէկուկէս կանգուն էր եւ բերնին վրայ ալ քանդակներ ու սպառուածներ* կային՝ քառակուսի եւ ոչ բոլորաձեւ։
zohrab-1805▾ eastern-1994▾ western am▾
7:317:31 Отверстие от внутреннего венка до верха в один локоть; отверстие его круглое, подобно подножию столбов, в полтора локтя, и при отверстии его изваяния; но боковые стенки четырехугольные, не круглые.
7:31 καὶ και and; even τοὺς ο the λέβητας λεβης and; even τὰς ο the θερμάστρεις θερμαστρις and; even τὰς ο the φιάλας φιαλη bowl καὶ και and; even πάντα πας all; every τὰ ο the σκεύη σκευος vessel; jar ἃ ος who; what ἐποίησεν ποιεω do; make Χιραμ χιραμ the βασιλεῖ βασιλευς monarch; king Σαλωμων σαλωμων the οἴκῳ οικος home; household κυρίου κυριος lord; master καὶ και and; even οἱ ο the στῦλοι στυλος pillar τεσσαράκοντα τεσσαρακοντα forty καὶ και and; even ὀκτὼ οκτω eight τοῦ ο the οἴκου οικος home; household τοῦ ο the βασιλέως βασιλευς monarch; king καὶ και and; even τοῦ ο the οἴκου οικος home; household κυρίου κυριος lord; master πάντα πας all; every τὰ ο the ἔργα εργον work τοῦ ο the βασιλέως βασιλευς monarch; king ἃ ος who; what ἐποίησεν ποιεω do; make Χιραμ χιραμ of brass ἄρδην αρδην lifted up; on high
7:31 וּ֠ û וְ and פִיהוּ fîhˌû פֶּה mouth מִ mi מִן from בֵּ֨ית bbˌêṯ בַּיִת house לַ la לְ to † הַ the כֹּתֶ֤רֶת kkōṯˈereṯ כֹּתֶרֶת capital וָ wā וְ and מַ֨עְלָה֙ mˈaʕlā מַעַל top בָּֽ bˈā בְּ in † הַ the אַמָּ֔ה ʔammˈā אַמָּה cubit וּ û וְ and פִ֨יהָ֙ fˈîhā פֶּה mouth עָגֹ֣ל ʕāḡˈōl עָגֹל round מַעֲשֵׂה־ maʕᵃśē- מַעֲשֶׂה deed כֵ֔ן ḵˈēn כֵּן base אַמָּ֖ה ʔammˌā אַמָּה cubit וַ wa וְ and חֲצִ֣י ḥᵃṣˈî חֲצִי half הָֽ hˈā הַ the אַמָּ֑ה ʔammˈā אַמָּה cubit וְ wᵊ וְ and גַם־ ḡam- גַּם even עַל־ ʕal- עַל upon פִּ֨יהָ֙ pˈîhā פֶּה mouth מִקְלָעֹ֔ות miqlāʕˈôṯ מִקְלַעַת carving וּ û וְ and מִסְגְּרֹתֵיהֶ֥ם misgᵊrōṯêhˌem מִסְגֶּרֶת bulwark מְרֻבָּעֹ֖ות mᵊrubbāʕˌôṯ רבע be square לֹ֥א lˌō לֹא not עֲגֻלֹּֽות׃ ʕᵃḡullˈôṯ עָגֹל round
7:31. os quoque luteris intrinsecus erat in capitis summitate et quod forinsecus apparebat unius cubiti erat totum rotundum pariterque habebat unum cubitum et dimidium in angulis autem columnarum variae celaturae erant et media intercolumnia quadrata non rotundaThe mouth also of the laver within, was in the top of the chapiter: and that which appeared without, was of one cubit all round, and together it was one cubit and a half: and in the corners of the pillars were divers engravings: and the spaces between the pillars were square, not round.
31. And the mouth of it within the chapiter and above was a cubit: and the mouth thereof was round after the work of a pedestal, a cubit and an half: and also upon the mouth of it were gravings, and their borders were foursquare, not round.
And the mouth of it within the chapiter and above [was] a cubit: but the mouth thereof [was] round [after] the work of the base, a cubit and an half: and also upon the mouth of it [were] gravings with their borders, foursquare, not round:

7:31 Отверстие от внутреннего венка до верха в один локоть; отверстие его круглое, подобно подножию столбов, в полтора локтя, и при отверстии его изваяния; но боковые стенки четырехугольные, не круглые.
καὶ και and; even
τοὺς ο the
λέβητας λεβης and; even
τὰς ο the
θερμάστρεις θερμαστρις and; even
τὰς ο the
φιάλας φιαλη bowl
καὶ και and; even
πάντα πας all; every
τὰ ο the
σκεύη σκευος vessel; jar
ος who; what
ἐποίησεν ποιεω do; make
Χιραμ χιραμ the
βασιλεῖ βασιλευς monarch; king
Σαλωμων σαλωμων the
οἴκῳ οικος home; household
κυρίου κυριος lord; master
καὶ και and; even
οἱ ο the
στῦλοι στυλος pillar
τεσσαράκοντα τεσσαρακοντα forty
καὶ και and; even
ὀκτὼ οκτω eight
τοῦ ο the
οἴκου οικος home; household
τοῦ ο the
βασιλέως βασιλευς monarch; king
καὶ και and; even
τοῦ ο the
οἴκου οικος home; household
κυρίου κυριος lord; master
πάντα πας all; every
τὰ ο the
ἔργα εργον work
τοῦ ο the
βασιλέως βασιλευς monarch; king
ος who; what
ἐποίησεν ποιεω do; make
Χιραμ χιραμ of brass
ἄρδην αρδην lifted up; on high
וּ֠ û וְ and
פִיהוּ fîhˌû פֶּה mouth
מִ mi מִן from
בֵּ֨ית bbˌêṯ בַּיִת house
לַ la לְ to
הַ the
כֹּתֶ֤רֶת kkōṯˈereṯ כֹּתֶרֶת capital
וָ וְ and
מַ֨עְלָה֙ mˈaʕlā מַעַל top
בָּֽ bˈā בְּ in
הַ the
אַמָּ֔ה ʔammˈā אַמָּה cubit
וּ û וְ and
פִ֨יהָ֙ fˈîhā פֶּה mouth
עָגֹ֣ל ʕāḡˈōl עָגֹל round
מַעֲשֵׂה־ maʕᵃśē- מַעֲשֶׂה deed
כֵ֔ן ḵˈēn כֵּן base
אַמָּ֖ה ʔammˌā אַמָּה cubit
וַ wa וְ and
חֲצִ֣י ḥᵃṣˈî חֲצִי half
הָֽ hˈā הַ the
אַמָּ֑ה ʔammˈā אַמָּה cubit
וְ wᵊ וְ and
גַם־ ḡam- גַּם even
עַל־ ʕal- עַל upon
פִּ֨יהָ֙ pˈîhā פֶּה mouth
מִקְלָעֹ֔ות miqlāʕˈôṯ מִקְלַעַת carving
וּ û וְ and
מִסְגְּרֹתֵיהֶ֥ם misgᵊrōṯêhˌem מִסְגֶּרֶת bulwark
מְרֻבָּעֹ֖ות mᵊrubbāʕˌôṯ רבע be square
לֹ֥א lˌō לֹא not
עֲגֻלֹּֽות׃ ʕᵃḡullˈôṯ עָגֹל round
7:31. os quoque luteris intrinsecus erat in capitis summitate et quod forinsecus apparebat unius cubiti erat totum rotundum pariterque habebat unum cubitum et dimidium in angulis autem columnarum variae celaturae erant et media intercolumnia quadrata non rotunda
The mouth also of the laver within, was in the top of the chapiter: and that which appeared without, was of one cubit all round, and together it was one cubit and a half: and in the corners of the pillars were divers engravings: and the spaces between the pillars were square, not round.
ru▾ LXX-gloss▾ bhs-gloss▾ vulgate▾ erva_1895▾
jw▾ jg▾ gnv▾ ab▾ all ▾
Albert Barnes: Notes on the Bible - 1834
7:31: It seems impossible to determine what is meant by the "mouth" of the laver, or what by its "chapiter."
Geneva 1599
And the (q) mouth of it within the chapiter and above [was] a cubit: but the mouth thereof [was] round [after] the work of the base, a cubit and an half: and also upon the mouth of it [were] gravings with their borders, foursquare, not round.
(q) The mouth of the great base or frame entered into the chapiter, or pillar that bore up the cauldron.
John Gill
And the mouth of it within the chapiter, and above, was a cubit,.... On the lid of the base rose up a lesser base, called the chapiter, which was circular, like a coronet, as the word signifies, the inside of which was hollow, for the lower part of the layer to rest in; this ascended straight up half a cubit, and then widening, went up half a cubit more, and so in its whole height, as here a cubit; the circuit or circumference of which is called the mouth of the base, into which the feet of the layer were set, the measure of which is next given:
but the mouth thereof was round, after the work of the base, a cubit and an half; which was either the circumference or the diameter of it; one should think the latter:
and also upon the mouth of it were gravings, with their borders, four square, not round; though the mouth was round, the border of it was four square, which had figures engraved thereon, perhaps the same as on the other borders, lions, oxen, and cherubim.
John Wesley
The mouth - So he calls that part in the top of the base which was left hollow, that the foot of the laver might be let into it. The chapiter - Within the little base, which he calls the chapiter, because it rose up from, and stood above the great base. Above - Above the chapiter; for the mouth went up, and grew wider like a funnel. A cubit - In height, 3Kings 7:35, whereof half a cubit was above the chapiter or little base, and the other half below it. A cubit and half - In compass. Four square - So the innermost part, called the mouth, was round, but the outward part was square, as when a circle is made within a quadrangle.
7:327:32: եւ չորք անիւք ՚ի ներքոյ հաստատելոցն, եւ ձեռք յանիւսն, եւ ՚ի մենքենովթսն. եւ բարձրութիւն միոյ անուոյ՝ ՚ի կանգնոյ եւ ՚ի կիսոյ[3516]։ [3516] Ոմանք. ՚Ի կանգնոյ եւ ՚ի կիսոյ կանգնոյ։
32 Սռնիով իրար միացուած չորս անիւներն ամրացուած էին աւազանի տակից, իսկ անիւներն էլ ամրացուած էին պատուանդանին: Ամէն մի անուի բարձրութիւնը մէկուկէս կանգուն էր:
32 Սպառուածներուն տակ չորս անիւ կար եւ անիւներուն առանցքները մեքենովթին վրայ հաստատուած էին։ Ամէն մէկ անիւին բարձրութիւնը մէկուկէս կանգուն էր։
Եւ չորք անիւք ի ներքոյ [168]հաստատելոցն, եւ [169]ձեռք յանիւսն, ի մեքենովթսն. եւ բարձրութիւն միոյ անուոյ ի կանգնոյ եւ ի կիսոյ:

7:32: եւ չորք անիւք ՚ի ներքոյ հաստատելոցն, եւ ձեռք յանիւսն, եւ ՚ի մենքենովթսն. եւ բարձրութիւն միոյ անուոյ՝ ՚ի կանգնոյ եւ ՚ի կիսոյ[3516]։
[3516] Ոմանք. ՚Ի կանգնոյ եւ ՚ի կիսոյ կանգնոյ։
32 Սռնիով իրար միացուած չորս անիւներն ամրացուած էին աւազանի տակից, իսկ անիւներն էլ ամրացուած էին պատուանդանին: Ամէն մի անուի բարձրութիւնը մէկուկէս կանգուն էր:
32 Սպառուածներուն տակ չորս անիւ կար եւ անիւներուն առանցքները մեքենովթին վրայ հաստատուած էին։ Ամէն մէկ անիւին բարձրութիւնը մէկուկէս կանգուն էր։
zohrab-1805▾ eastern-1994▾ western am▾
7:327:32 Под стенками было четыре колеса, и оси колес в подставах; вышина каждого колеса~--- полтора локтя.
7:32 οὐκ ου not ἦν ειμι be σταθμὸς σταθμος the χαλκοῦ χαλκεος of brass οὗ ος who; what ἐποίησεν ποιεω do; make πάντα πας all; every τὰ ο the ἔργα εργον work ταῦτα ουτος this; he ἐκ εκ from; out of πλήθους πληθος multitude; quantity σφόδρα σφοδρα vehemently; tremendously οὐκ ου not ἦν ειμι be τέρμα τερμα the σταθμῷ σταθμος the χαλκοῦ χαλκεος of brass
7:32 וְ wᵊ וְ and אַרְבַּ֣עַת ʔarbˈaʕaṯ אַרְבַּע four הָ hā הַ the אֹֽופַנִּ֗ים ʔˈôfannˈîm אֹופַן wheel לְ lᵊ לְ to מִ mi מִן from תַּ֨חַת֙ ttˈaḥaṯ תַּחַת under part לַֽ lˈa לְ to † הַ the מִּסְגְּרֹ֔ות mmisgᵊrˈôṯ מִסְגֶּרֶת bulwark וִ wi וְ and ידֹ֥ות yḏˌôṯ יָד hand הָ hā הַ the אֹֽופַנִּ֖ים ʔˈôfannˌîm אֹופַן wheel בַּ ba בְּ in † הַ the מְּכֹונָ֑ה mmᵊḵônˈā מְכֹונָה place וְ wᵊ וְ and קֹומַת֙ qômˌaṯ קֹומָה height הָ hā הַ the אֹופַ֣ן ʔôfˈan אֹופַן wheel הָ hā הַ the אֶחָ֔ד ʔeḥˈāḏ אֶחָד one אַמָּ֖ה ʔammˌā אַמָּה cubit וַ wa וְ and חֲצִ֥י ḥᵃṣˌî חֲצִי half הָ hā הַ the אַמָּֽה׃ ʔammˈā אַמָּה cubit
7:32. quattuor quoque rotae quae per quattuor angulos basis erant coherebant subter basi una rota habebat altitudinis cubitum et semisAnd the four whee]s, which were at the four corners of the base, were joined one to another under the base: the height of a wheel was a cubit and a half.
32. And the four wheels were underneath the borders; and the axletrees of the wheels were in the base: and the height of a wheel was a cubit and half a cubit.
And under the borders [were] four wheels; and the axletrees of the wheels [were joined] to the base: and the height of a wheel [was] a cubit and half a cubit:

7:32 Под стенками было четыре колеса, и оси колес в подставах; вышина каждого колеса~--- полтора локтя.
οὐκ ου not
ἦν ειμι be
σταθμὸς σταθμος the
χαλκοῦ χαλκεος of brass
οὗ ος who; what
ἐποίησεν ποιεω do; make
πάντα πας all; every
τὰ ο the
ἔργα εργον work
ταῦτα ουτος this; he
ἐκ εκ from; out of
πλήθους πληθος multitude; quantity
σφόδρα σφοδρα vehemently; tremendously
οὐκ ου not
ἦν ειμι be
τέρμα τερμα the
σταθμῷ σταθμος the
χαλκοῦ χαλκεος of brass
וְ wᵊ וְ and
אַרְבַּ֣עַת ʔarbˈaʕaṯ אַרְבַּע four
הָ הַ the
אֹֽופַנִּ֗ים ʔˈôfannˈîm אֹופַן wheel
לְ lᵊ לְ to
מִ mi מִן from
תַּ֨חַת֙ ttˈaḥaṯ תַּחַת under part
לַֽ lˈa לְ to
הַ the
מִּסְגְּרֹ֔ות mmisgᵊrˈôṯ מִסְגֶּרֶת bulwark
וִ wi וְ and
ידֹ֥ות yḏˌôṯ יָד hand
הָ הַ the
אֹֽופַנִּ֖ים ʔˈôfannˌîm אֹופַן wheel
בַּ ba בְּ in
הַ the
מְּכֹונָ֑ה mmᵊḵônˈā מְכֹונָה place
וְ wᵊ וְ and
קֹומַת֙ qômˌaṯ קֹומָה height
הָ הַ the
אֹופַ֣ן ʔôfˈan אֹופַן wheel
הָ הַ the
אֶחָ֔ד ʔeḥˈāḏ אֶחָד one
אַמָּ֖ה ʔammˌā אַמָּה cubit
וַ wa וְ and
חֲצִ֥י ḥᵃṣˌî חֲצִי half
הָ הַ the
אַמָּֽה׃ ʔammˈā אַמָּה cubit
7:32. quattuor quoque rotae quae per quattuor angulos basis erant coherebant subter basi una rota habebat altitudinis cubitum et semis
And the four whee]s, which were at the four corners of the base, were joined one to another under the base: the height of a wheel was a cubit and a half.
ru▾ LXX-gloss▾ bhs-gloss▾ vulgate▾ erva_1895▾
jg▾ tr▾ ab▾ all ▾
Albert Barnes: Notes on the Bible - 1834
7:32: With the diameter (2 14 ft.) of the wheel here, may be compared that of the earliest Assyrian chariot-wheels, which was under 3 feet; and that of the front wheels seen in representations of Assyrian close carriages, which scarcely exceed 14th of the height of the entire vehicle. The wheels of these moveable lavers appear to have been a little less than 15th of the height of the whole structure.
R. A. Torrey - Treasury: Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge - 1880
7:32: joined to the base: Heb. in the base, Kg1 7:32
John Gill
And under the borders were four wheels,.... Not under the borders last mentioned, but those in 3Kings 7:29,
and the axle trees of the wheels were joined to the base; to the four sides of it:
and the height of a wheel was a cubit and half a cubit; that is, from the plate of brass on which it stood, to the axis or semicircle of it; so that the highest part of the ring being also a cubit and an half, reached to the top of the base, it being but three cubits high, 3Kings 7:27.
7:337:33: Եւ գո՛րծ անուոցն՝ իբրեւ զգործած անուոց կառաց, եւ ձեռք նոցա՝ եւ պարանոցք իւրեանց, եւ թիկունք իւրեանց, եւ ամենայն արա՛ր նոցա ձուլածոյ։
33 Անիւները սարքուած էին կառքի անիւների նման. դրանց սռնիները, շրջանակները, ճաղերը եւ ամէն ինչը ձուլածոյ էին:
33 Անիւներուն շինուածքը կառքի անիւներու շինուածքին պէս էր։ Անոնց առանցքները, շրջանակները, շառաւիղներն ու գունտերը բոլորը ձուլածոյ էին։
Եւ գործ անուոցն` իբրեւ զգործած անուոց կառաց, եւ [170]ձեռք նոցա եւ պարանոցք իւրեանց եւ թիկունք իւրեանց եւ ամենայն արար նոցա ձուլածոյ:

7:33: Եւ գո՛րծ անուոցն՝ իբրեւ զգործած անուոց կառաց, եւ ձեռք նոցա՝ եւ պարանոցք իւրեանց, եւ թիկունք իւրեանց, եւ ամենայն արա՛ր նոցա ձուլածոյ։
33 Անիւները սարքուած էին կառքի անիւների նման. դրանց սռնիները, շրջանակները, ճաղերը եւ ամէն ինչը ձուլածոյ էին:
33 Անիւներուն շինուածքը կառքի անիւներու շինուածքին պէս էր։ Անոնց առանցքները, շրջանակները, շառաւիղներն ու գունտերը բոլորը ձուլածոյ էին։
zohrab-1805▾ eastern-1994▾ western am▾
7:337:33 Устройство колес такое же, как устройство колес в колеснице; оси их, и ободья их, и спицы их, и ступицы их, все было литое.
7:33 ἐν εν in τῷ ο the περιοίκῳ περιοικος neighbor; neighborhood τοῦ ο the Ιορδάνου ιορδανης Iordanēs; Iorthanis ἐχώνευσεν χωνευω he; him ὁ ο the βασιλεὺς βασιλευς monarch; king ἐν εν in τῷ ο the πάχει παχος the γῆς γη earth; land ἀνὰ ανα.1 up; each μέσον μεσος in the midst; in the middle Σοκχωθ σοκχωθ and; even ἀνὰ ανα.1 up; each μέσον μεσος in the midst; in the middle Σιρα σιρα Sira
7:33 וּ û וְ and מַֽעֲשֵׂה֙ mˈaʕᵃśē מַעֲשֶׂה deed הָ hā הַ the אֹ֣ופַנִּ֔ים ʔˈôfannˈîm אֹופַן wheel כְּ kᵊ כְּ as מַעֲשֵׂ֖ה maʕᵃśˌē מַעֲשֶׂה deed אֹופַ֣ן ʔôfˈan אֹופַן wheel הַ ha הַ the מֶּרְכָּבָ֑ה mmerkāvˈā מֶרְכָּבָה chariot יְדֹותָ֣ם yᵊḏôṯˈām יָד hand וְ wᵊ וְ and גַבֵּיהֶ֗ם ḡabbêhˈem גַּב curve וְ wᵊ וְ and חִשֻּׁקֵיהֶ֛ם ḥiššuqêhˈem חִשֻּׁק spoke וְ wᵊ וְ and חִשֻּׁרֵיהֶ֖ם ḥiššurêhˌem חִשֻּׁר nave הַ ha הַ the כֹּ֥ל kkˌōl כֹּל whole מוּצָֽק׃ mûṣˈāq יצק pour
7:33. tales autem rotae erant quales solent in curru fieri et axes earum et radii et canti et modioli omnia fusiliaAnd they were such wheels as are used to be made in a chariot: and their axletrees, and spokes, and strakes, and naves, were all cast.
33. And the work of the wheels was like the work of a chariot wheel: their axletrees, and their felloes, and their spokes, and their naves, were all molten.
And the work of the wheels [was] like the work of a chariot wheel: their axletrees, and their naves, and their felloes, and their spokes, [were] all molten:

7:33 Устройство колес такое же, как устройство колес в колеснице; оси их, и ободья их, и спицы их, и ступицы их, все было литое.
ἐν εν in
τῷ ο the
περιοίκῳ περιοικος neighbor; neighborhood
τοῦ ο the
Ιορδάνου ιορδανης Iordanēs; Iorthanis
ἐχώνευσεν χωνευω he; him
ο the
βασιλεὺς βασιλευς monarch; king
ἐν εν in
τῷ ο the
πάχει παχος the
γῆς γη earth; land
ἀνὰ ανα.1 up; each
μέσον μεσος in the midst; in the middle
Σοκχωθ σοκχωθ and; even
ἀνὰ ανα.1 up; each
μέσον μεσος in the midst; in the middle
Σιρα σιρα Sira
וּ û וְ and
מַֽעֲשֵׂה֙ mˈaʕᵃśē מַעֲשֶׂה deed
הָ הַ the
אֹ֣ופַנִּ֔ים ʔˈôfannˈîm אֹופַן wheel
כְּ kᵊ כְּ as
מַעֲשֵׂ֖ה maʕᵃśˌē מַעֲשֶׂה deed
אֹופַ֣ן ʔôfˈan אֹופַן wheel
הַ ha הַ the
מֶּרְכָּבָ֑ה mmerkāvˈā מֶרְכָּבָה chariot
יְדֹותָ֣ם yᵊḏôṯˈām יָד hand
וְ wᵊ וְ and
גַבֵּיהֶ֗ם ḡabbêhˈem גַּב curve
וְ wᵊ וְ and
חִשֻּׁקֵיהֶ֛ם ḥiššuqêhˈem חִשֻּׁק spoke
וְ wᵊ וְ and
חִשֻּׁרֵיהֶ֖ם ḥiššurêhˌem חִשֻּׁר nave
הַ ha הַ the
כֹּ֥ל kkˌōl כֹּל whole
מוּצָֽק׃ mûṣˈāq יצק pour
7:33. tales autem rotae erant quales solent in curru fieri et axes earum et radii et canti et modioli omnia fusilia
And they were such wheels as are used to be made in a chariot: and their axletrees, and spokes, and strakes, and naves, were all cast.
ru▾ LXX-gloss▾ bhs-gloss▾ vulgate▾ erva_1895▾
jw▾ jg▾ tr▾ all ▾
R. A. Torrey - Treasury: Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge - 1880
7:33: Eze 1:16, Eze 1:18
John Gill
And the work of the wheels was like the work of a chariot wheel,.... In the same form and fashion as one of them; the Targum is,
"like a chariot of glory;''
a splendid one, curiously wrought; unless reference is had in it to the chariot of Ezekiel's vision:
their axle trees, and their naves, and their felloes, and their spokes, were all molten; cast together when the base was.
John Wesley
Molten - And cast together with the bases.
7:347:34: Եւ չո՛րք ուսք ՚ի վերայ չորեցունց անկեանց միոյ մենքենովթայն. անդստի՛ն ՚ի մենքենովթայն ուսք իւր։
34 Ամէն մի պատուանդանի չորս անկիւններն ունէին չորս ելուստներ, եւ ելուստները պարանոցի հետ միաձոյլ էին:
34 Եւ ամէն մէկ մեքենովթին չորս անկիւններուն վրայ չորս ուռ կար եւ ուռերն ալ մեքենովթէն էին։
Եւ չորք ուսք ի վերայ չորեցունց անկեանց միոյ մեքենովթայն. անդստին ի մեքենովթայն ուսք իւր:

7:34: Եւ չո՛րք ուսք ՚ի վերայ չորեցունց անկեանց միոյ մենքենովթայն. անդստի՛ն ՚ի մենքենովթայն ուսք իւր։
34 Ամէն մի պատուանդանի չորս անկիւններն ունէին չորս ելուստներ, եւ ելուստները պարանոցի հետ միաձոյլ էին:
34 Եւ ամէն մէկ մեքենովթին չորս անկիւններուն վրայ չորս ուռ կար եւ ուռերն ալ մեքենովթէն էին։
zohrab-1805▾ eastern-1994▾ western am▾
7:347:34 Четыре выступа на четырех углах каждой подставы; из подставы {выходили} выступы ее.
7:34 καὶ και and; even ἔδωκεν διδωμι give; deposit ὁ ο the βασιλεὺς βασιλευς monarch; king Σαλωμων σαλωμων the σκεύη σκευος vessel; jar ἃ ος who; what ἐποίησεν ποιεω do; make ἐν εν in οἴκῳ οικος home; household κυρίου κυριος lord; master τὸ ο the θυσιαστήριον θυσιαστηριον altar τὸ ο the χρυσοῦν χρυσεος of gold; golden καὶ και and; even τὴν ο the τράπεζαν τραπεζα table; bank ἐφ᾿ επι in; on ἧς ος who; what οἱ ο the ἄρτοι αρτος bread; loaves τῆς ο the προσφορᾶς προσφορα offering χρυσῆν χρυσεος of gold; golden
7:34 וְ wᵊ וְ and אַרְבַּ֣ע ʔarbˈaʕ אַרְבַּע four כְּתֵפֹ֔ות kᵊṯēfˈôṯ כָּתֵף shoulder אֶ֚ל ˈʔel אֶל to אַרְבַּ֣ע ʔarbˈaʕ אַרְבַּע four פִּנֹּ֔ות pinnˈôṯ פִּנָּה corner הַ ha הַ the מְּכֹנָ֖ה mmᵊḵōnˌā מְכֹונָה place הָֽ hˈā הַ the אֶחָ֑ת ʔeḥˈāṯ אֶחָד one מִן־ min- מִן from הַ ha הַ the מְּכֹנָ֖ה mmᵊḵōnˌā מְכֹונָה place כְּתֵפֶֽיהָ׃ kᵊṯēfˈeʸhā כָּתֵף shoulder
7:34. nam et umeruli illi quattuor per singulos angulos basis unius ex ipsa basi fusiles et coniuncti erantAnd the four undersetters, that were at every corner of each base, were of the base itself, cast and joined together.
34. And there were four undersetters at the four corners of each base: the undersetters thereof were of the base itself.
And [there were] four undersetters to the four corners of one base: [and] the undersetters [were] of the very base itself:

7:34 Четыре выступа на четырех углах каждой подставы; из подставы {выходили} выступы ее.
καὶ και and; even
ἔδωκεν διδωμι give; deposit
ο the
βασιλεὺς βασιλευς monarch; king
Σαλωμων σαλωμων the
σκεύη σκευος vessel; jar
ος who; what
ἐποίησεν ποιεω do; make
ἐν εν in
οἴκῳ οικος home; household
κυρίου κυριος lord; master
τὸ ο the
θυσιαστήριον θυσιαστηριον altar
τὸ ο the
χρυσοῦν χρυσεος of gold; golden
καὶ και and; even
τὴν ο the
τράπεζαν τραπεζα table; bank
ἐφ᾿ επι in; on
ἧς ος who; what
οἱ ο the
ἄρτοι αρτος bread; loaves
τῆς ο the
προσφορᾶς προσφορα offering
χρυσῆν χρυσεος of gold; golden
וְ wᵊ וְ and
אַרְבַּ֣ע ʔarbˈaʕ אַרְבַּע four
כְּתֵפֹ֔ות kᵊṯēfˈôṯ כָּתֵף shoulder
אֶ֚ל ˈʔel אֶל to
אַרְבַּ֣ע ʔarbˈaʕ אַרְבַּע four
פִּנֹּ֔ות pinnˈôṯ פִּנָּה corner
הַ ha הַ the
מְּכֹנָ֖ה mmᵊḵōnˌā מְכֹונָה place
הָֽ hˈā הַ the
אֶחָ֑ת ʔeḥˈāṯ אֶחָד one
מִן־ min- מִן from
הַ ha הַ the
מְּכֹנָ֖ה mmᵊḵōnˌā מְכֹונָה place
כְּתֵפֶֽיהָ׃ kᵊṯēfˈeʸhā כָּתֵף shoulder
7:34. nam et umeruli illi quattuor per singulos angulos basis unius ex ipsa basi fusiles et coniuncti erant
And the four undersetters, that were at every corner of each base, were of the base itself, cast and joined together.
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Albert Barnes: Notes on the Bible - 1834
7:34: The undersetters were cast with the base, not afterward attached to it, and were therefore stronger and better able to support the laver.
John Gill
And there were four undersetters to the four corners of one base,.... Or pillars, as in 3Kings 7:30.
and the undersetters were of the base itself; they were cast together, and of the same piece of metal with it.
John Wesley
Of the base - Not only of the same matter, but of the same piece, being cast with it.
7:357:35: Եւ ՚ի գլուխ մենքենովթայն կէ՛ս կանգնոյ մեծ բոլորակ շուրջ զնովաւ ՚ի վերայ գլխոյ մենքենովթայն. եւ սկիզբն ձեռաց նորա՝ եւ խորշք նորա անդստին ՚ի նմանէ։
35 Պատուանդանի վերեւում կէս կանգուն բարձրութեամբ կար բոլորակ մի պսակ, եւ պատուանդանի գլխի վերեւում գտնուող դրա բռնակներն ու խորշերը պատուանդանի հետ միաձոյլ էին:
35 Ու մեքենովթին գլուխը կէս կանգուն բարձրութեամբ բոլորակ մը կար ու մեքենովթին գլխուն վրայ եղող եզերքն ու սպառուածները իրմէ էին։
Եւ ի գլուխ մեքենովթայն կէս կանգնոյ [171]մեծ բոլորակ շուրջ զնովաւ ի վերայ գլխոյ մեքենովթայն, եւ սկիզբն ձեռաց նորա եւ խորշք`` նորա անդստին ի նմանէ:

7:35: Եւ ՚ի գլուխ մենքենովթայն կէ՛ս կանգնոյ մեծ բոլորակ շուրջ զնովաւ ՚ի վերայ գլխոյ մենքենովթայն. եւ սկիզբն ձեռաց նորա՝ եւ խորշք նորա անդստին ՚ի նմանէ։
35 Պատուանդանի վերեւում կէս կանգուն բարձրութեամբ կար բոլորակ մի պսակ, եւ պատուանդանի գլխի վերեւում գտնուող դրա բռնակներն ու խորշերը պատուանդանի հետ միաձոյլ էին:
35 Ու մեքենովթին գլուխը կէս կանգուն բարձրութեամբ բոլորակ մը կար ու մեքենովթին գլխուն վրայ եղող եզերքն ու սպառուածները իրմէ էին։
zohrab-1805▾ eastern-1994▾ western am▾
7:357:35 И на верху подставы круглое возвышение на пол-локтя вышины; и на верху подставы рукоятки ее и стенки ее из одной с нею массы.
7:35 καὶ και and; even τὰς ο the λυχνίας λυχνια lamp stand πέντε πεντε five ἐκ εκ from; out of δεξιῶν δεξιος right καὶ και and; even πέντε πεντε five ἐξ εκ from; out of ἀριστερῶν αριστερος left κατὰ κατα down; by πρόσωπον προσωπον face; ahead of τοῦ ο the δαβιρ δαβιρ.1 of gold; golden συγκλειομένας συγκλειω confine; catch καὶ και and; even τὰ ο the λαμπάδια λαμπαδιον and; even τοὺς ο the λύχνους λυχνος lamp καὶ και and; even τὰς ο the ἐπαρυστρίδας επαρυστρις of gold; golden
7:35 וּ û וְ and בְ vᵊ בְּ in רֹ֣אשׁ rˈōš רֹאשׁ head הַ ha הַ the מְּכֹונָ֗ה mmᵊḵônˈā מְכֹונָה place חֲצִ֧י ḥᵃṣˈî חֲצִי half הָ hā הַ the אַמָּ֛ה ʔammˈā אַמָּה cubit קֹומָ֖ה qômˌā קֹומָה height עָגֹ֣ל׀ ʕāḡˈōl עָגֹל round סָבִ֑יב sāvˈîv סָבִיב surrounding וְ wᵊ וְ and עַ֨ל ʕˌal עַל upon רֹ֤אשׁ rˈōš רֹאשׁ head הַ ha הַ the מְּכֹנָה֙ mmᵊḵōnˌā מְכֹונָה place יְדֹתֶ֔יהָ yᵊḏōṯˈeʸhā יָד hand וּ û וְ and מִסְגְּרֹתֶ֖יהָ misgᵊrōṯˌeʸhā מִסְגֶּרֶת bulwark מִמֶּֽנָּה׃ mimmˈennā מִן from
7:35. in summitate autem basis erat quaedam rotunditas dimidii cubiti ita fabrefacta ut luter desuper possit inponi habens celaturas suas et scalpturas varias ex semet ipsoAnd on the top of the base, there was a round compass of half a cubit, so wrought that the laver might be set thereon, having its gravings, and divers sculptures of itself.
35. And in the top of the base was there a round compass of half a cubit high: and on the top of the base the stays thereof and the borders thereof were of the same.
And in the top of the base [was there] a round compass of half a cubit high: and on the top of the base the ledges thereof and the borders thereof [were] of the same:

7:35 И на верху подставы круглое возвышение на пол-локтя вышины; и на верху подставы рукоятки ее и стенки ее из одной с нею массы.
καὶ και and; even
τὰς ο the
λυχνίας λυχνια lamp stand
πέντε πεντε five
ἐκ εκ from; out of
δεξιῶν δεξιος right
καὶ και and; even
πέντε πεντε five
ἐξ εκ from; out of
ἀριστερῶν αριστερος left
κατὰ κατα down; by
πρόσωπον προσωπον face; ahead of
τοῦ ο the
δαβιρ δαβιρ.1 of gold; golden
συγκλειομένας συγκλειω confine; catch
καὶ και and; even
τὰ ο the
λαμπάδια λαμπαδιον and; even
τοὺς ο the
λύχνους λυχνος lamp
καὶ και and; even
τὰς ο the
ἐπαρυστρίδας επαρυστρις of gold; golden
וּ û וְ and
בְ vᵊ בְּ in
רֹ֣אשׁ rˈōš רֹאשׁ head
הַ ha הַ the
מְּכֹונָ֗ה mmᵊḵônˈā מְכֹונָה place
חֲצִ֧י ḥᵃṣˈî חֲצִי half
הָ הַ the
אַמָּ֛ה ʔammˈā אַמָּה cubit
קֹומָ֖ה qômˌā קֹומָה height
עָגֹ֣ל׀ ʕāḡˈōl עָגֹל round
סָבִ֑יב sāvˈîv סָבִיב surrounding
וְ wᵊ וְ and
עַ֨ל ʕˌal עַל upon
רֹ֤אשׁ rˈōš רֹאשׁ head
הַ ha הַ the
מְּכֹנָה֙ mmᵊḵōnˌā מְכֹונָה place
יְדֹתֶ֔יהָ yᵊḏōṯˈeʸhā יָד hand
וּ û וְ and
מִסְגְּרֹתֶ֖יהָ misgᵊrōṯˌeʸhā מִסְגֶּרֶת bulwark
מִמֶּֽנָּה׃ mimmˈennā מִן from
7:35. in summitate autem basis erat quaedam rotunditas dimidii cubiti ita fabrefacta ut luter desuper possit inponi habens celaturas suas et scalpturas varias ex semet ipso
And on the top of the base, there was a round compass of half a cubit, so wrought that the laver might be set thereon, having its gravings, and divers sculptures of itself.
ru▾ LXX-gloss▾ bhs-gloss▾ vulgate▾ erva_1895▾
jg▾ gnv▾ ab▾ all ▾
Albert Barnes: Notes on the Bible - 1834
7:35: A round compass - A circular elevation, half a cubit high, rather than a circular depression, half a cubit deep. Compare Kg1 7:29. The "ledges" and "borders" of the top of the base were its "hands" and its "panels." These "hands," distinct from the "shoulders" Kg1 7:30, were probably supports, adorned with engraved plates Kg1 7:36, either of the elevated circle on which the laver stood, or of the lower part of the laver itself. Both panels and "hands" were "of the same," i. e. of one piece with the base, cast at the same time.
Geneva 1599
And in the top of the base [was there] a round (v) compass of half a cubit high: and on the top of the base the ledges thereof and the borders thereof [were] of the same.
(v) Which was called the pillar, chapiter or small base, in which the cauldron stood.
John Gill
And in the top of the base was there a round compass of half a cubit high,.... The same with the chapiter, 3Kings 7:31 which rose up straight half a cubit, and widening upwards half a cubit more, here called the round compass of it:
and on the top of the base, the ledges thereof and the borders thereof, were of the same; of the same piece of brass with the base, all being cast together.
7:367:36: Եւ բանային ՚ի սկիզբն ձեռաց նորա, եւ խորշք նորա քերոբք, եւ առիւծունք, եւ արմաւենիք կանգնեալք առ նովաւ. իւրաքանչիւր հանդէպ երեսաց իւրոց ՚ի ներքս եւ շուրջանակի[3517]։ [3517] Ոմանք. Եւ քերոբք եւ առիւծունք։
36 Դրա բռնակների ու խորշերի վրայ քանդակեց ներսի կողմից շուրջանակի միմեանց դիմաց կանգնած քերովբէներ, առիւծներ ու արմաւենիներ:
36 Եզերքներուն տախտակներուն վրայ ու սպառուածներուն վրայ քերովբէներ, առիւծներ ու արմաւենիներ քանդակուած էին, ամէն մէկ տեղին յարմարութեանը համեմատ ու անոնց բոլորտիքը կախուած զարդեր կային։
Եւ [172]բանային ի սկիզբն ձեռաց նորա, եւ խորշք`` նորա քերոբք եւ առիւծունք եւ արմաւենիք [173]կանգնեալք առ նովաւ. իւրաքանչիւր հանդէպ երեսաց իւրոց ի ներքս եւ`` շուրջանակի:

7:36: Եւ բանային ՚ի սկիզբն ձեռաց նորա, եւ խորշք նորա քերոբք, եւ առիւծունք, եւ արմաւենիք կանգնեալք առ նովաւ. իւրաքանչիւր հանդէպ երեսաց իւրոց ՚ի ներքս եւ շուրջանակի[3517]։
[3517] Ոմանք. Եւ քերոբք եւ առիւծունք։
36 Դրա բռնակների ու խորշերի վրայ քանդակեց ներսի կողմից շուրջանակի միմեանց դիմաց կանգնած քերովբէներ, առիւծներ ու արմաւենիներ:
36 Եզերքներուն տախտակներուն վրայ ու սպառուածներուն վրայ քերովբէներ, առիւծներ ու արմաւենիներ քանդակուած էին, ամէն մէկ տեղին յարմարութեանը համեմատ ու անոնց բոլորտիքը կախուած զարդեր կային։
zohrab-1805▾ eastern-1994▾ western am▾
7:367:36 И изваял он на дощечках ее рукоятки и на стенках ее херувимов, львов и пальмы, сколько где позволяло место, и вокруг развесистые венки.
7:36 καὶ και and; even τὰ ο the πρόθυρα προθυρον and; even οἱ ο the ἧλοι ηλος nail καὶ και and; even αἱ ο the φιάλαι φιαλη bowl καὶ και and; even τὰ ο the τρύβλια τρυβλιον dish καὶ και and; even αἱ ο the θυίσκαι θυισκη of gold; golden σύγκλειστα συγκλειστος and; even τὰ ο the θυρώματα θυρωμα the θυρῶν θυρα door τοῦ ο the οἴκου οικος home; household τοῦ ο the ἐσωτάτου εσωτερος inner ἁγίου αγιος holy τῶν ο the ἁγίων αγιος holy καὶ και and; even τὰς ο the θύρας θυρα door τοῦ ο the οἴκου οικος home; household τοῦ ο the ναοῦ ναος sanctuary χρυσᾶς χρυσεος of gold; golden
7:36 וַ wa וְ and יְפַתַּ֤ח yᵊfattˈaḥ פתח engrave עַל־ ʕal- עַל upon הַ ha הַ the לֻּחֹת֙ lluḥˌōṯ לוּחַ tablet יְדֹתֶ֔יהָ yᵊḏōṯˈeʸhā יָד hand וְ wᵊ וְ and עַל֙ ʕˌal עַל upon מִסְגְּרֹתֶ֔יהָומסגרתיה *misgᵊrōṯˈeʸhā מִסְגֶּרֶת bulwark כְּרוּבִ֖ים kᵊrûvˌîm כְּרוּב cherub אֲרָיֹ֣ות ʔᵃrāyˈôṯ אֲרִי lion וְ wᵊ וְ and תִמֹרֹ֑ת ṯimōrˈōṯ תִּמֹרָה palm-ornament כְּ kᵊ כְּ as מַֽעַר־ mˈaʕar- מַעַר nakedness אִ֥ישׁ ʔˌîš אִישׁ man וְ wᵊ וְ and לֹיֹ֖ות lōyˌôṯ לֹיָה wreath סָבִֽיב׃ sāvˈîv סָבִיב surrounding
7:36. scalpsit quoque in tabulatis illis quae erant ex aere et in angulis cherubin et leones et palmas quasi in similitudinem stantis hominis ut non celata sed adposita per circuitum viderenturHe engraved also in those plates, which were of brass, and in the corners, cherubims, and lions, and palm trees, in likeness of a man standing, so that they seemed not to be engraven, but added round about.
36. And on the plates of the stays thereof, and on the borders thereof, he graved cherubim, lions, and palm tress, according to the space of each, with wreaths round about.
For on the plates of the ledges thereof, and on the borders thereof, he graved cherubims, lions, and palm trees, according to the proportion of every one, and additions round about:

7:36 И изваял он на дощечках ее рукоятки и на стенках ее херувимов, львов и пальмы, сколько где позволяло место, и вокруг развесистые венки.
καὶ και and; even
τὰ ο the
πρόθυρα προθυρον and; even
οἱ ο the
ἧλοι ηλος nail
καὶ και and; even
αἱ ο the
φιάλαι φιαλη bowl
καὶ και and; even
τὰ ο the
τρύβλια τρυβλιον dish
καὶ και and; even
αἱ ο the
θυίσκαι θυισκη of gold; golden
σύγκλειστα συγκλειστος and; even
τὰ ο the
θυρώματα θυρωμα the
θυρῶν θυρα door
τοῦ ο the
οἴκου οικος home; household
τοῦ ο the
ἐσωτάτου εσωτερος inner
ἁγίου αγιος holy
τῶν ο the
ἁγίων αγιος holy
καὶ και and; even
τὰς ο the
θύρας θυρα door
τοῦ ο the
οἴκου οικος home; household
τοῦ ο the
ναοῦ ναος sanctuary
χρυσᾶς χρυσεος of gold; golden
וַ wa וְ and
יְפַתַּ֤ח yᵊfattˈaḥ פתח engrave
עַל־ ʕal- עַל upon
הַ ha הַ the
לֻּחֹת֙ lluḥˌōṯ לוּחַ tablet
יְדֹתֶ֔יהָ yᵊḏōṯˈeʸhā יָד hand
וְ wᵊ וְ and
עַל֙ ʕˌal עַל upon
*misgᵊrōṯˈeʸhā מִסְגֶּרֶת bulwark
כְּרוּבִ֖ים kᵊrûvˌîm כְּרוּב cherub
אֲרָיֹ֣ות ʔᵃrāyˈôṯ אֲרִי lion
וְ wᵊ וְ and
תִמֹרֹ֑ת ṯimōrˈōṯ תִּמֹרָה palm-ornament
כְּ kᵊ כְּ as
מַֽעַר־ mˈaʕar- מַעַר nakedness
אִ֥ישׁ ʔˌîš אִישׁ man
וְ wᵊ וְ and
לֹיֹ֖ות lōyˌôṯ לֹיָה wreath
סָבִֽיב׃ sāvˈîv סָבִיב surrounding
7:36. scalpsit quoque in tabulatis illis quae erant ex aere et in angulis cherubin et leones et palmas quasi in similitudinem stantis hominis ut non celata sed adposita per circuitum viderentur
He engraved also in those plates, which were of brass, and in the corners, cherubims, and lions, and palm trees, in likeness of a man standing, so that they seemed not to be engraven, but added round about.
ru▾ LXX-gloss▾ bhs-gloss▾ vulgate▾ erva_1895▾
jw▾ jg▾ tr▾ ab▾ all ▾
Albert Barnes: Notes on the Bible - 1834
7:36: According to the proportion of every one - i. e. "as large as the room left for them allowed," implying that the panels were smaller than those on the sides of the base, and allowed scant room for the representations.
R. A. Torrey - Treasury: Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge - 1880
7:36: graved cherubims: Kg1 7:29, Kg1 6:29, Kg1 6:32, Kg1 6:35; Eze 40:31, Eze 40:37, Eze 41:18-20, Eze 41:25, Eze 41:26
proportion: Heb. nakedness
John Gill
For on the plates of the ledges thereof, and on the borders thereof,.... In this, and the preceding verse, a different word is used, translated "ledges", from that in 3Kings 7:28, the Targum renders it axle trees; as if the axle trees of the wheels, and the borders, circumferences, and rings of them, were meant, in which were the following engravings: it literally signifies hands or handles; and Procopius Gazaeus says, that the bases had, in the upper part of them, forms of hands holding a circle like a crown:
he graved cherubims, lions, and palm trees, according to the proportion of everyone; these figures were made as large as the plates of the ledges, and the borders, would allow room for:
and the addition round about; which were sloping shelves of brass around the base, 3Kings 7:29 these were ornamented in like manner.
John Wesley
The proportion - Or, empty place, that is, according to the bigness of the spaces which were left empty for them, implying that they were smaller than those above mentioned.
7:377:37: Ըստ նմին օրինակի արար զամենայն զտասնեսին մենքենովթսն. մի պայման՝ եւ մի չափ՝ եւ մի օրինակ ամենեցուն։
37 Այս նոյն օրինակով սարքեց բոլոր տասը պատուանդանները. բոլորը նոյն ձեւը, նոյն չափն ու նոյն զարդերն ունէին:
37 Տասը մեքենովթներն ալ նոյնպէս էին։ Ամենուն ձուլուածքը, չափն ու ձեւը նոյնն էր։
Ըստ նմին օրինակի արար զամենայն զտասնեսին մեքենովթսն. մի պայման եւ մի չափ եւ մի օրինակ ամենեցուն:

7:37: Ըստ նմին օրինակի արար զամենայն զտասնեսին մենքենովթսն. մի պայման՝ եւ մի չափ՝ եւ մի օրինակ ամենեցուն։
37 Այս նոյն օրինակով սարքեց բոլոր տասը պատուանդանները. բոլորը նոյն ձեւը, նոյն չափն ու նոյն զարդերն ունէին:
37 Տասը մեքենովթներն ալ նոյնպէս էին։ Ամենուն ձուլուածքը, չափն ու ձեւը նոյնն էր։
zohrab-1805▾ eastern-1994▾ western am▾
7:377:37 Так сделал он десять подстав: у всех их одно литье, одна мера, один вид.
7:37 καὶ και and; even ἀνεπληρώθη αναπληροω fill up; fulfill πᾶν πας all; every τὸ ο the ἔργον εργον work ὃ ος who; what ἐποίησεν ποιεω do; make Σαλωμων σαλωμων home; household κυρίου κυριος lord; master καὶ και and; even εἰσήνεγκεν εισφερω bring in Σαλωμων σαλωμων the ἅγια αγιος holy Δαυιδ δαβιδ Dabid; Thavith τοῦ ο the πατρὸς πατηρ father αὐτοῦ αυτος he; him καὶ και and; even πάντα πας all; every τὰ ο the ἅγια αγιος holy Σαλωμων σαλωμων the ἀργύριον αργυριον silver piece; money καὶ και and; even τὸ ο the χρυσίον χρυσιον gold piece; gold leaf καὶ και and; even τὰ ο the σκεύη σκευος vessel; jar ἔδωκεν διδωμι give; deposit εἰς εις into; for τοὺς ο the θησαυροὺς θησαυρος treasure οἴκου οικος home; household κυρίου κυριος lord; master
7:37 כָּ kā כְּ as זֹ֣את zˈōṯ זֹאת this עָשָׂ֔ה ʕāśˈā עשׂה make אֵ֖ת ʔˌēṯ אֵת [object marker] עֶ֣שֶׂר ʕˈeśer עֶשֶׂר ten הַ ha הַ the מְּכֹנֹ֑ות mmᵊḵōnˈôṯ מְכֹונָה place מוּצָ֨ק mûṣˌāq מוּצָק casting אֶחָ֜ד ʔeḥˈāḏ אֶחָד one מִדָּ֥ה middˌā מִדָּה measured stretch אַחַ֛ת ʔaḥˈaṯ אֶחָד one קֶ֥צֶב qˌeṣev קֶצֶב cut אֶחָ֖ד ʔeḥˌāḏ אֶחָד one לְ lᵊ לְ to כֻלָּֽהְנָה׃ ס ḵullˈāhᵊnā . s כֹּל whole
7:37. in hunc modum fecit decem bases fusura una et mensura scalpturaque consimiliAfter this manner, he made ten bases, of one casting and measure, and the like graving.
37. After this manner he made the ten bases: all of them had one casting, one measure, and one form.
After this [manner] he made the ten bases: all of them had one casting, one measure, [and] one size:

7:37 Так сделал он десять подстав: у всех их одно литье, одна мера, один вид.
καὶ και and; even
ἀνεπληρώθη αναπληροω fill up; fulfill
πᾶν πας all; every
τὸ ο the
ἔργον εργον work
ος who; what
ἐποίησεν ποιεω do; make
Σαλωμων σαλωμων home; household
κυρίου κυριος lord; master
καὶ και and; even
εἰσήνεγκεν εισφερω bring in
Σαλωμων σαλωμων the
ἅγια αγιος holy
Δαυιδ δαβιδ Dabid; Thavith
τοῦ ο the
πατρὸς πατηρ father
αὐτοῦ αυτος he; him
καὶ και and; even
πάντα πας all; every
τὰ ο the
ἅγια αγιος holy
Σαλωμων σαλωμων the
ἀργύριον αργυριον silver piece; money
καὶ και and; even
τὸ ο the
χρυσίον χρυσιον gold piece; gold leaf
καὶ και and; even
τὰ ο the
σκεύη σκευος vessel; jar
ἔδωκεν διδωμι give; deposit
εἰς εις into; for
τοὺς ο the
θησαυροὺς θησαυρος treasure
οἴκου οικος home; household
κυρίου κυριος lord; master
כָּ כְּ as
זֹ֣את zˈōṯ זֹאת this
עָשָׂ֔ה ʕāśˈā עשׂה make
אֵ֖ת ʔˌēṯ אֵת [object marker]
עֶ֣שֶׂר ʕˈeśer עֶשֶׂר ten
הַ ha הַ the
מְּכֹנֹ֑ות mmᵊḵōnˈôṯ מְכֹונָה place
מוּצָ֨ק mûṣˌāq מוּצָק casting
אֶחָ֜ד ʔeḥˈāḏ אֶחָד one
מִדָּ֥ה middˌā מִדָּה measured stretch
אַחַ֛ת ʔaḥˈaṯ אֶחָד one
קֶ֥צֶב qˌeṣev קֶצֶב cut
אֶחָ֖ד ʔeḥˌāḏ אֶחָד one
לְ lᵊ לְ to
כֻלָּֽהְנָה׃ ס ḵullˈāhᵊnā . s כֹּל whole
7:37. in hunc modum fecit decem bases fusura una et mensura scalpturaque consimili
After this manner, he made ten bases, of one casting and measure, and the like graving.
ru▾ LXX-gloss▾ bhs-gloss▾ vulgate▾ erva_1895▾
jg▾ all ▾
John Gill
After this manner he made the ten bases,.... This was the form and fashion of them as above described:
all of them had one casting, one measure, and one size; they were all cast into the same mould, and were exactly alike in their form, figures, and size, and each weighed 2000 talents, and the weight of a talent was ninety three pounds and upwards, according to Jacob Leon (b).
(b) Relation of Memorable Things in the Temple, c. 4. p. 21.
7:387:38: Եւ արար տասն պուտնարդս պղնձիս. եւ ունէր պուտնարդ մի քառասուն սափոր ՚ի չորից կանգնոց պուտնարդ մի չափով. եւ պուտնարդ մի ՚ի վերայ միոյ մենքենովթայ՝ տասնեցունց մենքենովթացն[3518]։ [3518] Ոմանք. Եւ ՚ի չորից կանգնոց։
38 Նա պղնձէ տասը տաշտեր պատրաստեց. ամէն մի տաշտ քառասուն սափոր էր տանում եւ չորս կանգուն բարձրութիւն ունէր: Ամէն մի տաշտ դրուեց այդ տասը պատուանդաններից մէկի վրայ:
38 Տասը հատ պղնձէ աւազան շինեց։ Ամէն մէկ աւազան քառասուն մարով կը լեցուէր ու ամէն մէկ աւազան չորս կանգուն էր։ Տասը մեքենովթներուն վրայ մէկ–մէկ աւազան կար։
Եւ արար տասն պուտնարդս պղնձիս. եւ ունէր պուտնարդ մի քառասուն սափոր. ի չորից կանգնոց պուտնարդ մի չափով, եւ պուտնարդ մի ի վերայ միոյ մեքենովթայ` տասնեցունց մեքենովթացն:

7:38: Եւ արար տասն պուտնարդս պղնձիս. եւ ունէր պուտնարդ մի քառասուն սափոր ՚ի չորից կանգնոց պուտնարդ մի չափով. եւ պուտնարդ մի ՚ի վերայ միոյ մենքենովթայ՝ տասնեցունց մենքենովթացն[3518]։
[3518] Ոմանք. Եւ ՚ի չորից կանգնոց։
38 Նա պղնձէ տասը տաշտեր պատրաստեց. ամէն մի տաշտ քառասուն սափոր էր տանում եւ չորս կանգուն բարձրութիւն ունէր: Ամէն մի տաշտ դրուեց այդ տասը պատուանդաններից մէկի վրայ:
38 Տասը հատ պղնձէ աւազան շինեց։ Ամէն մէկ աւազան քառասուն մարով կը լեցուէր ու ամէն մէկ աւազան չորս կանգուն էր։ Տասը մեքենովթներուն վրայ մէկ–մէկ աւազան կար։
zohrab-1805▾ eastern-1994▾ western am▾
7:387:38 И сделал десять медных умывальниц: каждая умывальница вмещала сорок батов, каждая умывальница была в четыре локтя, каждая умывальница стояла на одной из десяти подстав.
7:38 καὶ και and; even τὸν ο the οἶκον οικος home; household αὐτοῦ αυτος he; him ᾠκοδόμησεν οικοδομεω build Σαλωμων σαλωμων year
7:38 וַ wa וְ and יַּ֛עַשׂ yyˈaʕaś עשׂה make עֲשָׂרָ֥ה ʕᵃśārˌā עֲשָׂרָה ten כִיֹּרֹ֖ות ḵiyyōrˌôṯ כִּיֹּור basin נְחֹ֑שֶׁת nᵊḥˈōšeṯ נְחֹשֶׁת bronze אַרְבָּעִ֨ים ʔarbāʕˌîm אַרְבַּע four בַּ֜ת bˈaṯ בַּת [measure] יָכִ֣יל׀ yāḵˈîl כול comprehend הַ ha הַ the כִּיֹּ֣ור kkiyyˈôr כִּיֹּור basin הָ hā הַ the אֶחָ֗ד ʔeḥˈāḏ אֶחָד one אַרְבַּ֤ע ʔarbˈaʕ אַרְבַּע four בָּֽ bˈā בְּ in † הַ the אַמָּה֙ ʔammˌā אַמָּה cubit הַ ha הַ the כִּיֹּ֣ור kkiyyˈôr כִּיֹּור basin הָ hā הַ the אֶחָ֔ד ʔeḥˈāḏ אֶחָד one כִּיֹּ֤ור kiyyˈôr כִּיֹּור basin אֶחָד֙ ʔeḥˌāḏ אֶחָד one עַל־ ʕal- עַל upon הַ ha הַ the מְּכֹונָ֣ה mmᵊḵônˈā מְכֹונָה place הָ hā הַ the אַחַ֔ת ʔaḥˈaṯ אֶחָד one לְ lᵊ לְ to עֶ֖שֶׂר ʕˌeśer עֶשֶׂר ten הַ ha הַ the מְּכֹנֹֽות׃ mmᵊḵōnˈôṯ מְכֹונָה place
7:38. fecit quoque decem luteres aereos quadraginta batos capiebat luter unus eratque quattuor cubitorum singulosque luteres per singulas id est decem bases posuitHe made also ten lavers of brass: one laver contained four bates, and was of four cubits: and upon every base, in all ten, he put as many lavers.
38. And he made ten lavers of brass: one laver contained forty baths: and every laver was four cubits: and upon every one of the ten bases one laver.
Then made he ten lavers of brass: one laver contained forty baths: [and] every laver was four cubits: [and] upon every one of the ten bases one laver:

7:38 И сделал десять медных умывальниц: каждая умывальница вмещала сорок батов, каждая умывальница была в четыре локтя, каждая умывальница стояла на одной из десяти подстав.
καὶ και and; even
τὸν ο the
οἶκον οικος home; household
αὐτοῦ αυτος he; him
ᾠκοδόμησεν οικοδομεω build
Σαλωμων σαλωμων year
וַ wa וְ and
יַּ֛עַשׂ yyˈaʕaś עשׂה make
עֲשָׂרָ֥ה ʕᵃśārˌā עֲשָׂרָה ten
כִיֹּרֹ֖ות ḵiyyōrˌôṯ כִּיֹּור basin
נְחֹ֑שֶׁת nᵊḥˈōšeṯ נְחֹשֶׁת bronze
אַרְבָּעִ֨ים ʔarbāʕˌîm אַרְבַּע four
בַּ֜ת bˈaṯ בַּת [measure]
יָכִ֣יל׀ yāḵˈîl כול comprehend
הַ ha הַ the
כִּיֹּ֣ור kkiyyˈôr כִּיֹּור basin
הָ הַ the
אֶחָ֗ד ʔeḥˈāḏ אֶחָד one
אַרְבַּ֤ע ʔarbˈaʕ אַרְבַּע four
בָּֽ bˈā בְּ in
הַ the
אַמָּה֙ ʔammˌā אַמָּה cubit
הַ ha הַ the
כִּיֹּ֣ור kkiyyˈôr כִּיֹּור basin
הָ הַ the
אֶחָ֔ד ʔeḥˈāḏ אֶחָד one
כִּיֹּ֤ור kiyyˈôr כִּיֹּור basin
אֶחָד֙ ʔeḥˌāḏ אֶחָד one
עַל־ ʕal- עַל upon
הַ ha הַ the
מְּכֹונָ֣ה mmᵊḵônˈā מְכֹונָה place
הָ הַ the
אַחַ֔ת ʔaḥˈaṯ אֶחָד one
לְ lᵊ לְ to
עֶ֖שֶׂר ʕˌeśer עֶשֶׂר ten
הַ ha הַ the
מְּכֹנֹֽות׃ mmᵊḵōnˈôṯ מְכֹונָה place
7:38. fecit quoque decem luteres aereos quadraginta batos capiebat luter unus eratque quattuor cubitorum singulosque luteres per singulas id est decem bases posuit
He made also ten lavers of brass: one laver contained four bates, and was of four cubits: and upon every base, in all ten, he put as many lavers.
ru▾ LXX-gloss▾ bhs-gloss▾ vulgate▾ erva_1895▾
jg▾ gnv▾ tr▾ ab▾ ac▾ all ▾
Adam Clarke: Commentary on the Bible - 1831
7:38: Then made he ten lavers - These were set on the ten bases or pedestals, and were to hold water for the use of the priests in their sacred office, particularly to wash the victims that were to be offered as a burnt-offering, as we learn from Ch2 4:6; but the brazen sea was for the priests to wash in. The whole was a building of vast art, labor, and expense.
3 Kings (1 Kings) 7:40
Albert Barnes: Notes on the Bible - 1834
7:38: Every laver was four cubits - Assuming height to be intended, and taking the cubit at 20 inches, the entire height of the lavers as they stood upon their wheeled stands would seem to have been 13 ft. 9 in. It is evident, therefore, that the water must have been drawn from them, as from the "molten sea," through cocks or taps.
R. A. Torrey - Treasury: Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge - 1880
7:38: ten lavers: Exo 30:17-21, Exo 30:28, Exo 38:8, Exo 40:11, Exo 40:12; ch2 4:6-22; Zac 13:1; Heb 9:10; Heb 10:22; Jo1 1:7; Rev 7:14
Geneva 1599
Then made he (s) ten lavers of brass: one laver contained forty baths: [and] every laver was four cubits: [and] upon every one of the ten bases one laver.
(s) To keep waters for the use of the sacrifices.
John Gill
Then made he ten lavers of brass,.... There was but one in the tabernacle of Moses, and what became of that is not known: some Jewish writers (c) say it was placed in Solomon's temple, and these lavers, five on the right and five on the left of it; however, here were enough provided for the purpose for the priests to wash their burnt offerings in, 2Chron 4:6 and were typical of the large provision made in the blood of Christ for the cleansing of his people; whose works, services, and sacrifices, as well as persons and garments, need continual washing in that blood; see Rom 12:1,
one laver contained forty baths; and a bath, according to Bishop Cumberland (d) held seven wine gallons, and two quarts and half a pint:
and every laver was four cubits: that is, square; this was the diameter of it:
and upon every of the ten bases one laver; for which they were made, even to set the lavers on, and were exactly of the same measure.
(c) Targum, Jarchi, and Kimchi, in 2 Chron. iv. 6. (d) Scripture Weights and Measures, c. 3. p. 70, 71.
7:397:39: Եւ եդ զմենքենովթսն հինգ՝յուսո՛յ տանն յաջմէ, եւ զհինգն յուսոյ տանն ՚ի ձախմէ. եւ ծովն յուսոյ տանն ընդ աջմէ՝ ընդ արեւելս ՚ի հարաւոյ կողմանէ։
39 Ուսի վրայ ամրացուած հինգ պատուանդանները տեղադրեց տան աջ կողմում, միւս հինգը՝ տան ձախ կողմում, իսկ աւազանը տեղադրեց տան աջ կողմում՝ դէպի հարաւ-արեւելք:
39 Հինգ մեքենովթը՝ տանը աջ կողմը ու հինգ մեքենովթը տանը ձախ կողմը դրաւ ու ծովը տանը աջ կողմը՝ հարաւային արեւելեան կողմը դրաւ։
Եւ եդ զմեքենովթսն հինգ յուսոյ տանն յաջմէ, եւ զհինգն յուսոյ տանն ի ձախմէ. եւ ծովն յուսոյ տանն ընդ աջմէ` ընդ արեւելս ի հարաւոյ կողմանէ:

7:39: Եւ եդ զմենքենովթսն հինգ՝յուսո՛յ տանն յաջմէ, եւ զհինգն յուսոյ տանն ՚ի ձախմէ. եւ ծովն յուսոյ տանն ընդ աջմէ՝ ընդ արեւելս ՚ի հարաւոյ կողմանէ։
39 Ուսի վրայ ամրացուած հինգ պատուանդանները տեղադրեց տան աջ կողմում, միւս հինգը՝ տան ձախ կողմում, իսկ աւազանը տեղադրեց տան աջ կողմում՝ դէպի հարաւ-արեւելք:
39 Հինգ մեքենովթը՝ տանը աջ կողմը ու հինգ մեքենովթը տանը ձախ կողմը դրաւ ու ծովը տանը աջ կողմը՝ հարաւային արեւելեան կողմը դրաւ։
zohrab-1805▾ eastern-1994▾ western am▾
7:397:39 И расставил подставы~--- пять на правой стороне храма и пять на левой стороне храма, а море поставил на правой стороне храма, на восточно-южной стороне.
7:39 καὶ και and; even ᾠκοδόμησεν οικοδομεω build τὸν ο the οἶκον οικος home; household δρυμῷ δρυμος the Λιβάνου λιβανος hundred πήχεις πηχυς forearm; foot and a half μῆκος μηκος length αὐτοῦ αυτος he; him καὶ και and; even πεντήκοντα πεντηκοντα fifty πήχεις πηχυς forearm; foot and a half πλάτος πλατος breadth αὐτοῦ αυτος he; him καὶ και and; even τριάκοντα τριακοντα thirty πηχῶν πηχυς forearm; foot and a half ὕψος υψος height; on high αὐτοῦ αυτος he; him καὶ και and; even τριῶν τρεις three στίχων στιχος pillar κεδρίνων κεδρινος and; even ὠμίαι ωμια the στύλοις στυλος pillar
7:39 וַ wa וְ and יִּתֵּן֙ yyittˌēn נתן give אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker] הַ ha הַ the מְּכֹנֹ֔ות mmᵊḵōnˈôṯ מְכֹונָה place חָמֵ֞שׁ ḥāmˈēš חָמֵשׁ five עַל־ ʕal- עַל upon כֶּ֤תֶף kˈeṯef כָּתֵף shoulder הַ ha הַ the בַּ֨יִת֙ bbˈayiṯ בַּיִת house מִ mi מִן from יָּמִ֔ין yyāmˈîn יָמִין right-hand side וְ wᵊ וְ and חָמֵ֛שׁ ḥāmˈēš חָמֵשׁ five עַל־ ʕal- עַל upon כֶּ֥תֶף kˌeṯef כָּתֵף shoulder הַ ha הַ the בַּ֖יִת bbˌayiṯ בַּיִת house מִ mi מִן from שְּׂמֹאלֹ֑ו śśᵊmōlˈô שְׂמֹאל lefthand side וְ wᵊ וְ and אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker] הַ ha הַ the יָּ֗ם yyˈom יָם sea נָתַ֞ן nāṯˈan נתן give מִ mi מִן from כֶּ֨תֶף kkˌeṯef כָּתֵף shoulder הַ ha הַ the בַּ֧יִת bbˈayiṯ בַּיִת house הַ ha הַ the יְמָנִ֛ית yᵊmānˈîṯ יְמָנִי right-hand קֵ֖דְמָה qˌēḏᵊmā קֶדֶם front מִ mi מִן from מּ֥וּל mmˌûl מוּל front נֶֽגֶב׃ ס nˈeḡev . s נֶגֶב south
7:39. et constituit decem bases quinque ad dexteram partem templi et quinque ad sinistram mare autem posuit ad dexteram partem templi contra orientem ad meridiemAnd he set the ten bases, five on the right side of the temple, and five on the left: and the sea he put on the right side of the temple, over against the east southward.
39. And he set the bases, five on the right side of the house, and five on the left side of the house: and he set the sea on the right side of the house eastward, toward the south.
And he put five bases on the right side of the house, and five on the left side of the house: and he set the sea on the right side of the house eastward over against the south:

7:39 И расставил подставы~--- пять на правой стороне храма и пять на левой стороне храма, а море поставил на правой стороне храма, на восточно-южной стороне.
καὶ και and; even
ᾠκοδόμησεν οικοδομεω build
τὸν ο the
οἶκον οικος home; household
δρυμῷ δρυμος the
Λιβάνου λιβανος hundred
πήχεις πηχυς forearm; foot and a half
μῆκος μηκος length
αὐτοῦ αυτος he; him
καὶ και and; even
πεντήκοντα πεντηκοντα fifty
πήχεις πηχυς forearm; foot and a half
πλάτος πλατος breadth
αὐτοῦ αυτος he; him
καὶ και and; even
τριάκοντα τριακοντα thirty
πηχῶν πηχυς forearm; foot and a half
ὕψος υψος height; on high
αὐτοῦ αυτος he; him
καὶ και and; even
τριῶν τρεις three
στίχων στιχος pillar
κεδρίνων κεδρινος and; even
ὠμίαι ωμια the
στύλοις στυλος pillar
וַ wa וְ and
יִּתֵּן֙ yyittˌēn נתן give
אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker]
הַ ha הַ the
מְּכֹנֹ֔ות mmᵊḵōnˈôṯ מְכֹונָה place
חָמֵ֞שׁ ḥāmˈēš חָמֵשׁ five
עַל־ ʕal- עַל upon
כֶּ֤תֶף kˈeṯef כָּתֵף shoulder
הַ ha הַ the
בַּ֨יִת֙ bbˈayiṯ בַּיִת house
מִ mi מִן from
יָּמִ֔ין yyāmˈîn יָמִין right-hand side
וְ wᵊ וְ and
חָמֵ֛שׁ ḥāmˈēš חָמֵשׁ five
עַל־ ʕal- עַל upon
כֶּ֥תֶף kˌeṯef כָּתֵף shoulder
הַ ha הַ the
בַּ֖יִת bbˌayiṯ בַּיִת house
מִ mi מִן from
שְּׂמֹאלֹ֑ו śśᵊmōlˈô שְׂמֹאל lefthand side
וְ wᵊ וְ and
אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker]
הַ ha הַ the
יָּ֗ם yyˈom יָם sea
נָתַ֞ן nāṯˈan נתן give
מִ mi מִן from
כֶּ֨תֶף kkˌeṯef כָּתֵף shoulder
הַ ha הַ the
בַּ֧יִת bbˈayiṯ בַּיִת house
הַ ha הַ the
יְמָנִ֛ית yᵊmānˈîṯ יְמָנִי right-hand
קֵ֖דְמָה qˌēḏᵊmā קֶדֶם front
מִ mi מִן from
מּ֥וּל mmˌûl מוּל front
נֶֽגֶב׃ ס nˈeḡev . s נֶגֶב south
7:39. et constituit decem bases quinque ad dexteram partem templi et quinque ad sinistram mare autem posuit ad dexteram partem templi contra orientem ad meridiem
And he set the ten bases, five on the right side of the temple, and five on the left: and the sea he put on the right side of the temple, over against the east southward.
ru▾ LXX-gloss▾ bhs-gloss▾ vulgate▾ erva_1895▾
jw▾ jg▾ gnv▾ tr▾ all ▾
R. A. Torrey - Treasury: Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge - 1880
7:39: side: Heb. shoulder
he set: Ch2 4:6, Ch2 4:10
Geneva 1599
And he put five bases on the right side of the house, and five on the left side of the house: and he set the sea on the right side of the (t) house eastward over against the south.
(t) That is, of the temple or sanctuary.
John Gill
And he put five bases on the right side of the house,.... On the south side, which is commonly understood; that is, of the courts of the priests, where they were placed for their use: and five on the left side of the house; on the north, as it must be, if the south is on the right; though as the entrance into the temple was at the east, when a man went in, the north must be on the right, and the south on the left; and this seems to be the position by what follows:
and he set the sea on the right side of the house eastward, over against the south; and therefore the right side must be the north, which is opposite to the south; the sea seems to have stood northeast, which was for the priests to wash in before they entered on divine service; see Gill on Ex 30:20 hence it became customary with the Heathens to wash before they performed any religious worship (e), particularly the hands and feet (f).
(e) Vid. Virgil. Bucolic. Eclog. 8. "affer aquam", &c. Aeneid. 2. "attrectare nefas", &c. Macrob. Saturnal. l. 3. c. l. (f) Vid. Sperling de Bapt. Ethnic. p. 88, 89, 101.
John Wesley
Right side - In the south side, not within the house, but in the priests court, where they washed either their hands or feet, or the parts of the sacrifices. Left side - On the north side. The south - In the south - east part, where the offerings were prepared.
7:407:40: Եւ արար Քիրամ զսանսն, եւ զջեռուցիչսն, եւ զտաշտսն. եւ կատարեաց Քիրամ առնել զամենայն գործն զոր արար արքայի Սողոմոն ՚ի տան Տեառն[3519]։ [3519] Յօրինակին. Եւ զտաշսն։ Ոմանք. Զոր արար արքայի Սողոմոնի։
40 Քիրամը շինեց կաթսաներ, երեսին տաք ջուր ցանելու անօթներ ու կոնքեր: Քիրամն աւարտեց բոլոր այն գործերը, որ արել էր Տիրոջ համար Սողոմոն արքայի տունը կառուցելիս. դրանք են՝
40 Քիրամ աւազաններ, թիակներ ու կոնքեր շինեց։ Քիրամ կատարեց այն բոլոր գործերը՝ որոնք Տէրոջը տանը համար Սողոմոն թագաւորին կը շինէր։
Եւ արար Քիրամ [174]զսանսն եւ [175]զջեռուցիչսն եւ զտաշտսն. եւ կատարեաց Քիրամ առնել զամենայն գործն զոր արար արքայի Սողոմոնի ի տան Տեառն:

7:40: Եւ արար Քիրամ զսանսն, եւ զջեռուցիչսն, եւ զտաշտսն. եւ կատարեաց Քիրամ առնել զամենայն գործն զոր արար արքայի Սողոմոն ՚ի տան Տեառն[3519]։
[3519] Յօրինակին. Եւ զտաշսն։ Ոմանք. Զոր արար արքայի Սողոմոնի։
40 Քիրամը շինեց կաթսաներ, երեսին տաք ջուր ցանելու անօթներ ու կոնքեր: Քիրամն աւարտեց բոլոր այն գործերը, որ արել էր Տիրոջ համար Սողոմոն արքայի տունը կառուցելիս. դրանք են՝
40 Քիրամ աւազաններ, թիակներ ու կոնքեր շինեց։ Քիրամ կատարեց այն բոլոր գործերը՝ որոնք Տէրոջը տանը համար Սողոմոն թագաւորին կը շինէր։
zohrab-1805▾ eastern-1994▾ western am▾
7:407:40 И сделал Хирам умывальницы и лопатки и чаши. И кончил Хирам всю работу, которую производил у царя Соломона для храма Господня:
7:40 καὶ και and; even ἐφάτνωσεν φατνοω the οἶκον οικος home; household ἄνωθεν ανωθεν from above; from upward ἐπὶ επι in; on τῶν ο the πλευρῶν πλευρα side τῶν ο the στύλων στυλος pillar καὶ και and; even ἀριθμὸς αριθμος number τῶν ο the στύλων στυλος pillar τεσσαράκοντα τεσσαρακοντα forty καὶ και and; even πέντε πεντε five δέκα δεκα ten καὶ και and; even πέντε πεντε five ὁ ο the στίχος στιχος row
7:40 וַ wa וְ and יַּ֣עַשׂ yyˈaʕaś עשׂה make חִירֹ֔ום ḥîrˈôm חִירָם Hiram אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker] הַ֨ hˌa הַ the כִּיֹּרֹ֔ות kkiyyōrˈôṯ כִּיֹּור basin וְ wᵊ וְ and אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker] הַ ha הַ the יָּעִ֖ים yyāʕˌîm יָעֶה shovel וְ wᵊ וְ and אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker] הַ ha הַ the מִּזְרָקֹ֑ות mmizrāqˈôṯ מִזְרָק bowl וַ wa וְ and יְכַ֣ל yᵊḵˈal כלה be complete חִירָ֗ם ḥîrˈām חִירָם Hiram לַֽ lˈa לְ to עֲשֹׂות֙ ʕᵃśôṯ עשׂה make אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker] כָּל־ kol- כֹּל whole הַ ha הַ the מְּלָאכָ֔ה mmᵊlāḵˈā מְלָאכָה work אֲשֶׁ֥ר ʔᵃšˌer אֲשֶׁר [relative] עָשָׂ֛ה ʕāśˈā עשׂה make לַ la לְ to † הַ the מֶּ֥לֶךְ mmˌeleḵ מֶלֶךְ king שְׁלֹמֹ֖ה šᵊlōmˌō שְׁלֹמֹה Solomon בֵּ֥ית bˌêṯ בַּיִת house יְהוָֽה׃ [yᵊhwˈāh] יְהוָה YHWH
7:40. fecit ergo Hiram lebetas et scutras et amulas et perfecit omne opus regis Salomonis in templo DominiAnd Hiram made cauldrons, and shovels, and basins, and finished all the work of king Solomon in the temple of the Lord.
40. And Hiram made the lavers, and the shovels, and the basons. So Hiram made an end of doing all the work that he wrought for king Solomon in the house of the LORD:
And Hiram made the lavers, and the shovels, and the basons. So Hiram made an end of doing all the work that he made king Solomon for the house of the LORD:

7:40 И сделал Хирам умывальницы и лопатки и чаши. И кончил Хирам всю работу, которую производил у царя Соломона для храма Господня:
καὶ και and; even
ἐφάτνωσεν φατνοω the
οἶκον οικος home; household
ἄνωθεν ανωθεν from above; from upward
ἐπὶ επι in; on
τῶν ο the
πλευρῶν πλευρα side
τῶν ο the
στύλων στυλος pillar
καὶ και and; even
ἀριθμὸς αριθμος number
τῶν ο the
στύλων στυλος pillar
τεσσαράκοντα τεσσαρακοντα forty
καὶ και and; even
πέντε πεντε five
δέκα δεκα ten
καὶ και and; even
πέντε πεντε five
ο the
στίχος στιχος row
וַ wa וְ and
יַּ֣עַשׂ yyˈaʕaś עשׂה make
חִירֹ֔ום ḥîrˈôm חִירָם Hiram
אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker]
הַ֨ hˌa הַ the
כִּיֹּרֹ֔ות kkiyyōrˈôṯ כִּיֹּור basin
וְ wᵊ וְ and
אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker]
הַ ha הַ the
יָּעִ֖ים yyāʕˌîm יָעֶה shovel
וְ wᵊ וְ and
אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker]
הַ ha הַ the
מִּזְרָקֹ֑ות mmizrāqˈôṯ מִזְרָק bowl
וַ wa וְ and
יְכַ֣ל yᵊḵˈal כלה be complete
חִירָ֗ם ḥîrˈām חִירָם Hiram
לַֽ lˈa לְ to
עֲשֹׂות֙ ʕᵃśôṯ עשׂה make
אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker]
כָּל־ kol- כֹּל whole
הַ ha הַ the
מְּלָאכָ֔ה mmᵊlāḵˈā מְלָאכָה work
אֲשֶׁ֥ר ʔᵃšˌer אֲשֶׁר [relative]
עָשָׂ֛ה ʕāśˈā עשׂה make
לַ la לְ to
הַ the
מֶּ֥לֶךְ mmˌeleḵ מֶלֶךְ king
שְׁלֹמֹ֖ה šᵊlōmˌō שְׁלֹמֹה Solomon
בֵּ֥ית bˌêṯ בַּיִת house
יְהוָֽה׃ [yᵊhwˈāh] יְהוָה YHWH
7:40. fecit ergo Hiram lebetas et scutras et amulas et perfecit omne opus regis Salomonis in templo Domini
And Hiram made cauldrons, and shovels, and basins, and finished all the work of king Solomon in the temple of the Lord.
ru▾ LXX-gloss▾ bhs-gloss▾ vulgate▾ erva_1895▾
jfb▾ jg▾ kad▾ tr▾ ab▾ ac▾ tb▾ all ▾
А. П. Лопухин: Tолковая Библия или комментарий на все книги Св.Писания Ветхого и Нового Заветов - 1903-1914
40-51: Из второстепенных сосудов и других предметов храмовой утвари, сделанных Xирамом, библейский текст (ст. 40, 45, 50) называет: а) медные тазы, кропильницы, лопатки, чаши и б) золотые щипцы, блюда, ножи, лотки, кадильницы. Раввинское предание добавляет сюда приспособление для жертвенных операций в виде каменных столбов на северной стороне от жертвенника для предварительного расположения и сортирования отдельных частей жертвенного мяса.
Adam Clarke: Commentary on the Bible - 1831
7:40: So Hiram made an end - It is truly surprising, that in so short a time one artist could design and execute works of such magnitude, taste, and variety, however numerous his assistants might be. The mere building of the house was a matter of little difficulty in comparison of these internal works.
3 Kings (1 Kings) 7:46
Albert Barnes: Notes on the Bible - 1834
7:40: Lavers - Rather, according to the true reading, "pots." (Compare Kg1 7:45; Ch2 4:16.) The "pots" were the caldrons in which it was usual to boil the peace-offerings. See Sa1 2:13-14,
R. A. Torrey - Treasury: Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge - 1880
7:40: Hiram: Heb. Hirom, Kg1 7:13
the lavers: Kg1 7:28; Kg2 25:14, Kg2 25:15; Ch2 4:8, Ch2 4:11-16; Jer 52:18, Jer 52:19
the shovels: Kg1 7:45
the basins: Exo 24:6
So Hiram: Exo 39:32-43
Carl Friedrich Keil and Franz Delitzsch

Summary enumeration of the other vessels of the temple. - In 3Kings 7:40 the brazen vessels of the court are given. In 3Kings 7:41-47 the several portions of the brazen pillars, the stands and basins, the brazen sea and the smaller vessels of brass, are mentioned once more, together with notices of the nature, casting, and quantity of the metal used for making them. An din 3Kings 7:48-50 we have the golden vessels of the Holy Place. This section agrees almost word for word with 2 Chron 4:11-5:1, where, moreover, not only is the arrangement observed in the previous description of the temple-building a different one, but the making of the brazen altar of burnt-offering, of the golden candlesticks, and of the table of shew-bread, and the arrangement of the great court (2Chron 4:7-9) are also described, to which there is no allusion whatever in the account before us; so that these notices in the Chronicles fill up an actual gap in the description of the building of the temple which is given here.
3Kings 7:40
The smaller brazen vessels. - Hiram made the pots, shovels, and bowls. הכּיּרות is a slip of the pen for הסּירות, pots, as we may see by comparing it with 3Kings 7:45 and the parallel passages 2Chron 4:11 and 4Kings 25:14. The pots were used for carrying away the ashes; היּעים, the shovels, for clearing the ashes from the altar; המּזרקות were the bowls used for catching the blood, when the sacrificial animals were slaughtered: compare Ex 27:3 and Num 4:14, where forks and fire-basins or coal-pans are also mentioned.
3Kings 7:40 introduces the recapitulation of all the vessels made by Hiram. יהוה בּית, in the house of the Lord (cf. Ewald, 300, b.); in 2Chron 4:11 more clearly, יי בּבית; we find it also in 3Kings 7:45, for which we have in 2Chron 4:16 יהוה לבית, for the house of Jehovah. The several objects enumerated in 3Kings 7:41-45 are accusatives governed by לעשׂות.
3Kings 7:41-42
3Kings 7:41-44, the brazen pillars with the several portions of their capitals; see at 3Kings 7:15-22. The inappropriate expression העמּדים על־פּני (upon the face of the pillars) in 3Kings 7:42 is probably a mistake for הע על־שׁני, "upon the two pillars," for it could not properly be said of the capitals that they were upon the surface of the pillars.
3Kings 7:43-45
The ten stands and their basins: see at 3Kings 7:27-37; 3Kings 7:44, the brazen sea: vid., 3Kings 7:23-26; lastly, 3Kings 7:45, the pots, etc., as at 3Kings 7:40. The Chethb האהל is a mistake for האלּה (Keri).
(Note: After האלּה כּל־הלּלים ואת the lxx have the interpolation, καὶ οἱ στῦλοι τεσσαράκοντα καὶ ὀκτὼ τοῦ οἴκου τοῦ βασιλέως καὶ τοῦ οἴκου Κυρίου, which is proved to be apocryphal by the marvellous combination of the king's house and the house of God, though it is nevertheless regarded by Thenius as genuine, and as an interesting notice respecting certain pillars in the enclosure of the inner court of the temple, and in the king's palace!)
ממרט נהשׁת, of polished brass - accusative of the material governed by עשׂה.
3Kings 7:46
"In the Jordan valley he cast them - in thickened earth between Succoth and Zarthan," where the ground, according to Burckhardt, Syr. ii. p. 593, is marly throughout. האדמה בּמעבה, "by thickening of the earth," the forms being made in the ground by stamping together the clayey soil. Succoth was on the other side of the Jordan, - not, however, at the ford near Bethsean (Thenius), but on the south side of the Jabbok (see at Judg 8:5 and Gen 33:17). Zarthan or Zereda was in the Jordan valley on this side, probably at Kurn Sartabeh (see at Judg 7:22 and Josh 3:16). The casting-place must have been on this side of the Jordan, as the (eastern) bank on the other side has scarcely any level ground at all. The circumstance that a place on the other side is mentioned in connection with one on this side, may be explained from the fact that the two places were obliquely opposite to one another, and in the valley on this side there was no large place in the neighbourhood above Zarthan which could be appropriately introduced to define the site of the casting-place.
3Kings 7:47
Solomon left all these vessels of excessive number unweighed. ויּנּח does not mean he laid them down (= set them up: Movers), but he let them lie, i.e., unweighed, as the additional clause, "the weight of the brass was not ascertained," clearly shows. This large quantity of brass, according to 1Chron 18:8, David had taken from the cities of Hadadezer, adding also the brass presented to him by Toi.
3Kings 7:48-49
The golden vessels of the Holy Place (cf. 2Chron 4:19-22). The vessels enumerated here are divided, by the repetition of סגוּר זהב in 3Kings 7:49, 3Kings 7:50, into two classes, which were made of fine gold; and to this a third class is added in 3Kings 7:50 which was made of gold of inferior purity. As סגוּר זהב is governed in both instances by ויּעשׂ as an accusative of the material, the זהב (gold) attached to the separate vessels must be taken as an adjective. "Solomon made all the vessels in the house of Jehovah (i.e., had them made): the golden altar, and the golden table on which was the shew-bread, and the candlesticks ... of costly gold (סגוּר: see at 3Kings 6:20). The house of Jehovah is indeed here, as in 3Kings 7:40, the temple with its courts, and not merely the Holy Place, or the temple-house in the stricter sense; but it by no means follows from this that כּל־הלּלים, "all the vessels," includes both the brazen vessels already enumerated and also the golden vessels mentioned afterwards. A decisive objection to our taking the כּל (all) as referring to those already enumerated as well as those which follow, is to be found in the circumstance that the sentence commencing with ויּעשׂ is only concluded with סגוּר זהב in 3Kings 7:49. It is evident from this that כּל־הלּלים is particularized in the several vessels enumerated from סגוּר את onwards. These vessels no doubt belonged to the Holy Place or temple-house only; though this is not involved in the expression "the house of Jehovah," but is apparent from the context, or from the fact that all the vessels of the court have already been enumerated in 3Kings 7:40-46, and were made of brass, whereas the golden vessels follow here. That there were intended for the Holy Place is assumed as well known from the analogy of the tabernacle. יהוה בּית אשׁר merely affirms that the vessels mentioned afterwards belonged to the house of God, and were not prepared for the palace of Solomon or any other earthly purpose. We cannot infer from the expression "Solomon made" that the golden vessels were not made by Hiram the artist, as the brazen ones were (Thenius). Solomon is simply named as the builder of the temple, and the introduction of his name was primarily occasioned by 3Kings 7:47. The "golden altar" is the altar of incense in the Holy Place, which is called golden because it was overlaid with gold-plate; for, according to 3Kings 6:20, its sides were covered with cedar wood, after the analogy of the golden altar in the tabernacle (Ex 30:1-5). "And the table, upon which the shew-bread, of gold." זהב belongs to השּׁלחן, to which it stands in free subjection (vid., Ewald, 287, h), signifying "the golden table." Instead of השּׁלחן we have השּׁלחנות in 2Chron 4:19 (the tables), because there it has already been stated in 2Chron 4:8 that ten tables were made, and put in the Holy Place. In our account that verse is omitted; and hence there is only a notice of the table upon which the loaves of shew-bread generally lay, just as in 2Chron 29:18, in which the chronicler does not contradict himself, as Thenius fancies. The number ten, moreover, is required and proved to be correct in the case of the tables, by the occurrence of the same number in connection with the candlesticks. In no single passage of the Old Testament is it stated that there was only one table of shew-bread in the Holy Place of Solomon's temple.
(Note: Nothing can be learned from 2Chron 29:18 concerning the number of the vessels in the Holy Place. If we were to conclude from this passage that there were no more vessels in the Holy Place than are mentioned there, we should also have to assume, if we would not fall into a most unscientific inconsistency, that there was neither a candlestick nor a golden altar of incense in the Holy Place. The correct meaning of this passage may be gathered from the words of King Abiam in 2Chron 13:11 : "We lay the shew-bread upon the pure table, and light the golden candlestick every evening;" from which it is obvious that here and there only the table and the candlestick are mentioned, because usually only one table had shew-bread upon it, and only one candlestick was lighted.)
The tables were certainly made of wood, like the Mosaic table of shew-bread, probably of cedar wood, and only overlaid with gold (see at Ex 25:23-30). "And the candlesticks, five on the right and five on the left, before the back-room." These were also made in imitation of the Mosaic candlestick (see Ex 25:31.), and were probably placed not near to the party wall in a straight line to the right and left of the door leading into the Most Holy Place, but along the two longer sides of the Holy Place; and the same with the tables, except that they stood nearer to the side walls with the candlesticks in front of them, so that the whole space might be lighted more brilliantly. The altar of burnt-offering, on the contrary, stood in front of and very near to the entrance into the Most Holy Place (see at 3Kings 6:20).
In the following clause (3Kings 7:49, 3Kings 7:50) the ornaments of the candlesticks are mentioned first, and then the rest of the smaller golden vessels are enumerated. הפּרח, the flower-work, with which the candlesticks were ornamented (see Ex 25:33). The word is evidently used collectively here, so that the גּביעים mentioned along with them in the book of Exodus (l.c.) are included. הגּרת, the lamps, which were placed upon the shaft and arms of the candlestick (Ex 25:37). המּלקחים, the snuffers (Ex 25:38). ספּות, basins in Ex 12:22, here probably deep dishes (Schalen). מזמּרות, knives. מזרקות, bowls (Schalen) or cans with spouts for the wine for the libations; according to 2Chron 4:8, there were a hundred of these made. כּפּות, small flat vessels, probably for carrying the incense to the altar. מחתּות, extinguishers; see at Ex 25:38.
3Kings 7:50-51
The פּתות were also of gold, possibly of inferior quality. These were either the hinges of the doors, or more probably the sockets, in which the pegs of the doors turned. They were provided for the doors of the inner temple, viz., the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place. We must supply Vv before לדלתי.
All the vessels mentioned in 3Kings 7:48, 3Kings 7:49 belonged to the Holy Place of the temple, and were the same as those in the tabernacle; so that the remarks made in the Comm. on Ex 25:30, Ex 25:39, and Ex 30:1-10, as to their purpose and signification, apply to them as well. Only the number of the tables and candlesticks was ten times greater. If a multiplication of the number of these two vessels appeared appropriate on account of the increases in the size of the room, the number was fixed at ten, to express the idea of completeness by that number. No new vessel was made for the Most Holy Place, because the Mosaic ark of the covenant was placed therein (3Kings 8:4 : compare the remarks on this at Ex 25:10-22). - The account of the vessels of the temple is brought to a close in 3Kings 7:51 : "So was ended all the work that king Solomon made in the house of the Lord; and Solomon brought all that was consecrated by his father, (namely) the silver and the gold (which were not wrought), and the vessels he placed in the treasuries of the house of Jehovah." As so much gold and brass had already been expended upon the building, it might appear strange that Solomon should not have used up all the treasures collected by his father, but should still be able to bring a large portion of it into the treasuries of the temple. But according to 1Chron 22:14, 1Chron 22:16, and 1Chron 29:2., David had collected together an almost incalculable amount of gold, silver, and brass, and had also added his own private treasure and the freewill offerings of the leading men of the nation (1Chron 29:7-9). Solomon was also able to devote to the building of the temple a considerable portion of his own very large revenues (cf. 3Kings 10:14), so that a respectable remnant might still be left of the treasure of the sanctuary, which was not first established by David, but had been commenced by Samuel and Saul, and in which David's generals, Joab and others, had deposited a portion of the gold and silver that they had taken as booty (1Chron 26:20-28). For it is evident that not a little had found its way into this treasure through the successful wars of David, from the fact that golden shields were taken from the generals of Hadadezer, and that these were consecrated to the Lord along with the silver, golden, and brazen vessels offered as gifts of homage by king Toi of Hamath, in addition to the gold and silver which David had consecrated from the defeated Syrians, Moabites, Ammonites, Philistines, and Amalekites (2Kings 8:7, 2Kings 8:11-12; 1Chron 18:7, 1Chron 18:10-11).
(Note: The amazing extent to which this booty may possibly have reached, may be inferred from the accounts we have concerning the quantity of the precious metals in Syria in the Macedonian age. In the gaza regia of Damascus, Alexander found 2600 talents of gold and 600 talents of uncoined silver (Curt. iii. 13, 16, cf. Arrian, ii. 11, 10). In the temple of Jupiter at Antioch there was a statue of this god of solid silver fifteen cubits high (Justin, xxxix. 2, 5. 6); and in the temple at Hierapolis there was also a golden statue (Lucian, de Dea Syr. 31). According to Appian (Parth. 28, ed. Schweigh.), this temple was so full of wealth, that Crassus spent several days weighing the vessels of silver and gold. And from the unanimous testimony of the ancients, the treasures of the palaces and temples of Asia in the earlier times were greater still. Of the many accounts which Bhr (Symbolik, i. p. 258ff.) and Movers (Phnizier, ii. 3, p. 40ff.) have collected together on this subject, we will mention only a few here, the credibility of which cannot be disputed. According to Varro (in Plin. 33:15), Cyrus had taken 34,000 pounds of gold as booty after the conquest of Asia, beside the gold wrought into vessels and ornaments, and 500,000 talents of silver. In Susa, Alexander took 40,000, or, according to other accounts, 50,000, talents from the royal treasury; or, as it is still more definitely stated, 40,000 talents of uncoined gold and silver, and 9000 talents of coined dariks. Alexander had these brought to Ecbatana, where he accumulated 180,000 talents. Antigonus afterwards found in Susa 15,000 talents more in vessels and wrought gold and silver. In Persepolis, Alexander took 120,000 talents, and in Pasargada 6000 talents. For the proofs, see Movers, pp. 42, 43.)
John Gill
And Hiram made the lavers, and the shovels, and the basins,.... The lavers are not the ten before mentioned, of the make of which an account is before given; but these, according to Jarchi and Ben Gersom, are the same with the pots, 3Kings 7:45 and so they are called in 2Chron 4:11 the use of which, as they say, was to put the ashes of the altar into; as the "shovels", next mentioned, were a sort of besoms to sweep them off, and the "basins" were to receive the blood of the sacrifices, and sprinkle it; no mention is here made of the altar of brass he made, but is in 2Chron 4:11, nor of the fleshhooks to take the flesh out of the pots, as in 2Chron 4:16,
so Hiram made an end of doing all the work that he made King Solomon for the house of the Lord; what he undertook, and was employed in, he finished, which were all works of brass; of which a recapitulation is made in the following verses to the end of the forty fifth, where they are said to be made of "bright brass", free of all dross and rust; "good", as the Targum, even the best brass they were made of; the brass David took from Hadarezer, 1Chron 18:8 which Josephus (g) too much magnifies, when he says it was better than gold.
(g) Antiqu. l. 7. c. 5. sect. 3.
Robert Jamieson, A. R. Fausset and David Brown
And Hiram made the lavers, and the shovels, and the basins--These verses contain a general enumeration of Hiram's works, as well as those already mentioned as other minor things. The Tyrian artists are frequently mentioned by ancient authors as skilful artificers in fashioning and embossing metal cups and bowls; and we need not wonder, therefore, to find them employed by Solomon in making the golden and brazen utensils for his temple and palaces.
7:417:41: Սիւնս երկուս, եւ շրջանակս քանդակագործից սեանցն ՚ի վերայ գլխոյ սեանցն. երկուս երկուս վանդակապատս, ծածկել զերկոսին շրջանակսն քանդակագործացն որ էին ՚ի վերայ սեանցն[3520]. [3520] Ոմանք. Եւ շրջանս քանդակագոր՛՛... ՚ի վերայ գլխոց սեանցն։
41 երկու սիւն ու սիւների շուրջանակի քանդակազարդ խոյակներ, երկու ցանց, որոնցով պէտք է ծածկէին սիւների շուրջանակի քանդակուած երկու խոյակները,
41 Այսինքն երկու սիւները, սիւներուն գլուխը եղող խոյակներուն երկու գունտերը եւ սիւներուն գլուխը եղող խոյակներուն երկու գունտերը ծածկելու համար երկու ցանցակերպ զարդերը
սիւնս երկուս, եւ շրջանակս քանդակագործից սեանցն ի վերայ գլխոյ սեանցն. երկուս երկուս վանդակապատս` ծածկել զերկոսին շրջանակսն քանդակագործացն որ էին ի վերայ սեանցն:

7:41: Սիւնս երկուս, եւ շրջանակս քանդակագործից սեանցն ՚ի վերայ գլխոյ սեանցն. երկուս երկուս վանդակապատս, ծածկել զերկոսին շրջանակսն քանդակագործացն որ էին ՚ի վերայ սեանցն[3520].
[3520] Ոմանք. Եւ շրջանս քանդակագոր՛՛... ՚ի վերայ գլխոց սեանցն։
41 երկու սիւն ու սիւների շուրջանակի քանդակազարդ խոյակներ, երկու ցանց, որոնցով պէտք է ծածկէին սիւների շուրջանակի քանդակուած երկու խոյակները,
41 Այսինքն երկու սիւները, սիւներուն գլուխը եղող խոյակներուն երկու գունտերը եւ սիւներուն գլուխը եղող խոյակներուն երկու գունտերը ծածկելու համար երկու ցանցակերպ զարդերը
zohrab-1805▾ eastern-1994▾ western am▾
7:417:41 два столба и две опояски венцов, которые на верху столбов, и две сетки для покрытия двух опоясок венцов, которые на верху столбов;
7:41 καὶ και and; even μέλαθρα μελαθρον three καὶ και and; even χώρα χωρα territory; estate ἐπὶ επι in; on χώραν χωρα territory; estate τρισσῶς τρισσως threefoldly; three times
7:41 עַמֻּדִ֣ים ʕammuḏˈîm עַמּוּד pillar שְׁנַ֔יִם šᵊnˈayim שְׁנַיִם two וְ wᵊ וְ and גֻלֹּ֧ת ḡullˈōṯ גֻּלָּה basin הַ ha הַ the כֹּתָרֹ֛ת kkōṯārˈōṯ כֹּתֶרֶת capital אֲשֶׁר־ ʔᵃšer- אֲשֶׁר [relative] עַל־ ʕal- עַל upon רֹ֥אשׁ rˌōš רֹאשׁ head הָֽ hˈā הַ the עַמֻּדִ֖ים ʕammuḏˌîm עַמּוּד pillar שְׁתָּ֑יִם šᵊttˈāyim שְׁנַיִם two וְ wᵊ וְ and הַ ha הַ the שְּׂבָכֹ֣ות śśᵊvāḵˈôṯ שְׂבָכָה net שְׁתַּ֔יִם šᵊttˈayim שְׁנַיִם two לְ lᵊ לְ to כַסֹּ֗ות ḵassˈôṯ כסה cover אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker] שְׁתֵּי֙ šᵊttˌê שְׁנַיִם two גֻּלֹּ֣ת gullˈōṯ גֻּלָּה basin הַ ha הַ the כֹּֽתָרֹ֔ת kkˈōṯārˈōṯ כֹּתֶרֶת capital אֲשֶׁ֖ר ʔᵃšˌer אֲשֶׁר [relative] עַל־ ʕal- עַל upon רֹ֥אשׁ rˌōš רֹאשׁ head הָ hā הַ the עַמּוּדִֽים׃ ʕammûḏˈîm עַמּוּד pillar
7:41. columnas duas et funiculos capitulorum super capitella columnarum duos et retiacula duo ut operirent duos funiculos qui erant super capita columnarumThe two pillars and the two cords of the chapiters, upon the chapiters of the pillars: and the two networks, to cover the two cords, that were upon the top of the pillars.
41. the two pillars, and the two bowls of the chapiters that were on the top of the pillars; and the two networks to cover the two bowls of the chapiters that were on the top of the pillars;
The two pillars, and the [two] bowls of the chapiters that [were] on the top of the two pillars; and the two networks, to cover the two bowls of the chapiters which [were] upon the top of the pillars:

7:41 два столба и две опояски венцов, которые на верху столбов, и две сетки для покрытия двух опоясок венцов, которые на верху столбов;
καὶ και and; even
μέλαθρα μελαθρον three
καὶ και and; even
χώρα χωρα territory; estate
ἐπὶ επι in; on
χώραν χωρα territory; estate
τρισσῶς τρισσως threefoldly; three times
עַמֻּדִ֣ים ʕammuḏˈîm עַמּוּד pillar
שְׁנַ֔יִם šᵊnˈayim שְׁנַיִם two
וְ wᵊ וְ and
גֻלֹּ֧ת ḡullˈōṯ גֻּלָּה basin
הַ ha הַ the
כֹּתָרֹ֛ת kkōṯārˈōṯ כֹּתֶרֶת capital
אֲשֶׁר־ ʔᵃšer- אֲשֶׁר [relative]
עַל־ ʕal- עַל upon
רֹ֥אשׁ rˌōš רֹאשׁ head
הָֽ hˈā הַ the
עַמֻּדִ֖ים ʕammuḏˌîm עַמּוּד pillar
שְׁתָּ֑יִם šᵊttˈāyim שְׁנַיִם two
וְ wᵊ וְ and
הַ ha הַ the
שְּׂבָכֹ֣ות śśᵊvāḵˈôṯ שְׂבָכָה net
שְׁתַּ֔יִם šᵊttˈayim שְׁנַיִם two
לְ lᵊ לְ to
כַסֹּ֗ות ḵassˈôṯ כסה cover
אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker]
שְׁתֵּי֙ šᵊttˌê שְׁנַיִם two
גֻּלֹּ֣ת gullˈōṯ גֻּלָּה basin
הַ ha הַ the
כֹּֽתָרֹ֔ת kkˈōṯārˈōṯ כֹּתֶרֶת capital
אֲשֶׁ֖ר ʔᵃšˌer אֲשֶׁר [relative]
עַל־ ʕal- עַל upon
רֹ֥אשׁ rˌōš רֹאשׁ head
הָ הַ the
עַמּוּדִֽים׃ ʕammûḏˈîm עַמּוּד pillar
7:41. columnas duas et funiculos capitulorum super capitella columnarum duos et retiacula duo ut operirent duos funiculos qui erant super capita columnarum
The two pillars and the two cords of the chapiters, upon the chapiters of the pillars: and the two networks, to cover the two cords, that were upon the top of the pillars.
ru▾ LXX-gloss▾ bhs-gloss▾ vulgate▾ erva_1895▾
tr▾ all ▾
R. A. Torrey - Treasury: Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge - 1880
7:41: two pillars: Kg1 7:15-22; Ch2 4:12
two networks: Kg1 7:17, Kg1 7:18
7:427:42: զնռնաձեւսն զչորեքարիւր երկոցունց վանդակացն, երկու կարգ նռնաձեւաց միոյ վանդակի, ծածկել շուրջ զերկոսին շրջանակս մենքենովթացն ՚ի վերայ երկոցունց սեանցն։
42 երկու ցանցերի չորս հարիւր նռնաձեւ զարդերը, երկու շարք նռնաձեւ քանդակներ ամէն մի վանդակին, որոնցով պէտք է ծածկէին սիւների շուրջանակի քանդակուած երկու խոյակները:
42 Ու երկու ցանցակերպ զարդերուն չորս հարիւր նուռերը, այսինքն սիւներուն վրայի խոյակներուն երկու գունտերը ծածկելու համար՝ ամէն մէկ ցանցակերպ զարդին վրայ երկու կարգ նուռեր։
զնռնաձեւսն զչորեքհարեւր երկոցունց վանդակացն, երկու կարգ նռնաձեւաց միոյ վանդակի, ծածկել շուրջ զերկոսին շրջանակս մեքենովթացն ի վերայ երկոցունց սեանցն:

7:42: զնռնաձեւսն զչորեքարիւր երկոցունց վանդակացն, երկու կարգ նռնաձեւաց միոյ վանդակի, ծածկել շուրջ զերկոսին շրջանակս մենքենովթացն ՚ի վերայ երկոցունց սեանցն։
42 երկու ցանցերի չորս հարիւր նռնաձեւ զարդերը, երկու շարք նռնաձեւ քանդակներ ամէն մի վանդակին, որոնցով պէտք է ծածկէին սիւների շուրջանակի քանդակուած երկու խոյակները:
42 Ու երկու ցանցակերպ զարդերուն չորս հարիւր նուռերը, այսինքն սիւներուն վրայի խոյակներուն երկու գունտերը ծածկելու համար՝ ամէն մէկ ցանցակերպ զարդին վրայ երկու կարգ նուռեր։
zohrab-1805▾ eastern-1994▾ western am▾
7:427:42 и четыреста гранатовых яблок на двух сетках; два ряда гранатовых яблок для каждой сетки, для покрытия двух опоясок венцов, которые на столбах;
7:42 καὶ και and; even πάντα πας all; every τὰ ο the θυρώματα θυρωμα and; even αἱ ο the χῶραι χωρα territory; estate τετράγωνοι τετραγωνος four-cornered μεμελαθρωμέναι μελαθροω and; even ἀπὸ απο from; away τοῦ ο the θυρώματος θυρωμα in; on θύραν θυρα door τρισσῶς τρισσως threefoldly; three times
7:42 וְ wᵊ וְ and אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker] הָ hā הַ the רִמֹּנִ֛ים rimmōnˈîm רִמֹּון pomegranate אַרְבַּ֥ע ʔarbˌaʕ אַרְבַּע four מֵאֹ֖ות mēʔˌôṯ מֵאָה hundred לִ li לְ to שְׁתֵּ֣י šᵊttˈê שְׁנַיִם two הַ ha הַ the שְּׂבָכֹ֑ות śśᵊvāḵˈôṯ שְׂבָכָה net שְׁנֵֽי־ šᵊnˈê- שְׁנַיִם two טוּרִ֤ים ṭûrˈîm טוּר row רִמֹּנִים֙ rimmōnîm רִמֹּון pomegranate לַ la לְ to † הַ the שְּׂבָכָ֣ה śśᵊvāḵˈā שְׂבָכָה net הָֽ hˈā הַ the אֶחָ֔ת ʔeḥˈāṯ אֶחָד one לְ lᵊ לְ to כַסֹּ֗ות ḵassˈôṯ כסה cover אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker] שְׁתֵּי֙ šᵊttˌê שְׁנַיִם two גֻּלֹּ֣ת gullˈōṯ גֻּלָּה basin הַ ha הַ the כֹּֽתָרֹ֔ת kkˈōṯārˈōṯ כֹּתֶרֶת capital אֲשֶׁ֖ר ʔᵃšˌer אֲשֶׁר [relative] עַל־ ʕal- עַל upon פְּנֵ֥י pᵊnˌê פָּנֶה face הָ hā הַ the עַמּוּדִֽים׃ ʕammûḏˈîm עַמּוּד pillar
7:42. et malogranata quadringenta in duobus retiaculis duos versus malogranatorum in retiaculis singulis ad operiendos funiculos capitellorum qui erant super capita columnarumAnd four hundred pomegranates for the two networks: two rows of pomegranates for each network, to cover the cords of the chapiters, which were upon the tops of the pillars.
42. and the four hundred pomegranates for the two networks; two rows of pomegranates for each network, to cover the two bowls of the chapiters that were upon the pillars;
And four hundred pomegranates for the two networks, [even] two rows of pomegranates for one network, to cover the two bowls of the chapiters that [were] upon the pillars:

7:42 и четыреста гранатовых яблок на двух сетках; два ряда гранатовых яблок для каждой сетки, для покрытия двух опоясок венцов, которые на столбах;
καὶ και and; even
πάντα πας all; every
τὰ ο the
θυρώματα θυρωμα and; even
αἱ ο the
χῶραι χωρα territory; estate
τετράγωνοι τετραγωνος four-cornered
μεμελαθρωμέναι μελαθροω and; even
ἀπὸ απο from; away
τοῦ ο the
θυρώματος θυρωμα in; on
θύραν θυρα door
τρισσῶς τρισσως threefoldly; three times
וְ wᵊ וְ and
אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker]
הָ הַ the
רִמֹּנִ֛ים rimmōnˈîm רִמֹּון pomegranate
אַרְבַּ֥ע ʔarbˌaʕ אַרְבַּע four
מֵאֹ֖ות mēʔˌôṯ מֵאָה hundred
לִ li לְ to
שְׁתֵּ֣י šᵊttˈê שְׁנַיִם two
הַ ha הַ the
שְּׂבָכֹ֑ות śśᵊvāḵˈôṯ שְׂבָכָה net
שְׁנֵֽי־ šᵊnˈê- שְׁנַיִם two
טוּרִ֤ים ṭûrˈîm טוּר row
רִמֹּנִים֙ rimmōnîm רִמֹּון pomegranate
לַ la לְ to
הַ the
שְּׂבָכָ֣ה śśᵊvāḵˈā שְׂבָכָה net
הָֽ hˈā הַ the
אֶחָ֔ת ʔeḥˈāṯ אֶחָד one
לְ lᵊ לְ to
כַסֹּ֗ות ḵassˈôṯ כסה cover
אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker]
שְׁתֵּי֙ šᵊttˌê שְׁנַיִם two
גֻּלֹּ֣ת gullˈōṯ גֻּלָּה basin
הַ ha הַ the
כֹּֽתָרֹ֔ת kkˈōṯārˈōṯ כֹּתֶרֶת capital
אֲשֶׁ֖ר ʔᵃšˌer אֲשֶׁר [relative]
עַל־ ʕal- עַל upon
פְּנֵ֥י pᵊnˌê פָּנֶה face
הָ הַ the
עַמּוּדִֽים׃ ʕammûḏˈîm עַמּוּד pillar
7:42. et malogranata quadringenta in duobus retiaculis duos versus malogranatorum in retiaculis singulis ad operiendos funiculos capitellorum qui erant super capita columnarum
And four hundred pomegranates for the two networks: two rows of pomegranates for each network, to cover the cords of the chapiters, which were upon the tops of the pillars.
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R. A. Torrey - Treasury: Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge - 1880
7:42: the pillars: Heb. the face of the pillars, Kg1 7:42
7:437:43: Եւ զմեքենովթսն՝ եւ զպուտնարդսն տասնեսին ՚ի վերայ մենքենովթացն.
43 Նաեւ տասը պատուանդաններ ու պատուանդանների վրայ դրուած տասը տաշտեր,
43 Տասը մեքենովթներն ու մեքենովթներուն վրայի տասը աւազանները
եւ զմեքենովթսն եւ զպուտնարդսն տասնեսին ի վերայ մեքենովթացն:

7:43: Եւ զմեքենովթսն՝ եւ զպուտնարդսն տասնեսին ՚ի վերայ մենքենովթացն.
43 Նաեւ տասը պատուանդաններ ու պատուանդանների վրայ դրուած տասը տաշտեր,
43 Տասը մեքենովթներն ու մեքենովթներուն վրայի տասը աւազանները
zohrab-1805▾ eastern-1994▾ western am▾
7:437:43 и десять подстав и десять умывальниц на подставах;
7:43 καὶ και and; even τὸ ο the αιλαμ αιλαμ.1 the στύλων στυλος pillar πεντήκοντα πεντηκοντα fifty πηχῶν πηχυς forearm; foot and a half μῆκος μηκος length καὶ και and; even τριάκοντα τριακοντα thirty ἐν εν in πλάτει πλατυς broad; street ἐζυγωμένα ζυγοω in; on πρόσωπον προσωπον face; ahead of αὐτῶν αυτος he; him καὶ και and; even στῦλοι στυλος pillar καὶ και and; even πάχος παχος in; on πρόσωπον προσωπον face; ahead of αὐτῆς αυτος he; him τοῖς ο the αιλαμμιν αιλαμ.1 porch
7:43 וְ wᵊ וְ and אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker] הַ ha הַ the מְּכֹנֹ֖ות mmᵊḵōnˌôṯ מְכֹונָה place עָ֑שֶׂר ʕˈāśer עֶשֶׂר ten וְ wᵊ וְ and אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker] הַ ha הַ the כִּיֹּרֹ֥ת kkiyyōrˌōṯ כִּיֹּור basin עֲשָׂרָ֖ה ʕᵃśārˌā עֲשָׂרָה ten עַל־ ʕal- עַל upon הַ ha הַ the מְּכֹנֹֽות׃ mmᵊḵōnˈôṯ מְכֹונָה place
7:43. et bases decem et luteres decem super basesAnd the ten bases, and the ten lavers on the bases.
43. and the ten bases, and the ten lavers on the bases;
And the ten bases, and ten lavers on the bases:

7:43 и десять подстав и десять умывальниц на подставах;
καὶ και and; even
τὸ ο the
αιλαμ αιλαμ.1 the
στύλων στυλος pillar
πεντήκοντα πεντηκοντα fifty
πηχῶν πηχυς forearm; foot and a half
μῆκος μηκος length
καὶ και and; even
τριάκοντα τριακοντα thirty
ἐν εν in
πλάτει πλατυς broad; street
ἐζυγωμένα ζυγοω in; on
πρόσωπον προσωπον face; ahead of
αὐτῶν αυτος he; him
καὶ και and; even
στῦλοι στυλος pillar
καὶ και and; even
πάχος παχος in; on
πρόσωπον προσωπον face; ahead of
αὐτῆς αυτος he; him
τοῖς ο the
αιλαμμιν αιλαμ.1 porch
וְ wᵊ וְ and
אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker]
הַ ha הַ the
מְּכֹנֹ֖ות mmᵊḵōnˌôṯ מְכֹונָה place
עָ֑שֶׂר ʕˈāśer עֶשֶׂר ten
וְ wᵊ וְ and
אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker]
הַ ha הַ the
כִּיֹּרֹ֥ת kkiyyōrˌōṯ כִּיֹּור basin
עֲשָׂרָ֖ה ʕᵃśārˌā עֲשָׂרָה ten
עַל־ ʕal- עַל upon
הַ ha הַ the
מְּכֹנֹֽות׃ mmᵊḵōnˈôṯ מְכֹונָה place
7:43. et bases decem et luteres decem super bases
And the ten bases, and the ten lavers on the bases.
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R. A. Torrey - Treasury: Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge - 1880
7:43: ten bases: Kg1 7:27-39
7:447:44: եւ զծովն զմի. եւ զերկոտասանեսին եզինսն ՚ի ներքո՛յ ծովուն։
44 մէկ աւազան ու աւազանի տակ ամրացուած տասներկու պղնձաձոյլ եզներ,
44 Ու ծով մը ու ծովին տակի տասներկու եզները
եւ զծովն զմի, եւ զերկոտասանեսին եզինսն ի ներքոյ ծովուն:

7:44: եւ զծովն զմի. եւ զերկոտասանեսին եզինսն ՚ի ներքո՛յ ծովուն։
44 մէկ աւազան ու աւազանի տակ ամրացուած տասներկու պղնձաձոյլ եզներ,
44 Ու ծով մը ու ծովին տակի տասներկու եզները
zohrab-1805▾ eastern-1994▾ western am▾
7:447:44 одно море и двенадцать волов под морем;
7:44 καὶ και and; even τὸ ο the αιλαμ αιλαμ.1 the θρόνων θρονος throne οὗ ος who; what κρινεῖ κρινω judge; decide ἐκεῖ εκει there αιλαμ αιλαμ.1 the κριτηρίου κριτηριον lawsuit
7:44 וְ wᵊ וְ and אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker] הַ ha הַ the יָּ֖ם yyˌom יָם sea הָ hā הַ the אֶחָ֑ד ʔeḥˈāḏ אֶחָד one וְ wᵊ וְ and אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker] הַ ha הַ the בָּקָ֥ר bbāqˌār בָּקָר cattle שְׁנֵים־ šᵊnêm- שְׁנַיִם two עָשָׂ֖ר ʕāśˌār עָשָׂר -teen תַּ֥חַת tˌaḥaṯ תַּחַת under part הַ ha הַ the יָּֽם׃ yyˈom יָם sea
7:44. et mare unum et boves duodecim subter mareAnd one sea, and twelve oxen under the sea.
44. and the one sea, and the twelve oxen under the sea;
And one sea, and twelve oxen under the sea:

7:44 одно море и двенадцать волов под морем;
καὶ και and; even
τὸ ο the
αιλαμ αιλαμ.1 the
θρόνων θρονος throne
οὗ ος who; what
κρινεῖ κρινω judge; decide
ἐκεῖ εκει there
αιλαμ αιλαμ.1 the
κριτηρίου κριτηριον lawsuit
וְ wᵊ וְ and
אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker]
הַ ha הַ the
יָּ֖ם yyˌom יָם sea
הָ הַ the
אֶחָ֑ד ʔeḥˈāḏ אֶחָד one
וְ wᵊ וְ and
אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker]
הַ ha הַ the
בָּקָ֥ר bbāqˌār בָּקָר cattle
שְׁנֵים־ šᵊnêm- שְׁנַיִם two
עָשָׂ֖ר ʕāśˌār עָשָׂר -teen
תַּ֥חַת tˌaḥaṯ תַּחַת under part
הַ ha הַ the
יָּֽם׃ yyˈom יָם sea
7:44. et mare unum et boves duodecim subter mare
And one sea, and twelve oxen under the sea.
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R. A. Torrey - Treasury: Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge - 1880
7:44: one sea: Kg1 7:23-26
7:457:45: Եւ զսանսն, եւ զջեռուցիչսն զերեսին. եւ զտաշտսն. եւ զամենայն կահն զոր արար Քիրամ՝ արքայի Սողոմոնի ՚ի տունն Տեառն։ Եւ սիւնք քառասուն եւ ութ տանն արքայի, եւ տանն Տեառն. զամենայն գործ զարքայի պատրաստեաց Քիրամ պղնձի համօրէն. եւ ո՛չ գոյր կշիռ պղնձոյն որով արար զամենայն գործսն զայնոսիկ ՚ի բազմութենէ անտի յոյժ. եւ ո՛չ գոյր չափ կշռոյ պղնձոյն փայլնոյ[3521]։ [3521] Յօրինակին. Եւ զտաշսն։ Այլք. Սողոմոնի ՚ի տանն Տեառն։
45 կաթսաներ, երեսին տաք ջուր ցանելու անօթներ, կոնքեր եւ ամբողջ կահկարասին, որ Քիրամն արել էր Տիրոջ համար Սողոմոն արքայի տունը կառուցելիս: Արքայի տան ու Տիրոջ տան քառասունութ սիւներն ու արքայի պղնձի ամբողջ գործերը պատրաստեց Քիրամը: Իսկ թէ որքան պղինձ օգտագործեց այդ ամբողջ գործերն անելու համար, հնարաւոր չէ ասել, քանի որ դրանց չափ ու սահման չկար: Անգամ հնարաւոր չէ ասել, թէ որքան փայլուն պղինձ օգտագործուեց:
45 Եւ կաթսաները ու թիակներն ու կոնքերը եւ այն բոլոր կարասիները, որոնք Քիրամ Սողոմոն թագաւորին շինեց Տէրոջը տանը համար, փայլուն պղնձէ էին։
եւ զսանսն եւ [176]զջեռուցիչսն [177]զերեսին եւ զտաշտսն, եւ զամենայն կահն զոր արար Քիրամ արքայի Սողոմոնի ի տանն Տեառն [178]եւ սիւնք քառասուն եւ ութ տանն արքայի եւ տանն Տեառն. զամենայն գործ զարքայի պատրաստեաց Քիրամ պղնձի համօրէն. եւ ոչ գոյր կշիռ պղնձոյն որով արար զամենայն զգործսն զայնոսիկ ի բազմութենէ անտի յոյժ, եւ ոչ գոյր չափ կշռոյ պղնձոյն`` փայլնոյ:

7:45: Եւ զսանսն, եւ զջեռուցիչսն զերեսին. եւ զտաշտսն. եւ զամենայն կահն զոր արար Քիրամ՝ արքայի Սողոմոնի ՚ի տունն Տեառն։ Եւ սիւնք քառասուն եւ ութ տանն արքայի, եւ տանն Տեառն. զամենայն գործ զարքայի պատրաստեաց Քիրամ պղնձի համօրէն. եւ ո՛չ գոյր կշիռ պղնձոյն որով արար զամենայն գործսն զայնոսիկ ՚ի բազմութենէ անտի յոյժ. եւ ո՛չ գոյր չափ կշռոյ պղնձոյն փայլնոյ[3521]։
[3521] Յօրինակին. Եւ զտաշսն։ Այլք. Սողոմոնի ՚ի տանն Տեառն։
45 կաթսաներ, երեսին տաք ջուր ցանելու անօթներ, կոնքեր եւ ամբողջ կահկարասին, որ Քիրամն արել էր Տիրոջ համար Սողոմոն արքայի տունը կառուցելիս: Արքայի տան ու Տիրոջ տան քառասունութ սիւներն ու արքայի պղնձի ամբողջ գործերը պատրաստեց Քիրամը: Իսկ թէ որքան պղինձ օգտագործեց այդ ամբողջ գործերն անելու համար, հնարաւոր չէ ասել, քանի որ դրանց չափ ու սահման չկար: Անգամ հնարաւոր չէ ասել, թէ որքան փայլուն պղինձ օգտագործուեց:
45 Եւ կաթսաները ու թիակներն ու կոնքերը եւ այն բոլոր կարասիները, որոնք Քիրամ Սողոմոն թագաւորին շինեց Տէրոջը տանը համար, փայլուն պղնձէ էին։
zohrab-1805▾ eastern-1994▾ western am▾
7:457:45 и тазы, и лопатки, и чаши. Все вещи, которые сделал Хирам царю Соломону для храма Господа, {были} из полированной меди.
7:45 καὶ και and; even οἶκος οικος home; household αὐτῷ αυτος he; him ἐν εν in ᾧ ος who; what καθήσεται καθιημι let down ἐκεῖ εκει there αὐλὴ αυλη courtyard; fold μία εις.1 one; unit ἐξελισσομένη εξελισσω this; he κατὰ κατα down; by τὸ ο the ἔργον εργον work τοῦτο ουτος this; he καὶ και and; even οἶκον οικος home; household τῇ ο the θυγατρὶ θυγατηρ daughter Φαραω φαραω Pharaō; Farao ἣν ος who; what ἔλαβεν λαμβανω take; get Σαλωμων σαλωμων down; by τὸ ο the αιλαμ αιλαμ.1 this; he
7:45 וְ wᵊ וְ and אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker] הַ ha הַ the סִּירֹ֨ות ssîrˌôṯ סִיר pot וְ wᵊ וְ and אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker] הַ ha הַ the יָּעִ֜ים yyāʕˈîm יָעֶה shovel וְ wᵊ וְ and אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker] הַ ha הַ the מִּזְרָקֹ֗ות mmizrāqˈôṯ מִזְרָק bowl וְ wᵊ וְ and אֵת֙ ʔˌēṯ אֵת [object marker] כָּל־ kol- כֹּל whole הַ ha הַ the כֵּלִ֣ים kkēlˈîm כְּלִי tool הָה *hā הַ the אֵ֔לֶּהאהל *ʔˈēlleh אֵלֶּה these אֲשֶׁ֨ר ʔᵃšˌer אֲשֶׁר [relative] עָשָׂ֥ה ʕāśˌā עשׂה make חִירָ֛ם ḥîrˈām חִירָם Hiram לַ la לְ to † הַ the מֶּ֥לֶךְ mmˌeleḵ מֶלֶךְ king שְׁלֹמֹ֖ה šᵊlōmˌō שְׁלֹמֹה Solomon בֵּ֣ית bˈêṯ בַּיִת house יְהוָ֑ה [yᵊhwˈāh] יְהוָה YHWH נְחֹ֖שֶׁת nᵊḥˌōšeṯ נְחֹשֶׁת bronze מְמֹרָֽט׃ mᵊmōrˈāṭ מרט pull off
7:45. et lebetas et scutras et amulas omnia vasa quae fecit Hiram regi Salomoni in domo Domini de aurichalco erantAnd the cauldrons, and the shovels, and the basins. All the vessels that Hiram made for king Solomon, for the house of the Lord, were of fine brass.
45. and the pots, and the shovels, and the basons: even all these vessels, which Hiram made for king Solomon, in the house of the LORD, were of burnished brass.
And the pots, and the shovels, and the basons: and all these vessels, which Hiram made to king Solomon for the house of the LORD, [were of] bright brass:

7:45 и тазы, и лопатки, и чаши. Все вещи, которые сделал Хирам царю Соломону для храма Господа, {были} из полированной меди.
καὶ και and; even
οἶκος οικος home; household
αὐτῷ αυτος he; him
ἐν εν in
ος who; what
καθήσεται καθιημι let down
ἐκεῖ εκει there
αὐλὴ αυλη courtyard; fold
μία εις.1 one; unit
ἐξελισσομένη εξελισσω this; he
κατὰ κατα down; by
τὸ ο the
ἔργον εργον work
τοῦτο ουτος this; he
καὶ και and; even
οἶκον οικος home; household
τῇ ο the
θυγατρὶ θυγατηρ daughter
Φαραω φαραω Pharaō; Farao
ἣν ος who; what
ἔλαβεν λαμβανω take; get
Σαλωμων σαλωμων down; by
τὸ ο the
αιλαμ αιλαμ.1 this; he
וְ wᵊ וְ and
אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker]
הַ ha הַ the
סִּירֹ֨ות ssîrˌôṯ סִיר pot
וְ wᵊ וְ and
אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker]
הַ ha הַ the
יָּעִ֜ים yyāʕˈîm יָעֶה shovel
וְ wᵊ וְ and
אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker]
הַ ha הַ the
מִּזְרָקֹ֗ות mmizrāqˈôṯ מִזְרָק bowl
וְ wᵊ וְ and
אֵת֙ ʔˌēṯ אֵת [object marker]
כָּל־ kol- כֹּל whole
הַ ha הַ the
כֵּלִ֣ים kkēlˈîm כְּלִי tool
*hā הַ the
*ʔˈēlleh אֵלֶּה these
אֲשֶׁ֨ר ʔᵃšˌer אֲשֶׁר [relative]
עָשָׂ֥ה ʕāśˌā עשׂה make
חִירָ֛ם ḥîrˈām חִירָם Hiram
לַ la לְ to
הַ the
מֶּ֥לֶךְ mmˌeleḵ מֶלֶךְ king
שְׁלֹמֹ֖ה šᵊlōmˌō שְׁלֹמֹה Solomon
בֵּ֣ית bˈêṯ בַּיִת house
יְהוָ֑ה [yᵊhwˈāh] יְהוָה YHWH
נְחֹ֖שֶׁת nᵊḥˌōšeṯ נְחֹשֶׁת bronze
מְמֹרָֽט׃ mᵊmōrˈāṭ מרט pull off
7:45. et lebetas et scutras et amulas omnia vasa quae fecit Hiram regi Salomoni in domo Domini de aurichalco erant
And the cauldrons, and the shovels, and the basins. All the vessels that Hiram made for king Solomon, for the house of the Lord, were of fine brass.
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R. A. Torrey - Treasury: Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge - 1880
7:45: the pots: Exo 27:3, Exo 38:3; Lev 8:31; Sa1 2:13, Sa1 2:14; Ch2 4:16; Eze 46:20-24; Zac 14:21
bright brass: Heb. brass made bright, or scoured
Geneva 1599
And the pots, and the shovels, and the basons: and all these vessels, which (u) Hiram made to king Solomon for the house of the LORD, [were of] bright brass.
(u) By this name also Hiram the king of Tyrus was called.
John Wesley
The pots - To boil those parts of the sacrifices which the priests, &c. were to eat.
7:467:46: Առ ափն Յորդանանու ձուլեաց զայն արքայի, ՚ի թանձրութեան երկրին ՚ի մէջ Սոկքովթայ, եւ ՚ի մէջ Սիրարթամայ[3522]։ [3522] Ոսկան. Ձուլեաց զայն արքայ ՚ի թանձրութիւն երկրի։ Ոմանք. Եւ ՚ի մէջ Սիրարթիմայ։
46 Արքան դրանք ձուլել էր տուել կաւային թանձր հողի մէջ, Սոկքոթի ու Սիրարթամի միջեւ ընկած Յորդանան գետի ափին:
46 Թագաւորը զանոնք Յորդանանի դաշտին մէջ թանձր հողի մը վրայ ձուլել տուաւ Սոկքովթի ու Սարթանի մէջտեղ։
Առ ափն Յորդանանու ձուլեաց զայն արքայի, ի թանձրութեան երկրին ի մէջ Սոկքովթայ եւ ի մէջ Սիրարթամայ:

7:46: Առ ափն Յորդանանու ձուլեաց զայն արքայի, ՚ի թանձրութեան երկրին ՚ի մէջ Սոկքովթայ, եւ ՚ի մէջ Սիրարթամայ[3522]։
[3522] Ոսկան. Ձուլեաց զայն արքայ ՚ի թանձրութիւն երկրի։ Ոմանք. Եւ ՚ի մէջ Սիրարթիմայ։
46 Արքան դրանք ձուլել էր տուել կաւային թանձր հողի մէջ, Սոկքոթի ու Սիրարթամի միջեւ ընկած Յորդանան գետի ափին:
46 Թագաւորը զանոնք Յորդանանի դաշտին մէջ թանձր հողի մը վրայ ձուլել տուաւ Սոկքովթի ու Սարթանի մէջտեղ։
zohrab-1805▾ eastern-1994▾ western am▾
7:467:46 Царь выливал их в глинистой земле, в окрестности Иордана, между Сокхофом и Цартаном.
7:46 πάντα πας all; every ταῦτα ουτος this; he ἐκ εκ from; out of λίθων λιθος stone τιμίων τιμιος precious κεκολαμμένα κολαπτω from; out of διαστήματος διαστημα interval ἔσωθεν εσωθεν from inside; inwardly καὶ και and; even ἐκ εκ from; out of τοῦ ο the θεμελίου θεμελιος foundation ἕως εως till; until τῶν ο the γεισῶν γεισος and; even ἔξωθεν εξωθεν from outside; outer εἰς εις into; for τὴν ο the αὐλὴν αυλη courtyard; fold τὴν ο the μεγάλην μεγας great; loud
7:46 בְּ bᵊ בְּ in כִכַּ֤ר ḵikkˈar כִּכָּר disk הַ ha הַ the יַּרְדֵּן֙ yyardˌēn יַרְדֵּן Jordan יְצָקָ֣ם yᵊṣāqˈām יצק pour הַ ha הַ the מֶּ֔לֶךְ mmˈeleḵ מֶלֶךְ king בְּ bᵊ בְּ in מַעֲבֵ֖ה maʕᵃvˌē מַעֲבֵה foundry הָ hā הַ the אֲדָמָ֑ה ʔᵃḏāmˈā אֲדָמָה Adamah בֵּ֥ין bˌên בַּיִן interval סֻכֹּ֖ות sukkˌôṯ סֻכֹּות Succoth וּ û וְ and בֵ֥ין vˌên בַּיִן interval צָרְתָֽן׃ ṣārᵊṯˈān צָרְתָן Zarethan
7:46. in campestri regione Iordanis fudit ea rex in argillosa terra inter Socchoth et SarthanIn the plains of the Jordan, did the king cast them in a clay ground, between Socoth and Sartham.
46. In the Plain of Jordan did the king cast them, in the clay ground between Succoth and Zarethan.
In the plain of Jordan did the king cast them, in the clay ground between Succoth and Zarthan:

7:46 Царь выливал их в глинистой земле, в окрестности Иордана, между Сокхофом и Цартаном.
πάντα πας all; every
ταῦτα ουτος this; he
ἐκ εκ from; out of
λίθων λιθος stone
τιμίων τιμιος precious
κεκολαμμένα κολαπτω from; out of
διαστήματος διαστημα interval
ἔσωθεν εσωθεν from inside; inwardly
καὶ και and; even
ἐκ εκ from; out of
τοῦ ο the
θεμελίου θεμελιος foundation
ἕως εως till; until
τῶν ο the
γεισῶν γεισος and; even
ἔξωθεν εξωθεν from outside; outer
εἰς εις into; for
τὴν ο the
αὐλὴν αυλη courtyard; fold
τὴν ο the
μεγάλην μεγας great; loud
בְּ bᵊ בְּ in
כִכַּ֤ר ḵikkˈar כִּכָּר disk
הַ ha הַ the
יַּרְדֵּן֙ yyardˌēn יַרְדֵּן Jordan
יְצָקָ֣ם yᵊṣāqˈām יצק pour
הַ ha הַ the
מֶּ֔לֶךְ mmˈeleḵ מֶלֶךְ king
בְּ bᵊ בְּ in
מַעֲבֵ֖ה maʕᵃvˌē מַעֲבֵה foundry
הָ הַ the
אֲדָמָ֑ה ʔᵃḏāmˈā אֲדָמָה Adamah
בֵּ֥ין bˌên בַּיִן interval
סֻכֹּ֖ות sukkˌôṯ סֻכֹּות Succoth
וּ û וְ and
בֵ֥ין vˌên בַּיִן interval
צָרְתָֽן׃ ṣārᵊṯˈān צָרְתָן Zarethan
7:46. in campestri regione Iordanis fudit ea rex in argillosa terra inter Socchoth et Sarthan
In the plains of the Jordan, did the king cast them in a clay ground, between Socoth and Sartham.
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Adam Clarke: Commentary on the Bible - 1831
7:46: Cast them, in the clay ground - In this place he found that particular kind of clay that was proper for his purpose. Some suppose that the place where Hiram had his foundry was on the other side, some on this side, of Jordan. Calmet supposes that it was near Bethshan.
3 Kings (1 Kings) 7:51
Albert Barnes: Notes on the Bible - 1834
7:46: Succoth and Zarthan - See Jdg 7:22; Jdg 8:5, note.
R. A. Torrey - Treasury: Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge - 1880
7:46: the clay ground: Heb. the thickness of the ground
Succoth: Gen 33:17
Zarthan: Zarthan is supposed to have been situated in the tribe of Manasseh, west of Jordan, near Jezreel and Bethshan or Scythopolis, and not far from the Jordan. Succoth we know was situated east of Jordan, in the tribe of Gad, and according to Jerome, in the district of Scythopolis. hence the "plain of Jordan," where Hiram cast the brazen vessels, must be the plain in which that river runs, Zarthan and Succoth being probably nearly opposite each other; but whether the precise spot of his operations was on this side or the other side, is uncertain. In this place he found that particular clay that was proper for his purpose; and it being a considerable distance from Jerusalem, that city would not be annoyed by the smoke and noxious vapours necessarily occasioned by the process. Kg1 4:12, Zartanah, Jos 3:16, Zaretan, Ch2 4:17, Zeredathah
John Gill
In the plain of Jericho did the king cast them in the clay ground,.... Which being thick, as the word signifies, and stiff and close, was fit for such a purpose as casting brass; of such clay, furnaces of earth used to be made to melt metals in; but here were large things to be cast, as the two pillars, the sea, the ten lavers, &c. moulds were made in the ground, and so the melted brass was poured into them, which gave it its different forms; this, no doubt, was done by Hiram, though said to be done by the king, because done by his orders: the place where it was done was a part of the plain of Jericho, which lay
between Succoth and Zarthan; Succoth was in the tribe of Gad, on the other side Jordan; Zarthan was near it on this side, in the tribe of Manasseh, the same that is called Zartanah, 3Kings 4:12 and Zaretan, Josh 3:16 and Zeredathah, 2Chron 4:17. The first casters of brass are said (h) to be Theodorus and Rhaecus, both Samians.
(h) Pausau. Arcadica, sive, l. 8. p. 479. & Boeotica, sive, l. 9. p. 607.
Robert Jamieson, A. R. Fausset and David Brown
In the plain of Jordan did the king cast them--Zarthan, or Zaretan (Josh 3:16), or Zartanah (3Kings 4:12), or Zeredathah (2Chron 4:17), was on the bank of the Jordan in the territories of western Manasseh. Succoth was situated on the eastern side of Jordan, at the ford of the river near the mouth of the Jabbok. One reason assigned by commentators for the castings being made there is, that at such a distance from Jerusalem that city would not be annoyed by the smoke and noxious vapors necessarily occasioned by the process. [Note in Bagster's Bible.] But the true reason is to be found in the nature of the soil; Margin, "the thickness of the ground." That part of the Jordan valley abounds with marl. Clay and sand are the moulding material still used for bronze. Such large quantities of metal as one of these castings would contain could not be fused in one furnace, but would require a series of furnaces, especially for such a casting as the brazen sea--the whole series of furnaces being filled with metal, and fused at one time, and all tapped together, and the metal let run into the mould. Thus a national foundry was erected in the plain of Jordan [NAPIER].
7:477:47: Եւ ետ արքայ Սողոմոն յամենայն կահն, քանզի կարի՛ յոյժ էր բազմութեամբ. եւ ո՛չ գոյր թիւ պղնձոյն։
47 Սողոմոն արքան այդպէս տեղում թողեց ամբողջ այդ իրերը, քանզի թուով չափազանց շատ էին դրանք, եւ օգտագործուած պղնձին չափ ու սահման չկար:
47 Եւ Սողոմոն այս կարասիները առանց կշռելու ձգեց, վասն զի խիստ շատ էին, այնպէս որ պղնձին կշիռքը ճշդել կարելի չէր։
Եւ [179]ետ արքայ Սողոմոն [180]յամենայն կահն, քանզի կարի յոյժ էր բազմութեամբ եւ ոչ գոյր թիւ պղնձոյն:

7:47: Եւ ետ արքայ Սողոմոն յամենայն կահն, քանզի կարի՛ յոյժ էր բազմութեամբ. եւ ո՛չ գոյր թիւ պղնձոյն։
47 Սողոմոն արքան այդպէս տեղում թողեց ամբողջ այդ իրերը, քանզի թուով չափազանց շատ էին դրանք, եւ օգտագործուած պղնձին չափ ու սահման չկար:
47 Եւ Սողոմոն այս կարասիները առանց կշռելու ձգեց, վասն զի խիստ շատ էին, այնպէս որ պղնձին կշիռքը ճշդել կարելի չէր։
zohrab-1805▾ eastern-1994▾ western am▾
7:477:47 И поставил Соломон все сии вещи {на место}. По причине чрезвычайного их множества, вес меди не определен.
7:47 τὴν ο the τεθεμελιωμένην θεμελιοω found ἐν εν in τιμίοις τιμιος precious λίθοις λιθος stone μεγάλοις μεγας great; loud λίθοις λιθος stone δεκαπήχεσιν δεκαπηχυς and; even τοῖς ο the ὀκταπήχεσιν οκταπηχυς eight cubits long
7:47 וַ wa וְ and יַּנַּ֤ח yyannˈaḥ נוח settle שְׁלֹמֹה֙ šᵊlōmˌō שְׁלֹמֹה Solomon אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker] כָּל־ kol- כֹּל whole הַ ha הַ the כֵּלִ֔ים kkēlˈîm כְּלִי tool מֵ mē מִן from רֹ֖ב rˌōv רֹב multitude מְאֹ֣ד mᵊʔˈōḏ מְאֹד might מְאֹ֑ד mᵊʔˈōḏ מְאֹד might לֹ֥א lˌō לֹא not נֶחְקַ֖ר neḥqˌar חקר explore מִשְׁקַ֥ל mišqˌal מִשְׁקָל weight הַ ha הַ the נְּחֹֽשֶׁת׃ nnᵊḥˈōšeṯ נְחֹשֶׁת bronze
7:47. et posuit Salomon omnia vasa propter multitudinem autem nimiam non erat pondus aerisAnd Solomon placed all the vessels: but for its exceeding great multitude the brass could not be weighed.
47. And Solomon left all the vessels , because they were exceeding many: the weight of the brass could not be found out.
And Solomon left all the vessels [unweighed], because they were exceeding many: neither was the weight of the brass found out:

7:47 И поставил Соломон все сии вещи {на место}. По причине чрезвычайного их множества, вес меди не определен.
τὴν ο the
τεθεμελιωμένην θεμελιοω found
ἐν εν in
τιμίοις τιμιος precious
λίθοις λιθος stone
μεγάλοις μεγας great; loud
λίθοις λιθος stone
δεκαπήχεσιν δεκαπηχυς and; even
τοῖς ο the
ὀκταπήχεσιν οκταπηχυς eight cubits long
וַ wa וְ and
יַּנַּ֤ח yyannˈaḥ נוח settle
שְׁלֹמֹה֙ šᵊlōmˌō שְׁלֹמֹה Solomon
אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker]
כָּל־ kol- כֹּל whole
הַ ha הַ the
כֵּלִ֔ים kkēlˈîm כְּלִי tool
מֵ מִן from
רֹ֖ב rˌōv רֹב multitude
מְאֹ֣ד mᵊʔˈōḏ מְאֹד might
מְאֹ֑ד mᵊʔˈōḏ מְאֹד might
לֹ֥א lˌō לֹא not
נֶחְקַ֖ר neḥqˌar חקר explore
מִשְׁקַ֥ל mišqˌal מִשְׁקָל weight
הַ ha הַ the
נְּחֹֽשֶׁת׃ nnᵊḥˈōšeṯ נְחֹשֶׁת bronze
7:47. et posuit Salomon omnia vasa propter multitudinem autem nimiam non erat pondus aeris
And Solomon placed all the vessels: but for its exceeding great multitude the brass could not be weighed.
ru▾ LXX-gloss▾ bhs-gloss▾ vulgate▾ erva_1895▾
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Albert Barnes: Notes on the Bible - 1834
7:47: The brass of which the two pillars, Jachin and Boaz, the brass sea, and the various vessels were made had been taken by David from two cities belonging to Hadadezer, king of Zobah Ch1 18:8.
R. A. Torrey - Treasury: Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge - 1880
7:47: because they were exceeding many: Heb. for the exceeding multitude, Ch2 4:18
found out: Heb. searched, Ch1 22:14, Ch1 22:16
John Gill
And Solomon left all the vessels unweighed, because they were exceeding many,.... The vessels of brass before mentioned, being so large, at least some of them, and so numerous; the Targum is, he laid them up, or placed them; he brought them from whence they were cast, and put them in the sanctuary without weighing them:
neither was the weight of the brass found out; or "searched" (i); it never was inquired into; or, as the Targum, there was no end of it, it was so much.
(i) "nec invesigari potuerit", Tigurine version: "non pervestigatum est", Junius, Tremellius, Piscator.
7:487:48: Եւ արար Սողոմոն զամենայն կահն որ ՚ի տան Տեառն. զզոհանոցսն ոսկի. եւ զսեղանն յորոյ վերայ հա՛ցն պատարագի՝ ոսկի[3523]։ [3523] Այլք. Զզոհանոցն ոսկի։
48 Սողոմոն արքան պատրաստել տուեց Տիրոջ տան ամբողջ սպասքը, ոսկէ զոհարանն ու ոսկէ սեղանը, որի վրայ մատուցւում էր նուիրաբերման հացը,
48 Սողոմոն Տէրոջը տանը բոլոր կարասիները շինեց՝ խունկին ոսկի սեղանը ու վրան առաջաւորութեան հաց դրուելու ոսկի սեղանը
Եւ արար Սողոմոն զամենայն կահն որ ի տան Տեառն, զզոհանոցն ոսկի, եւ զսեղանն յորոյ վերայ հացն պատարագի` ոսկի:

7:48: Եւ արար Սողոմոն զամենայն կահն որ ՚ի տան Տեառն. զզոհանոցսն ոսկի. եւ զսեղանն յորոյ վերայ հա՛ցն պատարագի՝ ոսկի[3523]։
[3523] Այլք. Զզոհանոցն ոսկի։
48 Սողոմոն արքան պատրաստել տուեց Տիրոջ տան ամբողջ սպասքը, ոսկէ զոհարանն ու ոսկէ սեղանը, որի վրայ մատուցւում էր նուիրաբերման հացը,
48 Սողոմոն Տէրոջը տանը բոլոր կարասիները շինեց՝ խունկին ոսկի սեղանը ու վրան առաջաւորութեան հաց դրուելու ոսկի սեղանը
zohrab-1805▾ eastern-1994▾ western am▾
7:487:48 И сделал Соломон все вещи, которые в храме Господа: золотой жертвенник и золотой стол, на котором хлебы предложения;
7:48 καὶ και and; even ἐπάνωθεν επανωθεν precious κατὰ κατα down; by τὸ ο the μέτρον μετρον measure ἀπελεκήτων απολεγω and; even κέδροις κεδρος cedar
7:48 וַ wa וְ and יַּ֣עַשׂ yyˈaʕaś עשׂה make שְׁלֹמֹ֔ה šᵊlōmˈō שְׁלֹמֹה Solomon אֵ֚ת ˈʔēṯ אֵת [object marker] כָּל־ kol- כֹּל whole הַ ha הַ the כֵּלִ֔ים kkēlˈîm כְּלִי tool אֲשֶׁ֖ר ʔᵃšˌer אֲשֶׁר [relative] בֵּ֣ית bˈêṯ בַּיִת house יְהוָ֑ה [yᵊhwˈāh] יְהוָה YHWH אֵ֚ת ˈʔēṯ אֵת [object marker] מִזְבַּ֣ח mizbˈaḥ מִזְבֵּחַ altar הַ ha הַ the זָּהָ֔ב zzāhˈāv זָהָב gold וְ wᵊ וְ and אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker] הַ ha הַ the שֻּׁלְחָ֗ן ššulḥˈān שֻׁלְחָן table אֲשֶׁ֥ר ʔᵃšˌer אֲשֶׁר [relative] עָלָ֛יו ʕālˈāʸw עַל upon לֶ֥חֶם lˌeḥem לֶחֶם bread הַ ha הַ the פָּנִ֖ים ppānˌîm פָּנֶה face זָהָֽב׃ zāhˈāv זָהָב gold
7:48. fecitque Salomon omnia vasa in domo Domini altare aureum et mensam super quam ponerentur panes propositionis aureamAnd Solomon made all the vessels for the house of the Lord: the altar of gold, and the table of gold, upon which the loaves of proposition should be set:
48. And Solomon made all the vessels that were in the house of the LORD: the golden altar, and the table whereupon the shewbread was, of gold;
And Solomon made all the vessels that [pertained] unto the house of the LORD: the altar of gold, and the table of gold, whereupon the shewbread:

7:48 И сделал Соломон все вещи, которые в храме Господа: золотой жертвенник и золотой стол, на котором хлебы предложения;
καὶ και and; even
ἐπάνωθεν επανωθεν precious
κατὰ κατα down; by
τὸ ο the
μέτρον μετρον measure
ἀπελεκήτων απολεγω and; even
κέδροις κεδρος cedar
וַ wa וְ and
יַּ֣עַשׂ yyˈaʕaś עשׂה make
שְׁלֹמֹ֔ה šᵊlōmˈō שְׁלֹמֹה Solomon
אֵ֚ת ˈʔēṯ אֵת [object marker]
כָּל־ kol- כֹּל whole
הַ ha הַ the
כֵּלִ֔ים kkēlˈîm כְּלִי tool
אֲשֶׁ֖ר ʔᵃšˌer אֲשֶׁר [relative]
בֵּ֣ית bˈêṯ בַּיִת house
יְהוָ֑ה [yᵊhwˈāh] יְהוָה YHWH
אֵ֚ת ˈʔēṯ אֵת [object marker]
מִזְבַּ֣ח mizbˈaḥ מִזְבֵּחַ altar
הַ ha הַ the
זָּהָ֔ב zzāhˈāv זָהָב gold
וְ wᵊ וְ and
אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker]
הַ ha הַ the
שֻּׁלְחָ֗ן ššulḥˈān שֻׁלְחָן table
אֲשֶׁ֥ר ʔᵃšˌer אֲשֶׁר [relative]
עָלָ֛יו ʕālˈāʸw עַל upon
לֶ֥חֶם lˌeḥem לֶחֶם bread
הַ ha הַ the
פָּנִ֖ים ppānˌîm פָּנֶה face
זָהָֽב׃ zāhˈāv זָהָב gold
7:48. fecitque Salomon omnia vasa in domo Domini altare aureum et mensam super quam ponerentur panes propositionis auream
And Solomon made all the vessels for the house of the Lord: the altar of gold, and the table of gold, upon which the loaves of proposition should be set:
ru▾ LXX-gloss▾ bhs-gloss▾ vulgate▾ erva_1895▾
jfb▾ jw▾ jg▾ gnv▾ tr▾ ab▾ mh▾ all ▾
Matthew Henry: Concise Commentary on the Whole Bible - 1706

4. Besides these, there was a vast number of brass pots made to boil the flesh of the peace-offerings in, which the priests and offerers were to feast upon before the Lord (see 1 Sam. ii. 14); also shovels, wherewith they took out the ashes of the altar. Some think the word signifies flesh-hooks, with which they took meat out of the pot. The basins also were made of brass, to receive the blood of the sacrifices. These are put for all the utensils of the brazen altar, Exod. xxxviii. 3. While they were about it they made abundance of them, that they might have a good stock by them when those that were first in use wore out and went to decay. Thus Solomon, having wherewithal to do so, provided for posterity.

48 And Solomon made all the vessels that pertained unto the house of the LORD: the altar of gold, and the table of gold, whereupon the showbread was, 49 And the candlesticks of pure gold, five on the right side, and five on the left, before the oracle, with the flowers, and the lamps, and the tongs of gold, 50 And the bowls, and the snuffers, and the basons, and the spoons, and the censers of pure gold; and the hinges of gold, both for the doors of the inner house, the most holy place, and for the doors of the house, to wit, of the temple. 51 So was ended all the work that king Solomon made for the house of the LORD. And Solomon brought in the things which David his father had dedicated; even the silver, and the gold, and the vessels, did he put among the treasures of the house of the LORD.
Here is, 1. The making of the gold work of the temple, which it seems was done last, for with it the work of the house of God ended. All within doors was gold, and all made new (except the ark, with its mercy-seat and cherubim), the old being either melted down or laid by--the golden altar, table, and candlestick, with all their appurtenances. The altar of incense was still one, for Christ and his intercession are so: but he made ten golden tables, 2 Chron. iv. 8 (though here mention is made of that one only on which the show-bread was, v. 48, which we may suppose was larger than the rest and to which the rest were as side-boards), and ten golden candlesticks (v. 49), intimating the much greater plenty both of spiritual food and heavenly light which the gospel blesses us with than the law of Moses did our could afford. Even the hinges of the door were of gold (v. 50), that every thing might be alike magnificent, and bespeak Solomon's generosity. Some suggest that every thing was made thus splendid in God's temple to keep the people from idolatry, for none of the idol-temples were so rich and fine as this: but how little the expedient availed the event showed. 2. The bringing in of the dedicated things, which David had devoted to the honour of God, v. 51. What was not expended in the building and furniture was laid up in the treasury, for repairs, exigencies, and the constant charge of the temple-service. What the parents have dedicated to God the children ought by no means to alienate or recall, but should cheerfully devote what was intended for pious and charitable uses, that they may, with their estates, inherit the blessing.
Albert Barnes: Notes on the Bible - 1834
7:48: See the note to Kg1 6:20 and notes at Ch2 4:19-22.
R. A. Torrey - Treasury: Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge - 1880
7:48: the altar: Exo 30:1-5, Exo 37:25-28, Exo 39:38, Exo 40:26; Ch2 4:19
the table: Exo 25:23-30, Exo 37:10-16, Exo 39:36, Exo 40:22, Exo 40:23; Lev 24:5-9; Ch2 4:8; Eze 40:39, Eze 40:42, Eze 41:22, Eze 44:16; Mal 1:12; Co1 10:21
Geneva 1599
And Solomon made all the vessels that [pertained] unto the house of the LORD: the (x) altar of gold, and the table of gold, whereupon the shewbread [was],
(x) This was done according to the form that the Lord prescribed to Moses in Exodus.
John Gill
And Solomon made all the vessels that pertained unto the house of the Lord,.... That is, he ordered them to be made, even all that were in the tabernacle of Moses; all were newly made, excepting the ark, mercy seat, and cherubim:
the altar of gold; the altar of incense, which was made of cedar, covered with gold, 3Kings 6:20, hence called the golden altar, Rev_ 8:3.
and the table of gold, whereupon the shewbread was; this includes all the tables, for there were ten of them, 2Chron 4:8 where they are said to be placed, five on the right hand, and five on the left; which, according to the Jews (k), were not on the right and left of the temple, but on the right and left of the table of Moses, and which being placed on the north side, these must be also, Ex 40:22 there being more tables in the temple than in the tabernacle may denote the greater provision of spiritual food in the word and ordinances of the Gospel church, of which the temple was a figure, than under the legal dispensation.
(k) T. Bab. Meuachot, fol. 98. Kimchi in loc. Targum in 2 Chron. iv. 8.
John Wesley
Vessels - Such as Moses had made only these were larger, and richer, and more. Table of gold - Under which, are comprehended both all the utensils belonging to it, and the other ten tables which he made together with it.
Robert Jamieson, A. R. Fausset and David Brown
the altar of gold--that is, the altar of incense.
7:497:49: Եւ զաշտանակսն հինգ ընդ աջմէ, եւ հինգ ընդ ձախմէ հանդէպ դաբիրայն ՚ի զո՛ւտ ոսկւոյ։ Եւ զբազմակալսն, եւ զճրագունսն, եւ զյարդարիչսն ոսկիս[3524]. [3524] Ոմանք. Եւ զբազմակակալսն։
49 մաքուր ոսկուց պատրաստուած աշտանակները, որոնցից հինգը դրուած էր սրբարանի դիմաց՝ աջ կողմում, եւ հինգը՝ ձախ կողմում, ոսկէ մոմակալները, ճրագակալները, մոմ կտրելու մկրատները, նաեւ դրանդիկները, լծակները, տաշտերը, ափսէներն ու տուփերը մաքուր ոսկուց:
49 Եւ դաբիրին առջեւի զուտ ոսկիէ աշտանակները, որոնց հինգը աջ կողմն էին ու հինգը ձախ կողմը եւ ոսկիէ ծաղիկներն ու ճրագները եւ ունելիները,
եւ զաշտանակսն հինգ ընդ աջմէ եւ հինգ ընդ ձախմէ հանդէպ դաբիրայն ի զուտ ոսկւոյ, եւ զբազմակալսն եւ զճրագունսն եւ զյարդարիչսն ոսկիս:

7:49: Եւ զաշտանակսն հինգ ընդ աջմէ, եւ հինգ ընդ ձախմէ հանդէպ դաբիրայն ՚ի զո՛ւտ ոսկւոյ։ Եւ զբազմակալսն, եւ զճրագունսն, եւ զյարդարիչսն ոսկիս[3524].
[3524] Ոմանք. Եւ զբազմակակալսն։
49 մաքուր ոսկուց պատրաստուած աշտանակները, որոնցից հինգը դրուած էր սրբարանի դիմաց՝ աջ կողմում, եւ հինգը՝ ձախ կողմում, ոսկէ մոմակալները, ճրագակալները, մոմ կտրելու մկրատները, նաեւ դրանդիկները, լծակները, տաշտերը, ափսէներն ու տուփերը մաքուր ոսկուց:
49 Եւ դաբիրին առջեւի զուտ ոսկիէ աշտանակները, որոնց հինգը աջ կողմն էին ու հինգը ձախ կողմը եւ ոսկիէ ծաղիկներն ու ճրագները եւ ունելիները,
zohrab-1805▾ eastern-1994▾ western am▾
7:497:49 и светильники~--- пять по правую сторону и пять по левую сторону, пред задним отделением храма, из чистого золота, и цветы, и лампадки, и щипцы из золота;
7:49 τῆς ο the αὐλῆς αυλη courtyard; fold τῆς ο the μεγάλης μεγας great; loud κύκλῳ κυκλω circling; in a circle τρεῖς τρεις three στίχοι στιχος and; even στίχος στιχος cedar
7:49 וְ wᵊ וְ and אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker] הַ֠ ha הַ the מְּנֹרֹות mmᵊnōrôṯ מְנֹורָה lamp stand חָמֵ֨שׁ ḥāmˌēš חָמֵשׁ five מִ mi מִן from יָּמִ֜ין yyāmˈîn יָמִין right-hand side וְ wᵊ וְ and חָמֵ֧שׁ ḥāmˈēš חָמֵשׁ five מִ mi מִן from שְּׂמֹ֛אול śśᵊmˈôl שְׂמֹאל lefthand side לִ li לְ to פְנֵ֥י fᵊnˌê פָּנֶה face הַ ha הַ the דְּבִ֖יר ddᵊvˌîr דְּבִיר backroom זָהָ֣ב zāhˈāv זָהָב gold סָג֑וּר sāḡˈûr סָגוּר hammered gold וְ wᵊ וְ and הַ ha הַ the פֶּ֧רַח ppˈeraḥ פֶּרַח bud וְ wᵊ וְ and הַ ha הַ the נֵּרֹ֛ת nnērˈōṯ נֵר lamp וְ wᵊ וְ and הַ ha הַ the מֶּלְקַחַ֖יִם mmelqaḥˌayim מֶלְקָחַיִם snuffers זָהָֽב׃ zāhˈāv זָהָב gold
7:49. et candelabra aurea quinque ad dexteram et quinque ad sinistram contra oraculum ex auro primo et quasi lilii flores et lucernas desuper aureas et forcipes aureosAnd the golden candlesticks, five on the right hand, and five on the left, over against the oracle, of pure gold: and the flowers like lilies, and the lamps over them of gold: and golden snuffers,
49. and the candlesticks, five on the right side, and five on the left, before the oracle, of pure gold; and the flowers, and the lamps, and the tongs, of gold;
And the candlesticks of pure gold, five on the right [side], and five on the left, before the oracle, with the flowers, and the lamps, and the tongs [of] gold:

7:49 и светильники~--- пять по правую сторону и пять по левую сторону, пред задним отделением храма, из чистого золота, и цветы, и лампадки, и щипцы из золота;
τῆς ο the
αὐλῆς αυλη courtyard; fold
τῆς ο the
μεγάλης μεγας great; loud
κύκλῳ κυκλω circling; in a circle
τρεῖς τρεις three
στίχοι στιχος and; even
στίχος στιχος cedar
וְ wᵊ וְ and
אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker]
הַ֠ ha הַ the
מְּנֹרֹות mmᵊnōrôṯ מְנֹורָה lamp stand
חָמֵ֨שׁ ḥāmˌēš חָמֵשׁ five
מִ mi מִן from
יָּמִ֜ין yyāmˈîn יָמִין right-hand side
וְ wᵊ וְ and
חָמֵ֧שׁ ḥāmˈēš חָמֵשׁ five
מִ mi מִן from
שְּׂמֹ֛אול śśᵊmˈôl שְׂמֹאל lefthand side
לִ li לְ to
פְנֵ֥י fᵊnˌê פָּנֶה face
הַ ha הַ the
דְּבִ֖יר ddᵊvˌîr דְּבִיר backroom
זָהָ֣ב zāhˈāv זָהָב gold
סָג֑וּר sāḡˈûr סָגוּר hammered gold
וְ wᵊ וְ and
הַ ha הַ the
פֶּ֧רַח ppˈeraḥ פֶּרַח bud
וְ wᵊ וְ and
הַ ha הַ the
נֵּרֹ֛ת nnērˈōṯ נֵר lamp
וְ wᵊ וְ and
הַ ha הַ the
מֶּלְקַחַ֖יִם mmelqaḥˌayim מֶלְקָחַיִם snuffers
זָהָֽב׃ zāhˈāv זָהָב gold
7:49. et candelabra aurea quinque ad dexteram et quinque ad sinistram contra oraculum ex auro primo et quasi lilii flores et lucernas desuper aureas et forcipes aureos
And the golden candlesticks, five on the right hand, and five on the left, over against the oracle, of pure gold: and the flowers like lilies, and the lamps over them of gold: and golden snuffers,
ru▾ LXX-gloss▾ bhs-gloss▾ vulgate▾ erva_1895▾
jfb▾ jw▾ jg▾ tr▾ ab▾ all ▾
Albert Barnes: Notes on the Bible - 1834
7:49: See the notes to Exo 25:31-38. The "bowls" of Kg1 7:50 were the "bowls" for the tables Exo 37:16, large vases containing oil for the lamps.
R. A. Torrey - Treasury: Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge - 1880
7:49: the candlesticks: Exo 25:31-40, Exo 37:17-24, Exo 39:37, Exo 40:24, Exo 40:25; Ch2 4:7; Zac 4:1-3, Zac 4:11-14; Mat 5:14-16; Rev 1:20, Rev 2:1
before the oracle: Ch2 4:20
the tongs: Exo 25:38; Num 4:9
John Gill
And the candlesticks of pure gold, five on the right side, and five on the left, before the oracle,.... These stood in the holy place, where the shewbread tables did, right before the holy of holies; there were ten of these as of them, which were placed, as the same Jewish writers say, not on the right and left of the temple, but on the right and left of Moses's candlestick, which stood on the south side, Ex 40:24, these may denote the greater degree of spiritual light in the church of Christ under the Gospel dispensation than under the law:
with the flowers; the figures of flowers, such as were wrought on the candlestick of Moses:
and the lamps; which were seven to each candlestick, and so must be in all seventy; which may put us in mind of the seventy disciples of Christ, some of the first lights of the Gospel church:
and the tongues of gold; which were used to take the wicks out of the oil, and put into the lamps.
John Wesley
Candlesticks - Which were ten, according to the number of the tables, whereas Moses made but one: whereby might be signified the progress of the light of sacred truth, which was now grown clearer than it was in Moses's time, and should shine brighter and brighter until the perfect day of gospel light. Pure gold - Of massy and fine gold. The oracle - In the holy place. Flowers - Wrought upon the candlesticks, as it had formerly been.
Robert Jamieson, A. R. Fausset and David Brown
candlesticks of pure gold--made, probably, according to the model of that in the tabernacle, which, along with the other articles of furniture, were deposited with due honor, as sacred relics, in the temple. But these seem not to have been used in the temple service; for Solomon made new lavers, tables, and candlesticks, ten of each. (See further regarding the dimensions and furniture of the temple, in 2Ch. 3:1-5:14).
7:507:50: եւ զդրանդսն, եւ զբեւեռսն, եւ զտաշտսն, եւ զսկաւառակսն, եւ զտուփսն ոսկիս զուտ. եւ զդրունս տանն ներքնոյ զսրբութեան սրբութեանցն. եւ զդրունս տա՛ն տաճարին ոսկիս[3525]։ [3525] Այլք. Տանն ներքնոյ զսրբ՛՛։ Ոմանք. Եւ զդրունս տաճարին ոս՛՛։
50 Ոսկուց էին ներքնատան՝ սրբութիւնների սրբութեան դռներն ու տաճարի տան դռները:
50 Զուտ ոսկիէ գաւաթները, բազմակալները, կոնքերը, խնկամանները եւ բուրվառները ու ներքին տանը, այսինքն Սրբութիւն Սրբութեանցին, դռներուն ու տանը, այսինքն տաճարին դռներուն ոսկի ծխնիները։
եւ [181]զդրանդսն եւ զբեւեռսն`` եւ զտաշտսն եւ [182]զսկաւառակսն եւ զտուփսն`` ոսկիս զուտ, եւ [183]զդրունս տանն ներքնոյ, զսրբութեան սրբութեանցն, եւ զդրունս տան տաճարին` ոսկիս:

7:50: եւ զդրանդսն, եւ զբեւեռսն, եւ զտաշտսն, եւ զսկաւառակսն, եւ զտուփսն ոսկիս զուտ. եւ զդրունս տանն ներքնոյ զսրբութեան սրբութեանցն. եւ զդրունս տա՛ն տաճարին ոսկիս[3525]։
[3525] Այլք. Տանն ներքնոյ զսրբ՛՛։ Ոմանք. Եւ զդրունս տաճարին ոս՛՛։
50 Ոսկուց էին ներքնատան՝ սրբութիւնների սրբութեան դռներն ու տաճարի տան դռները:
50 Զուտ ոսկիէ գաւաթները, բազմակալները, կոնքերը, խնկամանները եւ բուրվառները ու ներքին տանը, այսինքն Սրբութիւն Սրբութեանցին, դռներուն ու տանը, այսինքն տաճարին դռներուն ոսկի ծխնիները։
zohrab-1805▾ eastern-1994▾ western am▾
7:507:50 и блюда, и ножи, и чаши, и лотки, и кадильницы из чистого золота, и петли у дверей внутреннего храма во Святом Святых и у дверей в храме из золота же.
7:50 καὶ και and; even συνετέλεσεν συντελεω consummate; finish Σαλωμων σαλωμων whole; wholly τὸν ο the οἶκον οικος home; household αὐτοῦ αυτος he; him
7:50 וְ֠ wᵊ וְ and הַ ha הַ the סִּפֹּות ssippôṯ סַף basin וְ wᵊ וְ and הַֽ hˈa הַ the מְזַמְּרֹ֧ות mᵊzammᵊrˈôṯ מְזַמֶּרֶת snuffer וְ wᵊ וְ and הַ ha הַ the מִּזְרָקֹ֛ות mmizrāqˈôṯ מִזְרָק bowl וְ wᵊ וְ and הַ ha הַ the כַּפֹּ֥ות kkappˌôṯ כַּף palm וְ wᵊ וְ and הַ ha הַ the מַּחְתֹּ֖ות mmaḥtˌôṯ מַחְתָּה fire holder זָהָ֣ב zāhˈāv זָהָב gold סָג֑וּר sāḡˈûr סָגוּר hammered gold וְ wᵊ וְ and הַ ha הַ the פֹּתֹ֡ות ppōṯˈôṯ פֹּת forehead לְ lᵊ לְ to דַלְתֹות֩ ḏalᵊṯôṯ דֶּלֶת door הַ ha הַ the בַּ֨יִת bbˌayiṯ בַּיִת house הַ ha הַ the פְּנִימִ֜י ppᵊnîmˈî פְּנִימִי inner לְ lᵊ לְ to קֹ֣דֶשׁ qˈōḏeš קֹדֶשׁ holiness הַ ha הַ the קֳּדָשִׁ֗ים qqᵒḏāšˈîm קֹדֶשׁ holiness לְ lᵊ לְ to דַלְתֵ֥י ḏalᵊṯˌê דֶּלֶת door הַ ha הַ the בַּ֛יִת bbˈayiṯ בַּיִת house לַ la לְ to † הַ the הֵיכָ֖ל hêḵˌāl הֵיכָל palace זָהָֽב׃ פ zāhˈāv . f זָהָב gold
7:50. et hydrias et fuscinulas et fialas et mortariola et turibula de auro purissimo et cardines ostiorum domus interioris sancti sanctorum et ostiorum domus templi ex auro erantAnd pots, and fleshhooks, and bowls, and mortars, and censers, of most pure gold: and the hinges for the doors of the inner house of the holy of holies, and for the doors of the house of the temple, were of gold.
50. and the cups, and the snuffers, and basons, and the spoons, and the firepans, of pure gold; and the hinges, both for the doors of the inner house, the most holy place, and for the doors of the house, , of the temple, of gold.
And the bowls, and the snuffers, and the basons, and the spoons, and the censers [of] pure gold; and the hinges [of] gold, [both] for the doors of the inner house, the most holy [place, and] for the doors of the house, [to wit], of the temple:

7:50 и блюда, и ножи, и чаши, и лотки, и кадильницы из чистого золота, и петли у дверей внутреннего храма во Святом Святых и у дверей в храме из золота же.
καὶ και and; even
συνετέλεσεν συντελεω consummate; finish
Σαλωμων σαλωμων whole; wholly
τὸν ο the
οἶκον οικος home; household
αὐτοῦ αυτος he; him
וְ֠ wᵊ וְ and
הַ ha הַ the
סִּפֹּות ssippôṯ סַף basin
וְ wᵊ וְ and
הַֽ hˈa הַ the
מְזַמְּרֹ֧ות mᵊzammᵊrˈôṯ מְזַמֶּרֶת snuffer
וְ wᵊ וְ and
הַ ha הַ the
מִּזְרָקֹ֛ות mmizrāqˈôṯ מִזְרָק bowl
וְ wᵊ וְ and
הַ ha הַ the
כַּפֹּ֥ות kkappˌôṯ כַּף palm
וְ wᵊ וְ and
הַ ha הַ the
מַּחְתֹּ֖ות mmaḥtˌôṯ מַחְתָּה fire holder
זָהָ֣ב zāhˈāv זָהָב gold
סָג֑וּר sāḡˈûr סָגוּר hammered gold
וְ wᵊ וְ and
הַ ha הַ the
פֹּתֹ֡ות ppōṯˈôṯ פֹּת forehead
לְ lᵊ לְ to
דַלְתֹות֩ ḏalᵊṯôṯ דֶּלֶת door
הַ ha הַ the
בַּ֨יִת bbˌayiṯ בַּיִת house
הַ ha הַ the
פְּנִימִ֜י ppᵊnîmˈî פְּנִימִי inner
לְ lᵊ לְ to
קֹ֣דֶשׁ qˈōḏeš קֹדֶשׁ holiness
הַ ha הַ the
קֳּדָשִׁ֗ים qqᵒḏāšˈîm קֹדֶשׁ holiness
לְ lᵊ לְ to
דַלְתֵ֥י ḏalᵊṯˌê דֶּלֶת door
הַ ha הַ the
בַּ֛יִת bbˈayiṯ בַּיִת house
לַ la לְ to
הַ the
הֵיכָ֖ל hêḵˌāl הֵיכָל palace
זָהָֽב׃ פ zāhˈāv . f זָהָב gold
7:50. et hydrias et fuscinulas et fialas et mortariola et turibula de auro purissimo et cardines ostiorum domus interioris sancti sanctorum et ostiorum domus templi ex auro erant
And pots, and fleshhooks, and bowls, and mortars, and censers, of most pure gold: and the hinges for the doors of the inner house of the holy of holies, and for the doors of the house of the temple, were of gold.
ru▾ LXX-gloss▾ bhs-gloss▾ vulgate▾ erva_1895▾
jg▾ gnv▾ tr▾ all ▾
R. A. Torrey - Treasury: Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge - 1880
7:50: spoons: Exo 25:29; Num 7:86
censers: Heb. ash pans, Lev 16:12; Ch2 4:21, Ch2 4:22
Geneva 1599
And the bowls, (y) and the snuffers, and the basons, and the spoons, and the censers [of] pure gold; and the hinges [of] gold, [both] for the doors of the inner house, the most holy [place, and] for the doors of the house, [to wit], of the temple.
(y) Some take this for some musical instrument.
John Gill
And the bowls,.... To keep the oil in:
and the snuffers; to trim the lamps with; though some interpret the word of musical instruments, as the Targum, of psalteries:
and the basins; which were to receive the blood of the sacrifices; and, Ben Gersom thinks, particularly the blood of those that were brought into the sanctuary, see Heb 13:11, there were an hundred of them, 2Chron 4:8.
and the spoons; which held the incense:
and the censers of pure gold; with which the coals were carried from one altar to another, on which the incense was burnt; not only those but all the other vessels were of pure gold:
and the hinges of gold, both for the doors of the inner house, the most holy place, and for the doors of the house, to wit,
of the temple; the holy of holies and the holy place, the hinges of the doors of each, on which they were hung, and turned, were of gold; so grand and magnificent was this edifice, and so liberal Solomon in the building of it.
7:517:51: Եւ բովանդակեցաւ ամենայն գործն զոր արար արքայ Սողոմոն զտանն Տեառն։ Եւ տարաւ արքայ Սողոմոն զսրբութիւնսն Դաւթի հօր իւրոյ, եւ զամենայն սրբութիւնս Սողոմոնի՝ զարծաթ եւ զոսկի եւ զկա՛հ՝ ետ ՚ի գանձս տանն Տեառն[3526]: [3526] Ոսկան. Եդ ՚ի գանձս տանն։
51 Այսպիսով աւարտուեցին Տիրոջ տունը կառուցելու համար Սողոմոն արքայի ձեռնարկած բոլոր գործերը: Եւ Սողոմոն արքան տարաւ իր հայր Դաւթի նուէրները եւ իր՝ Սողոմոնի բոլոր նուէրները՝ արծաթը, ոսկին ու սպասքը, եւ ի պահ դրեց Տիրոջ տան գանձարանում:
51 Այսպէս Տէրոջը տաճարին համար Սողոմոն թագաւորին բոլոր շինած գործերը լմնցան ու Սողոմոն իր հօրը Դաւիթին նուիրած բաները, արծաթն ու ոսկին ու անօթները տարաւ, Տէրոջը տանը գանձերուն մէջ դրաւ։
Եւ բովանդակեցաւ ամենայն գործն զոր արար արքայ Սողոմոն զտանն Տեառն. եւ տարաւ արքայ Սողոմոն զսրբութիւնսն Դաւթի հօր իւրոյ [184]եւ զամենայն սրբութիւնս Սողոմոնի`` զարծաթ եւ զոսկի եւ զկահ` ետ ի գանձս տանն Տեառն:

7:51: Եւ բովանդակեցաւ ամենայն գործն զոր արար արքայ Սողոմոն զտանն Տեառն։ Եւ տարաւ արքայ Սողոմոն զսրբութիւնսն Դաւթի հօր իւրոյ, եւ զամենայն սրբութիւնս Սողոմոնի՝ զարծաթ եւ զոսկի եւ զկա՛հ՝ ետ ՚ի գանձս տանն Տեառն[3526]:
[3526] Ոսկան. Եդ ՚ի գանձս տանն։
51 Այսպիսով աւարտուեցին Տիրոջ տունը կառուցելու համար Սողոմոն արքայի ձեռնարկած բոլոր գործերը: Եւ Սողոմոն արքան տարաւ իր հայր Դաւթի նուէրները եւ իր՝ Սողոմոնի բոլոր նուէրները՝ արծաթը, ոսկին ու սպասքը, եւ ի պահ դրեց Տիրոջ տան գանձարանում:
51 Այսպէս Տէրոջը տաճարին համար Սողոմոն թագաւորին բոլոր շինած գործերը լմնցան ու Սողոմոն իր հօրը Դաւիթին նուիրած բաները, արծաթն ու ոսկին ու անօթները տարաւ, Տէրոջը տանը գանձերուն մէջ դրաւ։
zohrab-1805▾ eastern-1994▾ western am▾
7:517:51 Так совершена вся работа, которую производил царь Соломон для храма Господа. И принес Соломон посвященное Давидом, отцом его; серебро и золото и вещи отдал в сокровищницы храма Господня.
7:51 וַ wa וְ and תִּשְׁלַם֙ ttišlˌam שׁלם be complete כָּל־ kol- כֹּל whole הַ ha הַ the מְּלָאכָ֔ה mmᵊlāḵˈā מְלָאכָה work אֲשֶׁ֥ר ʔᵃšˌer אֲשֶׁר [relative] עָשָׂ֛ה ʕāśˈā עשׂה make הַ ha הַ the מֶּ֥לֶךְ mmˌeleḵ מֶלֶךְ king שְׁלֹמֹ֖ה šᵊlōmˌō שְׁלֹמֹה Solomon בֵּ֣ית bˈêṯ בַּיִת house יְהוָ֑ה [yᵊhwˈāh] יְהוָה YHWH וַ wa וְ and יָּבֵ֨א yyāvˌē בוא come שְׁלֹמֹ֜ה šᵊlōmˈō שְׁלֹמֹה Solomon אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker] קָדְשֵׁ֣י׀ qoḏšˈê קֹדֶשׁ holiness דָּוִ֣ד dāwˈiḏ דָּוִד David אָבִ֗יו ʔāvˈiʸw אָב father אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker] הַ ha הַ the כֶּ֤סֶף kkˈesef כֶּסֶף silver וְ wᵊ וְ and אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker] הַ ha הַ the זָּהָב֙ zzāhˌāv זָהָב gold וְ wᵊ וְ and אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker] הַ ha הַ the כֵּלִ֔ים kkēlˈîm כְּלִי tool נָתַ֕ן nāṯˈan נתן give בְּ bᵊ בְּ in אֹצְרֹ֖ות ʔōṣᵊrˌôṯ אֹוצָר supply בֵּ֥ית bˌêṯ בַּיִת house יְהוָֽה׃ פ [yᵊhwˈāh] . f יְהוָה YHWH
7:51. et perfecit omne opus quod faciebat Salomon in domo Domini et intulit quae sanctificaverat David pater suus argentum et aurum et vasa reposuitque in thesauris domus DominiAnd Solomon finished all the work that he made in the house of the Lord, and brought in the things that David, his father, had dedicated, the silver and the gold, and the vessels, and laid them up in the treasures of the house of the Lord.
51. Thus all the work that king Solomon wrought in the house of the LORD was finished. And Solomon brought in the things which David his father had dedicated, the silver, and the gold, and the vessels, and put them in the treasuries of the house of the LORD.
So was ended all the work that king Solomon made for the house of the LORD. And Solomon brought in the things which David his father had dedicated; [even] the silver, and the gold, and the vessels, did he put among the treasures of the house of the LORD:

7:51 Так совершена вся работа, которую производил царь Соломон для храма Господа. И принес Соломон посвященное Давидом, отцом его; серебро и золото и вещи отдал в сокровищницы храма Господня.
וַ wa וְ and
תִּשְׁלַם֙ ttišlˌam שׁלם be complete
כָּל־ kol- כֹּל whole
הַ ha הַ the
מְּלָאכָ֔ה mmᵊlāḵˈā מְלָאכָה work
אֲשֶׁ֥ר ʔᵃšˌer אֲשֶׁר [relative]
עָשָׂ֛ה ʕāśˈā עשׂה make
הַ ha הַ the
מֶּ֥לֶךְ mmˌeleḵ מֶלֶךְ king
שְׁלֹמֹ֖ה šᵊlōmˌō שְׁלֹמֹה Solomon
בֵּ֣ית bˈêṯ בַּיִת house
יְהוָ֑ה [yᵊhwˈāh] יְהוָה YHWH
וַ wa וְ and
יָּבֵ֨א yyāvˌē בוא come
שְׁלֹמֹ֜ה šᵊlōmˈō שְׁלֹמֹה Solomon
אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker]
קָדְשֵׁ֣י׀ qoḏšˈê קֹדֶשׁ holiness
דָּוִ֣ד dāwˈiḏ דָּוִד David
אָבִ֗יו ʔāvˈiʸw אָב father
אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker]
הַ ha הַ the
כֶּ֤סֶף kkˈesef כֶּסֶף silver
וְ wᵊ וְ and
אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker]
הַ ha הַ the
זָּהָב֙ zzāhˌāv זָהָב gold
וְ wᵊ וְ and
אֶת־ ʔeṯ- אֵת [object marker]
הַ ha הַ the
כֵּלִ֔ים kkēlˈîm כְּלִי tool
נָתַ֕ן nāṯˈan נתן give
בְּ bᵊ בְּ in
אֹצְרֹ֖ות ʔōṣᵊrˌôṯ אֹוצָר supply
בֵּ֥ית bˌêṯ בַּיִת house
יְהוָֽה׃ פ [yᵊhwˈāh] . f יְהוָה YHWH
7:51. et perfecit omne opus quod faciebat Salomon in domo Domini et intulit quae sanctificaverat David pater suus argentum et aurum et vasa reposuitque in thesauris domus Domini
And Solomon finished all the work that he made in the house of the Lord, and brought in the things that David, his father, had dedicated, the silver and the gold, and the vessels, and laid them up in the treasures of the house of the Lord.
ru▾ bhs-gloss▾ vulgate▾ erva_1895▾
jw▾ jg▾ tr▾ ab▾ ac▾ tb▾ all ▾
А. П. Лопухин: Tолковая Библия или комментарий на все книги Св.Писания Ветхого и Нового Заветов - 1903-1914
51: Заключительное замечание о построении и отделке Соломоном храма. Как на постройку храма Соломон употребил сокровища, собранные Давидом, так часть этих сокровищ Соломон поместил в сокровищницы храма, устроенные в известных боковых пристройках храма (VI:5: сл.) . "Святым писатель назвал посвященное Богу всяческих и военные добычи, принесенные с браней" (блаж. Феодорит, вопр. 25). Ср. 2: Цар. VIII:7-12; 1: Пар. XVIII:7-11.
Adam Clarke: Commentary on the Bible - 1831
7:51: Solomon brought in the things - It has been a question whether Solomon, in the structure of the temple, used any of the gold and silver which David had provided? And here it seems answered in the negative; for after the house was finished, with all its utensils and ornaments, with its immense profusion of gold, it is here said that Solomon brought in the silver, and the gold, and the vessels, which David his father had dedicated. It appears therefore that Solomon had employed four years to make preparation for the work before it was begun. During the whole time of the building, he was no doubt still appropriating a part of the public revenue for this purpose; and the provision made by his father he placed among the treasures of the house; but the temple was truly Solomon's, as he had provided all its materials, and borne every expense.
As the temple was built in some measure on the model of the tabernacle, and dedicated to the same use, I wish to refer the reader to the description of the former, in Exodus 25-27 (note) and Exodus 35-39 (note).
Albert Barnes: Notes on the Bible - 1834
7:51: The things which David had dedicated - Not only the things described in Ch1 28:14-18, but also the spoil of the nations which he had subdued (margin reference), and also the vessels of gold, silver, and brass, sent him by Toi king of Hamath, on his victory over Hadadezer. Solomon now brought these into the temple treasury. A sacred treasury had been established at least as early as the time of Saul, to which Saul himself, Abner, Joab, and others, had contributed Ch1 26:28.
R. A. Torrey - Treasury: Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge - 1880
7:51: was ended: Exo 40:33; Ezr 6:15; Zac 4:9
Solomon brought: It appears, therefore, that Solomon did not use any of the gold and silver in the structure of the temple which his father had provided.
things which David his father had dedicated: Heb. holy things of David, Sa2 8:7-11; Ch1 18:7, Ch1 18:8, Ch1 18:10, Ch1 18:11, Ch1 26:26-28, Ch1 28:11-18, Ch1 29:2-8; Ch2 5:1
Next: 3 Kings (1 Kings) Chapter 8
John Gill
So was ended all the work that King Solomon made for the house of the Lord,.... Which he ordered to be made to be put into it, either for the ornament of it, or for the use and service of it; all was completely finished in the space of seven years:
and Solomon had brought in the things which David his father had dedicated; had laid up for, and devoted to the building of the temple, and for the service of it; not all, but what was left; what was over and above there was a need of; though the Jews commonly say, that he made use of none of his father's, but built it and furnished it at his own expense; for which reason he did not begin to build as soon as he came to the throne, they suppose, but waited four years, until he had laid up a sufficiency of his own to defray the expense of it; but it is certain he made use of the brass his father reserved for this work, see 1Chron 18:8 and which, perhaps it may be said, is the reason it is not mentioned here as laid up: even the silver, and the gold, and the vessels, did he put among the treasures of the house of the Lord; he did not convert them to his own use, but laid them up in the treasury of the sanctuary, for the purchase of sacrifices, the repair of the house in future times, &c.
John Wesley
Silver and gold - So much of it as was left. And vessels - Those which David had dedicated, and with them the altar of Moses, and some other of the old utensils which were now laid aside, far better being put in the room of them.